368. Auction
26-30 March 2019 in Wiesbaden
1896, 1 c. green/lilac-rose, inverted frame, horizontal strip of 3 tied by mute ring cancel to envelope to St. Thomas with arrival mark of 28.7.1898, very fine, very scarce multiple franking (Facit 14)
5 c., yellow-green/grey, inverted frame, 2 horizontal pairs tied by cds. "ST. THOMAS 22/6 1897" to envelope with captain Becker cachet to New York with arrival mark, a fine and scarce multiple franking for 2nd rate letter, certificate Nielsen (2007) (AFA 10By, Facit 17b)
1900, 5 c. blue, die proof on ungummed paper without watermark, very fine, opinion Møller BPP
1900, Coat of Arms 1 c. green and 5 c. blue, both with violet handstamp "SPECIMEN" applied by Natal authorities on receipt from UPU, fine and scarce, certificate BPA (1981)
1900, Coat of Arms 1 c. green, 29 copies with cds. "ST. THOMAS 10/2 1905" on front and reverse of opened out registered letter to Attica, New York with New York transit mark, correctly paid for triple rate plus registration fee, some transportation faults
1902, 2 CENTS on 3 c. with overprint in green, fresh colour and good perforation, unused with original gum, a very fine and rare stamp, certificate Nielsen (2011) (AFA 18Cy, Facit 24v5, Mi.-No. 23AII var.)
1902, 8 c. on 10 c., tied by cds. "ST. THOMAS 8/12 1902" to envelope to Denmark with arrival mark
8 c. on 10 c. with 1900, 5 c. blue, tied to registered cover with return receipt from "ST. THOMAS 8/8 1903" to Guam, re-directed to Washington and again to California with several register transit marks, very interesting item
1904/05: later issues, Christian IX., photographic essay 2 cents on chromopaper, fixed on card, fine and scarce
1904 (ca.), Essay 5 c. in unissued design, single die proof in orange-brown and black on gummed paper, very fine
1905, Handpainted essay 5 bit green in pencil and watercolour on thin paper, fixed on card, very fine, rare and attractive
Handpainted essay 25 bit grey/olive-yellow in pencil and watercolour on thin paper, fixed on card, fine, rare and attractive
1905, 10 bit, 2 composite photographic essay (value parts separate)with head larger than issued with values in black of white oval, 2 copies fixed on card in letter format
Similar item, but value in white on black square as issued stamps
Similar item as before but with additional inscription ".CHR. .IX: :REX:DAN."
Similar item as before but in final design of the stamp with small head and final inscription ":CHRISTIAN. .DEN. NIENDE:"
20 bit., die proof in blue on ungummed paper without watermark, very fine
1905, 5 bit.-50 bit. with handstamp "ULTRAMAR" fixed on paper; UPU specimen for the Portuguese colonies, very scarce
5 bit., horizontal strip of 3, 2 pairs and single tied by cds. "ST. THOMAS 10/12 1906" to cover to Denmark with arrival mark, few toned perfs, fine and attractive multiple franking
20 bit. in horizontal strip of 3 and 5 bit., tied to commercial registered envelope from "ST. THOMAS 19/4 1907" to France with arrival mark
25 bit. and 40 bit., tied to registered envelope from "FREDERIKSTED 17/1 1907" via St. Thomas to New York with transit and arrival marks, fine and scarce franking
St. Thomas harbour 1 fr.-5 fr. in complete sheets with 25 stamps, unmounted mint, 1 fr. with some staining on reverse, otherwise very fine
5 fr., tied by cds. "ST. THOMAS 19.9.1916" to philatelic registered cover to Birmingham with transit and arrival mark and censor label slightly over the stamp, fine and scarce
Surcharge 5 BIT 1905 on 5 c. blue, block of 25, tied by cds. "FREDERISTED 9/5 1906" to piece; the 2 outer stamps in the bottom line with corner faults and one stamp missing corner perf, otherwise fine, a scarce multiple
1907/08, Frederik VIII 5 bit. in strip of 3 and 25 bit. tied by cds. "ST. THOMAS 10/11 1908" on treasury department envelope to the chief quarantine officer at Ancon, Canal Zone with arrival mark, very unusual
1915, Christian X 15 bit., die proof in green on watermarked paper (123:166 mm), ungummed with handstamp of H.H. Thiele printers, dated 30/10.14, fine and rare
1915, Christian X 5 bit.-50 bit. in complete sheets of 100 stamps, most values folded once per sheet horizontally and some with small marginal imperfections, generally very fine, unmounted mint
30.3.1917, Envelope franked with Frederik 10 c. red with St. Thomas cds., addressed to the commander of USS 'Olympia', present at St. Thomas for the transfer ceremonies the next day, a highly interesting item of Danish West Indies postal history
31.3.1917, Postcard with French text partly translated to "Exactly in this moment the Americans take possession of their new acquisition, the Danish Antilles...." with seal of the French consulate, sent with mixed franking DWI 1905, 25 bit and 3 copies US 2 c., all tied "ST. THOMAS 2/4 1917", to the French consulate at Copenhagen; a rare and historically fascinating item of the transition period
1902, 1 c. blue, horizontal pair and single, tied by cds. "ST. THOMAS 31/3 1904" to commercial postcard from chocolate producer Brd. Cloetta from "KJØBENHAVN 12.3.04" via Corsør to St. Thomas taxed on arrival; the Danish stamp with surface scrubs, otherwise fine, a very scarce and highly attractive commercial use
1902, 1 c. blue in horizontal pair and 6 c. blue, tied by cds. "ST. JAN 15/7 1902, to reverse of unpaid envelope from "ST. THOMAS 9/7 1902" to St. Jan with "T" in circle, fine and scarce
4 c. blue, tied by clear cds. "ST. THOMAS JAN 30/7 1902" to unpaid envelope from "ST. THOMAS 29/7 1902" to St. Jan with "T" in circle, fine and scarce
6 c. blue and 10 c. blue, tied cds. "ST. THOMAS 17/12 1903" to reverse of underfranked cover from the imperial German consulate at New York to the commander of the German cruiser "Veneta" at St. Thomas, a fascinating usage
1905, Numerals, composite die proof with 4 values each of 5-50 bit., imperforated on gummed paper, unmounted mint, some minor creasing, very fine and rare
5 bit.-50 bit., imperforated plate proofs, 6 values each in horizontal groups in composite gutter blocks (20+5 and 30+50) from the only reported sheets on ungummed paper, usual folds in the gutters, fine and rare show pieces
1905, Numerals 5 bit.-50 bit., 4 values each tied by red seal "COLLECTION DE BERN / POSTES ET TELEGRAPHES MADAGASKAR" to large part of archival page with signature of the director of posts; a unique item