366. Auktion März 2018

366. Heinrich Koehler Auction

19–24.03.2018 in Wiesbaden
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Lot no.5586



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for400 €
Canea 1860: Prepaid entire folded letter, datelined "Hania 5/20.Aug.1860", marked with overy clean oily green "Agenzia del Lloyd Austriaco CANEA" handstamp (type 1) sent to "SYROS 10.Aug.60" cds. Rated in red crayon "10" lepta, to pay the inland Greek postage, very late use of this postmark and rare
Lot no.5587



Catalogue no.V21-23

Opening150 €
Sold for320 €
Canea 1867/68: An entire folded letter and a cover only, franked with 15sld 1864 and 5sld+10sld 1864 respectively, tied with type 2 datestamp in two lines "CANEA", sent to "Triest" with datestamps on reverse. Clean and scarce material
Lot no.5588



Catalogue no.6I

Opening250 €
Sold for700 €
Canea: Small cover franked with 25sld 1867 tied with brown datestamp in two lines "CANEA 10.AGO" (type 2), sent to "Firenze 14.Ago" cds via "BRINDISI 13.Ago.72(?)" cds. According to Tchilinghirian the 25sld value is RRR with Canea postmarks, extremely hard to find
Lot no.5589



Catalogue no.U3

Opening600 €
Sold forUnsold
Canea 1876: Stationery envelope 10sld 1867, canceled with "CANEA 25.10.76" cds (type 3) sent to "Lloyd Agenzie CONSTANTINOPOLI 28.10" cds. According to Feenstra (p. 122) only one such envelope was reported, this being the second one, ink stains, very fine strike 
Lot no.5590



Catalogue no.4II

Opening100 €
Sold for120 €
Canea 1881: Registered cover franked with a pair of 10sld tied with "CANEA 30.5.81" cds (type 3), marked with the scarce linear "Chargé", sent to "Marseilles" cds, fine and desirable
Lot no.5591



Catalogue no.3II

Opening120 €
Sold for460 €
Canea 1881: Registered cover franked with a strip of 5x5sld tied with "CANEA 11.4.81" cds (type 3), marked with a faint strike of the scarce linear "Chargé", sent to "Marseilles" cds, fine - very fine and desirable
Lot no.5592



Catalogue no.

OpeningMake an Offer
Sold for110 €
Canea 1898: Registered picture postcard franked with 20pa/5kr +1pi/10kr, tied with "CANEA I.R. Spedizione Postale 19.3.98" cds (type 4), with R-label, sent to "Troppau" cds, scarce registered postcard and very fine
Lot no.5593



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for420 €
Canea 1905: Insured cover for the amount of 370 Francs, franked with 1pi/25h +2pi/50h +5pi/1Kr (in total 8pi), tied with "CANEA Oesterreichische Post 6.1.05" cds, sent to "Leipzig 15.1.05" cds (mail to Senf), scarce and very fine
Lot no.5594



Catalogue no.U11

Opening80 €
Sold for130 €
Canea 1910: Envelope stationery 5c 1908, canceled with "CANEA Osterr. Post 11.VII.10" cds, sent to Laibach. Not recorded use in Crete by Feenstra scarce and fine, vertical folding
Lot no.5595



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold for1.000 €
Canea 1848/87: Very interesting group of 19 entire letters, covers of letters, envelopes and postal card, some of the pre-stamp period (x3), the others franked with soldi currency stamps, tied either by the datestamp in two lines "CANEA" (type 2) or the "CANEA" cds (type 3). Among them, a cover franked with 5sld +2x10sld (25sld rate to Italy) and two registered covers to France, franked with 2x10sld each and marked with the scarce linear "Chargé"
Lot no.5596



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold for340 €
Canea 1849/71: Three covers only and two entire folded letters, marked with a wide range of colors (oily  brown, black, blue and green) of type 2 datestamp in two lines "CANEA". Four of them with additional "Franca" marking. Included, a rare letter to Genova with green "PD". Clean and scarce material
Lot no.5597



