368. Auction

26-30 March 2019 in Wiesbaden


Lot no.6225



Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €
Sold for2.200 €

CONFEDERATE STATES - PRUSSIA: 1861, Entire letter, dated "Galveston den 3tn Octtr 1861" to Crossen, Prussia endorsed "pr. R.M.Str. via Tampico", via forwarding agent "DROEGE OETLING & Co. MATAMORUS" with manuscript date "17/10/61" and British PO "TAMPICO NO 29 1861", from here per "Clyde" to St. Thomas and on December 16 per "Shannon" to Southampton; in Germany taxed with a total of "28" silbergroschen. A fine and very rare Civil War letter

Lot no.6226



Catalogue no.US 41+GB 24

Opening3.000 €
Sold for4.400 €
CUBA - ARGENTINA: 1871, Entire letter from Havana to Buenos Aires, carried via forwarding agent at St. Thomas, here franked with US 1870, 10 c. brown and GB 4 d. vermilion and mailed "ST. THOMAS 29 10 1871" by US mail boat to Rio de Janeiro, here the stamps cancelled by "C83" of the British PO and the letter taken by GB mail boat to Buenos Aires. A very rare, fine and highly attractive letter from the 'Argentina Mail', certificate Philatelic Foundation (2002) Provenance: 'Rarities of the World' (Siegel 1983), Dr. Roger Schnell (2002)
Lot no.6227



Catalogue no.GB24

Opening800 €
Sold for720 €
CUBA - ARGENTINA: 1873, Entire letter from the same correspondence, franked solely with GB 4 d., via "ST. THOMAS 30/7 1873", sign. Holcombe
Lot no.6228



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
CUBA - ARGENTINA: 1874, Entire letter from Santiago to Buenos Aires, transported by forwarding agent "J. NEILS & Co. ST. THOMAS W.I." (blue oval on reverse), franked with US 10 c. brown and (most likely) GB 4 d. orange which came off either already at St. Thomas or in transit, mailed "ST. THOMAS ../10 1874", transported by United States and Brazil mail steamship company vessel to Montevideo with small blue "CORREOS MONTEVIDEO 1 DIC 74", applied over the empty space of the British stamp. A very interesting and scarce letter of the "Argentina Mail"
Lot no.6229



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for460 €
CUBA - ARGENTINA: 1877, 2 d. tied by "C58" with adjacent "HAVANA JA 8 77" on printed matter lettersheet to Buenos Aires, very fine (SG Z3)
Lot no.6230



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
CUBA - FRANCE: 1852, Entire letter from British PO "HAVANA MR 26 1852" to Le Havre, transported March 27 per "Dee" to St. Thomas and from here per "Clyde" to Southampton and further to France with 2 strikes of boxed "COLONIES & C. ART. 13." on front
Lot no.6231



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for460 €
CUBA - FRANCE: 1867, Entire letter from Santiago de Cuba, transported April 22 with ship "Pajaro del Oceano" of Herrera, Bolet y Cia. to "LAMB & CO. ST. THOMAS, W.I." (this transport was paid by an annual fee of £ 800,-), transfered to British PO, franked with pair 4 d. vermilion, pl. 8, cancelled "C51" and sent from "ST. THOMAS AP 28 67" to London with red arrival mark tying the franking, then to France, interesting letter, sign. Møller BPP (SG Z10)
Lot no.6232



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
CUBA - GREAT BRITAIN: 1847, Lettersheet dated "Havana17 Mch 1847" via forwarding agent "HENRY DEGETAU & CO. ST. THOMAS." (blue oval) and British post "ST:-THOMAS MR 17 1847" to London, charged "1/5"; 2 file folds, one through the British postmark
Lot no.6233



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
CUBA - ITALY: 1853, Entire letter from British PO "HAVANA JU 9 1853" to Genua, transported in closed mail per "Avon" to St. Thomas and from here with "Magdalena" to Southampton, arriving London July 1, from here sent via France to Italy, showing on front boxed "COLONIES & c. ART.13." and "VIA DI PT BEAUVOISIN", charged with "17" decimes
Lot no.6234



