Lot no. 360
368. Auction
3 (6)Catalogue no.20, Italian PO 4,5
Opening500 €
Sold for500 €
1874, 5c. brick red tied by cds. "BUENOS AIRES 19 AGO 74" and Estero 10 and 20c. tied by two-line "Da Buenos Aires coi Postali Italiani" to large fragment of "Aloi cover" and Estero 20c. as block of 9 used with several strikes of "Da Buenos Aires coi Postali Italiani" showing the typical "Aloi" pen strokes. Both items with minor imperfections but a beautiful ensemble and a very rare large unit showing the typical use of these stamps by Eloi Aloi. Signed Diena and others and certifcates E. Diena, Sorani and Raybaudi for the fragment and E. Diena for the multiple
Aloi collected letters from Italian emigrants in Buenos Aires in his shop. He asked 10 cents and the full transatlantic rate for each letter, and sent parcels containing non stamped letters to Italy. As the parcel contained many letters, on the wrapping were many stamps overprinted “ESTERO”. Aloi agents in Genoa added stamps to each letter which was forwarded at the local much lower rate, so taking advantage of the difference. Aloi picked up the stamps overprinted ESTERO, marked “his” stamps with thin pen strokes and sold the stamps to collectors.