368. Auction
26-30 March 2019 in Wiesbaden
1925/29, Airmail 10Ø-1kr., each as block of four, mint never hinged, very fine, signed Sorani with certificate (1980)
DANISH-WESTINDIES: 1867, Victoria 1sh. green, horizontal pair 4d. red and 1d. red tied by barred "C51" to blue envelope to Genoa with adjacent "LONDON PAID 29 JY 12", 1sh. few missing perfs, some slight ageing spots, otherwise a fine and very attractive 3 colour franking
DANISH-WESTINDIES: Victoria 3d. rose, four singles together with 4d. orange tied by barred "C51" and cds. "ST-THOMAS PAID JU 14 72" to folded lettersheet with red "PD" and London transit alongside, one 3d. one corner perf missing, otherwise a very fine and scarce entire
1858/1904, ungebrauchte Sammlung mit einigen besseren Werten, dazu ein kleiner Teil Dänisch-Westindien, meist gute Erhaltung

1851/2002, postfrische, ungebrauchte und gestempelte spezialisierte Sammlung, teils in beiden Erhaltungen gesammelt mit u.a. Mi.-Nr. 1 (12), 6 (3), 143-45 (2), 180-81 (2) etc., dazu Dienst, Porto, Postfähre, Jul-Marken, Markenheftchen, Färöer mit Mi.-Nr. 2-6 (Fotoattest Wahl BPP) sowie viele Briefe, Karten, Ganzsachen und FDC
1854/1983, gestempelte Sammlung mit einigen Doubletten und ab ca. 1900 fast kpl., dazu Dienst- und Postfähremarken, Grönland und Färöer in zwei Alben sowie interessante Stempelsammlung auf losen Marken und Briefstücken in zwei Hawid-Boxen

1919/2011, in den Hauptnummern augenscheinlich komplette postfrische Sammlung, Mi.-Nr. 1 ungebraucht und auf Umschlag, Mi.-Nr. 2-6 mit Fotoattest Debo BPP, außerdem Markenheftchen 1-35 (bis auf 5) komplett, sauber im Einsteckbuch, gute Erhaltung

