366. Auktion März 2018

366. Heinrich Koehler Auction

19–24.03.2018 in Wiesbaden


Lot no.5635



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for1.200 €
ALBANIA: Santi Quaranta 1906/15: Group of 10 items, including items during the period of Autonomous Epirus (x4) and the period of the provisional Annexation to Greece (x1). Some very interesting items, i.e. four registered covers and a Greek postal card with an Austrian stamp affixed and tied with "SANTI QUARANTA c Oesterr. Post 3.II.1915", very interesting lot in fine to superb condition
Lot no.5636



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for170 €
LEBANON: Beyrouth 1892, 1900: Two large registered covers franked with 7x1pi 1892 or 6x1pi 1900 sent to Hamburg, scarce rates, with small imperfections
Lot no.5637



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for170 €
1888/1911, Group of 13 items from "SAMSUN" (2 registered envelopes and 1 postal card), "SMYRNA" (4 envelopes, one being registered and 2 postal cards) & "CONSTANTINOPEL I or III (two registered envelopes, one postal card and one wrapper to Crete), interesting lot
Lot no.5638



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for4.200 €
1860s/1910s, Collection of postmarks, hundreds of stamps with various types of cancels with strong emphasis on Crete that includes blocks, Epirus with "PREVESA" and "JANINA," Samos and Chios, but also including Albania & other offices. Noticed some "VOLOS," a partial "LEROS," a couple "LARNACA DI CIPRO," among many others; stock cards and glassines full of wonderful stamps with great cancel types to list here. Overall, stamp quality is high, but this is a postmark collection so some stamp faults should be expected. Very high catalogue, excellent for study
Lot no.5639



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for1.800 €
1870/80, Collection of stamps or fragments and Interpostal labels, in total 42 stamps/fragments and 18 labels, as follows: Lagos (3 + 2), Cavalla (4 + 2), Salonicchi (2 + 2), Tenedos (0 + 2), Scio (10 + 4), Volo (2 + 3), Rodi (9 + 0), Metelino (12 + 3)
Lot no.5640



Catalogue no.11

Opening1.500 €
Sold for8.000 €

AEGEAN ISLANDS: Chios 1867: "SAKIZ" intaglio seal tying a 1 piastra 1867 (second issue) on entire folded letter in Greek, with dateline Scio 18/30 December 1867, sent to "Poste Vice-Reali Egiziane CONSTANTINOPOLI 3.Gen.7" blue (probably the postman didn't change the digit for the year). According to Peter Smith (p. 569) this Post Office officially opened in July 1870, but the Post Office was already in operation before then. Two more covers are known from earlier dates. Sorani signature next to the stamp

Lot no.5641



Catalogue no.17

Opening250 €
Sold for650 €
Chios 1873: "V.R. Poste Egiziane SCIO 8.Mar.1873" faint cds tying a 1 piastra 1872 (third issue) on entire folded letter in Greek, with dateline Scio 18/30 December 1867, sent to "V.R Poste Egiziane CONSTANTINOPOLI cds 13.Mar.1873 T.1", scarce
Lot no.5642



Catalogue no.17

Opening300 €
Sold for1.200 €
Chios 1878: "V.R. Poste Egiziane SCIO 18.Ott.78" cds tying a 1 piastra 1874-75 (third issue) on cover only of a letter, sent to "SYRA 7.Oct.78" cds (old style, Syros island, Greece), beautiul strikes and scarce
Lot no.5643



Catalogue no.17

Opening150 €
Sold for900 €
Mytilini 1872: "V.R. Poste Egiziane METELINO 25.Gen.1872" cds tying a 1 piastra 1872 (third issue) on fragment only of a letter, sent to V.R. Poste Egiziane SMIRNE (partial). 25th day of this issue, excellent strike
Lot no.5644



Catalogue no.16

Opening1.000 €
Sold for6.500 €
DODECANES: Rhodes 1879: "V.R. Poste Egiziane RODI 11.Gen.79" cds tying a pair of 20 para 1874-75 (third issue) on cover only of a letter without text, written at Adalia (Turkey, receiver's note with "Adalia 26.December.78"), sent to "SYRA 31.Dec.78" (Syros island). Only 4 letters known
Lot no.5645



Catalogue no.11

Opening1.200 €
Sold for3.600 €
MACEDONIA: Thessaloniki 1871: "V.R. Poste Egiziane SALONICCHI 13.Ott.1871" cds tying a piastra 1867 (second issue) on entire folded letter sent to Volos. Horizontal folding affecting the stamp, very few covers known, very desirable
Lot no.5646



