361 / September 2015

361. Heinrich Koehler Auction


Lot no.744



Catalogue no.Russ. 5

Opening1.000 €
Sold forUnsold
Incoming Mail: 1860, cover from Taganrog addressed to 'Theodore Vlasto, Tabriz, Persia", franked with 1858, 10 kop. brown/blue, tied by dotted "121", on reverse cds. "TAGANROG 16 DEZ 1860"; reverse flap missing, otherwise fine; a scarce cover mailed prior to overseas postal arrangements, prepaid to the Russian border
Lot no.745



Catalogue no.18, 19

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1882, opened out envelope franked on reverse with 1 k. and 2 k. (3) from Tiflis to Tabriz, showing on front transit mark of Djulfa
Lot no.746



Catalogue no.France 80

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1898, cover from Paris franked with type Sage 25 c., addressed to the French Vice-Consull at Boushire, redirected to Basrah and Mohammerah with several transit and arrival marks on reverse
Lot no.747



Catalogue no.DR 48

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1898, registered quadruple rate cover from Cologne to the German Consul at Bushire with Sea Post Office cds. on reverse; one stamp corner fault, otherwise fine
Lot no.748



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
Cover with entire letter enclosed from "SYDNEY MR 22 98" to the German Consul at Bushire with transit- and arrival marks
Lot no.749



Catalogue no.29a

Opening5.000 €
Sold forUnsold
1878/79, lion 5 kr. bronze-violet,nice large margins and good colour, unused without gum; in unused condition one of the rarest stamps of Persia; certificate BPA (2015); (SG 43; Scott 39, 35.000$; Sadri 33, 50.000$)
Lot no.750


Catalogue no.30

Opening1.500 €
Sold forUnsold
1 toman bronze on blue, type B, clear to wide margins, used with Kerman cds.; a fine copy of this rare stamp; certificate BPA (2015)
Lot no.751



Catalogue no.32

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1879, 2nd portrait issue 2 ch. yellow/black, tied by cds. "BOUSHIR 6/3" to small local envelope, very fine and scarce
Lot no.752



Catalogue no.34

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
1879, 10 ch. violet/black, tied by clear cds. "TEHERAN 16/5" to registered parcel certificate (Shaida type C) to Tabriz with arrival mark on front; light vertical fold not effecting the stamp, a very attractive item, fine and very scarce with this issue
Lot no.753



Catalogue no.40+47I

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
1881, Mitra issue 5 ch. blue-violet/violet in combination with 1882, 5 sh. green, both perforated 12½, tied by Teheran cds. to envelope to the United States with transit marks and part of New York arrival mark on reverse (small part of backflap missing); scarce and attractive combination cover, certificate BPA
Lot no.754



Catalogue no.43, 47II

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
1882, Nasser-eddin Shah 50 c. buff, orange & black with 1882/84, 5 ch. green in type II, tied by Astrabad cds. to reverse of registered petition cover with adjacent boxed register marking to the imperial camp; a fine and scarce franking (Sadri 52A, 60ACa; Scott 53a, 55)
Lot no.755



Catalogue no.45, 49, 54

Opening700 €
Sold forUnsold
1882, Nassr-eddin Shah 5 fr. rose-red/black with 50 c. grey/black and 4 copies 1885, 1 kr. grey, tied by Teheran cds. to Barnameh to Recht; a faint horizontal fold not effecting the stamps, upper part slightly toned, still attractive and very scarce
Lot no.756



Catalogue no.50, 51

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1 ch. green, 4 copies together with 2 ch. rose tied by Sultanabad cds. to reverse of cover to Italy with transit and arrival marks
Lot no.757



Catalogue no.50, 52, U

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold
1885/86, typographed 1 ch. green and 5 ch. dull-blue tied by Sultanabad cds. to postal stationery envelope 12 ch. as registered letter to Germany with arrival mark on reverse; 5 ch. lower left corner perf with light crease, otherwise fine and scarce
Lot no.758



Catalogue no.51, 52

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
2 ch. rose, horizontal pair and 2 singles with 2 copies 5 ch. dull-blue (1 with missing corner) tied to front and reverse of small sealed envelope (apparently registered) with transit mark of Constantinople to Modena, Italy; an unusual and scarce franking
Lot no.759



Catalogue no.52, 53

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1885/86, typographed 5 ch. dull-blue and 10 ch. brown, tied by Shiraz cds. to reverse of triple-rate cover to Ispahan
Lot no.760



Catalogue no.57I, 51

Opening400 €
Sold forUnsold
1886, "OFFICIEL" handstamp 6 on 5 ch., type I, together with 12 copies 1885, 2 ch. rose (some damaged) tied to reverse of opened out registered envelope from Tabriz 1887 to France with transit and arrival marks; a remarkable franking, signed Sadri with certificate
Lot no.761



