375th Auction

16-21 November in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.1499


Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1853, Postal contract of the COMPAGNIA TRANSATLANTICA in Genoa with Sardinia dated 11th July 1853, some ageing, otherwise fine
Lot no.1500



Catalogue no.24

Opening750 €
Sold forUnsold
1865, Numeral 2c. red-brown tied by cds. "GENOVA 22 SET 69" to printed matter to Revere, with very nice printed contents of the company Vignolo Francesco, including pictures of two ships and a price list for the transport
Lot no.1501



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for140 €
1849, double weight folded lettersheet dated "Buenos res 21 Apr. 1849" and endorsed "p. Vittoriosa" to Genoa, charged 8 soldi upon arrival and red three-line "VIA DI MARE (A)" applied, fine
Lot no.1502



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for120 €
1849, folded lettersheet dated "B Ayres 29 Ottobre 1849" via Le Havre to Genoa with red cds. "COLONIES FRA MARSEILLE " and black straight-line "VIA DI NIZZA" alongside, charged 26 (soldi), minor ageing
Lot no.1503



Catalogue no.

Opening120 €
Sold for120 €
Foto im Printkatalog mit Los 1549 vertauscht

1857, folded lettersheet dated "Buenos Ayres Nov 30 1854" to Como with red boxed accountancy marking "COLONIES & c. ART 13" alongside, charged 42krCM on delivery, fine

Lot no.1504



Catalogue no.France 30-31

Opening150 €
Sold for120 €
1862, Napoléon lauré 40c. orange and 80c. carmine tied by "dotted ancre" to folded letter to genoa with octogonal "BUENOS AYRES * 12 MAI 66" alongside, small part of design of 80c. painted in, otherwise a fine and scarce entire
Lot no.1505



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1863, double weight folded letter dated "Buenos Aires 14 Aprile 1863" via Rio and Bordeaux with octogonal "CONF. ARGENTINE SAINTONGE 15 AVRIL 63" alongside to Genoa, charged "20" decimes upon arrival, fine
Lot no.1506



Catalogue no.20-21

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
1863, Victor Emanuel II. 40c. carmine and 60c. lilac with cds. on folded lettersheet via Turin, Bordeaux with ships Estramadure and Saintonge to Bueonos Ayres and Rosario, stamps with perforation faults, otherwise fine
Lot no.1507



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €
1864, folded letter dated "Santafe 26 Ottobre 1864" via Buonos Aires, London and Genoa to Sarzana with accountancy mark "GB / 1F 60C" alongside, charged 10 decimes upon arrival, fine and scarce
Lot no.1508



Catalogue no.28, Italy P8,10

Opening500 €
Sold for850 €
1867, Rivadavia 5c. brick-red tied by oval "CORREO del ROSARIA" with adjacent cds. "ROSARIO STA-F 16 JUN 1874" to envelope to Genoa with good strike of "PIROSCAFI POSTALI FRANCESI" alongside, two disinfection slits, upon arrival charged with "9" decimes thus postage due 30 and 60c. applied and tied by cds., a very rare and attractive entire from the first journey of the Laverello Company from Buenos Aires and one of three two letters known from this journey, certificate Manzoni (2018) 
Lot no.1509



Catalogue no.21

Opening250 €
Sold for200 €
1867, Belgrano 10c. green tied by cds. "BUENOS-AYRES 26 ABR. 1869" to folded letter to Genoa, endorsed "p. Bourgogne" with corresponding blue straight-line handstamp "BOURGOGNE" alongside, with black "VIA DIE MARE (E) and "4" handstamp, fine
Lot no.1510



Catalogue no.20, Italy P11

Opening120 €
Sold for100 €
1867, Rivadavia 5c. brick-red tied by mute cancel to small envelope to Massa-Carrara with octogonal "BUENOS-AYRES PAQ.FR. J No. 2 30 DEC 69" alongside, upon arrival charged "10" thus postage due 1l. applied and tied by cds., cover corner damages and some toning, otherwise fine
Lot no.1511



Catalogue no.20I, Italy P11

Opening200 €
Sold for160 €
1868, Rivadavia 5c. brick-red tied by oval cancel "ROSARIO" to folded letter via Buonos Aires and Bordeaux with red cds. "PAYS ETR. / PAQ. ANG. BORDEAUX 8 SEPT 72" to Genoa, upon arrival charged "10" decimes thus postage due 1l. (corner fault) applied on reverse and tied by cds., certificate Roumet (2017)
Lot no.1512



Catalogue no.20I, Italy P10

Opening150 €
Sold for130 €
1868, Rivadavia 5c. brick-red uncancelled on folded lettersheet endorsed "p. Liffey" to Genoa, charged "100" this crossed out and charged "80" reis, reverse with cds. "P. transatlantico 28 /12 72", upon arrival charged "18" decimes thus postage due 60c. as strip of three applied and tied by cds., fine
Lot no.1513



