366. Auktion März 2018
366. Heinrich Koehler Auction
19–24.03.2018 in Wiesbaden- (-) Remove Greek Territories - The Johann Ulrich Schmitt Collection filter Greek Territories - The Johann Ulrich Schmitt Collection
Viannos, 1906: Postal document (stationery) for a special postman charged to carry the mail from "VIANNOS 2.Sept.1906" (cds) to "IERAPETRA 3.Sept.1906" (cds), bearing a 5L revenue stamp, very rare document
1900/12: Collection of 33 registered items (the two front only), with R-labels (from 1908 for La Canée & Candia) and R-markings mainly from the 3 largest Post Offices, as well as from the smaller ones of Neapolis, Agios Nikolaos, Limin Sitias, Viannos, Anogeia, Vamos. The Neapolis cover bears a handwritten AR too. Very interesting accumulation
1900/12: Collection of covers and postcards sent from the Post Offices of "AG. MYRON", "VAMOS" (x2), "KANDANOS", "KASTELLI (KISSAMOU)" (x3), "KASTELLION KISSAMOU" (x2), "MOIRAI", "PALAIOCHORA", "PANORMOS", "SPILI" (x3) "CHORA SFAKION" (x2) cds, together with a commemorative card of the Cretan Post, tying 1L to 2Dr with "IRAKLEION 1.March.1900" cds (first day of the Post), Interesting collection
1903/12: Collection of postal cards and postcards sent from the 17 Post Offices of "AG. MYRON", "ANOGEIA (MYL.)", "ARCHANAI", "VAMOS", "KANDANOS", "KASTELLI (KISSAMOU)", "KASTELLION KISSAMOU", "KASTELLI (PED)", "KOLYMPARI", "MOIRAI", "NEFS-AMARI", "PALAIOCHORA", "PANORMOS", "PYRGOS (MONOF)", "SPILI", "TOURLOTI", "CHORA SFAKION" cds, very interesting collection not including the common P.Os. and the rarest ones
1904/10: 10 items from Austria, Germany and Italian P.O. of Smyrna, either under-franked or readdressed to other localities, with Cretan postage dues. Mainly of philatelic inspiration, but very rare material
RURAL SERVICE: 1901/07: Group of 13 postcards (including postal cards) and 8 legal documents, all with dotted postmarks on Cretan stamps (16 different serial numbers). Duplicates of the main collection, mixed condition, scarce
Rural Service 1901/07: very interesting accumulation of more than 450 rural dotted postmarks on Cretan stamps (72 different serial number), mixed condition

Rural Service 1901/20s: very interesting accumulation of rural dotted postmarks (3) and posthorns (70) on legal documents sent to villagers. These documents were offered in the philatelic market during the 1960's, but we rarely see similar material nowadays. Worth examination, mixed condition
Rural Service 1901/22: Group of 13 postcards (including postal cards) and 6 legal documents, all with dotted postmarks or posthorns on Cretan and Greek stamps (19 different serial number). Duplicates of the main collection, mixed condition

Rural Service 1901/50s: Advanced collection of rural dotted cancellations and posthorn datestamps showing their usage on covers, postcards, legal documents and stamps, mounted on album pages (3 volumes), from their introduction (1901), even after WW2, on Cretan, Hellenic Administration, Campaign 1912/13 and newer Greek stamps, mixed condition
Rural Service 1907/48: Nice collection of rural posthorn datestamps showing their usage on covers (x48) and stamps (hundreds), from their introduction (1907), even after WW2, on Cretan, Hellenic Administration and newer Greek stamps. In total, 23 different posthorns on covers or postcards & postal cards, and more than 60 different on stamps or fragments. Worth examination, mixed condition
UNION WITH GREECE: Agios Myron 1917: Special envelope of the Legal Services for the shipping of Small Claims Court notifications, used by the Justice of the Peace of Agios Myron, sent to the small village of Kato Kalessa and returned to sender. Franked with a 30L Service Stamps overprinted "ELLAS" (1910), tied by "AG. MYRON 4.Jul.1917", rare and desirable material
Canea 1915: Special envelope of the Legal Services for the shipping of Small Claims Court notifications, used by the Justice of the Peace of Chania, sent to the small village of Sfendaliana and returned to sender. Franked with a 30L Service Stamps overprinted "ELLAS" (1910), tied by "CHANIA (registered) 15.Apr.1915". Transit cds "KASTELLI KISSAMOU", rare and desirable material
Kandanos 1915: Special envelope of the Legal Services for the shipping of Small Claims Court notifications, used by the Justice of the Peace of Chania, sent to the small village of Kaniskados and returned to sender. Franked with strip of 3x10L Service Stamps overprinted "ELLAS" (1910), tied by "KANDANOS 4.Aug.1915" cds. Other cds "CHANIA" (registered) and "KASTELLI KISSAMOU", rare and desirable material
Canea 1919: Rare form for a telegraphic Money Order issued by "CHANIA (Epitagai) 8.Jul.19", tying a 30L "Elliniki Dioikisis" reading up, sent to "IRAKLION (Epitagai) 10.Jul.19". Small part torn off at the top
Rural Service 1916/37 & Postmen markings: Group of 14 legal documents 3 covers and 2 stamps, with Greek dotted postmarks or posthorns on Greek stamps, or circular postmen numeral markings, mixed condition as expected

