368. Auction

26-30 March 2019 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.6175



Catalogue no.

Opening800 €
Sold for1.400 €
1869, Jesurun ½ r. green, perf. 10, complete sheet with 100 stamps, mint never hinged, 2 stamps with light diagonal crease, otherwise very fine and scarce (Facit LG21)
Lot no.6176



Catalogue no.

Opening2.000 €
Sold for6.500 €
Jesurun 2 r. red, perf 12½, tied by circle "CORREOS CARACAS" to cover endorsed "Voie anglaise" via London to Bordeaux, the stamp addtionally tied by tax stamp "20" (decimes), transit mark and boxed "GB/1 f 60 C"; a very fine and rare entire, only few letters known with the narrow perforation; sign. Holcombe with certificate (1984) (Facit LG20)
Lot no.6177



Catalogue no.

Opening2.000 €
Sold for3.200 €

1867, "ST. THOMAS LA GUAYRA & Po. CABELLO STEAM PACKET", clear seal with ship in centre, applied for cash payment of 2 reales, on lettersheet (one backflap missing) with embossed return address of Caracas, addressed to France with London transit mark of November 22, 1867 and French transit marks of the same day, in France charged with "10" decimes, very attractive and rare, only few entires recorded with the provisional ship  handstamp, sign. Holcombe with certificate (1990)

Lot no.6178


1 2

Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold for1.000 €
LA GUAIRA - SANTOMAS: 1870, 1 c. yellow-brown, ½ r. green and 2 r. blue, unused, ½ r. with original gum, 1 c. 2 teeth fixed with hinges, otherwise fine, very scarce (Facit LG 23, 24, 26)
Lot no.6186



Catalogue no.5IIb, P

Opening300 €
Sold for750 €
PURSER MARKS: "AUSTRALIA", violet purser mark with manuscript "auf See, den 10. August 1898", tying 1898, 1 c. red-lilac/green to postcard 2 c. to Hamburg with circle "AUS WESTINDIEN P. HAMBURG. DAMPFER ÜBER CÖLN", railway cancel "CÖLN-VERVIERS" and arrival mark (Facit 14)
Lot no.6187



Catalogue no.12Ib, 15, 5IIb

Opening500 €
Sold for1.000 €
"BOLIVIA" in violet on 12 c. lilac/green and 10 CENTS on 50 c., together with 1 c., tied by cds. "ST. THOMAS 2/2 1896" to postal stationery envelope 2 c. blue to Haiti and re-directed to Mexico City with transit and arrival marks, fine and scarce, sign. Wahl and certificate Nielsen (2003) (AFA 5y, 12, 15)
Lot no.6188



Catalogue no.6IIb

Opening200 €
Sold for420 €
"CHERUSKIA" in violet with manuscript date "14/1 98" on postcard of St. Thomas franked 3 c. carmine/grey-blue, tied by pen cross with adjacent "AUS WESTINDIEN P. HAMBURG. DAMPFER ÜBER CÖLN 30 1 98" to Pola with arrival mark, fine and scarce (Facit 6h)
Lot no.6189



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for220 €
"DANIA" with manuscript date "29.I.06" on US postal stationery envelope Lincoln 5 c. with printed Puerto Rico return address to St. Thomas with arrival mark on reverse, fine
Lot no.6190



Catalogue no.5IIb, 7Ib

Opening300 €
Sold for650 €
"FLANDRIA", 4 strikes with adjacent manuscript date "8/12 98" on postal stationery envelope 3 c. red with additional franking 1 c., strip of 3 and 2 singles and 4 c. (single and pair) to Hamburg with frontside "AUS WESTINDIEN P. HAMBURG. DAMPFER ÜBER CÖLN", partly tying the stamps, on reverse railway cancel "CÖLN-VERVIERS" and arrival mark, some rust stains in perforation and the left 4 c. with faults, scarce
Lot no.6191



Catalogue no.6IIb

Opening200 €
Sold for390 €
"HUNGARIA" in violet on 3 c. carmine/grey-blue with additional manuscript date "20/4 98" on the stamp, on postcard with railway mark "CÖLN-VERVIERS" to Hamburg with arrival mark, fine
Lot no.6192



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for160 €
"Seepost D. Schwarzwald", straight line on German reply card 10 pf. with clear "ST. THOMAS 9 10 1912" with French transit mark to Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegowina, with frontside arrival mark, re-directed to Bromberg, scarce
Lot no.6193



Catalogue no.5Ib, 7Ib, 11IIb +Curacao P4I

Opening800 €
Sold for1.400 €
"HAMBURG AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY Capt. BECKER Superintendent ST. THOMAS", 2 strikes on 1 c. and 4 c. in horizontal pairs and 10 c. on commercial envelope to Curacao with adjacent "BAVARIA"; in Curacao charged local fee and franked with postage due 12 c. green/black, cancelled "CURACAO 18/12 1892". The envelope with some creasing, lightly affecting the postage due stamp, 10 c. 2 rounded corners and some light staining, a very scarce cover
Lot no.6194



