368. Auction
26-30 March 2019 in Wiesbaden
- Main catalogue (515) Apply Main catalogue filter
- Danish West Indies 1773-1917 – The "Høgensborg" Collection (part I) (328) Apply Danish West Indies 1773-1917 – The "Høgensborg" Collection (part I) filter
- Incoming mail from Central- and South America to Italy 1837-1889 – The Dr. Giorgio Magnani Collection (187) Apply Incoming mail from Central- and South America to Italy 1837-1889 – The Dr. Giorgio Magnani Collection filter
- Ireland - The Path to Independence - The "Dublin" Collection (part I) & Irish Coil Stamps 1922 to 1940 - The Robert M. Benninghoff Collection (part I) (270) Apply Ireland - The Path to Independence - The "Dublin" Collection (part I) & Irish Coil Stamps 1922 to 1940 - The Robert M. Benninghoff Collection (part I) filter
1459, very early folded entire merchant-letter from Bruges to Venice, carried by messenger, about 30 years before the Taxis-course Innsbruck-Mechelen had been established
1481, decorative early entire letter (dated 21.12.), signed by Archduke MAXIMILIAN from Austria (Habsburg), the later emperor Maximillian I., from Brügge to “A l’ami et Gral conseiller et chamellan et lieutenant general en nos pays de Hollande zeelande et frize Sr. de Montigny”, interesting and rare autograph
1518, royal entire letter, carried by messenger from MALINES addressed to the“…Chambellan le Baron de La Laing”, signed by CHARLES (Karl V.), as Carlos I. already king of Spain and as of 1506 sovereign over the Netherlands and Flanders, interesting autograph
1534, entire folded and sealed letter from Mechelen to the Duke of Milan ("Mon bon cousin ...), dated 1.8., signed by MARIA of Hungary, the sister of the emperor Karl V. and as of 1531 governor of the Spanish Netherlands, interesting autograph
1553, entire printed letter (dated 24.5.) with the invitation of Emperor Karl V. to the Reichstag 1553, which finally took place not before 1555, concerning the religious peace in the Empire. Spectacular historical letter
1560, entire folded local messenger letter from Mons (dated 1.4.), scarce early indication for paid letter “0 with two vertical lines”
1575, entire messenger letter from Cassel (French Flanders) to Leuven (Louvain), 4 Stuiver bringers fee on the rear side
1579, unpaid entire letter from Antwerp to Philippo Corsini at London, dated 6.4., “3 ½ Groat = 14 Pence postage fee from the Merchant Strangers Post
1583, entire letter from Matthias Lederer, Antwerp, dated 7.8., addressed to Bartholomeo Corsini, via the “Merchant Strangers Post”. Rare prepaid letter with marking “Londnpqa” (Londres par questa). Certificate J. Van der Linden (2002)
1586, unpaid entire letter from Antwerp to Bortolomae Corsini at London, dated 12.3., marking “per questa” and “G1” = 1 Groat = 4 Pence postal fee from the Merchant Strangers Post
1587, unpaid entire letter from Antwerp to Bortolomeo Corsini at London, dated 2.11., no indication of fees to be paid
1594/96, 2 entire messenger letters: Mons (dated 9.4.1596) to Madame la Comtesse de La Laing (because of her degree of popularity without any detailed address) and unusually sealed but glued letter 28.10.1594 from Liege to Verviers with the Reichspost and from there by messenger to Jalhay
1588, entire messenger letter signed by ADOLPHE DE CORTENBACH, governor of Helmond and later military-governor of Hertogenbosch, addressed to militarian Karl, Prince of Mansfeld
1595, entire folded letter by messenger from Ypres to Yves-St-Eloi, dated 3.1., handwritten instruction for the addressee “… voor het port XI Stuiver”
1602, entire messenger-letter from Courtray to Vyve-St-Eloi, handwritten details of the postage paid 1½ Patars
1605, messenger circle-letter, dated 16.10., from the head of the camp in Herentals to the mayors of the surrounding towns, to deliver palisades as soon as possible, otherwise execution looms. Cito-Cito-marking and “een bet. den bode”, unusal letter!
