366. Auktion März 2018
366. Heinrich Koehler Auction
19–24.03.2018 in Wiesbaden- (-) Remove Greek Territories - The Johann Ulrich Schmitt Collection filter Greek Territories - The Johann Ulrich Schmitt Collection
Vathy [1907]: 10pa Envelope stationery sent from "Samikon Tachydromeion en L. VATHEOS 6.Oct.-" cds (Samian P.O. at Port Vathy) sent to Marathokampos. Scarce commercially used envelope between Samian localities!
Vathy 1912: Corner cover (J. & H. Nicolareizis) sent from Vathy to Karlovassi, franked with 10pa 1907 (Hellas 9, light blue) tied with "Samikon Tachydromeion en L. VATHEOS 30.Apr. 1912" cds (Samian P.O. at Port Vathy). Rare commercial cover between Samian localities and unusual appearance of the complete date!
Vathy 1903: 1pi rose Wrapper stationery canceled with "Samikon Tachydromeion en L. VATHEOS 2.11.1903" cds (Samian P.O. at Port Vathy, date and month manuscript), addressed in town, philatelic use
Post at Smyrna: 1882, Commercially used corner cover (B. Diogenis, Smyrne) postmarked with blue "Samikon Igemonikon Tachydromeion en SMYRNI" (Samian Post Office in Smyrna, Kosmidis type A2, 11 known) prepaid, with boxed "Pliromenon" (Kosmidis type A3, 5 known), sent to Carlovassi Samos, via "Samikon Tachydromeion en L. VATHEOS 2.21.1882" cds (Samian P.O. at Port Vathy). Handstamped by G. Wenkums. Glue stains
Smyrna: Commercially used corner cover (B. Diogenis, Smyrne) postmarked with large blue "Samikon Igemonikon Tachydromeion en SMYRNI" (Samian Principality Post Office in Smyrna, Kosmidis type A1, 3 known, sent to Carlovassi Samos. Cover shown in Manos Anagnostou book "Samos" (p. 119)
Smyrna: Commercially used corner cover (Vassilios Diogenis, Smyrne) postmarked with large blue "Samikon Igemonikon Tachydromeion en SMYRNI" (Samian Principality Post Office in Smyrna, Kosmidis type A1, 3 known) faint strike, sent to Carlovassi Samos. Handstamped by G. Wenkums. Glue stains
Smyrna: Commercially used cover postmarked with blue "Samikon Igemonikon Tachydromeion en SMYRNI" (Samian Post Office in Smyrna, Kosmidis type A2, 11 known), not prepaid, with faint blue "T" (Tax) marking, sent to Carlovassi Samos. Senders "Pappa Dimitriou Brothers, Smyrna)
1899/1914, Virtually complete collection starting with the Principality Coat of Arms (5 sets in pairs), three Allegory stamps (10pa no gum, small perf faults, 20pa thinned, 1pi, sound, very fine), four 3rd Coat of Arms stamps with a used 1gr. Provisional Map Issue numerous stamps including multiples; noted Hermes imperf blocks of four, sheet selvage and corner singles. Among the Ellas overprinted, a 1dr with double perfs. Furthermore, a complete used Castles set, 2 mint and 6 used 10drs, 6 used 25drs, and a very unusual mint 10dr with part of the signature on the gum by an official. General Administration Overprint Hermes and Castles include a mint 10dr (backstamped Schmitt) and a backstamped 25dr. Mint and used, overall quality is very fine
1903/12, Postal Stationery Selection of eight unused items, mostly from the Principality era, including 3 envelopes with blue Coat of Arms (one canceled-to-order with Turkish cds) two with some creases, one fine; 1903 postal wrappers, one of the 5pa blue and the other the scarce 1gr rose, both very fine; and three 1912 illustrated postal cards, one canceled-to-order, one heavily creased, the other very fine.
Samos [1900/25], a. Principality: Two covers franked one with dark blue and the other with blue 10pa oval, both tied with Samikon Tachydromeion en L. VATHEOS" without date and "19.Dec.-" respectively. b. Provisional Government: Eight covers (two registered) and one registration receipt, with variety of issues (without or with overprints), tied with "VATHY" (x7) or "KARLOVASIA" (x2), interesting accumulation without duplicates, some with toning and other very fine
PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT: 1912, Map of Samos Provisional Issue, complete set in sheets of eighteen. Imperforate as issued. Fresh, an occasional inclusion, unused and scarce. Backstamped Argyropoulos.