Catalogue no.Peru P2I

Opening300 €
Sold for570 €
CUBA - PERU: 1876, Circular lettersheet, prepaid with 1 s. from "HAVANA PAID 7 JA 76" via "ST. THOMAS JA 14 76" to Lima, here franked with 1874, postage due 10 c. orange, tied by Lima cds., sign. Holcombe
Lot no.6235



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold for700 €
CUBA - PERU: 1876, Entire letter from Santiago de Cuba, privately carried to St. Thomas, franked with GB 4 d. vermilion, pl. 15, vertical pair and single stamp, tied by duplex "C51 / ST. THOMAS JU 1 76" to Lima, transported per closed mail via St. Thomas, Colon and Panama; the central stamp of the franking with ironed crease, otherwise very fine, a very scarce franking, sign. Ernst Stock (SG Z11)
Lot no.6236



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for500 €
CURACAO - FRANCE: 1848, Entire letter via forwarding agent "GRUNER & Co. ST. THOMAS" (blue oval) and British post "ST:-THOMAS MR 2 1848" to Bordeaux with red boxed "COLONIES & a ART.13.", charged "20" decimes for the second French rate
Lot no.6237



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for420 €
CURACAO - UNITED STATES: 1811, Entire letter from Curacao with St. Thomas forwarding agent Gamble & Co. notation on reverse, sent to Baltimore with red arrival mark of May 28 and adjacent "SHIP", charged with "14½" cents due incl. 2 c. ship fee; a fine and scarce early letter from Curacao
Lot no.6238



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for420 €
CURACAO - UNITED STATES: 1811, Entire letter from Curacao to Philadelphia with St. Thomas forwarding agent note on reverse; on front red "SHIP" and "BALTIMORE MD MAY 28"; an interesting and scarce letter, the only recorded During the second British occupation to the US
Lot no.6239



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for1.600 €
CURACAO - UNITED STATES: 1866, Lettersheet with return address "A.E.& A. JESURUN / CURACAO", sent to forwarding agent "SCHÖN WILLINK & Co. ST. THOMAS" (blue oval on reverse), here franked with pair GB 6 d. violet, tied by "C51" and sent from "ST. THOMAS FE 12 66" to Boston, showing on front straight line "STEAM" and "BOSTON MASS. 10 / MAR 1" (SG Z15)
Lot no.6240



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for135 €
DOMINICA - GREAT BRITAIN: 1861, Entire letter with crowned circle "PAID AT DOMINICA" from "DOMINICA 10 NO 1861" per closed mail via St. Thomas to London with arrival mark of November 30
Lot no.6241



Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €
Sold for6.000 €
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - ITALY: 1877, Lettersheet from Santo Domingo, franked with GB ½ d. in horizontal pair and 1 s. green, pl. 12, tied by faint blue double circle "ADMINISTRACION GENERAL DE CORREOS DE SANTO DOMINGO" addressed to Genua and re-directed to Zoagli, transported via St. Thomas, here additionally cancelled with "C51" with adjacent black "INSUFFICIENTLY PREPAID" and sent with cds. "ST. THOMAS AU 27 77" per "Moselle" via Plymouth to London, here marked "T1-10" and sent to Italy, arrival mark of September 15; a light filing crease affecting the franking, one ½ d. small nick; an attractive and rare letter
Lot no.6242



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
ECUADOR - GREAT BRITAIN: 1871, Entire letter from Guyaquil endorsed "Roll Stmr. of Southampton", privately carried to St. Thomas, franked with 1 s. green, pl. 5, tied by single oval "C51", London arrival mark on front (SG Z29)
Lot no.6243



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold for1.200 €
ECUADOR - MEXICO: 1873, Lettersheet franked with GB 2 s. blue, pl. 1, tied by "C41", sent from "GUAYAQUIL FE 24 1873" via "PANAMA TRANSIT" und "ST. THOMAS MR 15 73" to Veracruz, fine and scarce (SG Z29)
Lot no.6244



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
FRANCE - BOLIVIA: 1842, Entire letter from Le Havre with red boxed "P.P." to Cobya, Bolivia, on reverse manuscript forwarding agent note, little unfresh
Lot no.6245