Catalogue no.58, U

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
6 on 10 ch. tied to reverse of postal stationery envelope 12 ch. as registered letter from Tabriz 1888 to Nice in France and redirected to Modena in Italy with transit and arrival marks; a scarce entire, signed Sadri with certificate
Lot no.762



Catalogue no.60, 50, 52

Opening600 €
Sold forUnsold
12 on 50 c. black/grey with 1885/86, 1 ch. and 5 ch. tied by Tabriz cds. to reverse of registered envelope to Modena, Italy with arrival mark; a scarce franking, signed Sadri with certificate (Scott 60, 62, 67)
Lot no.763



Catalogue no.65, 67

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1889, Paris print 5 ch. purple, 2 horizontal strips of 3 and 2 singles together with single 10 ch. black, tied by Tauris cds. to reverse of eightfold registered envelope to Meshed with Teheran transit mark; very attractive and unusually high internal franking
Lot no.764



Catalogue no.67

Opening120 €
Sold forUnsold
10 ch. black, 2 single copies tied by Tabriz cds. to reverse of registered envelope 1892 to Modena, Italy with adjacent arrival mark; a scarce multiple franking
Lot no.765



Catalogue no.74

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
7 ch. grey tied Tabriz cds. and Modena arrival mark to reverse of small envelope to Modena, Italy, fine and scarce
Lot no.766



Catalogue no.74

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1891, Mehrabi 7 ch. grey, 3 single copies (one with 3 pulled/short perfs) tied to reverse of postal stationery envelope 6 ch. rose as registered letter to Modena, Italy with arrival mark; some minor staining; a scarce franking
Lot no.767



Catalogue no.74, 73, 75

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
7 ch., 5 ch. and 10 ch., tied by manuscript "Stamped" and somewhat faint seal postmark of Rafsanjan to reverse of registered envelope to Austria, here re-directed; envelope with vertical crease well off the franking; a scarce colour franking with unusual cancellation
Lot no.768



Catalogue no.77, 71

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1 kr. green and 1 ch. black, tied by cds. "MESHED 28/9" to reverse of registered envelope via Teheran and Baku to Tiflis, Russia with transit and arrival marks on front and reverse; seal removed, otherwise fine, a scarce franking to abroad
Lot no.769



Catalogue no.86. 87

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
Nasseri Ta'lai 1 kr. and 2 kr. tied by cds. "SARI 15/3" to Barnameh
Lot no.770



Catalogue no.88

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1894, Nasseri Ta'lai 5 kr., tied by Tauris cds. to registered parcel certificate to Teheran with arrival mark
Lot no.771



Catalogue no.88, 86, 87

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
5 kr., horizontal pair and single stamp with 1 kr. and 2 kr., tied by Teheran cds. to Barnameh to Meshed with arrival mark
Lot no.772



Catalogue no.92, 93

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold
1897, provisional issue 1 Kr. on 5 kr. and 2 Kr. on 5 kr. tied by Tabriz cds. to almost complete Barnameh to Astara, very scarce
Lot no.773



Catalogue no.93, 89, 84

Opening400 €
Sold forUnsold
1 Kr. on 5 kr. with 1894, 10 kr. and 10 ch., tied by Tauris cds. to Barnameh; a scarce high franking
Lot no.774



Catalogue no.99I, 94I

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1899, arabesque control handstamp issue: 8 ch. orange in horizontal pair with 2 pairs 1 ch. grey, tied by cds. "MIANEH 18/8" to reverse of registered envelope with register label to Tabriz; a scarce stamp on cover
Lot no.775



Catalogue no.99I, 94-95I, 97-98I, U

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
8 ch. orange with 1 ch., 2 ch. (single and pair), 4 ch. and 5 ch., tied by oval "TEHERAN MAIDAN" to postal stationery envelope 12 ch. as registered letter to Belgium with arrival mark; a fine and colourful scarce franking
Lot no.776



Catalogue no.94III

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1900, Adjudant provisional issue: Overprinted in pairs: 1 ch. grey, 2 pairs and single stamp tied by cds. of Kazvin to reverse of cover to Teheran with arrival mark
Lot no.777



Catalogue no.96III, 94III

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
3 ch. and horizontal pair 1 ch. with 2 part strikes, tied by Teheran cds. to reverse of cover to Tabriz, fine and scarce
Lot no.778



Catalogue no.97III, 94IV, 126

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold
4 ch. vermilion, horizontal pair together with handstamp applied in center of blocks of 4, 1 ch. grey in horizontal pair and 5 Ch. on 8 ch., tied by cds. "CHIRAZ 1 1" to reverse of cover to Ispahan; cover creases not effecting the stamps
Lot no.779



Catalogue no.94IV

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold
Handstamped in the center of blocks of 4: 1 ch. grey, horizontal block of 5 (some perfs split) tied by cds. "ISPAHAN 26/11" to reverse of cover to Teheran, vertical fold not effecting the stamps and cover somewhat roughly opened at right; a scarce franking