1912, Map of Samos Provisional Issue: Complete set in sheets of eighteen stamps. Imperforate as issued. Fresh, an occasional inclusion, canceled-to-order with "VATHY" cds. Backstamped Deilakis.
1912, Map Issue, the 5L pale bluish green in a tete-beche pair. Fresh, oily ink impression, unused, appears never hinged, backstamped and signed in pencil by Deilakis.
1912, Map Issue, the 5L pale green in a tete-beche pair. Fresh, oily ink impression, unused, backstamped Roussos.
1912, Map Issue, the 5L pale green in a sheet margin vertical strip of three with the two lower stamps being a tete-beche pair. Fresh, oily ink impression, one thinned (not in the tete-beche pair), unused, backstamped Garas.
1912, Map Issue, the 5L pale green in a tete-beche pair tied to fragment by "VATHY" cds. Fresh, oily ink impression, backstamped Garas and Schmitt.
1912, Map Issue, the 5L in blue instead of pale green, sheet margin block of four, fresh, light oily ink impression, unused. Backstamped Deilakis. Very Fine and rarely seen multiple.
1912, Map Issue, the 5L in red and in blue instead of the issued pale green. Corner singles, fresh, oily ink impression, the red with hinge remnant, the blue very lightly hinged. The red is backstamped by Drossos and the blue by Garas.
1912, Map Issue, the 5L in red and in blue instead of the issued pale green. Fresh, light oily ink impression, sheet margin copies, lightly toned, unused. The red is backstamped by Deilakis and the blue by Garas.
1912, Map Issue, the 5L in red and in blue instead of the issued pale green. With sheet selvage, fresh, oily ink impression, lightly hinged gum. Backstamped Deilakis.
1912, Map Issue, the 10L in a tete-beche pair. Very fresh, lightly hinged, backstamped by Wenkums and Garas.
1912, Map Issue, the 10L in a tete-beche pair. Very fresh, "VATHY" cds, canceled-to-order. Backstamped by Garas and Schmitt.
1912, Map Issue, the 10L in pale green and in blue instead of the issued red. Both unused, gum toning, backstamped by Argyropoulos.
1912, Map Issue, the 10L in pale green and in blue instead of the issued red. The 10L green mint, unused and gum toning, backstamped by Roussos, Drossos and Cosmopoulos. The 10L blue with very lightly hinged original gum, backstamped Drossos.
1912, Map Issue, the 10L in pale green and in blue instead of the issued red. Very Fine, lightly hinged, backstamped by Deilakis.
1912, Map Issue, the 10L in pale green and in blue instead of the issued red. Very fine, lightly hinged, backstamped by Garas, Wenkums, Cosmopoulos, etc.
1912, Map Issue, the 10L in pale green instead of red, sheet margin block of four, fresh, light oily ink impression, unused with one stamp lightly hinged (others appear never hinged). Backstamped Deilakis. Very Fine and seldom seen in multiples.
1912, Map Issue, the 25L in pale green instead of blue, oily ink impression, fresh, unused, Drossos backstamp and Schmitt pencil number on back. Very Fine and scarce.
1912, Map Issue, the 25L in pale green instead of blue, oily ink impression, fresh, tied on registered cover fragment by "VATHY" cds. Signed by Holcombe.
1912, Map Issue, the 25L in red instead of blue (two shades, light oily ink impression). Two sheet margin copies, one with Garas' backstamp, the other with Deilakis'. Unused, one with gum toning.
1913, Castles Issue, the 5dr with Sophoulis' monogram in red on the front and his handwritten signature on the back. The stamp has a thin and hinge remnant that do not detract from this exceptionally difficult item.
Vathy 1913: Beautiful picture postcard showing the "Inauguration du tramway à Carlovassi le 25 Septembre 1905" with 1L c.t.o. with bilingual "VATHY" and the scarce 10 para token of the tramway
Vathy 1913: 2x1L +25L ovpt "large Samos" tied with "VATHY 6.Apr.13" cds on registered wrapper of printed matter, rare rate, properly posted & very fine

1893/1915, small collection including Mi.-no. 15-19, 32-36, etc., also some foreign post offices, entires and some forgeries
GENERAL ADMINISTRATION: 1914/15, Samos Hermes set with wrong overprint colors (the 1dr wrong color overprint doubled) on registered cover from Vathy to Leipzig, Germany. Very clean and unusual, backstamped Schmitt.
1914, General Administration of Samos Overprinted Hermes, five different, each with the wrong Administration overprint color (red instead of black or vice-versa). All fresh, unused, backstamped Richter and Senf.