368. Auction

26-30 March 2019 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.386



Catalogue no.38,40,43

Opening150 €
Sold for135 €
1866, Pedro II. 10r. red, 50r. blue and 200r. black tied by cork cancel with adjacent cds. "RIO DE JANEIRO 20 JUL 77" to folded letter endorsed "p. La France" to Palerma, some ageing and 200r. faulty, otherwise a fine and appealing entire
Lot no.387



Catalogue no.Italy P8,12

Opening250 €
Sold for150 €
1870, unpaid folded letter and cover front from "RIO-DE-JANEIRO 6 JAN 70" resp. "PERNAMBUCO 13 JAN 70", both endorsed "p. Estremadure" with blue senders cachet at left to Genoa, upon arrival charged "24" resp "48" thus postage due 40c. and 2l. as singles resp. as pairs tied by cds., the front some minor tears and adhesives with imperfections, otherwise a fine and scarce ensemble, the folded letter signed Enzo Diena with certificate (1990) Both letters carried by the same ship during the same journey. This journey is recorded as the last of a paddle steamer accross the Atlantic. The ship Estremadure performed 33 trops from South America to Europe before its withdrawal.
Lot no.388



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for70 €
1839, entire folded letter dated "Bahia, Spt. 7. 1839", inside with pre-printed price list for import and export goods, transported by ship "Cattolico" to Naples and charged with 10 grana upon arrival, two disinfection slits, fine and attractive
Lot no.389



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €

1844, entire folded letter dated "Rio de Janeiro 14e Maggio 1844", addressed to Palermo and first transported by ship "Amalia-Napoli" to Naples and then transshipped onto the "Palinuro", there red "Vapori Postali" applied, small tear at top, otherwise a fine and attractive entire

The Conte di Aquila Luigi II° di Borbone and his wife, the princess Maria di Braganza, sister of Don Pedro II°, were on board of the "Amalia" during it's journey from Rio to Naples

Lot no.390



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €

1842, entire folded letter dated "Bahia 19 Gen.. 1842", addressed to Genoa and transported by ship "Graziosa Fanny", charged 4 soldi upon arrival and red three-line "VIA DI MARE (A)" applied, fine

Lot no.391



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
1843, folded letter addressed to Genoa and transported by ship "Polaca Fortuna" red straigt-line "VIA DI MARE" alongside, slight discoloration at top left, otherwise a fine and scarce entire
Lot no.392



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for80 €
1844, folded lettersheet dated "Pernambuco 16 Janeiro 1843", addressed to Genoa and transported by ship "Caterina", charged 4 soldi upon arrival and red three-line "VIA DI MARE (A)" applied, fine
Lot no.393



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for80 €
1846, folded letter dated "Bahia 11. Dicembre 1846", addressed to Genoa and transported by ship "Emilia Luigia", charged 5 soldi upon arrival and red -line "VIA DI MARE (A)" applied, slightly soiled, otherwise fine
Lot no.394



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for80 €
1847, folded letter dated "Bahia 9 Feb. 1847", addressed to Genoa and transported by ship "Anna Persipitea", charged 4 soldi upon arrival and red -line "VIA DI MARE (A)" applied, fine
Lot no.395



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for750 €
1857, folded letter dated "Rio de Jan 28 Febb 1857" and endorsed "pr. Genova" addressed to Genoa, charged 33 dec upon arrival and superb strike of boxed "Vapori transatl." applied upon arrival in Genoa, a rare entire with some negligible ink corrosion and discoloration in the margins transported by the "Genova" which made only three journeys from Rio to Genoa, signed Diena with certificate  
Lot no.396



Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €
Sold for600 €
1857, folded letter dated "Rio de Janeiro 24 di Gennairo 1858" and endorsed "per Vapore Italia" addressed to Genoa, charged "11" upon arrival and superb strike of boxed "Vapori transatl." applied upon arrival in Genoa, the sole known letter carried on the last trip of the Transatlantica, very fine The Transatlantica went bankrupt at the end of 1857. The packet Italia therefore left Rio secretly and carried the mail out of the expired postal convention with the Sardinian Kingdom. This was the last journey of the Transatlantica. The "Corriere Mercantile" of 19/02/58 reports the departure from Rio of the ship Italia, but no longer the nahme of the company
Lot no.397



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for240 €

1855, double weight folded letter dated "Bahia 24 Jen 1855" endorsed "P.D. Maria II" to Genoa charged with "280" reis, reverse with cds. "P. TRANSATLANTICO 17 /2", blue italic straight-line "Espana" of La Junquera and "VIA DE NIZZA" on front, upon arrival charged with "22"., very attractive, mail to Italy was rarely carried by Portuguese services and routed via Spain

