371st Auction

24-28 September 2019 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.3403


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Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for180 €
1850/1960 (ca.), ungebrauchte und gestempelte Partie, dabei Danzig, Polen, Lagerpost etc.
Lot no.3404


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Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for650 €
1852/1930(ca.), ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit besseren Werten, dabei Luxemburg ab Mi.-Nr. 1 sowie Großbritannien Mi.-Nr. 50 gestempelt (stark repariert), des Weiteren Griechenland ab Große Hermesköpfe, etwas unterschiedliche Erhaltung
Lot no.3405


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Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for650 €
1866/1977, postfrische, ungebrauchte und gestempelte Partie mit Teilsammlungen Karpaten Ukraine, Moldawien, Serbien, Slowenien, Triest A+B, Ukraine und Weißrussland, dabei auch einige Belege; im Karton
Lot no.3406


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Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for240 €
1880/2005 (ca.), postfrische und gestempelte Partie, meist auf Steckseiten, überwiegend Europa
Lot no.3407


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Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for180 €
1918/89, gestempelte Sammlungen Jugoslawien und Polen mit einigen besseren, sauber in drei Alben
Lot no.3408


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Catalogue no.

Opening3.000 €
Sold for6.500 €
1923/2005, überwiegend postfrische Sammlung Blocks, teils mehrfach gesammelt, dabei u.a. Dt. Reich Bl.1, Jugoslawien Bl.4A+B, Luxemburg Bl.1, Monaco Bl.3A+B, 4A+B, Polen Bl.1, 9, 11, AI, , Portugal Bl.1, 2, 4, Rußland Bl.3, 11A+B, Zypern Bl.18 etc.; in etlichen Alben in 2 großen Kartons
Lot no.3409


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Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €
Sold for3.200 €
1925/45, interessante Partie besserer Werte, dabei Frankreich Block 1 gestempelt auf R-Brief-Vorderseite und postfrisch, Block 2-3 gestempelt, außerdem Mi.-Nr. 321 im gestempelten Viererblock, Schweiz mit besseren Blockausgaben, Österreich mit ungebrauchtem Wipa-Block mit Geschenkheftchen usw., etwas unterschiedliche Erhaltung
Lot no.3410


0 1 3 6

Catalogue no.

Opening600 €
Sold for1.300 €
1934/65, ungebrauchte/postfrische und gestempelte Partie Liechtenstein und Schweiz mit fast nur besseren Blockausgaben, Kleinbogen und Bogen, dabei u.a. VADUZ-Block auf R-Brief nach Frankfurt mit Ankunftsstempel und Schweiz mit postfrischem Pax-Satz und Markenheftchenbogen Pro Juventure 1953, meist in guter Erhaltung
Lot no.3411
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


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Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €
1947/98 (ca.), fast ausschließlich postrischer Bestand Griechenland und Türkei in 2 Einsteckbüchern
Lot no.3412


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Catalogue no.

Opening4.000 €
Sold forUnsold
1964/2015, sehr reichhaltige, meist postfrische Partie mit vielen Besonderheiten, Probedrucken, ungezähnten Kleinbogen, etc., dabei u.a. Bund Mi.-Nr. 446 U, Frankreich mit éupreuves d'artist, etc., etc,
Lot no.3413



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for700 €
1795/1870, ca. 100 Briefe aus diversen Ländern inkl. Deutschland, meist nach Frankreich adressiert, dabei viele verschiedene Aufgabeorte, Transit- und Tax-Stempeln und weiteren Besonderheiten, u.a. Briefinhalt 1820 mit Stahlstich von Stettin
Lot no.3414



Catalogue no.

Opening700 €
Sold for1.600 €
1806/55, Sammlung von 30 Briefen "Desinfektionspost", dabei etliche bessere Belege, u.a. vollständige Zeitung "Allgemeine Zeitung" von 1849 mit italienischem Desinfektionsstempel, 1831 Brief aus Hannover mit Stempel "Geräuchert", 1836 Brief mit gedrucktem Zirkular aus Ancona mit Bericht über Cholera-Fälle in der Region zwischen August-Oktober 1836 (116 Todesfälle) oder 1831 Brief aus Brody nach Würzburg mit Stempel "K.K. m.s. Sanitäts Cordons Coon"
Lot no.3415



Catalogue no.

Opening1.200 €
Sold forUnsold
1837/60 (ca.), Cholerapost, 17 Briefe bzw. Hüllen mit diversen Stempeln, dabei Preußen, Österreich etc., viele bessere
Lot no.3416



Catalogue no.

Opening350 €
Sold for350 €
1866/1943, Sammlung Briefe, Karten und Ganzsachen, dabei Reco, Zensur etc., überwiegend Rußland
Lot no.3417
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


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Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold
1952/98 (ca.), postfrischer und etwas ungebrauchter Bestand Portugal und Spanien in 3 Einsteckbüchern
Lot no.3418


Catalogue no.

