334 / September 2008
Heinrich Köhler Auction
1780, 'LIMA', straight-line and boxed '3Rs' in red on cover front with tiny hole to Huaura, fine
1801, "CUZCO", red straight-line on entire letter to Arequipa, slightly soiled, still fine
1803, 'Certificacion/a Lima' and 'Franca', both in red on cpl. dated wrapper to Cuzco
1814, 'COTAGAITA', red straight-line on cover front to Potosi, fine
1821, 'GUARMEY', red straight-line on entire letter to Patibilca, little ink corrosion, folded but still good appearance
"HVANVCO" and 'FRANCA', red straight-lines on cover front to Lima, little ink corrosion, good appearance
"TACNA", black straight-line on entire letter to Arequipa, fine
1831, 'CHUQUISACA' and 'FRANCA', red straight-lines on entire letter to Arequipa, fine
"LAMPA", red straight-line on cover front to Cuzco, fine
1837, 'LAMBAYEQUE', red straight-line on entire letter to Trujillo, folded in the middle and somewhat stained, otherwise fine
1840, 'CHIC' and 'FRANCA', red straight-lines on cover front to Trujillo, fine appearance
"CHIC", red straight-line on cover front to Cajamarca, folded in the middle and somewhat stained, otherwise fine
1851, boxed fancy mark 'CALLAO' in blue and black on two entire letters to Tacna and Arequipa, fine
"JAVIA" and 'FRANCA', black straight-lines on entire letter to Lima, folded in the middle, fine
LIMA' and boxed '2 1/2 Rs' in red on cover front to Gerauna, some ink corrosions, still good appearance
1857, 'YUNGAY', black straight-line on entire letter to Lima, folded in the middle, otherwise fine
1860, 1 d. blue, large margins all around, used on entire letter with adjacent straight line "TRUJILLO" to Lambayeque, some termite holes not effecting the stamp, fine
1862, 1 d. red, good to large margins, tied by cds. "LIMA 3 AGO 63" to entire letter to Lambayeque, very fine
1858/1951, ungebrauchter und gestempelter Bestand mit besseren Ausgaben in 2 Lagerbüchern
1951, unverausgabte Amerika-Spanien-Postkongreß 2 C.-10 S. (ohne 20 C.), in Eckrand-10er-Blocks, postfrisch
1790/1856, 20 Briefe und Vorderseiten mit einigen seltenen Tax- und Aufgabestempeln, Auslandsbriefen etc, interessantes Los
1800/73 (ca.), mehr als 120 Vorphila- oder markenlose Briefe/Vorderseiten, dabei viele bessere Stempel, u.a. "Moyoba", "Santa", "Piura" (alle in rot) sowie "Chacas" und "Moyoba" in schwarz
1826/56, 50 markenlose Briefe mit vielen verschiedenen Stempeln und Auslandspost