Lot no.398



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for240 €

1857, folded letter dated "19 de Abril de 1857" to Genoa charged with "600" reis and cancelled, reverse with blue cds. "P. TRANSATLANTICO 8 /5", blue italic straight-line "Espana" of La Junquera and "VIA DE NIZZA" on front, upon arrival charged with "22"., very attractive, mail to Italy was rarely carried by Portuguese services and routed via Spain

Lot no.399



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for400 €
1828, folded letter from Rio via Lisbon to Genoa with oval red transit mark applied in Portugal, then overland in Spain und France with black straight-line "ESPAGNE POR ST JEAN DE LUZ" and "NIZZA MARITTIMA", upon delivery charged 54 soldi, inside somewhat faulty, a fine and early letter from Brazil and the earliest to our knowledge sent to Italy
Lot no.400



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
1853, folded letter from "Valp. Octbre 31 1859" to Genoa endorsed "Panama" with nice red "PANAMA TRANSIT" alongside, upon arrival charged with "23" decimes, fine
Lot no.401



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €

1858, folded letter from Valparaiso to Voltri with good strike of accountancy marking "GB 2F87 C5/10" alongside, fine

Lot no.402



Catalogue no.Italy P 10

Opening150 €
Sold for180 €
1858, folded letter from Valparaiso to Milano, by ship "John Elder" via Magellano Straits up to Lisbon, upon arrival charged "18" thus three singles postage due 60c. applied, fine and quite scarce via Magellano Straits
Lot no.403



Catalogue no.Italy P8,12

Opening250 €
Sold for260 €
1870, folded letter sheet dated "Valparaiso 17 Maggio 1870" to Genoa, from Valparaiso to Panama and from there with the "Shannon" to Plymouth, with "GB/1 F.90 C." accountancy marking and scarce boxed "F.* 58" alongside, upon arrival charged with "28" decimes thus postage due 40c. as horizontal pair and 2l. applied and tied by cds., scarce and attractive
Lot no.404



Catalogue no.Italy P 2,12

Opening250 €
Sold for200 €

1871, folded letter from "Valparaison 3 abril 1871" via London to Genoa, upon arrival charged "23" thus postage due 10c. as scarce vertical strip of three and 2l. applied and tied by cds., fine and scarce

Lot no.405



Catalogue no.10, Italy P2,6,8,10-11

Opening600 €
Sold for600 €
1871, Colon 5c. red tied by fancy cork with adjacent blue cds. "SANTIAGO CHILE 2 JUN 71" to folded lettersheet via Magellano straits initially to Rome where it was charged with "17" decimes, thus postage due 10+60c. and 1l. applied and tied by cds. "ROMA 21 LUG 71", then re-addressed to Albano, the Rome P.O. cancelled the fees with three strikes of italic straight-line "Annullato" and sent the letter to Albano where the P.O. charged again the letter and applied postage due stamps 1869 10c. single and 1870 four singles 40c., minor ageing and some imperfections, a very attractive and rare cover, signed Colla with certificate (2007)
Lot no.406



Catalogue no.11, Italy P11

Opening500 €
Sold for650 €
1875, Colon 10c. blue tied by fancy cork to lettersheet endorsed "Via de Magallanes" to Rome with scarce boxed "F.*56" alongside, upon arrival charged with "10" decimes thus postage due 1l. applied and tied by cds. "ROMA 24 DIC 1875", an incredibly beautiful and attractive letter
Lot no.407



Catalogue no.Italy P7,11

Opening400 €
Sold for320 €

1879, unpaid envelope endorsed "Via Magellano per Iberia" to Genoa, reverse with cds. "VALPARAISO UNPAID MY 21 79", blue tax stamp "80" and upon arrival charged "13" thus postage due 30c. and 1l. applied and tied by cds., an attractive and scarce entire

Lot no.408



Catalogue no.Italy P10-11

Opening200 €
Sold for160 €

1880, unpaid envelope from Valparaiso with blue merchant handstamp to Rome, with black "T" and 1-10" alongside, upon arrival taxed "16" decimes thus postage due 60c. and 1l. applied and tied by cds., fine and attractive


Lot no.409



Catalogue no.France 31

Opening800 €
Sold for1.300 €
1862, Napoleon Lauré 80c. as horizontal pair (damaged corners) tied by dotted "Ancre" to double weight cover endorsed "Bateau Francais" to Florence, by ship "Ville de St. Nazaire" (Ligne 'F') transported up to Panama, then transshipped onto "Louisiane" up to St. Nazaire, with with octogonal "VALPARAISO PAQ. FR.  F No. 2 15 MARS 73" and red boxed "PD" alongside, Paris transit and Florence arrival on reverse, some tiny age spots, a very attractive and rare entire with only about a handful covers known to Italy
Lot no.410