Catalogue no.20I, Italy P8,11

Opening150 €
Sold for120 €
1868, Rivadavia 5c. brick-red tied by cds. "BUONOS AIRES 31 OCT" to folded lettersheet endorsed "Per St. "Tiber" via Southampton" to Genoa, reverse with cds. "P. transatlantico 20/11", upon arrival charged "14" decimes thus postage due 40c. and 1l. applied and tied by cds., all adhesives with faults, still an attractive entire
Lot no.1514



Catalogue no.20I, Italy P7-8,11

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1868, Rivadavia 5c. brick-red tied by cds. "PARANA 4 JUN 1872" to folded letter to Genoa, upon arrival charged "17" decimes thus postage due 30-40c. and 1l. applied on reverse and tied by cds., 40c. corner fault and some ageing, a fine cover
Lot no.1515



Catalogue no.20, Italy P6,10-11

Opening150 €
Sold for240 €
1868, Rivadavia 5c. brick-red tied by cds. "BUENOS AIRES 31 OCT 1876" to envelope to Florence, with two line "T 1-10" alongside, upon arrival charged "17" decimes thus postage due 10 and 60c. and 1l. applied and tied by cds., backflap missing, a fine entire
Lot no.1516



Catalogue no.20I, Italy P11

Opening120 €
Sold for100 €
1868, Rivadavia 5c. brick-red tied by cds. "BUONOS AIRES SET 24 1870" to folded lettersheet endorsed "Per Vapore Nova Scotia" to Genoa with red "OUTRE-MER / BORDEAUX 1 NOV 70" alongside, upon arrival charged "10" decimes thus postage due 1l. applied and tied by cds., horizontal fold through postage due, otherwise fine and attractive entire
Lot no.1517



Catalogue no.20, Ital yP7-8,11

Opening120 €
Sold for96 €
1868, Rivadavia 5c. brick-red tied by mute cancel to folded letter dated "Buenos Ayres 14 settembre 1873" and endorsed "Per Neva", upon arrival charged "17" decimes thus postage due 30-40c. and 1l. applied and tied by cds., a fine entire, signed Diena
Lot no.1518



Catalogue no.20I, Italy P11

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1868, Rivadavia 5c. brick-red tied by cds. "BUONOS AIRES 30 SET 73" to folded letter endorsed "per Ebro" to Genoa, upon arrival charged "10" decimes thus postage due 1l. applied and tied by cds., a fine entire
Lot no.1519



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1868/69, two folded letter(sheets) to Italy with adjacent "BUENOS-AYRES PAQ. FR. K. No 1 12 SEPT 68" resp. "MONTEVIDEO PAQ. FR. K. No. 1 15 MAI 69", charged "10" decimes upon arrival, two fine entires
Lot no.1520



Catalogue no.Great Britain 24,27

Opening300 €
Sold for460 €
1870, Victoria 4d. orange-red and 1s. green with barred "B32" on envelope to Genoa, some ageing, otherwise a fine and scarce entire
Lot no.1521



Catalogue no.Italy P9,11

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1870, folded lettersheet from Buenos Aires to Genoa, upon arrival charged "15" decimes this postage due 50c. and 1l. applied and tied by cds., horizontal fold through 50c., otherwise a fine cover with unusual tax
Lot no.1522



Catalogue no.France 34,44

Opening100 €
Sold for560 €

1870, Ceres 20c. blue, two singles and Bordeaux Ceres 80c. with superb margins, tied by "dotted Anchor" resp. tied by manuscript to double weight coverfront to Chieti, with octogonal "BUENOS-AYRES * 30 JUIL 71" (Salles fig. 1058) and boxed blue "F. * 56" alongside, red boxed "PD" crossed out and red "Affranchisement / Insuffisant" applied, upon arrival charges "20" decimes this postage due 1l. vertical applied with cds., two disinfection slits, despite some imperfections an attractive and scarce item, signed Scheller

Lot no.1523



Catalogue no.Italy P11

Opening120 €
Sold forUnsold
1872, folded lettersheet from Buenos Aires via Bordeaux to Genoa with octogonal "BUENOS-AYRES * 27 DEC 72" and red octogonal "BUENOS-AYRES PAQ FR J No 428 JANV 73" alongside, upon arrival charged "10" decimes thus postage due 1l. applied and tied by cds. to reverse, fine 
Lot no.1524



Catalogue no.Italy P8,11-12

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1872, double weight cover  endorsed "riconosciuto di soli grammi 14½" (recognized of only 14½ grams) via British PO with cds. "BUENOS AYRES FE 14 72" on reverse to Genoa, charged "34" decimes upon arrival thus postage due 40c. and 1-2l. applied and tied by cds., a fine and attractive entire
Lot no.1525



