334 / September 2008
Heinrich Köhler Auction
2 bani orange, mint strip of five, first stamp with minor fault and rumple in margin, otherwise very fine and fresh, large part og. Signed Heimbüchler.
2 bani orange, fresh and fine mint block of eight showing all the Transfer Types (1-2-3-4/5-6-7-8). Fine, large part original gum. Scarce. Signed Heimbüchler.
1868: 2 bani orange, fresh and fine mint complete reconstruction of the Transfer Types (8) including a horizontal pair (Types 1-2). A fine and scarce set, all stamps very fine og.
2 bani orange, used, the complete reconstruction of the Transfer Types (8) including a fine horizontal pair. Scarce and generally fine group.
2 bani orange, a superb vertical block of six with margins all round (Transfer Types 1-2/5-6/1-2) used on piece with single 18 bani carmine (Type 3), all tied by "Bucuresti-Sera" datestamps in blue-black. An extremely rare and attractive multiple and Exhibition piece. Signed Heimbüchler.
3 bani grey violet, remarkable unused block of 23 stamps from lower right of sheet showing the five empty spaces, composition type MD IIIa, Mixed Transfer Types 6-7-8-5-6-7-8/2-3-4-1-2-3-4/6-7-8-5-6-7-8/5-1-X-X-X-X-X. No gum and a couple of slight creases, however the small faults are insignificant compared to the scarcity of this appealing multiple.
3 bani violet, mint block of four (Transfer Types 6-7/2-3) in a delicate violet shade with large margins all round and very fine original gum. Signed Brun.
3 bani violet-grey/violet (shades), a very fine used complete reconstruction of the Transfer Types (8) on original album page. Scarce and attractive set.
4 bani blue (shades), album page with complete reconstruction of the Transfer Types (8), both mint and used. Condition varies but most are very fine. Scarce.
18 bani carmine, superb used block of four (Transfer types 3-4/7-8) cancelled by "Bucuresci-Sera" datestamps neatly struck in black. Tiny trace of thin on second stamp not affecting the appearance; an extremely scarce stamp in a used multiple. Signed Heimbüchler.
18 bani red or carmine rose (shades), the complete mint reconstruction of the Transfer Types (8) including a fine mint pair (Types 6-7). Nearly all stamps are fine to superb with large part og. Rare, most signed Heimbüchler.
18 bani red or carmine rose (shades), the complete used reconstruction of the Transfer Types (8) including two examples on piece, one with fine "Piatra" cds. A generally fine assembly.
18 bani rose, a fine used vertical pair (Transfer Types 7/3) cancelled by framed "Franco" handstamps in blue-black. Scarce.
18 bani carmine, fine example (Transfer Type 1) used on 1869 entire letter to Braila tied by bold strike of "Ploesti-Dim" cds in blue (Kiriac fig. 476), with framed ´P.D.´alongside in blue. Reverse with Braila arrival cds (14/7). Scarce so fine. Signed Heimbüchler.
1868/70: The balance of the first Carol I issue with 2 bani orange mint (8) and used (7); 3 bani violet mint (20, incl a block of four) and used (8); 4 bani blue mint (6) and used (6); 18 bani red with mint (2) and used (25, including two pairs and a cover). A fine lot with much of interest, especially so in cancellations.
1869 (March): 5 bani orange, the reconstruction of the Transfer types (4), fresh mint (all with original gum) and used. A fine and choice selection.
5 bani orange, cancelled by one of the scarcest of all Romanian classic period datestamps: "Officiul Postal Princiar" well struck in black (23/7/69). Exceptional for this rarity (Kiriac fig. 785). Signed Heimbüchler.
5 bani orange, good margins, used on complete 1870 ´Quitanta´ (certificate of posting) printed form for letter to Jassy, tied by "Bacau-Posta" cds in black. Scarce. Signed Heimbüchler.
5 bani pale orange, used on complete 1871 ´Recepisa priimire´ printed form (registered receipt) for letter to Jassy, tied by unclear cds in black. Scarce. Signed Zoscsak.