Opening70 €
Sold for60 €
1852/1987 (ca.), kleine Sammlungen Liechtenstein und Luxemburg mit einigen besseren Werten
Lot no.3419


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Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
1870/90 (ca.), Private Neudrucke, Partie meist in Bogenteilen und Bogen, dabei viel Kirchenstaat, Hamburg Wertstempel für Postanweisungen, etc.; insgesamt rund 2000 Werte
Lot no.3420
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


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Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for320 €
1927/2000 (ca.), postfrischer und etwas ungebrauchter Bestand Andorra (franz. und spanisch), Frankreich und Monaco in 3 Einsteckbüchern
Lot no.3421



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
1959/92, postfrischer Bestand Österreich, Vatikan und Liechtenstein mit Kleinbogen 1978-88 und 1991-97 kpl.
Lot no.3422
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


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Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for150 €
1930/97 (ca.), postfrischer und etwas ungebraucher Bestand Belgien, Luxemburg und Niederlande in 3 Einsteckbüchern
Lot no.3423
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


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Catalogue no.

Opening4.000 €
Sold for4.400 €
1912/55, postfrischer und etwas ungebrauchter Bestand mit vielen guten Ausgaben wie Färöer Mi.-Nr. 2-6 (5), Grönland 8-16 (12), 20-25I (4), Island 125-40 (6) etc.
Lot no.3424
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


0 1

Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for260 €
1927/2000 (ca.), postfrischer und etwas ungebrauchter Bestand Dänemark, Grönland, Färöer, Finnland, Äland, Island, Norwegen und Schweden in 7 Einsteckbüchern
Lot no.6001


Catalogue no.

OpeningMake an Offer

1687, "A map of The WESTERN ISLAND S" by R. Morden, London (ca. 125:145 mm)

Lot no.6002



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold for550 €
1768, Entire letter, docketed "St. Croix April 4th" to William Vernon at Rhode Island, a well-known merchant who sold slaves to the West Indies, endorsed "Favour of Capt. Robertson". The earliest recorded letter from the Danish West Indies to the United States
Lot no.6003



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for1.400 €

1773, Entire letter, dated "St. Croix 21 May", addressed to the president of council of the city of Copenhagen, endorsed "med Captn. Jansen". A very fine and rare letter, one of the earliest recorded to Denmark from the Danish West Indies

Lot no.6004



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for650 €

1780, Entire letter, dated "St. Croix 1st May 1780" to Arbroath, Scottland, struck with 2 bishop marks on reverse. Charged with a total of "8 d". a Very fine and rare early letter to Europe

Lot no.6005


Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for1.100 €
1781, The first Danish West Indies postal regulation for official and private letters within, to and from the islands. Complete leaflet of 16 pages; loose binding, otherwise very fine and fresh. Extremely rare, supposed to be the only recorded in private hands
Lot no.6006



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for2.400 €

1789, Entire letter dated "St. Jan February 19" to the captain of the fregate 'Hertug Ferdinand' at St. Croix, endorsed on front "frit" (free of charge), very fine and scarce; the 2nd earliest recorded local letter of the Danish West Indies

Lot no.6007



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for420 €
1801, Entire letter, docketed "St. Thomas 20th January 1801" from a captain to Philadelphia with clear frontside landing mark "NLondon Feb 10" and manuscript "Sh19" (2 cents shipletter rate + 17 cents overland to Philadelphia); 2 filing creases, otherwise very fine and fresh. A rare letter just before the first British occupation
Lot no.6008



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for800 €
1801, Entire letter, docketed "St. Thomas 31st July 1801" to Demerara (Dutch Guiana). In the inside few split folds, otherwise fine and fresh. A scarce letter during the first British occupation and earliest recorded letter from the Danish West Indies to Southamerica
Lot no.6009



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1804, Entire letter dated "St. Thomas le 8 Juin 1804" to Philadelphia with frontside oval "NEW HAVEN JULY 3" and manuscript "Sh19"
Lot no.6010



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
1805, Entire letter, dated "St. Croix. Westend. Feb. 12th 1805" to Philadelphia with handstamp "6" in circle
Lot no.6011



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for300 €
1806, Entire letter, docketed "St. Thomas 15 Decb. 1806" to Havana, very fine. The only recorded letter to any other Caribbean Island but Tortola during the 5 years between first and second British occupation
Lot no.6012



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for340 €
1808, Entire letter, dated "St. Croix 19 June 1808" to London, showing on front clear transit mark "TORTOLA 17 JUL 1808, taxed on arrival with "4/". Slight file folds, otherwise very fine and fresh. A scarce letter during the 2nd British occupation
Lot no.6013



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for200 €
1810, Entire letter, dated "St. Croix 18th March 1810" to Aberdeen, endorsed "via Liverpool" but sent via Ireland with frontside "COVE SHIP LE." and manuscript "Ship Letter Office Cove June 8th 1810" with adjacent Scottish exchange office mark in red, charged with a total of "2/6" on arrival; a tear in the upper part of the entire fixed with tape, still fine and interesting
Lot no.6014



Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €
Sold for1.700 €
1810, Entire letter dated "St. Croix 27th Feby 1810" with frontside clear blue "LEEWARD ISLAND F / AP 3 1810" to Aberdeen with frontside Scottish exchange mark "APR./W 8 M/1810", charged on arrival with "4/10"; very fine and rare, just one other letter recorded with this postmark in blue (of the same day and also struck on the front instead of the backside as usual)
