365 / September 2017

365. Heinrich Koehler Auction


Lot no.9837



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for550 €
Entire letter with lauré 20 c., tied by star numeral "18" with adjacent "PARIS R. D'AMSTERDAM 21 OCT." to Setif in Algeria with clear arrival mark of November 7; stamp affected by faint filing crease, otherwise fine, signed Roumet with certificate (2004)
Lot no.9838



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for500 €
MONTGOLFIER Entire preprinted lettersheet "PAR BALLON MONTÉ" with 3 pages of text, franked with Siege 20 c. with star cancel "35" and adjacent "PARIS MINISTÈRE DES FINANCES 24 OCT." to Angers with part of arrival mark of November 4, a pretty entire, signed Brun with certificate
Lot no.9839



Catalogue no.

Opening4.000 €
Sold for5.500 €
Plis confiés: Unfranked preprinted entire letter with 2 pages of text, dated 5 October, showing on front clear boxed "P.P." in black and on reverse clear blue seal "GARDE MOBILE 62e. REGIMENT / LE COLONEL" and arrival mark "PLENEUF (7) NOV. 70". A very rare and desirable letter, only few plis confiés recorded from this flight, signed Calves and certificate A. Schneider (1994)
Lot no.9840



Catalogue no.

Opening2.000 €
Sold forUnsold
SACS DE HEILEGENBERG: Entire letter with siège 20 c., tied by star cancel "22" with adjacent "PARIS R. TAITOUT 22 OCT." addressed to Calvados and re-addressed to La Rochelle with transit mark "TROUVILLE-S.-MER 23 FEVR." and arrival mark of February 27. This is one of only 3 recorded letters which were captured by the Prussians after the landing of the balloon at Heiligenberg and kept until 1871. Signed Albert Schneider with certificate (2001) and Calves with certificate (2002)
Lot no.9841



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for200 €
VAUBAN  Entire letter with lauré 20 c. with star cancel and adjacent "PARIS TAITBOUT 25 OCT." to Bologne sur Mer (arrival mark of November 2) and re-directed to Bruxelles, taxed with "3" decimes with adjacent red boxed "AFFRANCHISSEMENT INSUFFISANT", arrival mark of Bruxelles of November 3; an interesting item full of character
Lot no.9842



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold forUnsold
Envelope with lauré 20 c., tied by clear Losange "A.R.A.N." with adjacent "ARMEE DU RHIN 25 OCT." to Montaigu with arrival mark of November 2; slightly (small flights) creased and part of back flap missing, fine and scarce
Lot no.9843



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for180 €
Entire preprinted letter with 3 pages of text, franked with lauré 30 c., tied by clear star cancel "16" with adjacent "PARIS R. DE PALESTRO" to Jemmapes in Belgium with transit and arrival marks, signed Brun
Lot no.9844



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold for260 €
Preprinted lettersheet (text cut out) franked with siège 10 c. and 20 c. with star cancel "20" and adjacent "PARIS R. ST. DOMINIQUE-ST.-GN56 / 24 OCT." to London with "LONDON PAID NO 5 70" applied over the franking and additional arrival mark on reverse, fine
Lot no.9845



Catalogue no.

Opening2.000 €
Sold for6.000 €
Entire letter with long text on 3 pages, franked with horizontal pair lauré 30 c., tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS PL. DE LA BOURSE 24 OCT." to the rare destination of Stockholm with arrival mark of November 11 and Swedish railway transit mark; a fine and desirable entire, certificate Sismondo
Lot no.9846



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for950 €
COLONEL CHARRAS Miniature entire folded letter with long text, franked with lauré 20 c. with clear Losange "A.R.A.M." with adjacent "ARMEE DU RHIN 28 OCT." and boxed "P.P.", addressed to Moutiers les Mauxfaits without arrival mark, stamp with clipped perfs at bottom, otherwise very fine and a gorgeous item (see also lot no. 9854)
Lot no.9847



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for360 €
Wrapper of flimsy paper containing a newspaper cut-out with poem "Les cuirassiers de Reischoffen" and on reverse other interesting news, franked with lauré 20 c., tied by clear and scarce red cds "PARIS SC 27 OCT." to Arcachon with arrival mark of November 2; very fine and interesting 'Printed Matter'
Lot no.9848



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for600 €
'Gazette des Absents' no. 2 with additional long text, franked with lauré 40 c., used as seal and therefor affixed around the edge of the letter (separated by opening), tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS (60) / 28 OCT." to Argentona in Spain with arrival mark "MATARO BARCELONA 5 NOV."; a scarce destination with a highly interesting documentary of its time - 'Gazette des Absents', certificate Renon
Lot no.9849



Catalogue no.