1607, entire folded letter, dated 21.10., signed by Archduke ALBERT VII and his wife ISABELLA VON MARIEMONT to Hesdien, nice paper covered seal on reverse, interesting autograph
1608, 4.5., entire messenger-letter from Brussels to Termonde (Dendermonde), handwritten marking „Den bode twee blancken“
1611, entire unpaid letter from St. Nicolas to St. Gilles, very early postage rate written in ink 2 Stuyver
1616, entire letter accompanying a package of goods, carried by messenger from Brussels to Antwerp, Cito – Cito and unusual high 10 Stuyver postage fee
1616, entire folded merchant-letter from Antwerp to Florence, dated 3.6., no indication of fees to be paid. The letter was sent on the old Taxis-cours Brüssel-Innsbruck and via Trient an Mantua
1618, entire folded letter from Ghent to Brussels, dated 22.8., unusual fully paid by the sender. Handwritten “francq”
1618/83, 4 entire letters with different markings for postage fees and delivery
1619, entire messenger-letter from Ostend to Etikhove, dated 4.5., handwritten „Cito-Cito“ and „port 12 Stuyver“ markings
1620, dated 26.5., entire letter from Brussels to the abbey of Siegburg, signed by AMBROSIO SPINOLA, the commander-in-chief of the Spanish-Netherlands army, concerning the lodging of the “Compagnye d’Infanterye Allemande”. Nice letter with military background
1623, entire letter, signed by FERDINAND II, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (1619-1637), to Colonel and Field Marshal Ambrosio Spinola, commander-in-chief of the Spanish troops in the Netherlands. Magnificent imperial seal on the backside. Historical autograph
1627, entire princely messenger-letter from Brussels to Hesdin, dated 16.9., signed by the Infanta ISABELLA, proconsul in the Spanish Netherlands in the Name of the Spanish King, nice paper covered seal on reverse, interesting autograph
1634, entire letter from Brussels to St. Nicolas, dated 14.10., signed by the Francisco DE MONCADA, proconsul in the Spanish Netherlands as of 1634, paper covered seal on reverse. Interesting autograph
1640, 4.5., entire letter, signed by the proconsul in the Spanish Netherlands, Cardinal Infante FERDINAND (1609-1641) from Brussels to the commander of the Spanish infantry Don Hernan de Gamarra, concerning the order to invade Liège immediately after getting the letter. Nice dry-seal on the backside of this historical letter
1652, 14.6., prepaid entire letter via Taxispost from Bonn to Brussels with handwritten order to the Postmaster Coesfelt in Cologne
1675 (ca.), letter sheet with the seal of the General Postmaster Earl LAMORAL of Thurn and Taxis to his Postmaster in Cologne Coesfelt, only dated with pencil. Lamoral was the first General postmaster, who was allowed to lead the coat of arms of Thurn und Taxis in the Netherlands (waxseal on back)
1682, entire letter signed by the proconsul in the Spanish Netherlands, Othon Henry MARQUIS DAL CARETTO, SAVORA and GRANA, dated 17.8., from Brussels to Nieuport, 6 Stuiver postage fee, dry-seal of the proconsul on reverse
1690, entire letter signed by the proconsul in the Spanish Netherlands, Don Francisco Antonio DE AGUSTO, Maquis de Gastanaga, dated 7.1., from Brussels to Nieuport, 5 Stuiver postage fee, dry-seal of the proconsul on reverse
1696, entire letter signed by the proconsul in the Spanish Netherlands Duke MAXIMILIAN EMANUEL II. of Bavaria, dated 16.4., from Brussels to Ghent, 6 Stuiver postage fee, dry-seal of the proconsul on reverse
1674, entire letter from Paris to Ghent, with the famous POSTHORN-marking of the Taxis-Postoffice at Ghent, dated 9.7.1674. This is the oldest Taxis-marking in Europe, only in use 1674/75. Only a few entires are recorded. Certificate J. Van der Linden: „..nicest strike I have recorded..”
1613, local folded messenger-letter Hulst, handwritten notice from the sender: “Met Vriendt die godt beware“ (With friend – guarded by God)