366. Auktion März 2018

366. Heinrich Koehler Auction

19–24.03.2018 in Wiesbaden
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Lot no.260



Catalogue no.109E, 112E

Opening1.000 €
Sold for900 €
1936, Caritas 50 and 10s. large essays (151x118mm; 153x121mm) as se-tenant with manually punched perforation holes. The cut perforation holes at the bottom fit exactly to the cut perforation holes of the subsequent lot, showing that this 10s. and 50s. pair was printed tête-bêche together with the 15s. and 25s. essays, without gum, very attractive and to our knowledge unique see also Eesti Post No.55, p.8. (the magazine is included with the lot)
Lot no.261



Catalogue no.110E, 111E

Opening1.000 €
Sold for900 €
1936, Caritas 15 and 25s. large essays (152x119mm and 153x121mm) as se-tenant with manually punched perforation holes. The cut perforation holes at the bottom fit exactly to the cut perforation holes of the previous lot, without gum, very attractive and to our knowledge unique see also Eesti Post No.55, p.8.
Lot no.262


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Catalogue no.113

OpeningMake an Offer
Sold for10 €
1936, Päts 1 S., corner blocks of four, of the first printing (no printing order number), mint never hinged, and of the second printing with printing order number T.434 of May 27, 1937, unused (Hurt/Ojaste F:1 )  
Lot no.263



Catalogue no.113,114

Opening120 €
Sold for130 €
1936, Päts 1 and 2s. each as single and block of four tied by cds. "TALLINN 20 III 36" to cover to Helsinki, a rare first day cover, fine
Lot no.264


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Catalogue no.114P

Opening120 €
Sold forUnsold
1936, Päts 2 S., proof block of four, top left corner, pane D, mint never hinged, hinged in margin only, fine. Together with a matching postage stamp block of four, also from the top left corner, pane A, mint never hinged
Lot no.265



Catalogue no.115

OpeningMake an Offer
Sold for90 €
Päts 5 S., printing order numbers T.367 of May 14, 1938 and T.240 of April 4, 1939, mint never hinged, very fine (Hurt/Ojaste F:3 and F:4)
Lot no.266



Catalogue no.116P

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1936, Päts 6 S., red/lilac carmine, corner proof block,  no printing order number, mint never hinged, fine (Hurt/Ojaste G:1)
Lot no.267



Catalogue no.116, 157

Opening60 €
Sold for60 €
1936, 1940, Päts 6 S., matching corner blocks, bottom left corners, pane C and pane A. The green 6 S. was reprinted in 1940 with the plates used for the printing of the red 6 S. in 1936. The marginal numbers are of the same pointed/eckig font/shape ("6"), indicating that the marginal numbers were not removed when the 1936 printing plate was stored. The red 6 S., issued on March 20, 1936, does not have a printed printing order number at the margin because the printing of printing order numbers was introduced later on, with the 4 S. Päts, printing order date  April 29, 1936. The red 6 S. postage stamp block is in a sheet position matching the proof block in the subsequent lot. The green 6 S. block  shows the printing order date May 17, 1939, mint never hinged, very fine  (Hurt/Ojaste F:1)
Lot no.268


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Catalogue no.118P

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €
1936, Päts 20 S., proof block of four, top left corner, pane A, mint never hinged, with hinge in margin only, together with a matching postage stamp block, also top left corner and pane A, mint never hinged, fine (Hurt/Ojaste G:1)  
Lot no.269



Catalogue no.119P

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1936, Päts 50 S., proof block of four from the lower left sheet corner, first printing (no printing order number below pos.91 and 92), corner crease on margin, mint never hinged fine
Lot no.270



Catalogue no.124P

Opening500 €
Sold for450 €
1936, Päts 4 S., archival proofs, strip of 3, with plate error and printing order number T.262 of the first printing of the 4 S. Päts, printing order date April 29, 1936. In 1936 the Estonian State Printing Office started to print printing order numbers on the sheet margin. Archival proofs are known to exist only for the first printing of the 4 S. Päts, not for subsequent printing orders of the 4 S. Päts. Bottom margin 27 mm wide. Plate error in Pos.91 (white error, outer frame indented at bottom right), plate errors on proofs are very rare. The perforation registration mark (cross) does not have a hole  because the proofs were not perforated, compare the perforated postage stamps in the following lot. Very fine (Hurt/Ojaste G:1, F:1)
Lot no.271