Catalogue no.18-19, Italy P8

Opening200 €
Sold for280 €
1873, Balcarce 1c. violet and Moreno 4c. tied by cds. "BUENOS AIRES 10 MAR 73" to folded lettersheet endorsed "Italo Platenze" to Genoa with handstamp "con Bastim Mercant." alongside, upon arrival charged with "4" decimes thus postage due 40c. applied and tied by cds., two disinfection slits, one through 1c. adhesives, 40c. with small crease, otherwise a fine and scarce entire
Lot no.1526



Catalogue no.Italy P11

Opening150 €
Sold for120 €
1873, folded lettersheet from Buenos Aires endorsed "p. Gironde" to Genoa with octogonal "BUENOS-AYRES PAQ. FR. J. No. 1 11 JANV 73" and scarce boxed "F.*56" alongside, upon arrival charged "10" decimes thus postage due 1l. applied to reverse and tied by cds., a fine cover after the date that the internal postage became mandatory (1. July 1873)
Lot no.1527



Catalogue no.Italy P9-10

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1873, folded letter dated "Buonos Ayres 14 aprile 1873" via London and Milan to Torino, upon arrival charged "17" decimes thus postage due 50c. and vertical pair 60c. added and tied by cds., light bend through 50c., otherwise a fine and unusual entire without 5c. internal franking
Lot no.1528



Catalogue no.20, France 50,55

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold
1874, Rivadavia 5c. brick-red tied by mute cancel and cds. "BUENOS AIRES 30 AVRL 1874" together with France Ceres 15c. brown and 80c. carmine tied by large dotted numerals "2240" to small envelope to Genoa with private routing handstamp "POR MENDOZA" and red cds. "PLATA MARSEILLE" alongside, the cover reduced by about 3 cm, some of French franking missing, Ceres 15c. originally affixed around the envelope. Despite being reduced a very interesting cover showing the private handstamps used by some "Carterias" and the typical pen stroke to make stamp theft visible immediately
Lot no.1529



Catalogue no.20, Italy P11

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold
1874, Rivadavia 5c. brick-red tied by mute cancel and cds. "BUENOS AIRES 12  73" to envelope to Ivrea, with red cds. "PLATA MARSEILLE 14 AOUT 73" alongside, upon arrivsl charged "10" decimes thus postage due 1l. applied and tied by cds., postage due applied at edge, a fine and attractive entire
Lot no.1530



Catalogue no.20, France 35,55

Opening200 €
Sold for520 €
1874, Rivadavia  5c. brick-red tied by cds. "BUENOS AIRES JUL 26 1875" and France Ceres 40c. orange and 80c. rose tied by "dotted ancre" to folded lettersheet to Genoa with adjacent octogonal "BUENOS-AYRES PAQ. FR. J No 5 26 JUL 75", some ageing, otherwise fine and scarce entire
Lot no.1531



Catalogue no.20, France 35,55

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold
1874, Rivadavia 5c. brick-red tied by diamond shaped "J" to reverse and France Ceres 40c. orange and 80c. carmine tied by dotted numeral "2240" (Marseille) to front of folded out cover to Turin, 40c. originally affixed around the letter, thus broken, otherwise fine, signed Calves
Lot no.1532



Catalogue no.20, Italy P8

Opening150 €
Sold for160 €
1874, Rivadavia 5c. brick-red tied by oval shaped cancel "CORREO... de ROSARIO" and cds. "BUENOS AIRES" to folded letter endorsed "Pr. Steamer Po" to Genoa, with three-line "VIA DI MARE (E)" alongside, upon arrival charged with "4" decimes thus postage due 40c. applied and tied by cds., light fold just touching adhesives, otherwise fine
Lot no.1533



Catalogue no.20, Italy P11

Opening150 €
Sold for160 €
1874, Rivadavia 5c. brick-red tied by cds. "BUENOS AIRES 28 JAN 74" to envelope to Rome with octogonal "BUENOS-AYRES PAQ. FR. J No. 5 30 JANV 74" and scarce boxed "F. * 56" alongside, upon arrival charged with "10" decimes thus postage due 1l. applied and tied by cds., a fine and attractive entire
Lot no.1534



Catalogue no.20, Italy P11

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1874, Rivadavia 5c. brick-red tied by cds. "BUENOS AIRES NOV 26 1876" to folded lettersheet to Biella with red octogonal "BUENOS-AYRES PAQ. FR. J No. 6 26 NOV 75" alongside, upon arrival charged with "10" decimes thus postage due 1l. (corner fault) applied and tied by cds., a fine and attractive entire, signed Roumet
