366. Auktion März 2018

366. Heinrich Koehler Auction

19–24.03.2018 in Wiesbaden


Lot no.763



Catalogue no.72

Opening400 €
Sold forUnsold
"KOUROU-TSCHESME SEP.19.96", clear bilingual cds. in black on 1 pia. grey-blue on cover via Constantinopel-Galata to St.Petersburg with arrival mark, cover rough opened at bottom with long tear, otherthise fine, rare
Lot no.764



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
Marke montiert - angeboten wird der Teilabschlag auf Brief Stamp added - offered is the part strike on cover

"TELEGRAF VE POSTAHANEI MISRATA" negative seal, partial strike on reverse of cover (stamp added for optical reasons only). Only two strikes of the rare MISRATA negative seal are known to date. None of the two is complete with this one being the more complete of the two. A great rarity and most desirable for the serious postal historians!


Lot no.765



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
PRINKIPO : All arabic negative postmark „Büyükada Posta Subesi“ (AP No.4, RRR, shown in catalogue) and No.7 with bars very clear on postal stationery envelope 1 Pia. 1901 issue to Bilecik with arrival mark, shortened at left and light crease on top right, fine and very scarce, certificate TOPS
Lot no.766



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold forUnsold
MILITARY: 6 Ottoman Military related covers and cards including FPO
Lot no.767



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold forUnsold
Lot no.768



Catalogue no.

Opening4.000 €
Sold forUnsold
SHIPMAIL: 1858 folded envelope from Constantinopoli to Bursa bearing admirality 3 piaster rose carmine excellent impression and color, good to wide margins, with boxed “P.P./Anchor” alongside, very clear. Usual vertical file fold not affecting stamp or cancellation. An important showpiece from well known corrospondance Kirmissian, fine and very scarce. Certificate TOPS Provenance : Corinphila 99.th Stamp Auction Torrey & Brodtbeck Collections  
Lot no.769



Catalogue no.

Opening600 €
Sold forUnsold
CONSTANTINOPOLI : 1861 folded envelope from Constantinopoli to Mudania showing rare blue Ottoman Maritime Company cachet „COSPOLI POSTA DEL IMPERO OTTOMANO DELLA ZECCA *P.P.*“ very clear, alongside “Franco” one-liner in blue. Usual file fold and tiny spot at left, fine and very scarce
Lot no.770



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold forUnsold
1859 folded envelope from Constantinopoli to Bursa bearing label “Porto-Piastre” with ms. 4 Piaster, black “POSTA DEI PIROSCAFI OTTOMANI COSTANTINOPOLI P.P.” clear alongside. Usual file folds, border toned, fine and very scarce. Certificate TOPS
Lot no.771



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1862, maritime entire from France to Bursa struck on arrival by P.P. Ottoman Admiralty Steamship Co. cachet.
Lot no.772



Catalogue no.

Opening120 €
Sold for108 €
1908, postcard to Crete franked with 10pa and tied by very rare PIROSCAFO POSTALE SIRACUSA date stamp and La Canea Italian Levant arrival cds.
Lot no.773



Catalogue no.P12Bb

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
VAPUR : Folded envelope bearing postage due 1 Pia. brown tied by clear boxed all arabic “Vapur” (AP No.3, RR) to Constantinopoli, rough opened and flaw repaired, usual file fold, fine and scarce, certificate TOPS
Lot no.774



Catalogue no.

