337 / September 2009
Heinrich Köhler Auction
1813, "O Principe" for Joao VI. on entire mourning letter from Rio de Janeiro to Ferdinand, King of both Sicilies
1822, entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to Le Havre with double line "COL.PAR/LORIENT" with interesting text about the uprising in Brazil
1847, entire letter in French, written on board the "Levaillant" on the way to Rio de Janeiro, addressed to Paris, endorsed "pr. Cicilei & Mario Capt. C. Thomsen" via Hamburg ("SCHIFFSBRIEF-POST HAMBURG 12 NOV. 1847"), the Netherlands and Belgium to Paris with red straight line "HAMBURG" and red "LPB 4 R"; unusual routing
1875, letter sheet from Hara to Triest, showing on front oval "NAO FRANQUEADA" and blue Para date stamp, several taxes, ex Santos
1875, entire letter from Bahia with red oval "NAO FRANQUEADA" to Winterthur in Switzerland, ex Santos
1849, Verticais 90 r. black, vertical block of 12, fresh colour and good to wide margins all round, beautyfully cancelled by red oval "CORREIO DE YTU 10-...1854"; extremely fine and scarce, ex Ferreira and Santos
1854, Coloridos 10 r. deep blue, unused block of 15, unused without gum, bottom right stamp slightly touched, otherwise good to wide margins, tiny toned on reverse, fine and scarce
10 r. blue and 30 r. blue with 1840, 60 r. black, tied by cork cancel "BAHIA" to reverse of entire letter 1866 to Rio Grande, fine, ex Santos
30 r. deep blue, block of 9, unused without gum, very fine, ex Santanna and Santos
1866, perforated issue 60 r. black, tied by cork cancel and Rio date stamp to cover to the US, 2 tax marks "due 5" cancelled and "due 7" applied, fine and scarce, ex Santos
60 r. black with 1876, 200 r. black (tiny tear), tied by cork cancel to envelope from "RIO DE JANEIRO 12 NOV 77" to the US with arrival mark, fine, ex Santos
430 r. yellow, marginal block of 4, unused with large part original gum, the perforation strengthened by hinges; very fine; a great rarity of Brazil, ex Sanchez, Santanna and Santos (Scott no. 51)
1866, Pedro 500 r. yellow and 100 r. green with blue oval marking (additional strike alongside) to registered cover 1876 to Bordeaux, fine and very scarce
1876, 50 r. blue and 2 copies 100 r. green with 1877, 10 r. red, tied by cork cancel to envelope from "RIO DE JANEIRO 15 AGT 78" to France, endorsed 'Vapeur equateur' and front side "RIO JANEIRO PAQ. FR. J. No. 6", fine and scarce colour franking
1877, 50 r. blue, 4 copies, tied by cork cancel to envelope 200 r. black as registered cover from "RIO DE JANEIRO 31 AGOS 89" to London with arrival mark on front; slight vertical fold not affecting the stamps, very fine
260 r. brown tied by cork cancel to letter sheet from "PERNAMBUCO 14 NOV 78" to France with transit and arrival marks, fine
1844/1960, umfangreicher ungebrauchter, postfrischer und gestempelter Doublettenbestand in 2 Einsteckbüchern
1849/1960, postfrische, ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit besseren Ausgaben, Klassik unterschiedlich
1920/70 (ca.), umfangreicher postfrischer Tütenposten in unterschiedlichen Mengen, meist Einheiten
1815/90 (ca.), 17 Briefe, Vorderseiten und Ganzsachen, nur ausgesuchtes Material mit seltenen Mischfrankaturen, Ganzsachen mit Zufrankaturen, Vorderseite mit Nr. 17+21 nach Philadelphia, früher Brief aus dem Kaiserpalast etc., sehr interessante Partie
1828/68, 7 markenlose Briefe mit vollem Inhalt und verschiedenen Stempeln und Taxen nach Portugal, unterschiedliche Erhaltung
1887/1947, ca. 100 Briefe, Karten und Ganzsachen, dabei R-Briefe, Auslandspost, Luftpost, Zensuren und weitere Besonderheiten, unterschiedliche Erhaltung