375th Auction

16-21 November in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.1135



Catalogue no.ex 17-23

Opening500 €
Sold for600 €
1929, First Pictorial Issue, 9 essays in larger format, different colours, 6 in combined blocks, also 30 c. and 1,25 l. in black proof blocks of 10 in issued size, the later ones with some faults
Lot no.1136



Catalogue no.Italy 21+ Turk. 15, PD11

Opening500 €
Sold for500 €
1871, Incoming letter from Venice to Scutari, franked with DLR 60 c. lilac, tied by "196", franked in transit with Turkey 1869, 1 pia. yellow and postage due 20 pa. yellow-brown/red-brown, tied by Antivari double circle; a fine and scarce combination letter
Lot no.1137



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
1920, „ZONE NEUTRE GRECO-ALBANAISE A.F.“, violet sender cachet on field postcard without postmark to France and unused photocard „Commission Interalleata delimatazione confine Greco-Albanese“, to that a field postcard 1917 with red sender cachet „MISSION D’EPIRE Le COLONEL FRANCOIS Commandant"
Lot no.1138



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for150 €

1851, Entire letter from "BRUXELLES 12 JUIN 1851" to Württemberg with green boxed "BELG 2eR.", taxed with "36" kr.

Lot no.1139



Catalogue no.18, 15

Opening200 €
Sold for380 €

1865/67, 1 fr. lilac and 2 copies 20 c. blue, tied by dotted "12" to letter from "ANVERS 11 SEPT. 66" addressed to Havana, changed into 'New York'; one 20 c. some short perfs and little shrinkle, still fine

Lot no.1140



Catalogue no.30

Opening150 €
Sold for180 €
1868/80, 30 c. ocre, in vertical strip of 4 (slightly squeezed in the left perforation when applied to the entire) tied by dotted "12" to lettersheet from "ANVERS 15 MARS 72" to Lisbon, Portugal with transit and arrival marks, fine
Lot no.1141



Catalogue no.32, 30

Opening150 €
Sold for150 €
50 c. grey and 2 copies 30 c. ocre, tied to registered sealed envelope from "ANVERS 22 JUIL 1875" to Lille, fine and scarce
Lot no.1142


Catalogue no.34a

Opening170 €
Sold for140 €
1869/80, 5 fr. yellow-brown, used with cds., fine, dealer's signatures
Lot no.1143



Catalogue no.34Ab

Opening300 €
Sold for280 €
1869, King Leopold II. 5 fr. red-brown, unused, fine, sign. Gepr. Senf (Mi. 1.900,-)  
Lot no.1144



Catalogue no.Bl.25U

Opening200 €
Sold for750 €

1957, Belgian Antartic Expedition souvenir sheet imperforate, unused without gum fine (OBPC 1.600,-)

Lot no.1145



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €
1816, “Wilna”, red straight line clear on entire letter with transit marks „Austriches“ and „ALLEMAGNE PAR STRASBOURG“ to Paris with arrival mark, fine  
Lot no.1146



Catalogue no.1A,15-16A

Opening180 €
Sold for280 €
1920, Coat of arms 25f. vermilion as block of 12 with additional franking tied by cds. "WILNO 26 1 21" to reverse of registered cover to Warsaw with censor mark, opened out for display, fine, signed Korzsen
Lot no.1147



Catalogue no.6,29-30A etc.

Opening200 €
Sold for520 €
1920, Overprint Issue 4m. on 20sk. block of four with additional franking tied by cds. "WILNO -5 4 22" to front and reverse of value declared cover to Warsaw, few toned spots, otherwise a fine and very scarce usage
Lot no.1148


Catalogue no.7

Opening600 €
Sold for600 €
1921, Coat of Arms overprint issue 6 m. on 30 sk. ochre, complete sheet with 100 stamps, used, horizontally folded and partly cut at the edges, otherwise fine, rare (Mi. 10.000,-)  
Lot no.1149



Catalogue no.FI+FIV+8

Opening1.800 €
Sold for2.100 €
1920, Overprint issue 10 m. on 50 sk. + 6 m. on 50 sk. + 4 m. on 50 sk. green (position 28-30) within block of 6 with three regular stamps, tied by cds. “WILNO 20.1.21” to part of insured cover to Warsaw, the multiple with minor wrinkle and gum spot, horizontal fold through cover-front not affecting the adhesives, otherwise fine and very rare this being the only used multiple in existence, certificate Schmutz (2005)  
Lot no.1150



Catalogue no.FII+FV+9

Opening2.000 €
Sold for1.800 €
1920, Overprint issue 10 m. on 60 sk. + 6 m. on 60 sk. + 4 m. on 60 sk. lilac and red (field 28-30) within block of 6 with three regular stamps, tied by cds. “WILNO 20.1.21” to piece, horizontal fold through piece not affecting the adhesives, very fine and rare, this being the only used multiple in existence, certificate Schmutz (2005)  
Lot no.1151



Catalogue no.FIII+FVI+10

Opening2.000 €
Sold for2.100 €
1920, Overprint issue 10 m. on 75 sk. + 6 m. on 75 sk. + 4 m. on 75 sk. brown and red (position 28-30) within block of 6 with three regular stamps, tied by cds. “WILNO 20.1.21” to piece, horizontal fold through piece not affecting the adhesives, very fine and rare, this being the only used multiple in existence, certificate Schmutz (2005)
Lot no.1152