Opening750 €
Sold forUnsold
AUSTRIAN DDSG: Folded envelope from Iskenderun (Alexandrette) to Aleppo tied by all Arabic “L+A An Canib-i Posta Haleb Nemce 1855” (AP No.2, RRR), usual file folds, very fresh; Iskenderun did not have a Lloyd office, so the entire was sealed on arrival; only few covers are recorded, certificate TFDF 1996
Lot no.775



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold for270 €
GREEK SHIP MAIL: 1863, folded entire to Athens struck by oval Greek HELLENIC STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY * VOLOS handstamp.
Lot no.776



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold forUnsold
ITALIAN SHIP MAIL: 1902, postcard to France franked with 20pa of 1901 external issue stamp and tied by SERBIA * PIROSCAFO POSTALE ITALIANO datestamp. Scarce
Lot no.777



Catalogue no.29

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
PROVINCES IN ANATOLIA AND THRACE:  All arabic boxed postmark „Iskenderun“ (Coles-Walker No.4, AP No.4, RR) on reverse of envelope bearing 1 Pia. yellow and same stamp bisect 1876 issue to Aleppo, some crease, large flaw on front, fine and scarce, ex Plantinga
Lot no.778



Catalogue no.333 (5)

Opening80 €
Sold for80 €
SAHRA POSTASI 23 : All arabic fieldpost cancellation „Sahra Postasi 23 – 26/11/16“ (AP No.21) used at Dardanelles front clear on cover bearing single 10 Pa. green 1915 issue for war orphans and block of four on reverse, redirected from black sea port with transit mark “Trebizonde 2” on reverse to Constantinople, some border crease, fine and scarce, expertised Nakri
Lot no.779



Catalogue no.70b (2)

Opening80 €
Sold for64 €
KEMERALTI : All arabic negative postmark „Izmir Kemeralti Posta Subesi“ (Coles-Walker No.91, AP No.1, RR) clear on envelope bearing pair 20 Pa. violet 1892 issue to Kusadasi, transit mark Smyrna-Departs on ront, on reverse showing arrival mark „SCALA NUOVA / KUSADASI“ (Coles-Walker No.190, AP No.2, RRR) in violet, tiny shortened at left and left stamp defect with large corner  flaw, fine and very scarce, certificate TFDF 1996
Lot no.780



Catalogue no.307,380

Opening60 €
Sold forUnsold
BIGA : Envelope bearing 1 Pia. blue and 20 Pa. carmine tied by “BIGA” c.d.s. showing scarce all Arabic violet Canakkale censor mark “Chief of Staff 9th Brigade Dardanelles”, to Aksaray with arrival mark, few toned spots, signed Sorani
Lot no.781



Catalogue no.69 (4)

Opening60 €
Sold for48 €
IZMIR : All Arabic oval barred postmark „Izmir“ (AP No.35) clear cancelled on reverse of envelope with 1892 block of four 10 Pa. green performing 1 Pia. rate, addressed to Antakia, very fine          
Lot no.782



Catalogue no.14B,15A

Opening120 €
Sold for120 €
KIRKKILISE : All Arabic negative postmark „Kirkkilise Posta Subesi“ (AP No.2, RRR) clear cancelled on envelope with 1868 20 Pa. green rough perf. and 1 Pia. yellow 13 ¼ perf., stamps are cancelled also at arrival in Deraliye, very unusual, fine and scarce, certificate TFDF 1996
Lot no.783



Catalogue no.17Aa (2), P13Bb (3)

Opening150 €
Sold for120 €
VAN : All Arabic blue postmark „Van“ (Coles-Walker No.3, AP No.1, RR) clear cancelled on large part envelope with pair 5 Pia. blue 13 ¼ perf. and postage due 1868 2 Pia. brown rough perf, arrival mark Dersaadet, part of envelope at right and left missing, some crease and few spots, fine and scarce, certificate TOPS  
Lot no.784A



Catalogue no.17Bb,P11Bb (2)

Sold forUnsold
Lot withdrawn

EGIN : All Arabic boxed postmark „Egin“ (Coles-Walker No.8, AP No.2, RR) clear on envelope to Istanbul at arrival on reverse affixed 5 Pia. grey (toned spots) and pair postage due 20 Pa. brown 1870 issue all tied by all arabic “DERSAADET 4” (AP No.22, RR), some crease at border, fine and scarce