Catalogue no.Fr. 22+ GB 24

Opening3.000 €
Sold for5.500 €
FRANCE - CUBA: 1870, Lettersheet with 2 copies Napoleon Lauré 40 c. from "MARSEILLE 12 NOV. 70" endorsed "VOIE DE ST. NAZAIRE" and addressed to Santiago de Cuba. As the inland transport was delayed due to the French-German war, the cover could not be taken directly to St. Thomas but instead to Fort de France, Martinique with "LIGNE W 19 NOV 70" and from here with "LIGNE L 1 DEC 70" to La Guaira and from here to St. Thomas, here franked with GB 4 d. vermilion cancelled "C51" with adjacent red "ST. THOMAS PAID" and sent to Cuba, here charged with 2 reales inland postage. The French stamps with faint horizontal crease, otherwise fine; a very rare and attractive combination letter with very interesting routing, certificate APS (2003) Provenance: Harmers of London 1975
Lot no.6246



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for380 €
FRANCE - CURACAO: 1867, Lettersheet from Paris, franked with 2 copies Napoleon perforated 80 c. rose, tied by star cancel, and sent January 16 "Par steamer 17 Janvier via Southampton", transported per closed mail to St. Thomas and with Jesurun sailboat to Curacao with somewhat unclear red arrival mark on front, charged "25" cents for the distance St. Thomas-Curacao, a fine entire with scarce destination
Lot no.6247



Catalogue no.Fr. 23, 22

Opening100 €
Sold for130 €
FRANCE - ECUADOR: 1866, Lettersheet from "PARIS 31 AOUT 66", franked with Napoleon perforated 80 c. in horizontal pair (scissors' cut at right) and 40 c., tied by star cancel "2", with adjacent straight line "VOIE DE PANAMA" via London and per closed mail via St. Thomas to Panama with arrival mark on front and from here to Guyaquil
Lot no.6248



Catalogue no.Fr. 16

Opening200 €
Sold for180 €
FRANCE - MEXICO: 1857/58, Pair of covers of first and second British resp. second and fourth British rate, both to Veracruz, transported via England and closed mail via St. Thomas to Veracruz, franked with 1853, Napoleon 80 c. pair resp. 2 pairs; the double rate letter one pair with horizontal crease, still fine
Lot no.6249



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for240 €
FRANCE - ST. LUCIA: 1868, Entire letter franked with Lauré 80 c., tied by dotted "844" with adjacent "CHALONS S. MARNE 30 MAI 68" via London and via closed mail via St. Thomas to St. Lucia with arrival mark of June 18; stamp few short perfs, otherwise fine
Lot no.6250



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for270 €
FRENCH GUYANA - FRANCE: 1846, Entire letter "FORWARDED BY HENRY DEGETAU & Co. ST. THOMAS 2/3 46" (black oval) via forwarding agent "AGENCE RAYSBURG HAVRE", posted "LE HAVRE 26 MARS 46" and sent to the Isle of Corse, here re-directed, charged "12" decimes
Lot no.6251



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for300 €
FRENCH GUYANA - FRANCE: 1852, Entire letter with clear oval "POSTE AUX LETTRES GUYANE FRANCAISE a Cayenne" to Bordeaux, endorsed in red "Par la voie anglaise", transported via Demerara, on February 3 per "Derwent" to St. Thomas (February 7) and the same day per "Avon" to Southampton, on front "ANGL. CALAIS 2 (AM.1) 27 FEVR. 52", on arrival taxed with "15" decimes
Lot no.6252



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for460 €
GREAT BRITAIN - DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: 1873, Cover franked with 1 s., plate 7, with top sheet margin, from "LONDON JU 9 73", addressed to Samana with manuscript "N. COAST OF HAITI", sent via "ST. THOMAS JY 14" to Haiti, where the mistake was detected and noted "Missent to Jacmel" and from "JACMEL JY 17" re-directed (SG 117)
Lot no.6253