Catalogue no.4I

Opening200 €
Sold for480 €
Canea 1869/72: Five covers only of folded letters, franked with 10sld 1867 (x4) or with "Franco" marking, tied with type 2 datestamp in two lines "CANEA", sent to "SYROS" cds or "PIRAIEFS" cds, tying the 20L (x4) or 2x10L (x1) stamps to pay the inland postage. Clean and scarce material, possible imperfections of some Large Hermes stamps. Certificates for two of them, Holcombe (1995) and Ferchenbauer (1997)
Lot no.5598



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for400 €
Canea 1890/1911: Very interesting group of 15 postal cards (including 4 complete "with reply"), canceled by the "CANEA" cds (types 3 to 6). Fine to superb quality
Lot no.5599



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
Canea 1895, 1905: Two envelopes handstamped with the official handstamps of the Austro-Hungarian Consulat in Canea (one in French and one in German) and sealed with relative circular label. Franked with 2x20pa/5h and 5c/h +2x10c/h, tied with "CANEA I.R. Spedizione Postale 8.12.95" & "4.3.05" cds, sent to Vienna, scarce official mail
Lot no.5600



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for460 €
Canea 1895/1912: Interesting group of 15 envelopes (including 3 registered), postal cards and postcards, tied by the "CANEA" cds (types 3 to 6). Among them, a postcard with double (mixed) franking. Needs examination, good to superb
Lot no.5601



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for260 €
Crete 1880: Two 10pf German "Antwort" reply postal cards returned to Hamburg with "RETTIMO 18.10.80" cds, and "CANEA 11.10.80" cds, properly posted mail between philatelists, very scarce and great strikes
Lot no.5602



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for200 €
Rettimo 1860: Entire folded letter stamped with blue stunning "RETTIMO 7/5" cds and "Franco", sent to "Marseille 22.Mai.60" via Triest. Interesting accounting markings and entry datestamp in France. Rare and in very fine condition, with horizontal folding
Lot no.5603



Catalogue no.

Opening1.500 €
Sold for2.600 €
Rettimo 1860: Handmade envelope containing a letter written in old-Turkish, dated 1276 (1860), sent to Constantinople with clean blue strike of the "Agenzia del Lloyd Austriaco RETTIMO" handstamp, extremely rare and in very fine condition
Lot no.5604



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold for250 €
Rettimo 1862: Cover only of folded letter stamped with blue "RETTIMO 24/3" cds and "Franco", sent to "SYROS 15.March.62" rated "20" for the Greek inland postage, paid with a 20L Paris print (one short margin), tied with doted "67". Rare and in very fine condition
Lot no.5605



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for220 €
Rettimo 1873: Entire folded letter franked with pair of 10sld 1867, tied with blue "RETTIMO 17/9" cds, sent to "SYROS 9.Sept.73" rated "40" (double rate) for the Greek inland postage, paid with a 40L Large Hermes (two margins reduced), tied with doted "67". Rare and fine. Ferchenbauer certificate (1991)
Lot no.5606



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold for650 €
Rettimo 1861/78: Interesting group of 13 items, four of them not prepaid (three rated 20kr to Triest and one rated 20+20kr to Vienna), six franked with 10sld (1876/1876), two franked with pairs of 5sld (1867) and one franked with 5sld+10sld (1867). Two different circular datestamps (types 2 and 3) used. Interesting for study, worth examination
Lot no.5607



Catalogue no.

Opening600 €
Sold for950 €
Rettimo 1869, 1872: Scarce group of 8 items, seven with mixed frankings Austrian Levant / Greece and one without an Austrian stamp. Three of them dated 1869, the other five dated 1872. Interesting combinations and very hard to collect such a number of items. The quality of the Large Hermes stamps is very good, only two of them have reduced margins. One item with Holcombe certificate (1990)
Lot no.5608



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for460 €
Rettimo 1897/1913: Interesting group of 11 items (6 envelopes -one registered, and five postal cards), franked with piaster and centimes, canceled with type 3, 4 and 5 datestamps. Interesting for study, worth examination
Lot no.5609



Catalogue no.