Opening3.000 €
Sold for9.500 €
Entire letter on flimsy paper, franked on reverse with Lauré 40 c. and Siège 10 c. and 20 c., each tied by clear star cancel "5" with repeated strike on front with adjacent "PARIS R. DE BONDY 25 OCT." to Martinique and re-directed within the island. A wonderful 3-colour-franking where the missing corner perf of the 40 c. stamp can be completely neglected. An extremely fine and fresh entire with a very rare destination, certificate Brun (2017)
Lot no.9850



Catalogue no.

Opening10.000 €
Sold for24.000 €
Envelope franked with lauré 80 c., tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS R. DES Vlles Hdrttes 25 OCT." to Yokohama, Japan with transit mark of Marseille (November 2) and Yokohama arrival mark of December 25; the envelope with imperfections improved at right, otherwise fine and attractive. One of the rarest destinations of Ballon Montés, we know of only 2 other letters; signed Calves with certificate (2006)
Lot no.9851



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for500 €
Plis confiés: Entire flimpsy letter, franked with siège 20 c., fixed around the edge of the cover due to the lack of space, tied by cds. "TOURS 1 NOV" to Louvière with arrival mark; fine and scarce, certificate Boule (2001). A nice proof of how the saving of space was regarded as important
Lot no.9852



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for170 €
FULTON Gazette des Absents no. 3 with long text, tied by star cancel "16" with adjacent "PARIS R. DE PALESTRO 31 OCT." to Gigean with arrival mark of November 5
Lot no.9853



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for1.600 €
Unfranked Agence Havas German edition with clear "PARIS (60) 29 OCT." to Treves, taxed "4" in blue crayon and adjacent pretty oval tax mark "4 Sgr.", on reverse transit mark "PARIS A ARRAS 4 NOV."; a scarce and interesting item
Lot no.9854



Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €
Sold for1.600 €
Small entire flimpsy letter dated "Paris le 29 octobre 1870" franked with siège 10 c. and 20 c. with clear large boxed "P.D." and tied by transit mark "PARIS A CALAIS 4 NOV." to London with arrival mark of November 5; most desirable and rare miniature letter to abroad (see also lot No. 9846)
Lot no.9855



Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €
Sold for1.000 €
Entire letter dated 1.11., sent unfranked to Carcassone with double line tax mark "30", transit marks of November 5 and arrival mark; in Carcassone franked with lauré 30 c. and re-addressed to Contanstinople with clear arrival mark of November 12; a rare and interesting cover with scarce destination, and an interesting combination of cash and stamp franking. Signed Roumet and Calves, certificates Robineau (1991) and Sismondo (2001)
Lot no.9856



Catalogue no.

Opening700 €
Sold for750 €
Plis confiés: Entire letter, dated October 30, franked with lauré 20 c., tied by Losange "P LA R", addressed to Pau with arrival mark of November 4, fine and scarce, signed Roumet
Lot no.9857



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for170 €
FERDINAND FLOCON Entire letter, dated November 3, franked with lauré 20 c., tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS (60) 3 NOV." to Aubusson with arrival mark of November 8; a fine letter from the famous Roseleur-correspondance
Lot no.9858



Catalogue no.

Opening4.000 €
Sold for7.000 €
Gazette des Absents no. 4 with one page of text, franked with siège 20 c. with clear red "PARIS (SC) 3 NOV.", addressed to the Admiral "Rognault de Premesnil, commandant de Coëtlogon, division navale des mers de Chine et du Japon, voie francaise - par Marseille" with transit marks of Nantes of November 5 and Marseille of November 8; a very fine letter of great rarity, a masterpiece of any 'Ballon Monté' collection!
Lot no.9859



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for460 €
Gazette des Absents no. 3 with one page of text, franked with lauré 10 c. and 20 c., tied by weak star cancel with faint adjacnet "PARIS 2 NOV." sent to Bruxelles and here re-addressed to Hamburg, the stamps additionally tied by Belgian Losange "60" with adjacent cds. "BRUXELLES 8 NOV." with machine arrival mark of November 9; a fine and interesting letter to abroad
Lot no.9860



Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €
Sold forUnsold
Pli confié: Envelope endorsed "Par ballon monté" franked with lauré 20 c., tied by clear GC "2602" with adjacent cds. "NANTES 5 NOV. 70", addressed to Castelnaudary with transit and arrival marks; a fine and scarce envelope, signed Calves and certificate Sismondo (2001):  
Lot no.9861



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for160 €
VILLE DE CHÂTEAUDUN Gazette des Absents no. 5 with short text, franked with lauré 20 c., tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS PL. DE LA BOURSE 5 NOV." to Etretat with arrival mark of November 9, very fine
Lot no.9862



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for200 €
Unusually folded entire letter dated November 4, franked with lauré 20 c., tied by star cancel "10" with adjacent "PARIS R. DU CHERCHE MIDI 5 NOV.", addressed to Port-en-Bessin and re-directed to Bayeux with transit and arrival marks
Lot no.9863



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold forUnsold
Entire small letter franked on reverse with lauré 20 c. and frontside dispatch mark "PARIS R. ST. ANTOINE 5 NOV." addressed to Castres; the stamp cancelled in transit with losange "BC" (Bordeaux à Cette) with additional strike on front, further transit mark "BORDEAUX A IRUN" and arrival mark, both of November 9, a fine and scarce letter with stamp cancelled in transit
Lot no.9864



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for170 €
Gazette des Absents no. 4 with long text franked with lauré 30 c., tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS GARE DU NORD 5 NOV." to London with adjacent red "P.D." and "LONDON PAID 9 NO. 70", very fine
Lot no.9865



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for950 €
Plis confiés: Bouquillard lettersheet with long text of November 4, franked with lauré 20 c., tied by clear GC "3997" of Tours without date stamp, addressed to Arcachon with transit mark of November 9 and arrival mark; stamp small perforation fault at lower left, otherwise fine, signed Brun
Lot no.9866



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for140 €
GIRONDE Entire letter with extensive text, franked with siège 20 c. tied by star cancel "20" with adjacent "PARIS R. ST. DOMINIQUE ST. GN 58" to Brest with arrival mark of November 10, fine, signed Brun
Lot no.9867



Catalogue no.

Opening800 €
Sold for800 €
Plis confiés: 'Le ballon poste No. 2', unfranked with dispatch mark "PARIS A CHERBOURG 9 NOV." addressed to Montargis with part of arrival mark of the next day; some faults due to thin paper but overall fine. A rare piece, signed Calves with certificate (1999) accompanied by extensive explanation on the entire being unfranked
Lot no.9868



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for550 €
DAGUERRE Preprinted entire letter with 2 pages of text, franked with siège 20 c., tied by "A.R.A.M." with adjacent "ARMEE DU RHIN BAU. AM. 11 NOV." to Sables d'Olonne without arrival mark; minor creasing in the stamp area, otherwise very fine, signed Calves and certificate Sismondo (2001)
Lot no.9869



Catalogue no.

Opening8.000 €
Sold for17.000 €
Entire letter with Lauré 40 c., tied by star cancel and cds. "PARIS (60) 8 NOV." to Tunis with transit mark of Livorno of November 29 and arrival mark of December 5; in Tunis the letter was taxed with "3" decimes and franked with 3 copies postage due stamps 10 c., tied by Tunis cds., very rare and most remarkable letter, one of very few and most desirable 'Ballon Monté' items carrying postage due stamps, certifcate Brun (2017)
Lot no.9870



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold
GENERAL UHRICH Entire flimsy letter franked with siège 20 c., tied by clear cds. "ARMEE FRANCAISE QUARTR GAL 12 NOV." with additional strike alongside, addressed to Lyon with arrival mark of November 29; the entire with some paper breaks, fine and scarce
Lot no.9871



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for190 €
"GAZETTE DES ABSENTS no. 7" with supplement and one page of text, franked with 2 copies lauré 10 c., tied by star cancel "9" and adjacent "PARIS R. MONTAIGNE 15 NOV." to Compaigne with arrival mark of November 26; the entire re-folded with light creases, one affecting the right stamp The crucial supplement giving details of the new "dépêche réponse" card system which became the main means, using pigeons to get personal information into Paris
Lot no.9872



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for550 €
Entire preprinted lettersheet 'Aux Drapeaux' with more than 3 pages of text including the now allowed 4 questions, franked with siège 20 c. tied by star cancel and adjacent cds. "PARIS ST. LAZARE 16 NOV." to Mans with arrival mark of November 26; very fine and most impressive preprinted lettersheet, signed Calves