Catalogue no.GB

Opening300 €
Sold for1.300 €
GREAT BRITAIN - HAITI: 1878, Entire letter dated "Liverpool 2nd December 1878" to Port au Prince, privately carried to St. Thomas, franked with 1873/80, wing margin 1 s. green, plate 13 with sheet margin "1 Pound per Sheet of 20", cancelled "ST: THOMAS 16/12 1878" (repeated on reverse); the stamp with perforation faults at right, otherwise fine and highly unusual Provenance: Collection Andre Bollen, Harmers of London (1993)
Lot no.6254



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for280 €
GREAT BRITAIN - MEXICO: 1871, Entire double rate letter from Manchester to Acapulco, franked with 4 copies 1 s. green and 1 d. red as late fee, sent with "Kronprinz Friedrich Wilhelm" of Norddeutsche Lloyd to St. Thomas and from here via Colon, blue oval on front to forwarding address at Panama and with oval "ENGAMINADA POR HOURQUET POYLO & CA PANAMA" to Acapulco for which service "40" cents are noted; a filing crease affecting one 1 s. and 1 d., interesting letter
Lot no.6255



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for900 €
GREAT BRITAIN - NEW ZEALAND: 1868, Small envelope franked with 3 d. rose and 6 d. lilac (both damaged), tied by duplex "SUNDERLAND JU 1 68" and endorsed "Via Panama", addressed to Riverton located far South on the Southern Island, sent in closed mail via St. Thomas, Colon and Panama to Wellington, here franked with 3 d. violet, tied by duplex "WELLINGTON JY 3 68" and mailed to Invercargill with arrival mark of August 10; an interesting and scarce combination franking; opinion Holcombe (1988)
Lot no.6256



Catalogue no.

Opening800 €
Sold for720 €
GREAT BRITAIN - UNITED STATES: Lettersheet with part of contents with octagonal "GLASGOW PAID JUN 1 1852", endorsed "p.W.I. Packet via Southampton to San Francisco, prepaid with "4/8", transported in closed packet via Southampton per "Parana" to St. Thomas (June 17) and the same day per "Dee" to Shagres, further with railway to Panama and July 11 per "California" of Pacific Mail SS. Co. to San Francisco, fine and scarce
Lot no.6257



Catalogue no.GB 33+ Venez. 14

Opening2.000 €
Sold for2.000 €
GREAT BRITAIN - VENEZUELA: 1868, Lettersheet franked with 2 copies 1 s. green, pl. 4, tied by duplex "LIVERPOOL 5 NO 68" and endorsed "per 'St. Thomas'" and mailed per closed mail to La Guaira, here franked with 1866, ½ r. brownish-violet, tied by "CORREOS LA GUAIRA" for inland postage and mailed to Caracas. The top flap partly loose and tiny hole in the letterfront without importance. An attractive and rare combination franking, certificates BPA (1974) and Holcombe (1992) Provenance: Soler & Llach 1992, Harmers Craveri 1994
Lot no.6258



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for150 €
GUADELOUPE - NEW BRUNSWICK: 1854, Entire letter from "POINTE-A-PITRE 12 MARS 1854" addressed to St. John, transfered the British PO and posted "GUADALOUPE MR 13 1854" via "ST.-THOMAS MR 15 1854" per closed mail via Bermuda to Halifax, arrival mark "ST. JOHN'S NEW BRUNSWICK AP 15 1854", charged "8" d. British Northamerican currency, slight age wear
Lot no.6259



Catalogue no.Frz.Kol 2, 5

Opening500 €
Sold for700 €
GUADELOUPE - UNITED STATES: 1863, Lettersheet franked with French colonies 1859/65, 5 c. green and 40 c. orange in strip of 3, tied by diamond of dots with adjacent "POINTE-A-PITRE 11 DEC 1863" addressed to New York, transported by British mail with frontside crowned circle "PAID AT GUADELOUPE" and mailed via "ST. THOMAS DE 14 1863" and per closed mail via Havana to New York with frontside "STEAMSHIP 10". A fine and scarce combination cover
Lot no.6260



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold
GUATEMALA - FRANCE: 1858, Entire letter from "GUATEMALA 3 AGO 1858" with adjacent red boxed "Franco" to Paris, sent via British PO "BELIZE AU 16 1858" per closed mail via St. Thomas to England and with triangle accountancy mark "GB 2 F" to France, here re-directed, little unfresh