Lot no.784



Catalogue no.29,43

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
KÜTAHYA : All Arabic postmark „Kütahya 81“ (Coles-Walker No.218, AP No.3, R) clear cancelled on registered envelope with 1 Pia. yellow and 2 Pia. brownish rose, arrival mark Dersaadet on reverse, tiny shortened and small flaw on top, fine and scarce, certificate TOPS  
Lot no.785



Catalogue no.102

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
AYASULUG : All arabic boxed postmark „Ayasulug“ in blue (Coles-Walker No.181, AP No.1, RRR) clear on postcard bearing pair 20 Para 1901 issue, transit mark “Symrne 30/4/1902” to Berlin with arrival mark, tiny border toned, fine and scarce
Lot no.786



Catalogue no.29

Opening80 €
Sold for64 €
CESME : All Arabic octagonal boxed postmark „Cesme“ (Coles-Walker No.117, AP No.1, R) clear on envelope bearing 1 Pia. 1876 issue to Constantinople with arrival mark Dersaadet on reverse, tiny shortened on top and part of flap missing, some crease, ms. black pen, fine and scarce, certificate TFDF 1996
Lot no.787



Catalogue no.71

Opening80 €
Sold for64 €
MARDIN : All arabic negative postmark „Mardin Posta Subesi 286“ (AP No.2, RRR) clear on envelope front only (part of flap with trasit and arrival mark on reverse) bearing 1 Pia. grayish blue 1892 issue (scratched on top) addressed to Ohio, shortened at bottom, still fine and very scarce
Lot no.788



Catalogue no.5

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1919, 1 pia. blue, three singles tied by bilungual cds. "MERSINE 19 6 19" to reverse of registered cover to Naples, one stamp with faults, otherwise fine ex Waelbroeck
Lot no.789



Catalogue no.10,67

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
20 pa. rose, two singles and 5 pia. brown/black single and block of four tied by arabic cds. to front and reverse of parcel card, one value of block of four faults, otherwise fine ex Waelbroeck
Lot no.790



Catalogue no.33

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1919, war orphans 20 p. as horizontal strip of three tied by bilungual cds. "ADANA -9 - 5 19" to registered cover with circular "POSTAL CONTROLE CILICIE" alongside to Aleppo, fold at right, otherwise fine ex Waelbroeck
Lot no.791



Catalogue no.53

Opening150 €
Sold for150 €
1919, 20 pa. blue, three horizontal pairs, tied by bilingual cds. "ADANA 2 4.7.19" to reverse to registered cover with censor mark "POSTE CONTROLE CILICICIE" to Zürich with arrival mark, fine
Lot no.792



Catalogue no.53, 62

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
20 pa. blue, two vertical pair and a strip of four and5 pia. blue as block of four tied by arabic cds. to front and reverse of parcel card, some staining at top, otherwise fine ex Waelbroeck
Lot no.793



Catalogue no.69

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1920, Cigarette Revenue 70 pa., two horizontal pairs tied by bilungual cds. "MERSINE 3 7 20" to reverse of registered cover to Cairo, tears at top, otherwise fine ex Waelbroeck
Lot no.794



Catalogue no.1813U

Opening800 €
Sold for720 €
2014, Charlie Chaplin 0,70€ as imperforated block of four with sheet margins, mint never hinged, fine
Lot no.795



Catalogue no.1379-80ZS/ZW

Opening200 €
Sold for200 €
1970, CEPT 1,25 and 3,25 din., each eight gutter pairs with different combination incl. central cutter blocks, unmounted mint, some gutter pairs folded, otherwise fine
Lot no.796



Catalogue no.1379Klb

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1,25 din. souvenir sheet on not fluorescent paper, unmounted mint, fine, certificate Acanski (1991, for Mi.-Nr. 1379 F)
Lot no.797



Catalogue no.1380Kbg

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
3,25 din. souvenir sheet on not fluorescent paper, unmounted mint, fine, certificate Acanski (1991, for Mi.-Nr. 1380 F)
