366. Auktion März 2018

366. Heinrich Koehler Auction

19–24.03.2018 in Wiesbaden
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Lot no.1020



Catalogue no.13-17 proof

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold
1877, Rouletted banknote issue 1 centavo-20 centavos, imperforated plate proofs in issued colours, some minor thins, still fine and scarce (Selchi P17)
Lot no.1021



Catalogue no.13

Opening100 €
Sold for110 €
1 centavo grey, tied by cds. "TALCA 1 ENERO 83" to printed matter lettersheet to Valparaiso, very fine
Lot no.1022



Catalogue no.13

Opening100 €
Sold for600 €
1 centavo grey in horizontal strip of 5, tied by "PENGO / EST." estafeta cancellation to entire letter to Concepcion; slightly weak in the folds, otherwise fine, a scarce franking
Lot no.1023



Catalogue no.13, 14

Opening150 €
Sold for340 €
1 centavo grey and 2 centavos orange, tied by cds. "RENGO 25 FEB. 79" to lettersheet with large part of text to Viña del mar; a fine and scarce franking of this issue
Lot no.1024



Catalogue no.13, U

Opening250 €
Sold for400 €
1 centavo grey, 5 copies including 2 with imprint, tied by clear cds. "CAUQUENES 13 SET 1881" to front and reverse of postal stationery envelope 5 centavos via France to Constantinople with transit and arrival marks; one stamp applied with marginal tear, otherwise very fine and attractive
Lot no.1025



Catalogue no.14

Opening100 €
Sold for260 €
2 centavos orange, tied by clear "COPIAPO 18 FEB. 79" to yellow cover to Lomas Bayas; fine intra-departmental letter rate
Lot no.1026



Catalogue no.15+ Italy P

Opening200 €
Sold for400 €
5 centavos carmine, horizontal pair with part of imprint, used with cork cancel and tied by violet crayon to envelope with adjacent violet "SANTIAGO 5 JUN. 78" to Italy with frontside "PANAMA / 28 JU 1873 / TRANSIT" and red octagonal "PANAMA PAQ. FR. A No 2"; in Italy the cover was taxed and postage due stamps with a total of 70 centesimi applied; small part of envelope missing at top due to opening and some minor creasing; an attractive and scarce cover
Lot no.1027



Catalogue no.16

Opening100 €
Sold for260 €
10 centavos greenish-blue, 3 copies tied by cds. "VALPARAISO 28 JUN. 81" to registered envelope with small register label to Paris with transit and arrival marks; small opening faults, otherwise fine
Lot no.1028



Catalogue no.17, 13

Opening150 €
Sold for250 €
20 centavos green and 2 copies 1 centavo grey, tied by cds. "VALPARAISO 15 JUN 81" to double rate cover endorsed "Via Panama" to Genova, Italy with arrival mark; the cover is correctly franked with 20 centavos double foreign letter fee plus 2 centavos Panama transit, fine and scarce
Lot no.1029



Catalogue no.17, 15

Opening500 €
Sold for450 €
20 centavos green with imprint at top (applied with damaged corner) and 5 centavos carmine, tied by cds. "VALPARAISO 12 OCT. 78" to yellow envelope to Lüneburg in Germany, endorsed "pr vapor Lima" (vessel of PSMC); a very scarce cover according to the Chile-German convention effective on January 1st 1875
Lot no.1030



Catalogue no.17+19

Opening200 €
Sold for300 €
20 centavos green in horizontal pair with 1878, 2 centavos rose in vertical pair, tied by cds. "SANTIAGO 4 AGTO 82" to quadruple rate cover "VIA DE PANAMA" to Paris with frontside "PANAMA-UNION PAQ. F.A. No 2"; the franking included 4 centavos Panama transit fee; one 20 centavos minor creasing, still fine and scarce
Lot no.1031



Catalogue no.17+34

Opening100 €
Sold for120 €
20 centavos green, marginal copy with part of imprint, with 1883/99, 5 centavos blue on registered letter sheet from "VALPARAISO 21 JUL 86" to Arequipa, Peru with advice of receipt, fine
Lot no.1032



Catalogue no.16+U

Opening100 €
Sold for200 €
10 centavos blue tied by clear cds. "SANTIAGO 2 MZO 85" to postal stationery envelope 5 centavos lilac as registered matter with boxed "CERTIFICADA" to Valparaiso with transit and arrival marks; on reverse little roughly opened, otherwise fine
Lot no.1033



Catalogue no.