Catalogue no.11

Opening1.200 €
Sold for2.800 €
THESSALY: Volos 1871: "V.R. Poste Egiziane VOLO 31.Ott.1871" cds tying a pair of 1 piastra 1867 (second issue) on cover only of a letter, written at Volos (receiver's note with "Volos 19.October.1871" old style), sent to "V.R. Poste Egiziane CONSTANTINOPOLI 6.Ott.1871 T.II". Double rate. Very few covers known, very desirable
Lot no.5647



Catalogue no.11

Opening4.000 €
Sold for4.000 €
THRACE: Lagos 1871: "V.R. Poste Egiziane LAGOS 8.Lug.1871" cds tying a 1 piastra 1867 (second issue) on cover only of a letter, written at Yenice (nowadays Genisea, receiver's note with "Yenidjé 26.June.1871" old style), sent to "V.R. Poste Egiziane CONSTANTINOPOLI 10.Lug.1871". Boxed "Affrancatura Insufficente" with manuscript "3" (in pencil). Three covers recorded (possibly this being the unique cover with postage due). Sorani signature next to the stamp, very desirable
Lot no.5648



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for240 €
IONIAN ISLANDS: 1859, Queen Victoria Issue, black proof of the final design on paper without watermark. Rich color, margins all around, unused no gum as always. Pfenninger backstamp. Seldom seen.
Lot no.5649



Catalogue no.1

Opening200 €
Sold for220 €
OCCUPATION OF CRETE: 1898, 20pa Handstamp Issue, perforated 28, on thin meshed paper, mint with gum, signed, very fine and very scarce as unused.
Lot no.5650



Catalogue no.1

Opening150 €
Sold for160 €
1898, 20pa Handstamp Issue, sheet selvage single on meshed paper, unused, very fine.
Lot no.5651



Catalogue no.1

Opening250 €
Sold for280 €
1898, 20pa Handstamp Issue, two copies, one pale shade with sheet selvage on thin laid paper, and a deep violet single on thin meshed paper, both unused and backstamped. 
Lot no.5652



Catalogue no.1

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold
1898, 20pa Handstamp Issue, with partial double impression on the top portion of the stamp, canceled. Unusual and Very Fine.
Lot no.5653



Catalogue no.1

Opening300 €
Sold for440 €
CRETE: 1898, 20pa Handstamp Issue, cancelled block of four on thin inferior quality paper, backstamped and signed, very fine and scarce. 
Lot no.5654



Catalogue no.1

Opening300 €
Sold for400 €
1898, 20pa Handstamp Issue, canceled horizontal strip of four on thin meshed paper, with gum, very fine and scarce. 
Lot no.5655



Catalogue no.1

Opening300 €
Sold for600 €
1898, 20pa Handstamp Issue, horizontal strip of five, crease in the margin between the second and third stamp, last stamp with abrasion/thin due to low quality paper, Austrian "CANDIA" cds, scarce. 
Lot no.5656



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for340 €
1898, 20pa Handstamp Issue, three cancelled copies perforated 28, two with violet Union Jacks, one from Temenos, the other with Austrian "CANDIA" cds.  
Lot no.5657



Catalogue no.1

Opening300 €
Sold for300 €
1898, 20pa Handstamp Issue, three copies perforated 28, all tied to fragment by violet "TEMENOS" Union Jack, one additionally tied by manuscript Arhanais and date in black ink.
Lot no.5658



Catalogue no.1

Opening300 €
Sold for320 €
1898, 20pa Handstamp Issue, three copies: two with "ARHANAIS" straightline, one on fragment, the other with additional manuscript date; a single on fragment tied by Austrian "CANDIA" cds.
Lot no.5659


3 5

Catalogue no.1

Opening200 €
Sold for180 €
1898, 20pa Handstamp Issue, two copies, both with "IRAKLEION" straightline cancel, one on fragment.
Lot no.5660


1 3

Catalogue no.2, 4, 5

Opening150 €
Sold for240 €
1898, Litho Issues, variety lot with the 10pa in 3 horizontal imperf between pairs tied on philatelic covers by "IRAKLEION" straightline; an imperf block of four that is unused no gum, with vertical crease affecting left vertical pair and backstamped; a canceled 10 pa brown horizontal pair, imperf between, and a canceled 20pa red imperf at right. 
Lot no.5661


