371st Auction
24-28 September 2019 in Wiesbaden
1924, 1k. resp. 5k. on 35k. blue, two singles tied by cds. "MOSCOW 24 8 24" to reverse of small cover from Ekaterinburg gub., postage due cancel on front, correctly charged 6k. for mail to an approved publication, a fine and attractive cover ex Robert Taylor with his notes
1924, 12k. on 70k. tied by cds. "MOSCOW 29 4 24" to reverse of unfranked cover from Krasnoyarsk, postage due cachet on front, some folds, but attractive and scarce ex Robert Taylor with his notes
1925, Numerals 2k. lithographed and 10k. typhographed tied with cds. "YAROSLAVL 13 1 26" to reverse of overweight ordinary letter from Danilov, 2k. faults, otherwise fine, scarce item ex Robert Taylor with his detailed notes
1925, Numerals5k. strip of three tied by cyrillic cds. "SARATOV 12 12 25" to reverse of ordinary letter from Moscow, underfrakned and charged upon arrival, fine, ex Robert Taylor with his detailed notes
1925, Numerals 8k. tied by cds. "MOSCOW 19 1 26" to reverse of underfranked cover from Leningrad, fine ex Robert Taylor with his notes
1925, Numerals 8k. tied by cds. "MOSCOW 17.6.25" to folded statistical return sent from Chismi in Bashkiria, underfranked at 6k. against the letter rate of 7k., eventually charged 8k. postage due, but annotations on the fron indicate some confusion about the charge to be raised, very interesting and ex Robert Taylor with his detailed notes
1925, Numerals 14k. lithograped tied by illegible cds. and boxed cachet to reverse of cover, franked with invalid stamps,, unusual reason for postage due, fine ex Robert Taylor with his detailed notes
1925, Numerals 14k. lithographed tied by cds. "ODESSA 7 1 26" to reverse of unfranked and charged cover from Moscow, scarce, cover with faults ex Robert Taylor with his notes
1925, Ziffernzeichnung Steindruck auf normalem Papier, 10 und 14K. per 20 bzw. 31 gestempelte Werte und 10K. 9 ungebraucht Werte, etwas unterschiedliche Erhaltung (MI.-Nr. 16-17IBx)