375th Auction
16-21 November in Wiesbaden
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5 £ orange, AE, with overprint "SPECIMEN" type 9, fresh colour, gum slightly soaked in upper perfs and one short perf at left, otherwise a fine and rare stamp (SG £4.500,-)
1873/80, 1 s. green, pl. 13, 3 copies tied by duplex "EXCHANGE LIVERPOOL 16 JA 78" to entire letter to Lima, Peru, stamp at top right small defects, still fine
1884, 1 £ brown-lilac, watermark imperial crowns, used, very fine (SG £ 3.000,-)
1884, 1 £ brown-lilac, watermark imperial crowns, used, very fine (SG £ 3.000,-)
1902, King Edward VII. 10 sh. ultramarine, unused, fine (SG 1.000,-)
1929, UPU £ 1 black, unmounted mint, fine, signed
1887/92, Victoria 1 £ green AC, neatly cancelled by central small cds. "GLASGOW DE 31 96", one shortish perf and a trifle rubbed at left, still fine and attractive, certificate BPA (2020)
"C51" on 1865/73, 4 d. vermilion, pl. 8, on entire letter from "ST. THOMAS JA 2 67" to Jacmel, Haiti, very fine
"AMSTERDAM Fo. GRENZEN" in red on entire letter from Amsterdam to Copenhagen, prepaid with "5" stuiver (noted on reverse), transported via Wildeshausen and Hamburg and charged in Denmark with 200 Rbs. N.V.
"Aus Schweden", boxed marking on front of entire letter with blue dispatch mark "TRONDHJEM 6/12 1852" via Helsingoer and the Swedish Norwegian post office at Hamburg with frontside oval "FRANCO" to Bordeaux
"befördert durch J.H. Venauer & Priess, Lübeck 11 Juli 1814" in manuscript with adjacent "H.P." on reverse of entire letter from Stockholm to Oldenburg, endorsed "frei Hambg." and frontside "ST. P. LUB."
"C.P." framed black cancel struck twice on folded cover from "LEMBERG 28 OCT" sent to Torino, there re-addressed to Civitavecchia there again re-addressed to Florence, fine
"CRED AUST. Sdi" black straight-line on under paid envelope franked with Austria Emperor Franz Joseph 10k. blue with cds. "WIEN 15 5 68" to Brescia, a fine and attractive entire
"D" in red and "P" in red, each on folded letter from Modena to Venezia resp. Verona, fine
"D.A,a.L" in black resp. in red on cover to Genoa resp. Turin, fine
"DA-FA" (Diretta Austria, Fiorentino Austriache) in black on folded lettersheet franked with India 1855 Victoria 8a. carmine, tied by duplex cds. "CALCUTTA MY 8", cover endorsed "per St. Simla" with boxed "INDIA PAID" alongside, to Genoa, a fine and attractive entire
"DANEMARCK", octagonal handstamp on entire letter from "CHRISTIANIA 16/7 1852" via Hamburg to Paris, endorsed "franco dansk Graendse", altered to "franco direct" charged "11" decimes
"DANEMARCK PAR HAMBOURG" clear on entire letter from Copenhagen 1826 to Rome, partpaid to the border of the Papal States ("Hambourg" in "frco Hambourg" crossed out)
"DANEMARCK PAR HAMBOURG" and "T.T.R.4" on entire letter 1824 from Trondheim to Bordeaux, endorsed "over Fredhavn". The letter was according to the postal of 1821 paid to Hamburg, charged "19" decimes at Bordeaux for the remaining route
"DANEMARCK PAR HAMBOURG", double line marking on entire printed business circular dated 1.1.1848, privately carried to Copenhagen and posted here with greenish "KJØBENHAVEN 3 1 1848" via Hamburg and France to Porto with blue handstamp "480" (reis), 40 reis inland postage added and a total of "520" reis due
"D'ANGLETERRE", two covers from London to Genoa, fine
"D / blason / B" faint struck on two folded letters to Lille resp. Bruxelles, in addition to covers endorsed "de basle", scarce
"DE LYON" black straight-line on folded letter to Turin, in addition folded letter from St. Quentin to Treviso, fine
"DE PROVENACE" good strike on small folded letter from Nizza, signed Pothion, fine
"DE TURIN", struck on two covers from 1750 and 1756, in addition one cover from "TURIN" to Montpellier, fine
"Diretto Pontificio" handwritten and as ornamental straight-line cancel on two folded letters, both re-addressed, fine
"DIRETTO TOSCANO L" red straight-line on folded letter to Florence, and same mark in black on franked cover to Paris, both re-addressed to resp. Paris resp. Torino, a nice pair, the franked cover a little unfresh, otherwise fine
"D. SICILES S.E.-MARSEILLE 5 NOV 67" in blue on unpaid envelope from Naples endorsed "Col Vapore Capri - Via Marsiglia" to Wellington, fine
"E. PONT 1. S.E. MARSEILLE 15 AOUT 61" in blue on folded letter from Rome endorsed "Via Mare Vapore Neapolitano" to London, a little unfresh, in the folds partly separated, otherwise fine
"F.*56" and "GB/1F." on cover without dispatch mark to Genua, taxed with "10" decimes with Italy postage due 1 l. applied, cancelled "GENOVA 17 NOV 70"
"F.AVPONT" in black, struck on folded lettersheet to Rome, and handwritten "franc au pont" on folded letter from Annecy to Lyon, fine
"JAC. LUD. BRUHNS & SOHN LÜBECK" blue oval forwarding agent mark with manuscript date "6 März 56' on reverse of entire letter from Lovisa, Finland via "LUEBECK 6/3" to London, file folds
"NONFRANCATO", boxed red marking clear on small envelope from "ROMA 28 MAG 75" to New York with arrival mark on front, somewhat creased
"OESTERR: JITALIEN" großer Ovalstempel auf Faltbrief (1848) von Mailand via Berlin und Stralsund nach Stockholm, ein sehr schöner und attraktiver Brief mit dem seltenen Stempel
"P39.", boxed marking on unpaid entire letter from Copenhagen with duplex "181 / SJ.JB.P.SP.B. 4/5" (1866) to Bordeaux, on reverse blue "1½ a.P." with matching railway mark "LÜBECK/LAUENBURG"
"P.A." in red on part-paid cover from "CALUSO" to Augsburg, in addition unpaid lettersheet from Genoa to Offenbach, fine (vdL. 2121)