1905/2002, postfrische, ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit 45 Eisbärmarken, dabei Mi.-Nr. 2 (2), 3 etc., Dänische Post mit u.a. Mi.-Nr. 17-25, 20-25I etc., teils in beiden Erhaltungen gesammelt, dazu Briefe und FDC; in 3 Alben
1773, Entire letter from St. Croix to Tortolar, Virgin Islands, very fine
1790, Entire letter from St. Thomas to Philadelphia, showing on front straight line "NEW YORK CITY" and in manuscript total postage of "1/" (incl. 2 d. sea post, 4 d. inland postage and 1 d. delivery fee); a fine and scarce early letter to the US
1796, Entire letter from St. Thomas to Philadelphia with manuscript "5½ d", most likely for the postage from St. Thomas to Philadelphia, on arrival charged with handstamp "4" cents American ship letter fee; the earliest tax mark used in the US
1801, Entire "Service"-letter September 1 from St. Croix to a British ship at Fort Royal, Martinique with manuscript forwarding note on reverse (part missing); a very rare letter during the British occupation March 1801-1802
1804, Entire letter from St. Croix to Philadelphia via "NEW HAVEN. CT. SEP. 3"
Entire letter from St. Thomas to Hartford, Ct., on front red "SHIP" and "NEW YORK FEB 19", charged "14½" c.
1807, Lettersheet endorsed "p the Fortitude" via St. Thomas forwarding agent Dixon & Burrow to Tortola, on reverse forwarding note of April 18, 1807
1810, Entire letter from St. Croix to Portland with manuscript "Ship 19"
1812, "ST CROIX JA 8 1812", small fleuron cancel, clear strike on dated lettersheet to Guernsey, charged with "4/2"; a light vertical file fold just touching the lower part of a cancel, otherwise very fine. A rare entire, only few recorded with this postmark
1814, "ST. THOMAS MAR 12 1814", good strike of the large fleuron cancel on entire letter, dated "Antigua March 7th 1814" to England, charged "2/-", fine and very scarce
1815, Entire letter from St. Croix to Aberdeen with framed "BRISTOL SHIP-LETTER", charged with a total of "6/½" incl. 6 d. British inland fee, 2 d. captain's fee and ½ d. Scottish share
1828, Entire letter in German language from the captain of the German ship 'Tidselholdt' on the way from St. Croix to Flensburg, addressed to Bordeaux with boxed "PAYS D'OUTREMER PAR NANTES" and date stamp "23 JUN 1828"
Entire letter from St. Thomas to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania with red "SHIP" and "NEW-YORK JAN 23", charged "12½" cents
1829, Entire letter from St. Croix to Aberdeen, transported by the "Sheldrake" of the Leeward Line, charged with "5/2", transported to Falmouth with unframed "F/LEEWARD ISLAND FE 26 1829", fine
1834, Dated lettersheet from St. Thomas to Petersburg, endorsed "p John", showing on front clear red octagonal "PHILA 17 OCT" and rare "Full-rigged ship" handstamp, charged "20 3/4" cents; fine and very scarce
1837, Entire letter from St. Croix to Toronto, Canada, showing on front red "SHIP" and "NEW-YORK APR 2" and green "QUEENSTON AP 10 1837", charged with a total of "1/11½"; 2 vertical file folds, one affecting the Queenston cancel; a fine letter with scarce destination
1838, Entire letter from St. Croix, forwarded via St. Thomas forwarding agent Hjardemaal & Nolding (manuscript notation on reverse) and London forwarding agent Preller & Garbach to Copenhagen, on reverse red boxed "PACKET LETTER" and London transit mark.A scarce destination.
1840 (ca.), Small envelope with red "FORWARDED BY WHITMORE & Co. ST. THOMAS" on reverse, sent to New York with black "NEW-YORK-SHIP 7 cts. / JUL 21"
1845, Prepaid entire letter, dated "St. Croix 27 Sept. 1845", addressed to Madeira, showing on front red "LONDON PAID 15 NOV 1845", and manuscript "7/4" for the quadruple rate, at Madeira charged with "400" reis inland postage
1846, Entire letter, dated "St. Croix 28 October 1846" to Madeira, on front red "LONDON PAID 1 DEC 1846" and noted "3/8"; at Madeira taxed with "240" reis inland fee
Entire second rate letter from St. Croix via "ST:-THOMAS JY 14 1846" to Copenhagen, transported per "Avon" to Bermuda and from here July 21 per "Clyde" to Southampton and finally via London to Hamburg, taxed in London with "3/4" and charged at Copenhagen with a total of "184" skilling (on reverse), scarce
1848, Entire letter from St. Croix via "ST:-THOMAS SE 30 1848" to Copenhagen, transported via Bermuda, Southampton, London and Hamburg, from here - due to the German-Danish war - via Lübeck, charged with a total of 114 skilling
1856, Entire letter from "CHRISTIANSTED 13 11 1856" via "ST. THOMAS 14 11 1856" to Copenhagen, transported via the British PO, London, Belgium, Prussia and Hamburg, charged with a total of "60" skilling, light file folds, scarce
1857, Entire double rate letter from "CHRISTIANSTED 28/7 1857" to Copenhagen, transported via Danish and British PO at St. Thomas, London and Hamburg, charged with a total of 119 skilling (noted on reverse), a scarce letter
1861, Red "FORWARDED BY KOEFOED WHITMORE & Co. ST. THOMAS" on reverse of entire letter to New York with frontside "5" cents due
1865, Small envelope from "ST. THOMAS 20/12 1865" to Boston, part-paid with 4 c. inland fee, charged on arrival with "STEAMSHIP 10", very fine
1866 (ca.), Red oval "FORWARDED BY J. CAPPE'S SONS ST. THOMAS W.I." on reverse of small envelope with manuscript return address "U.S. Stmer 'Swatara' ST. THOMAS W.I." to New Jersey with frontside "NEW YORK SHIP 5 CTS. / MAR .."
1879, Entire unpaid letter from "ST. THOMAS 29/9 1877" to Paris, marked at St. Thomas with "T" in circle and taxed in France "7" decimes; on reverse octagonal "LIGNE B PAQ. FR. No 4 / 29 SEPT. 77"