368. Auction
26-30 March 2019 in Wiesbaden
1744, 29.6., dated military letter from the Austrian troops in the Netherlands to Brussels with rare circle marking “AA” (= Armee Autrichienne), no fees mentioned, only few pieces recorded
1744, 24.9., entire military letter from the British troops in the Netherlands from Anstein (betwenn Tournay and Lille) to Antwerp. Very rare circle marking “AB” (= Armee Britannique), 4 Sols fee, only a few pieces known
1744, 3.10., entire military letter from the Dutch troops “Au Camps de Helschin…”, written by Landgraf Guillaume von Hessen-Phillipsthal to his wife in The Hague. Very rare boxed “AHOL” (= Armee hollandaise), only few pieces recorded
1746, 19.5. entire military letter from the French troops at the “camp de herental en Brabant” to Nancy, black line marking “ARM: DE FLANDRE”, superb marking, 16 Sols fee, scarce