367th. Auction
367. Heinrich Koehler Auction
1770, Entire letter from Trondheim via "HAMBOURG" and endorsed "franco Amsterdam" to Bordeaux, very fine
1835, Entire letter from Arendal to Bordeaux, endorsed "p. Prins Carl", transit mark of Hamburg and arrival mark, charged with "18" decimes
1855, 4 sk. blue with diagonal printing crease, neatly cancelled by circle of bars
1855, Coat of arms 4 sk. blue, two copies with large margins all around, used with clear circle of 11 bars and cds. "LAURVIG", fine
1856, Oskar I 8sk. horizontal pair in combination with 2-3sk. tied by cds. "MOLDE 25 11 1859" to folded lettersheet to Hamburg, 2-3sk. affixed at the edge thus a few blunted perfs, a nice and attractive three color franking cover with the special winter rate, certificate Enger BPP (2018)
1855/2000, postfrischer, ungebrauchter und gestempelter Bestand, dabei gute Ausgaben, Markenheftchen, 26 Jahrbücher, Briefe und Karten, viel Material in 4 Kartons
1855/1973, gestempelte Sammlung mit u.a. Mi.-Nr. 1 (2), 38 etc.
1855/1955, postfrische, ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit besseren Werten, Briefen und Karten
1855/39, ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung ab Mi.-Nr. 1(3) gestempelt mit einigen besseren Werten