Opening800 €
Sold for1.600 €
Lot no.1034



Catalogue no.21 proof

Opening200 €
Sold for180 €
50 centavos, die proof in black on sunken card, very fine
Lot no.1035



Catalogue no.21a proof

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold
50 centavos mauve, imperforated plate proof in issued colour, block of 4 with parts of imprints at top and left on India paper; some faint thinnings, still fine, a scarce block (Selchi 24)
Lot no.1036



Catalogue no.18-20, 34-40 proof

Opening200 €
Sold for200 €
1880/99, 2nd rouletted issue 1 centavo-30 centavos and 1 peso, 10 values as imperforated plate proofs in issued colours on India (only 30 centavos on carton); 5 centavos carmine small marginal thin and 20 centavos with creased corner, otherwise fine, a scarce set (Especializado 25-33, 35)
Lot no.1037



Catalogue no.18 proof

Opening150 €
Sold for135 €
1 centavo green, sunken die proof with file number 25277, mounted on larger presentation card (Selchi P20)
Lot no.1038



Catalogue no.35 proof

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold
10 centavos, plate proof in blue (unissued in this colour) on India paper, marginal block of 8, fine and scarce
Lot no.1039



Catalogue no.35, 37 proof

Opening400 €
Sold for400 €
10 centavos orange and 20 centavos grey-black as composite die proof on India paper, fixed on sunken card, very fine and scarce
Lot no.1040



Catalogue no.34

Opening100 €
Sold for135 €
5 centavos blue in horizontal pair tied to postal stationery envelope 10 centavos as registered letter from "VALPARAISO 19 JUL 97" via London to Kirkee, India and re-directed to Bombay with several transit and arrival marks; some light toning, otherwise fine, a scarce destination
Lot no.1041



Catalogue no.34

Opening100 €
Sold for90 €
5 centavos blue, 6 copies tied to front and reverse of registered envelope from "PORTO COQUIMBO 23 OCT. 96" to Valparaiso, addressed to the Swedish geologist and polar explorer Otto Nordenskjöld, who led mineralogical expeditions in Patagonia in the 1890's; minor transportation marks
Lot no.1042



Catalogue no.35, U

Opening150 €
Sold for135 €
10 centavos orange, 2 copies tied by cds. "VALPARAISO Cerpf. EXP. 29.VIII.93" to postal stationery envelope 5 centavos violet as registered cover with adjacent "VALPARAISO A.R." to Lima, Peru; slight transportation marks, still fine and scarce
Lot no.1043



Catalogue no.35, U

Opening150 €
Sold for135 €
10 centavos orange, horizontal pair and single tied by cds. "VALPARAISO CERTIFICADO 15 MAY 96" to postal stationery envelope 20 centavos as registered cover to Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela; the envelope small tear at right and slight transportation marks
Lot no.1044



Catalogue no.36, U

Opening100 €
Sold for150 €
15 centavos greenish-grey (small defect at lower right), tied to postal stationery envelope 5 centavos violet as registered letter from Santiago 1898 via Valparaiso and London to Passoeroean on Isle of Java with transit and arrival marks; a very unusual destination
Lot no.1045



Catalogue no.38, 32, 33

Opening150 €
Sold for120 €
25 centavos and re-engraved 1 centavo and 2 centavos (2) tied to registered letter from "VALPARAISO 18.XII.99" via New York and San Francisco with transit register label to Syndey, New South Wales with transit and arrival marks; a fine cover with scarce destination
Lot no.1046



Catalogue no.38+46+53

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €
25 centavos orange-brown with 1900, 10 centavos violet and 1901, 5 centavos blue tied to triple rate registered envelope from "OSORNO 12 JUL (1902)" to Germany with arrival mark
Lot no.1047



Catalogue no.21b

Opening150 €
Sold for240 €
50 centavos lilac, tied by Valparaiso cds. to larger size registered envelope endorsed "Via Magallanes" to Sydney, New South Wales with transit marks of New York and London; slight usual transportation marks, a scarce single franking
Lot no.1048



Catalogue no.40

Opening200 €
Sold for320 €
1 peso brown/black, tied by Santiago cds. to registered envelope to Paris with arrival mark of 12.7.1905; the stamp tiny nick at top, the cover with slight transportation marks and opened on 2 sides; a scarce single franking
Lot no.1049


1 2

Catalogue no.32-33 spec.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1894, Re-drawn values 1 centavo green and 2 centavos carmine, each in block of 4 with different overprints "SPECIMEN", 2 centavos with additional punch holes, also both values in horizontal blocks of 10, unused (Especializado 36-37)
Lot no.1050



Catalogue no.33 proof

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
2 centavos carmine, sunken die proof mounted on larger presentation card
Lot no.1051


0 1

Catalogue no.33 spec.

Opening800 €
Sold forUnsold
2 centavos carmine, sheet of 100 stamps, punched and gummed (few with gum disturbances), without "SPECIMEN", from the ABNC archives; one stamp missing corner, otherwise fine
Lot no.1052



Catalogue no.32, U

Opening150 €
Sold for135 €
1 centavo green in horizontal pair, tied to postal stationery envelope 10 centavos as registered printed matter from "VALPARAISO 1.VI.98" to Rosario with adjacent "VIA ANDES", transit and arrival marks on reverse, fine
Lot no.1053


1 2

Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold for250 €
Lot no.1055



Catalogue no.43/49 proof

Opening300 €
Sold for450 €
1900, Cabezones: The Bourne vignette die proof of the central design with indicated frame design on thick paper, dated "30/8/99"; one of two recorded such proofs, fine and rare