1911/1949, Group of over 200 covers and postal stationery card, starting with a group of about 100 Cretan State covers, with a variety of frankings on properly posted covers including some very rare usages; over 45 Greek Administration Overprints and Campaign stamps and stationery, some properly used, some philatelic; included are a registered franked with a Greece in Turkey 5dr with black overprint, two registered with 10dr red overprint, and another with a 25dr red horizontal overprint among many other frankings. Interesting origin and destination usages, as the post-1915 period does as well. Overall a very nice group
1900: Complete set of revenues, same design as the postage stamps, printed in oily yellow, with diamond perforation (specimens). The stamps were washed off the archival carton, traces of gum, scarce and very fine
MARITIME MAIL: Canea 1839, Entire folded letter with dateline "Hania 28.June.1839", marked with manuscript "CANEA" and accountancy markings on obverse, sent to Triest. A cursive "Let.a arr.ta per mare" and disinfection slits upon arrival, very interesting
Canea 1847, Cover only of folded letter dated "Hania 30.July.1947", marked with manuscript "CANEA" and accountancy marking on obverse, sent to Triest. A cursive "Let.a arr.ta per mare" and disinfection slits upon arrival, interesting
Canea 1849, Entire folded letter with dateline "Hania 27.June.1849", marked with framed "P.P." in black, sent to "SYROS 20.June.1849" (old Style) cds, with black "Yperthallassia" (from the sea) marking of Syros and rated "10" lepta to pay the inland postage. Disinfected upon arrival, with one horizontal slit, very scarce and very fine
Canea 1849, Entire folded letter with dateline "Hania 30.Apr.1849", marked with framed "P.P." in black, sent to "SYROS 2.May.1849" cds, with black "Yperthallassia" (from the sea) marking of Syros and rated "10" lepta to pay the inland postage. Disinfected upon arrival, very scarce and very fine
Canea 1857, Entire folded letter with dateline "Hania 3.July.1957", marked with circular "PACCHETTO DI CANEA P.P." in black, sent to "SYROS 7.Jul.57" cds, with red "Yperthallassia" (from the sea) marking of Syros and rated "20" lepta to pay the inland postage. The letter was carried by the Packet "America" which originally was a private yacht maintaining a regular 14 days service between Canea and Syros. Only a second letter with this ship marking is reported (see Feenstra p.255), extremely rare
Hydra 1841, Entire folded letter with dateline "Ydra 6.May.1841", marked with manuscript "HYDRA" and accountancy markings on obverse sent to Triest. A cursive "Let.a arr.ta per mare" upon arrival, very interesting

GENERAL COLLECTIONS: 1851/1944 (ca.), Cancellation collection with many entires, including British and Russian administration, rebellion issues and foreign post offices

1898/1910, comparison collection including Mi.-no. 10AKII, 46F (3), D1, P16F, proof sheetlets, British administration 1 (5), Russian administration with 5-7P, etc.

1898/1910, mixed lot in carton with uncomplete collections, duplicates, etc.
AEGEAN ISLANDS: Cesme 1896: 20pa/5kr postal card (1890) with dateline "Cesme 24/5.July.96, canceled with superb oval violet handstamp "Agenzia del Lloyd Austriaco CESME", sent to Stuttgart cds. Until now only one cover with a faint strike is known, very rare and in superb condition
Chios 1853: Entire folded letter with dateline "Chio 31.March.1853" postmarked with black oval "Agenzia del Lloyd Austriaco SCIO", sent to "Athinai 3.Apr.1853" via "Piraiefs 2.Apr.1853" cds on reverse. Rated "10"L for inland postage in Greece, disinfected with one horizontal slit, scarce and fine
Chios 1856: Entire folded letter with dateline "Chio 7.Sept.1856" postmarked with black oval "Agenzia del Lloyd Austriaco SCIO", sent to "Syros 8.Sept.1856" cds. Rated "10"L for inland postage in Greece, scarce and very fine
Chios 1865: Two items as follows, 1. Entire folded letter with dateline "Chios 20.Sept.1865" franked with 10sld 1864, tied with black "SCIO-CESME 2/12", sent to "SYROS 21.Nov.65" (new Style) cds on 20L Large Hermes (consecutive printings, folded) to pay the inland postage, 2. Similar but cover only, with cds dated "23/9" and "12.Sept.65" on 20L (three margins). Both items are disinfected, with one and two horizontal slits, scarce and fine to very fine
Chios 1866, 1877: Two entire folded letters with dateline "Cesme 12/24.Febr.1866" & "2.Apr.1877", the first unpaid, the second franked with 10sld 1876, stamped with "SCIO-CESME 24/2", sent to "Triest 1/3" datestamp on reverse, and "SCIO-CESME 20/4", sent to "SYRA 9.Apr.77". Scarce and fine to superb
Chios 1866: Entire folded letter with dateline "Chios 31.Dec.1865" franked with 10sld 1864, tied with black "SCIO-CESME 13/1", sent to "SYROS 9.Jan.66" (new Style) cds on reverse and on 20L Large Hermes (consecutive printings) to pay the inland postage, scarce and fine, Raybaudi certificate (1971)
Chios 1868: Entire folded letter with dateline "Cesme 16/28.Febr.1868" franked with 15sld 1864, tied with oily blue "SCIO-CESME 29/2", sent to "Triest 5/3" datestamp on reverse, scarce and fine
Chios 1868: Entire folded letter with dateline "Chios 15.Jun.1868" franked with 10sld 1864, tied with black "SCIO-CESME 27/6", sent to "SYROS 16.Jul.68" (new Style) cds on reverse and on pair of 10L Large Hermes (cleaned plates) to pay the inland postage, scarce and fine
Chios 1873: Cover of folded letter franked with pair of 5sld 1867 (coarse whiskers), canceled with black "SCIO-CESME 2/8", sent to "SYROS 22.Jul.73" (new Style) cds. A 20L Large Hermes (meshed paper) pays the inland postage, scarce and fine to very fine with some cover imperfections