1 3 6

Catalogue no.1/5

Opening500 €
Sold for1.800 €
1898/99, Stock of mint and used, including British 20pa Handstamp mint horizontal pair, two pairs and seven singles - all canceled, twoon piece - six covers with lithographic stamps including an interesting 20pa green on cover to Athens with Greek strip of three 10L postage dues and a cover with a vertical strip of four 10pa brown. Numerous mint and used stamps, some in multiples, completely unpicked, spot checks showed both genuine and fakes, some of the British with faults due to the paper used, overall good quality and excellent for study. 
Lot no.5662



Catalogue no.2/5

Opening500 €
Sold for1.500 €
1898/99, Collection of over 100 British, French, and Austrian postmarks, including all British straightline cancels in black, violet blue or violet, with the exception of "MOCHOS"; also, French postmarks including "HIERAPETRA" and "SAN NICOLO", a number showing both British and French postmarks together as well as a couple with Austrian "CANDIA" and British "IRAKLION".  Included is a small cover with "AG. MYRON," and a couple of British related but with Greek stamps and cancels. Most likely all philatelic. A set of forgeries and some singles with a forged "IRAKLION" straightline used as reference. Most are mounted on pages, or stock cards. Overall quality is fine, there might be some forgeries
Lot no.5663



Catalogue no.1

Opening1.000 €
Sold for1.300 €
Archanes 1898: 20pa provisional stamp tied on soldier's philatelic envelope with straightline "ARCHANES" in blue and manuscript date 24/6/12/98 (old & new Style), addressed to "Canea Bastion, Kandia". The Austrian Levant P.O. of Candia was in charge of the British soldiers' mail during the early period, with cds "CANDIA Oesterreichische Post 7.12.98" and backstamped "14.12.98". Provenance Dr. M.R. Friend, Peter Holcombe's signature next to the stamp. Some toning spots but impressive item Provenance: Dr. Maurice R. Friend (1982)
Lot no.5664



Catalogue no.4

Opening120 €
Sold for190 €
Archanes 1899: Philatelic cover bearing a pair of 10pa brown and three strikes of the genuine "ARCHANES" straightline in violet, addressed to a British military in "CANDIA 10.4.99" Austrian cds.
Lot no.5665



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for170 €
Candia 1906/09: Three military items, 1. Envelope franked with 10L Cretan, tied with blue boxed "Camp Post Office CANDIA" together with "IRAKLEION 10.June.06" sent to London, 2. Postcard with the same boxed marking in oily black, sent to South Africa as printed matter and franked with 2L, dated 8/21.2.08 (old & new Style), the cover indicates that the mail was franked by the sender, and 3. Postcard with violet oval handstamp "Army Service Corps, KANDIA Crete" dated 24.6.1909, addressed to England, very interesting ensemble
Lot no.5666



Catalogue no.5

Opening180 €
Sold for300 €
Chersonissos 1899: Philatelic cover bearing the 20pa rose, tied with genuine "CHERSONISSOS" straightline in blue and manuscript date 4/4/99, addressed to an official in "CANDIA 17.4.99" Austrian cds. The rarest pmk of the so-called British Post of Crete
Lot no.5667



Catalogue no.3

Opening150 €
Sold for440 €
Hierapetra 1899: Philatelic cover bearing a 20pa green tied with genuine French "HIERAPETRA 18.Janv.99" cds, addressed to "CANDIA 23.1.99" Austrian cds, via "SAN-NICOLO 19.Janv.99" cds. Usually found on stamps but very rare on covers, very desirable
Lot no.5668



Catalogue no.1

Opening200 €
Sold for650 €
Candia 1899: Envelope of the Eastern Telegraph Company Ltd philatelically used, with genuine 20pa provisional stamp affixed, canceled by "IRAKLEION" straightline, with French "SITIA CRETE 28.Fevr.99" used as arrival. Peter Holcombe's signature next to the stamp
Lot no.5669



Catalogue no.1/5

Opening150 €
Sold for320 €
Candia 1899: Philatelic cover bearing the genuine 20pa provisional stamp as well as the other 4 stamps issued later (2x10pa +2x20pa), tied with "IRAKLEION" straightline, addressed to "CHERSONISSOS" (straightline in blackish blue, used as arrival pmk). Peter Holcombe's opinion (1993) and signature next to the stamp
Lot no.5670



Catalogue no.1/5

Opening150 €
Sold for280 €
Candia 1899: Philatelic cover bearing the genuine 20pa provisional stamp as well as the other 4 stamps issued later (2x10pa +2x20pa), tied with "IRAKLEION" straightline, addressed to "CHERSONISSOS" (straightline in blackish blue, used as arrival pmk). Peter Ulrich Schmitt certificate (2001)
