367th. Auction
367. Heinrich Koehler Auction
Lot no.808
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.
2Catalogue no.159-161q proof
Opening800 €
Sold for800 €
1921, For the invalid 10-25 pa. as die proofs on sunken cards, very fine and very rare
1970, CEPT 1,25 and 3,25 din., each eight gutter pairs with different combination incl. central cutter blocks, unmounted mint, some gutter pairs folded, otherwise fine
1971, CEPT 1,50 and 4 din., each eight gutter pairs with different combination incl. central cutter blocks, unmounted mint, some gutter pairs folded, otherwise fine
1985, CEPT 80 din., imperforated vertical gutter pair with error blue colour missing (inscription EUROPA missing), unmounted mint, very fine, rare
1997, CEPT 2,50 and 6 nd., two miniature sheets as Cromalin proof print, fine
1998, CEPT 6 din. in miniature sheet of 8 stamps as Cromalin proof print, fine
Unissued 2,50 din. without surcharge "9.00", three stamps in block of 4 with ornamental field, umounted mint, fine, rare
2,50 din. without surcharge "9.00", complete miniature sheet of 8 stamps, umounted mint, very fine, rare
2000, CEPT 10 nd., two miniature sheets as Cromalin proof print, fine
2001, CEPT 30 and 45 nd., two miniature sheets as Cromalin proof print, fine
2001, European children's meeting 30 and 45 nd. in two miniature sheets with violet handstamp "SPECIMENEN", one with sheet number "0000", unmounted mint, very fine
2003, CEPT 28,70 and 50 nd., two miniature sheets as compined Cromalin proof print, fine
2003, European children's meeting 28,70 and 50 nd. in two miniature sheets with violet handstamp "SPECIMENEN", one with sheet number "0000", unmounted mint, very fine
1995, CEPT 200 din. imperforated proof sheet of 20, onmounted mint, fine, rare
1999, CEPT 2 m., imperforated proof sheet of 20, unmounted mint, extremely rare, most likely unique
2000, EUROPA 2 m. / 1,02 €, imperforated proof sheet of 20, unmounted mint, extremely rare
2005, CEPT 2,50 m. imperforated, two miniature sheets with printing sheets margins all around, umounted mint, fine
2005, CEPT 2,50 m. imperforated, two combined proof sheet with eacht to miniature sheets, umounted mint, slight creases at margins, otherwise fine
2005, CEPT 2,00 m., center gutter block from printing sheet with another vertical gutter pair and margin at left, umounted mint, fine, rare
2005, CEPT, printing sheet with two souvenir sheets and large print margins, onmounted mint, fine, very rare
2006, CEPT 2,50 m. imperforated, two miniature sheets, umounted mint, fine
2007, CEPT 2,00 m. imperforated, two miniature sheets, umounted mint, fine
2007, CEPT, printing sheet with two souvenir sheets and print margins, onmounted mint, fine, very rare
2008, CEPT 2,00 and 3 m. imperforated, two miniature sheets, umounted mint, fine
2008, CEPT 2,00 and 3,00 m., two blocks with five horizontal gutter pairs, onmounted mint, fine
2008, CEPT 2,00 and 3 m., two center gutter blocks, umounted mint, fine, very rare
1918/20, ungebrauchter und gestempelter Bestand, dabei gute Ausgaben, Abarten und Besonderheiten, Briefen, Karten, Paketkarten etc., dazu etwas Baranya etc., teils sign. mit einigen Befunden und Attesten
1918/43, postfrische und ungebrauchte Sammlung mit guten Ausgaben im Marini-Album
1919/20, Ausgaben für Slowenien, postfrischer, ungebrauchter und gestempelter Bestand, dabei Farbnuancen, verschiedene Papiersorten, Einheiten, Portomarken, Paketkartenabschnitte, nachtaxierte Postschecks etc., dazu auch etwas anderes Jugoslawien
1945/91 (ca.), postfrische Partie mit guten Ausgaben wie Mi.-Nr. 730, Bl.5, 6 (2) etc.
1945/60 (ca.), postfrische Partie mit guten Ausgaben wie Mi.-Nr. Bl.5A+B, 6 etc.
1956, Olympiade 10-100 Din., 10 postfrische Sätze, teils in Einheiten (Mi.-Nr. 804-11; Mi. 1.500,-)
1970/71, 1,25 D. und 3,25 D. Kleinbogen Europa 1970 und 4 D. Kleinbogen 1971 jeweils auf Papier ohne Fluoreszenz, postfrisch, tadellos, je mit Fotoattest Acanski
1945, postfrische und ungebrauchte Partie, dabei Probedruck (Fotoattest Zrinjscak)
1941, Aufdruckausgabe 25 P.-30 D., 51 postfrische Sätze, dabei 4er-Blocks (Mi.-Nr. 9-23; Mi. 3.060,-)
1941/45, Mi.-Nr. 39-40 (10), 43-46 (6), 94-96 (6), Bl.5A (27), 5B (5), 9 (143), Portomarken 1-5 (10) postfrisch (Mi. 3.529,-)