Catalogue no.8, Italy P8,11

Opening400 €
Sold for700 €
1867, Colon 1c. orange tied by barred "CANCELLED" with adjacent cds. "TALCA 13 OCT 72" to folded lettersheet, by ship "Concha" transported up to Valparaiso, then transshipped onto "Ville du Brest" (Ligne 'F') up to Panama, again transshipped onto the "Martinique" up to St. Nazaire, with with octogonal "VALPARAISO PAQ. FR. No. 2 15 72" and scarce boxed "F.* 58" which was only applied to covers from South Pacific via Panama alongside, upon arrival charged "14" thus postage due 40c. and 1l. applied and tied by cds., despite some ageing spots a very attractive and rare cover and one of only a few known  carried to Italy by the line "F"
Lot no.411



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for150 €
1850, folded letter dated "Haban 1. Octubre 1850", carried to London via St. Thomas by a british ship and trusted to the Forwarding Agent "PINTO Y PEREZ", charged "12" upon delivery in Genoa, fine
Lot no.412



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for420 €
1841, single rate folded letter dated "Habana y Octubre 19. de 1841" to Genoa via Cadiz with superb strike of "ISLAS DE BARLOVENTO" on front, a very attractive and rare entire with extraordinary usage of the "ISLAS DE BARLOVENTO" on mail not addressed to Spain
Lot no.413



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for1.200 €
1873, folded lettersheet with part of contents from "CURACAO 8  73" to Marino di Campo, by merchant ship up to St. Thomas, there endorsed "por paquete ingles" and transshipped onto the "Nile" up to Southampton with scarce boxed "F.* 57" in blue alongside, upon delivery charged "12" thus postage due 10c. as vertical pair an 1l. applied and tied by cds. "MARINA DI CAMPO 3 DIC 73", some age spots, otherwise a fine and scarce entire
Lot no.414



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold for250 €
1873, folded letter from "CURACAO 7  73" to Genoa, by merchant ship up to St. Thomas, from there up to Southampton, upon delivery charged "12" thus two singles postage due 60c. applied, some age spots, otherwise a fine entire
Lot no.415



Catalogue no.Italy P6

Opening500 €
Sold for1.100 €
1875, complete printed advertisement of the "REVISTA DE LA BOLSA MERCANTIL" dated Guayaquil 9.3.1875 with corresponding cds. on reverse, as printed matter to Lucca with three line "PANAMA 14 MR 1875 TRANSIT" alongside, upon arrival charged "20" thus vertical pair postage due 10c. applied and tied by cds. The contents among other things reports the movements of ships in the port of Guayaquil, a fine and very rare entire with only few covers from Ecuador to Italy known
Lot no.416



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
1884, Numerals 2c. brown wrapper with blue mute cancel endorsed "via Livingston-N. York" to Fermo, two vertical folds, scarce with only a few entires known from Guatemala to Italy (Higgins & Gage #2)
Lot no.417



Catalogue no.47

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €

1887, Coat of arms 10c. red tied by barred cancel with adjacent "CORREOS GUATEMALA ENE 27 1895" to enevlope endorsd "Via San Francisco, USA" to Florence, adhesives tape affixed at reverse slightly showing through, otherwise fine and quite scarce with only a few entires known from Guatemala to Italy

Lot no.418



Catalogue no.Italy P7-8,11

Opening150 €
Sold for220 €
1871, folded letter dated "Jacmel 10 Avril 1871" with cds. on reverse, endorsed "p. Steamer" and travelled with ship "Neva" via London to Genoa, upon arrival taxed "17" and postage due 30-40c. and 1l. applied, 30c. postage due faulty, otherwise an attractive and quite scarce entire
Lot no.419



Catalogue no.5,9

Opening800 €
Sold for1.000 €
1881, Liberty 7c. blue imperforated with close to good margins and 3c. brown-olive perforated tied by clear cds. "JACMEL 17 SEPT. 85" to folded letter to Genoa, a beautiful and rare entire
Lot no.420



Catalogue no.Italy P7-8,11

Opening100 €
Sold for160 €
1873, folded lettersheet dated "Kingston, Jamaica, 8 Juillet 1873" sent with ship "Elbe" via London to Genoa, charged upon arrival "17" dec. and postage due 30-40c. and 1l. applied, adhesives small imperfections, an attractive entire and very scarce with only few incoming items from Jamaica known
Lot no.421



Catalogue no.Italy P10

Opening150 €
Sold for280 €
1873, folded lettersheet dated "Kingston, Jamaica, MAR 24 1874" sent with ship "Tagus" via London to Genoa, charged upon arrival "12" dec. andhorizontal pair postage due 60c. applied, as there was no rate change the taxed "12" was most likely a mistake, a fine and interesting entire with only few incoming items from Jamaica known