Catalogue no.29-30A

Opening200 €
Sold for320 €
1921, Red Cross 2-4M., 2m. tied by cds. "WILNO -7 5 21" to registered cover to Lublin with arrival mark, scarce, fine
Lot no.1153



Catalogue no.34A

Opening80 €
Sold for160 €
1921, Church St. Anna 1 m., horizontal strip of 5, strip of 3 and pair, all tied by cds. „TROKI 20.12.21“ to reverse of cover to Wilno, fine  
Lot no.1154



Catalogue no.36A

Opening100 €
Sold for110 €
3m. as vertical pair (applied over edge) tied by cds. "WILNO 31 VII 21" to colored picture postcard of Wilno, slightly toned, otherwise fine
Lot no.1155



Catalogue no.36A,41A

Opening120 €
Sold for280 €
1921, Coat of Arms 3 m., eight stamps and four single stamps 4 m., all tied by pen cancellation to reverse of registered cover with handwritten dispatch note “rudziszki 6.VIII.921” to Berlin with two currency censor marks „Postüberwachungsstelle Berlin W8“ and arrival mark on rerverse, ink spot at left, otherwise fine   
Lot no.1156



Catalogue no.38,40A

Opening400 €
Sold forUnsold
1921, 5m. single and 10m. as vertival pair tied by cds. "WILNO 17 III 22" to cover to Russia with transit mark of Moscow on reverse, very scarce, fine, signed Korzsen
Lot no.1157



Catalogue no.40A

Opening600 €
Sold forUnsold
1921, 10m. tied by cds. "NOWO-SWIECIANY 13.III.22" to Telegram receipt, stamp applied over edge, very rare and attractive with only a handful of Telegram receipts known
Lot no.1158



Catalogue no.41A

Opening1.000 €
Sold forUnsold
1921, Kosciuszko and Mickiewicz 20 m. tied by cds. "WILNO -3 10 21" to request of an enquiry for a registered letter with adjacent cds. "SOPOCKINIE 24.X.21", folded in the middle and punched at right, stamp with few imperfections of virtual no importance, a very attractive and unique usage, signed Korzsen
Lot no.1159



Catalogue no.41A,40A,38A

Opening100 €
Sold for110 €
Kosciuszko and Mickiewicz 20 m., two single stamps tied by cds. „WILNO 24.10.22“ to registered cover with additional franking via Poland with censor mark „CENZUROWANO.“ to London with arrival mark, small creases on the edge, otherwise fine, singed Mikulski  
Lot no.1160



Catalogue no.42B

Opening1.800 €
Sold forUnsold
1921, Entry of the Poles into Vilnius 100m. imperforated as horizontal pair tied by cds. "NOWO-SWIECIANY 16.II.22" to complete parcel card to Rozyszcze (today Ukraine) with 23stamps Poland Postage due 50m. on reverse as delivery fee, with arrival mark, despite few imperfections a very attractive and extremely rare usage with only 4 known parcel cards in total
Lot no.1161



Catalogue no.43A

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
1921, Gouverneur Zeligowski 150 m. tied by cds. „WILNO 1 2.I.22“ to registered express cover to Dortmund, Germany with currency censor label and arrival mark on reverse  
Lot no.1162



Catalogue no.47B

Opening200 €
Sold for200 €
1922, Opening of Sejm 75m. tied by cds. "WILNO 1 28.III.22" to reverse of registered cover to Krakow with arrival mark, fine
Lot no.1163



Catalogue no.P24

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
POLISH PERIOD: 1919, postal stationery card 15 f. used from „WILNO 25.9.“ with tax mark „T“ and unclear censor mark to London, long Hebrew text, sign. Mikulski  
Lot no.1164



Catalogue no.Poland 172-74

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
POLISH PERIOD: Coat of arms 50m. two singles, 100m. single and block of six and 200m. single tied by cds. "WILNO 6.III.23" to reverse of registered civer to Vienna, fine
Lot no.1165



Catalogue no.16, 42, P

Opening80 €
Sold for80 €
1941, 5 d. and provisional issue 2 DIN on 4 d., used on postcard landscapes 1 k. as registered postcard from "SARAJEWO 22.IX41" via Bukarest to Istanbul, slight transportation marks and top left corner of the card damaged, very scarce foreign mail
Lot no.1166



Catalogue no.48, 50

Opening60 €
Sold for60 €
1942, "Cuvajic se pjegavca-cistoca cura zivot!" (Beware of typhoid-cleanliness safes lives!), boxed marking on postcard from Sarajewo to Zagreb
Lot no.1167



Catalogue no.103 proof

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold
1943, Famous Croatians 1 k., plate proof in issued colour on ungummed yellow paper of poor quality, block of 25, fine and scarce multiple
Lot no.1168



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for70 €
1943, Red Cross postcard for Italian prioners of war, 2 items sent to Italy, one with heavy creasing
Lot no.1169



Catalogue no.160

Opening70 €
Sold for60 €
1944, 3rd anniversay of statehood 18+19 k. used with war relief tax stamp on registered express cover from "RETFALA 3 VI 44", used locally, some folds not affecting the stamps
Lot no.1170



Catalogue no.161

Opening70 €
Sold for70 €
1944, Jure Francietic 12,50+287,50 k. with war relief tax surcharge stamp 10 k. used on local registered cover from "ZAGREB 29.VI.40" with arrival mark of the next day, receipt enclosed; a very scarce single franking