Catalogue no.124

OpeningMake an Offer
Sold for10 €
1936, Päts 4 S., strip of three with printing order number T.366 of May 14, 1938 (3rd printing of the 4 S. Päts). Register cross with a hole, with gripper mark. Plate error in Pos.91 (white error, outer frame indented at bottom right), very fine, mint never hinged, (Hurt/Ojaste F:3)
Lot no.272



Catalogue no.124

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €
1936, Päts 4 S., block and strip of postage stamps with the first printing order T.262, from panes C and D. The register cross of the block of four (pane C) is an unusual variety, without a hole, similar to the imperforate proofs in the preceding lot. This type of register cross, with two bars of equal length, is a perforation register mark, not a printing register mark (for printing different colors) or a cutting register mark. The block of four is not perforated at the left, while the strip of three is perforated at the left. Both the block of four (pane C) and the strip of 3 (pane D) have the same plate error in pos.91 (white error, outer frame indented at bottom right), indicating that the intermediate cliché of 1x 100 stamp images must have contained already this plate error, which was then replicated four times into the clichés of the four counter panes. The block of four is slightly toned, mint never hinged, fine/very fine (Hurt/Ojaste F:1)  
Lot no.273



Catalogue no.126P

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1936, Päts 60 S., proof block of four from the upper left corner, mint never hinged with hinge in margin only, fine (Hurt/Ojaste G:1)    
Lot no.274


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Catalogue no.127-130

Opening80 €
Sold for170 €
1937 Caritas 10-50s., each as block of four from the lower left sheet margin with printing order numbers, mint never hinged, fine  
Lot no.275



Catalogue no.127-30

Opening80 €
Sold for80 €
1937, Caritas 10-50s. tied by red special cancel "TALLINN ESTONIA 27.II.37" to registered cover addressed to Major General Dr. Hans Leesment in Tallin, he was the Chairman of Ühisabi 1936/1937 and also the Chairman of the Estonian Red Cross. His postal address, "Nigueliste 12", the address of the Northern Estonian Red Cross (" Eesti Noorte Punase Risti"), shows the close relationship between Ühisabi and the Estonian Red Cross
Lot no.276



Catalogue no.129P

Opening100 €
Sold for90 €
1937, Caritas 25s. with with experimental horizontal network, with bottom sheet margin very well showing the different alignment of the network, mint never hinged, fine  The Caritas issue of 1936 was printed in sheets of 10 x 10, while the subsequent issues 1937-1940 were printed on unusual, half-size sheets 5 x 10. In order to save the expense of preparing a half-size network plate, a normal network plate for 10 x 10 stamps was turned by 90 degrees, as an experiment to print the network of a 10 x 10 sheet onto a 5 x 10 sheet, This experimental horizontal positioning of the large 10 x 10 network plate was rejected and special half-size network plates were prepared for the Caritas issues 1937-1940  
Lot no.277



Catalogue no.129P

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold
1937, Caritas 25s. with vertical network as imperforated block of four with upper sheet margin, mint never hinged, rare, fine (Hurt/Ojaste G:3)
Lot no.278



Catalogue no.135P

Opening120 €
Sold for96 €
1938, Päts 25 S., proof block of four, with printing order number of Sept.15, 1937. Register cross below pos.100. The register cross is touched by the register pin of the perforating machine and is minimally punctured. During the production of the postage stamps the imperforate archival proof sheet was probably put by mistake into the perforating machine and was removed immediately before being perforated. A rare variety showing that the archival proofs were produced together with the postage stamps. A key proof in Estonian philately, mint never hinged, fine (Hurt/Ojaste G:1, F:1)  
Lot no.279



Catalogue no.138-141

OpeningMake an Offer
Sold for10 €
1938, Scholars 5 S. -25 S., corner blocks with the printing order number. The date of the printing order was Dec.6, 1937, 4 months before the imprimatur/approval by Jallajas. The 5 S. and 25 S. blocks are from counter pane A (wide margins with gripper marks), the 10 S. and 15 S. are from counter pane B. The bottom margins have a horizontal marginal bar, in contrast to the imprimatur proofs signed by Jallajas, mint never hinged, very fine
Lot no.280



Catalogue no.139P

Opening120 €
Sold forUnsold
1938, Scholars 25 s. imperforated, two singles one with bottom sheet margin. one from the lower right corner, reconstructed as pair. The  horizontal marginal bar at the bottom margin shows that this is an archival proof, printed during the production of the postage stamps, in contrast to the imprimatur proofs, which were printed earlier without a marginal bar (see subsequent lot). This proof shows the difference between imprimatur proofs and archival proofs. One single is signed Nemvalz, very rare positional match to the imprimatur proof below, very fine  
Lot no.281