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold for360 €
ROYAL STEAM PACKET COMPANY: 1875/79, 10 c. rose, complete sheet with 30 stamps, unmounted mint, minor staining in the margin only, very fine, opinion Miro (1973) (Facit RMS1)
Lot no.6195



Catalogue no.Austr. 35, P+ 6Ia

Opening2.000 €
Sold for2.200 €

AUSTRIA: 1883, postcard 2 kr. brown with additional franking 1867, 2 kr. yellow in strip of 3 from "GRAZ 22/3 83" to St. Thomas with arrival mark April 15, here franked with 3 c. grey/carmine, perf. 14:13½, normal frame (scissors' cut at bottom) and sent with cds. "ST. THOMAS 25/4 1883" back to Austria with arrival mark of May 16; a fine and rare card, certificate Prof. Ferchenbauer VÖB (2012)

Lot no.6196



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for80 €
CHILE: 1906, Registered envelope from Valparaiso to Chrisitansted with frontside red boxed "ST. THOMAS D.V.I. / R  "
Lot no.6197



Catalogue no.Sp.W.I. 9

Opening400 €
Sold forUnsold
CUBA: 1860, Lettersheet with Spanish West Indies 1857, 1 r. green in horizontal pair, tied by paria with adjacent "HABANA 31 EN. 60" (year inverted), endorsed "Vapor upt. Cuba", addressed to the exiled Spanish president Antonio de Santa Ana; upper right corner of the entire backed, otherwise a fine and interesting entire, delivered outside the Danish postal system
Lot no.6198



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold
DENMARK: 1857, Double rate lettersheet with seal of High Court on reverse, sent from "KJØBENHAVN 21/2 1857" via "HAMBURG 24 FEB. 1857" and London to St. Croix with transit marks of the British and Danish PO at St. Thomas, charged with "2/9"; additional "8" cents inland fee was cancelled due to the official character of the letter; small ink erosion, otherwise fine, scarce
Lot no.6199



Catalogue no.DK 6,5+7

Opening1.000 €
Sold for2.000 €

DENMARK: 1860, Lettersheet franked with 1854, 16 sk. grey-violet in horizontal strip of 3, 8 sk. green (touched one side) and 1858, 4 sk. brown, all tied by clear "1" with adjacent cds. "KJØBENHAVN 30/7" (1860) to lettersheet with frontside "HAMBURG 31 JUL. 1860" and "LONDON PAID AU 2" to St. Croix; small surface scrubs in the city name, otherwise very fine; an attractive and scarce letter, sign. Herman Toaspern and certificate Kaiser (1979)

Lot no.6200



Catalogue no.Fr. 49K, 55

Opening500 €
Sold for900 €
FRANCE: 1874, Entire letter franked with Ceres 10 c. brown on rose in horizontal tête-bêche pair together with 80 c. rose, tied by GC "240" with adjacent "MARSEILLE 14 SEPT. 74" to St. Thomas with transit and arrival marks; the right stamp of the tête-bêche small termite hole, otherwise fine and fresh, a very scarce letter
Lot no.6201



Catalogue no.

Opening180 €
Sold for750 €
HAITI: 1877, Entire letter with contents of Aux Cayes, franked with 1 d. rose, 2 pairs and 2 singles, tied by "E53" from "PORT AU PRINCE NO 19 77" to St. Thomas with arrival mark of Danish post; on reverse additional comment of the sender "N.B. The postage is much too high to your place" (SG Z36)
Lot no.6202



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for550 €
HAITI: 1879, Entire letter with 2 copies GB 1870, 1½ d. lake-red, tied by "E53" with adjacent "PORT.AU.PRINCE DE 10 79" to St. Thomas with arrival mark; a fine and scarce cover Provenance: J. Grant Glassco (Robson Lowe 1969), Dr. Korman coll. (H. R. Harmer, N.Y., 1994)
Lot no.6203



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold
HOLY LAND: 1894, Cover franked with 1892, 1 pia. grey, tied by Jerusalem cds., via New York to St. Thomas with transit and arrival marks; the envelope transportation faults, stamp with small tear and affected by marginal creasing, very scarce
Lot no.6204



Catalogue no.NL 19, 21

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
NETHERLANDS: 1891, Cover franked with 1872/88, 5 c. blue and 10 c. rose, tied by numeral "6" from "APELDOORN 13 NOV 91", addressed to a sailor of the Norwegian barque 'Carellia' at St. Thomas and returned, transit and arrival marks; stamps with marginal faults, where affixed at the edge of the cover
Lot no.6205