Opening800 €
Sold for640 €
DODECANESE: Rhodes 1855: Entire folded letter, dateline "Rodos 5.Nov.1855" stamped with the black oval "Agenzia del Lloyd Austriaco RODI", sent to "SYROS 10.Nov.1855", rated "10" for the inland postage, very rare & fine
Lot no.5610



Catalogue no.V16, V23

Opening300 €
Sold for600 €
Rhodes 1865 (Symi): Cover of folded letter, from "Symi 23.Dec.65", franked with 5sld 1863 +15sld 1864, canceled with black "RHODUS 25.Dic.", sent to "Triest 4/1" datestamp. Carried from Symi to Rhodes by private means. Rare franking, the 5sld 1863 not reported in Tchilinghirian, scarce origin & very fine
Lot no.5611



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold for280 €
Rhodes 1867 (Castellorizo): Entire folded letter, dateline "Castellorizo 18/30.Nov.1867" stamped with the black "RHODUS 25.Dic.", sent to "Triest 2/1" datestamp. Carried from Castellorizo to Rhodes by private means, this route lasted 25 days! Rated "20" soldi. Very rare origin & very fine
Lot no.5612



Catalogue no.4I

Opening150 €
Sold for500 €
Rhodes 1875: Entire folded letter, dateline "Rodos 29.Jan.1875", franked with 10sld 1867, canceled with black "RHODUS 11.Feb.", sent to "SYROA 2.Febr.75" datestamp. Rated 20 lepta for the inland postage, paid with defective pair of 10L (meshed paper), scarce & fine - very fine
Lot no.5613



Catalogue no.4II

Opening150 €
Sold for190 €
Rhodes 1882 (Symi): Entire folded letter and cover only of folded letter, both from "Symi 2/14.March.1882" and "28.Aug.1882", franked with 10sld 1876, canceled with black "RODI 16.3.82" and "28.8.82", sent to "Triest" with datestamp on reverse. Carried from Symi to Rhodes by private means, scarce origin & fine very fine
Lot no.5614



Catalogue no.P9c

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
Rhodes 1891: 20pa/5kr postal card stationery (1890) canceled with black "RODI RHODUS 12.6.91" cds (small lettering for Rhodus) sent to "Meidling Vienna". Scarce sub-type & very fine
Lot no.5615



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for650 €
Rhodes 1860/1913: Interesting group of 9 items with various postmarks and various currencies (soldi, para/piaster, centimes). Among them 3 folded letters with the two-lines "RHODUS" (the first sent to Paris) and two envelopes franked with centimes (values 5c and 15c, 1908 issue. Tchilinghirian doesn't report the use of stamps in centimes). Scarce ensemble and fine to very fine
Lot no.5616



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for120 €
EPIRUS: Janina 1908: 10pf postal card of Bayern for international mail, reply part returned to sender with "JANINA Oesterreichische Post 15.2.08", scarce philatelic mail and very nice
Lot no.5617



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for320 €
Janina 1908: 3pf postal card of Bayern for inland mail, with pair of 10pa Postage Due, tied with "JANINA Oesterreichische Post 27.5.08", scarce philatelic mail and very nice
Lot no.5618



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold for600 €
Janina 1861/1910: Group of 18 items, some registered, some corner covers and postal cards. Included are two entires franked with 15sld 1867. Worth examination, fine to superb
Lot no.5619



Catalogue no.4I

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
Prevesa 1871 (Arta): Entire folded letter, dateline "Arta 13.Aug.1871", franked with 10sld 1867, tied with "PREVESA 26/8", sent to "Triest 1.9.71" datestamp on reverse. A scarce example of mail written elsewhere than where it was posted, and very fine
Lot no.5620



Catalogue no.4I

Opening80 €
Sold for80 €
Prevesa 1874 (Amphilochia): Entire folded letter, dateline "Karvassara 3.Sept.1874", franked with 10sld 1867, tied with "PREVESA 20.9.74", sent to "Triest 25.9.74" datestamp on reverse. A scarce example of mail written elsewhere than where it was posted, and very fine
Lot no.5621



Catalogue no.U3

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
Prevesa 1875: 10sld envelope stationery 1870, canceled with "PREVESA 5.12.75, sent to "Wien 13.12.75" cds on reverse. These envelopes are rarely seen used, very fine, ink stains