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Catalogue no.ex 111-45

Opening120 €
Sold forUnsold
1936/39, Caritas 10-50s., small group of blocks of four with printing dates, marginal copies, fine
Lot no.282



Catalogue no.158

OpeningMake an Offer
Sold for20 €
1940, Päts 15 S., blue, corner block with printing order number T.134 of March 12, 1940, printed with the same plates as the red 15 S. of 1936 (Mi 125). Same marginal numbers as the red proof block with the printing order of Nov.2, 1936 (subsequent lot). Printed in blue color to reflect the increase in the postal rate for domestic letters from 10 S. to 15 S. on April 1, 1940. Issued on April 15, 1940, mint never hinged, very fine (Hurt/Ojaste F:1)
Lot no.283



Catalogue no.162x

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1940, 100 Years of stamps 15 s. on white paper, used, fine
Lot no.284



Catalogue no.E

Opening500 €
Sold for450 €
1991, Designs of 2 stamps by Lembit Lohmus, submitted to the official competition for the first stamp of New Estonia 1991. His swallow design was awarded the second place, his pattern design the third place. No first place was awarded by the committee. The designs by Velo Kallas, who had not participated in the official competition, were selected for the first stamp of New Estonia. The pattern design shows "10 Kr 1991", even if the new currency was introduced in June 1992. The swallow design does not show a currency symbol. Signed by Lembit Lohmus
Lot no.285



Catalogue no.

OpeningMake an Offer
Sold forUnsold
Günther Reindorff, by H. Läti, Eesti NSV Kunst, Tallin 1960, art book with 74 reproductions black and white of works by Günther Reindorff, signed in ink "GReindorff III 1961". Reindorff designed Russian and Estonian postage stamps and banknotes and was appointed a National Artist of the USSR in 1961. 22 of Reindorff's works are shown in the digital gallery of the Eesti Kunstimuuseum https://digikogu.ekm.ee/, such as https://digikogu.ekm.ee/ekm/search/oid-12306/
Lot no.286



Catalogue no.HK1

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1937, PARO letter sheet Nr. 5, unused, fine
Lot no.287



Catalogue no.HK1

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1937, PARO letter sheet Nr. 8, unused, fine
Lot no.288



Catalogue no.HK1

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1937, PARO lettersheet no. 8, unused, very fine
Lot no.289



Catalogue no.HK1

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
PARO letter sheet 10 s., no. 20, unused, very fine
Lot no.290



Catalogue no.HK1

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1937, PARO lettersheet no. 20, unused, very fine
Lot no.291


0 M

Catalogue no.161,161

Opening800 €
Sold for1.300 €
1930, Zeppelin 10 m. with overprint error "1830" in horizontal pair with normal stamp, fresh colour, unmounted mint, left stamp tiny paper wrinkle, very fine, signed Enzo Diena with certificate
Lot no.292



Catalogue no.1a

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1849,  Ceres 10 c. yellow-brown, good to large margins all around, tied by grid cancellation to local folded letter from "LAON 19.NOV.54", very fine, signed Pacal Scheller
Lot no.293



Catalogue no.33

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1870, Ceres 10 c. yellow brown with "17" on provisional postcard from "PARIS-R.de PONT-NEUF 21.OCT" with text, transported by ballon 'Garibaldi' to Brezolles with arrival mark, small corner crease, otherwise fine
Lot no.294



Catalogue no.

Opening4.000 €
Sold for3.600 €
WAR 1870/71: BALLON MONTEE: NEPTUNE: Small envelope with original contents, dated "Paris 22. Sept.", written by Colonel Maximilien Foy, 2nd in charge of the General Staff to his sister in law Rachel Trubert at Château la Vallière with arrival mark of September 26 and private arrival notation of the same day, taxed on front with "3" decimes; the envelope with small tears and seal on reverse removed, otherwise very fine. One of the rarest "Pli confié" of all 'ballon monté'; certificate Roumet (2015)
Lot no.295



Catalogue no.19+27

Opening750 €
Sold forUnsold
GARIBALDI: Small entire letter, franked with 2 copies Napoléon perforated 5 c. green and Lauré 10 c., tied by star numeral "11" with adjacent "PARIS R. ST. HONORÉ 20 OCT. 70" to Chartres in the occupied territory, few short perfs, otherwise very fine; a rare and very attractive franking, certificate Roumet (2015)