5 bani orange, a fine example used on complete ´Recepisa priimire´ printed form (registered receipt) cancelled by "Galatz/N./Recommandee" handstamp in black (Kiriac fig. 1596). Rare and appealing item. Signed Heimbüchler.
5 bani orange two horizontal pairs on cover from Berlad to Bucharest cancelled by grill obliterator (two strikes in black) with "Berlad" cds at base in blue (9/8) and reverse with Tecuciu transit in blue. A rare franking and an attractive cover.
10 bani blue, mint block of four (Transfer Types 3-4/3-4), tiny scissor cut at lower left in margin only, fine appearance and vibrant colour, fine original gum. A fine block. Signed Heimbüchler.
10 bani blue, the reconstruction of the transfer types (4), both mint (all with og) and used, one with blue cds.
10 bani blue used on small piece with 1868 4 bani blue vertical pair, one stamp defective, neatly tied by "Dorohoi" cds´s in blue (Kiriac fig. 389). Despite fault, a spectacular mixed issue piece. Signed Heimbüchler.
10 bani ultramarine and 15 bani bright red, tied to small piece by straight line "Braila" handstamps in black (Kiriac fig. 1515). Signed Heimbüchler.
10 bani carmine used on small piece with 1869, 10 bani deep blue tied by "Bucuresci-Dup´Amiadi" cds in black (Kiriac fig. 433). Scarce and appealing mixed franking. Signed Heimbüchler.
10 bani blue, a fine example used on January 1871 cover to Bucharest cancelled by fine strike of scarce "Rimnic. Sarat" cds (Kiriac fig. 409) in blue. A delightful and scarce cover. Signed Heimbüchler.
10 bani blue, a very fine example used on 1871 cover to Bucharest, cancelled by "Botosani" thimble cds in black (Kiriac fig. 486). Repeated strike below with framed "Franco" at lower left. Bucharest arrival on reverse (28/6), an attractive entire. Signed Heimbüchler.
10 bani blue, a very fine example on entire letter to Bucharest, tied by "Ploesti-Dim" cds in blue green (Kiriac fig. 476), Bucharest arrival on reverse, a fragile but attractive entire. Signed Heimbüchler.
10 bani blue, fine example (Transfer Type 2) on cover from Caracal to Slatina tied by "Caracal" cds in blue-black (Kiriac fig. 383), Slatina (25/7) arrival cds on reverse. Signed Heimbüchler.
10 bani ultramarine, bisected vertically on 1871 ´Recipisa de priimaire´-form (Number 70) with left half of the adhesive tied by "Bolgrad" datestamp (27/2) well struck in black (Kiriac fig. 376). Straight line "Bolgrad" cancellation at right also in black. The form with piece missing at left and creased as are all known examples, but otherwise of superb and attractive appearance for this major rarity. The stamp was bisected due to a shortage of the 5 bani value at Bolgrad and this form represents one of just two known on the earliest recorded day of use (see Heimbüchler II, page 298). A wonderful item for the connisseur. Certificate Heimbüchler.
10 bani ultramarine and 15 bani red (2) fine used on cover to Constantinople cancelled by neat of "Galatz" cds´s in blue-green (Kiriac fig. 395). Reverse with Lloyd Agency arrival cds in black (25/7). Slight repair to flap at right and one 15 b. with vertical crease, but a dramatic and scarce exaample of the 40 bani rate. Certificate Heimbüchler.
15 bani bright red, mint block of six (Transfer Types 2-3-4/2-3-4), right hand pair with vertical crease and tiny inclusion at lower right, but fine appearance and fresh colour, fine original gum. A scarce block. Signed Heimbüchler.
15 bani bright red, the reconstruction of the transfer types (4), both mint (all with part or large part original gum) and fine used.
15 bani bright red, a fine used example (Transfer Type 1)showing diagonal pre-printing paper fold variety. Scarce and unusual stamp.
15 bani red, a fine horizontal pair sharing fine strike of "Rimnic. Sarat" cds in blue (Kiriac fig. 409). Attractive.