Catalogue no.Pr. 20+ NDP 1, 5

Opening1.000 €
Sold for1.300 €
NORTH GERMAN CONFEDERATION: 1868, Lettersheet franked with Prussia 10 sgr. and NDP ¼ gr. and 2 copies 2 gr., all tied cds. "HAMBURG P.E. 2 14 10 68", sent via Belgium and England to St. Thomas with arrival mark on reverse, the two 2 gr. afixed over the edge of the entire, but still intact; a fine letter with scarce destination for this area
Lot no.6206



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for440 €
SPAIN: 1774, Entire letter from Cadiz to St. Croix, endorsed "p favor of / Cap: N Giles Stanton / 2 D.C. / via Rhode Island". The earliest recorded incoming letter to the Danish Westindies
Lot no.6207



Catalogue no.US 20, 23

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold
UNITED STATES: 1867, Envelope franked with 1861/67, 10 c. green and 24 c. lilac with faint adjacent "ESSEX JAN 24" to St. Thomas with faint arrival mark with red accountancy mark "8"; the 24 c. corner crease and franking with some short perfs, very scarce
Lot no.6208



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
USA: 1871, Lettersheet with 10 c. brown from "NEW YORK FEB 24" to St. Croix with frontside arrival mark "ST: THOMAS 28/2 1871" and charged "4" cents local postage, very fine
Lot no.6209



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold for500 €
ANTIGUA - NOVA SCOTIA: 1869, Entire printed matter franked with 1867, 1 d. vermilion, tied by clear "A02", endorsed "Via Halifax N.S" from "ANTIGUA JA 27 69", sent via "ST. THOMAS JA 29 69" and "HALIFAX FE 24 1869" to Anapolis, very fine and scarce (SG 7)
Lot no.6210



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold
ANTIGUA - UNITED STATES: 1862, Small envelope with clear crowned circle "PAID AT ANTIGUA" and adjacent "ANTIGUA OC 11 62" to NEW YORK, transported via "ST.-THOMAS OC 14 1862" and in closed mail to Halifax and finally to New York, here marked with "STEAMSHIP 10" and "ADVERTISED 1 CENT"; very fine and scarce
Lot no.6211



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for850 €
ANTIGUA - UNITED STATES: 1877, Envelope franked with 1863/67, 1 d. vermilion, horizontal strip of 5, tied by "A02" from "ANTIGUA FE 27 77" via "ST.-THOMAS MR 4 77" to New York and here charged 5 c. inland fee. The perforation of the strip partly squeezed when applied and the right stamp scissors' cut at right by opening, otherwise fine. The only recorded letter from Antigua via St. Thomas to the US (SG 7)
Lot no.6212



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for420 €
ARUBA - BELGIUM: 1859, Entire letter, folded as envelope, prepaid with "15 c" (noted on reverse) for the way to St. Thomas, showing on front red "CURACAO 25/1" and sent in closed mail via St. Thomas to England and from here to Belgium with "ANGLETERRE PAR AMBT. OUEST / 5 MARS 1859" and arrival mark
Lot no.6213



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for135 €
BARBADOS TO UNITED STATES: 1852, Small envelope with original contents with crowned circle "PAID AT BARBADOES" via "ST. THOMAS NO 14 1852" to Philadelphia with frontside clear "STEAMSHIP 10", prepaid with "1/-"
Lot no.6214



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for800 €
BELGIUM TO ST. THOMAS DE GUATEMALA: Prepaid lettersheet of the department of foreign affairs from "BRUXELLES 30 AOUT 1850" via London, "ST:-THOMAS SE 21 1850" (with manuscript "Missent to") and "KINGSTON JAMAICA OC 8 1850", to Santo Thomas de Guatemala, endorsed "Via de Delice British Honduras"; a fine and very scarce entire
Lot no.6215



Catalogue no.US 41

Opening300 €
Sold for300 €
BONAIRE TO UNITED STATES: 1873, Entire letter to Bangor, sent to Curacao and sent from forwarding agent "Hellmund + Co. July 7, 1873" (manuscript on reverse) to "LAMB & Co. / ST. THOMAS" (oval marking on front), posted at Danish PO "ST. THOMAS 14/7 1873" franked with US 1870, 10 c. brown, tied "NEW YORK JULY 20" and part of steamship mark at arrival; stamp with ironed cover crease, still fine and attractive
Lot no.6216



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for180 €
BREMEN TO MEXICO: 1853, Lettersheet with one page of contents from "ST.-P.A. BREMEN 28 11", endorsed "via Southampton" to Tampico with frontside London "PAID 1853 NO 30 DW" and red manuscript "2/7" for the prepayment, transported via St. Thomas with arrival December 19 and the same day per "Dee" (RMSPC) to Tampico, here charged "1" real inland postage
Lot no.6217



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
BRITISH GUYANA TO GREAT BRITAIN: 1850, Entire quadruple rate letter from "DEMERARA JY 5 1850" to Liverpool, transported by packet "Eagle" to Barbados (arrival July 10) and from here July 11 per "Medway" to St. Thomas (arrival July 14) and the same day via "Dee" to Southampton; on reverse transit mark of London and arrival mark of August 5
