375th Auction

16-21 November in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.1241



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for160 €
1802, "Address of the Burgher Council of St. Thomas d.b. 19 febr. 1802" to the honorable Lt. Colonel Casimir William von Scholten, governor of St. Thomas from 1800 to 1801 and 1803 to 1807, interesting item
Lot no.1242



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1804, Entire letter from St. Thomas to Hartford, Ct., on front red "SHIP" and "NEW YORK FEB 19", charged "14½" c.
Lot no.1243



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for440 €
1814, "ST:THOMAS NOV 29 1814", large fleuron, nice strike on unpaid double rate lettersheet to London, charged on arrival with "4/4". Slightly stained on reverse, otherwise fine and very scarce
Lot no.1244



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold
1829, Entire letter from St. Croix to Aberdeen, transported by the "Sheldrake" of the Leeward Line, charged with "5/2", transported to Falmouth with unframed "F/LEEWARD ISLAND FE 26 1829", fine
Lot no.1245



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for150 €
1837, Entire letter from St. Croix to Toronto, Canada, showing on front red "SHIP" and "NEW-YORK APR 2" and green "QUEENSTON AP 10 1837", charged with a total of "1/11½"; 2 vertical file folds, one affecting the Queenston cancel; a fine letter with scarce destination
Lot no.1246



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
1840, "LEEWARD ISLAND F" in green, clear strike on reverse of entire letter (the contents proving that it is coming from St. Thomas) to Edinburgh with clear London arrival mark of June 18, charged on arrival with "6/-"; some vertical folds, still fine and very scarce
Lot no.1247



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for140 €
1854, "FOREIGN LETTER OFFICE ST. THOMAS" on reverse of entire letter from Mayaguez, Puerto Rico to New York, privately carried to St. Thomas and from here sent to Baltimore with frontside blue arrival mark of November 16, "SHIP" and "7" (cents due); a file fold on front with paper break and entire slightly stained
Lot no.1248



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1861, red "FORWARDED BY KOEFOED WHITMORE & Co. ST. THOMAS" on reverse of entire letter to New York with frontside "5" cents due
Lot no.1249



Catalogue no.7IbH

Opening70 €
Sold for130 €
4 c. blue/brown, diagonal bisect, tied by cds. "CHRISTIANSTED 10/2 1903" to envelope to Frederiksted with arrival mark, very fine
Lot no.1250



Catalogue no.


SHIP MAIL: 1869, Jesurun issue ½ real green, perf. 10 vertical marginal pair, precancelled with violet ink, used on envelope to Curacao with frontside arrival mark of 5.2.1874 with blue due notation "30". A rare franking, certificate C.A. Møller AIEP (2007) (Facit LG21)

Lot no.1251



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
Cntavos issue: ½ cent on brown, vertical block of 15, unmounted mint, the left row partly touched/cut into, otherwise very fine and fresh. A very scarce multiple, certificate C.A. Møller AIEP (Facit LG35)
Lot no.1252



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for200 €
II. PRINTING: ½ cent on brown, horizontal block of 10 with all transfer types, unmounted mint; 4 stamps slightly touched/cut into, otherwise very fine and fresh (one stamp natural paper bore); a rare multiple, certificate C.A. Møller AIEP (Facit LG35)
Lot no.1253



Catalogue no.

Opening600 €
Sold forUnsold
"PAID AT ST. THOMAS" (CC2), good strike on entire letter from St. Croix with adjacent Danish "CHRISTIANSTED 12 5 1862" to South Zorra, West Canada, endorsed "Via Halifax", paid with 4 c. inland postage and "pd 4 d." British postage to Halifax, transported via "ST. GEORGES MY 18 1862", on reverse also transit mark of Quebec and arrival mark of May 31; on front marked "unpaid 5" which was applied to part paid letters. A very interesting and rare letter with light patina, one of the few recorded carried by open mail
Lot no.1254



Catalogue no.GB 24+ US 20

Opening2.000 €
Sold for2.900 €

BRITISH POST OFFICE: "C51" on 4 d. vermilion, pl. 10 with adjacent red "ST. THOMAS PAID MY 18 69" on lettersheet from Mayaguez, Puerto Rico to Philadelphia, endorsed "p.W.I.Str.", changed in "Str. via New York", additionally franked with US 1861/67, 10 c. green with cork cancel and adjacent "N.YORK STEAM SHIP JUN 4". The letter was privately carried to St. Thomas to forwarding agent George A. Flips & Co. (blue oval handstamp on reverse), intended to be carried by the Brazilian line S.S. Mississippi, due at St. Thomas on May 14 and therefore franked with the US stamp. However, the steamer wrecked at Martinique and the forwarding agent added the British stamp to catch the British packet departing on May 18 for Havana. A very fine and rare letter, just 3 similar covers recorded

Lot no.1255



Catalogue no.

Opening600 €
Sold for480 €
1 d. rose-red, plate 186, tied by vertical barred oval "C51" on 'sailor's letter' envelope from a seaman on HMS "SHAH" to England with arrival mark of July 30, 1877. Part of reverse flap missing and small faults, still fine and extremely scarce (SG Z3)
Lot no.1256



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €
TRANSIT MAIL: COLUMBIA-UNITED STATES: 1853, Entire letter from Barranquilla to New York, showing on front clear "RECD. & FORWD. BY M. PRETTO & Co. ST. THOMAS" and red "PAID AT ST. THOMAS" (CC1) with adjacent manuscript "1/-", on reverse clear dispatch mark "ST. THOMAS OC 18 1853"
Lot no.1257



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for90 €
CUBA-FRANCE: 1861, Entire letter from Santiago to Nantes, showing on reverse blue oval forwarding agent mark "G. NUNES & GOMMEZ ST. THOMAS" and British PO "ST. THOMAS AU 13 1861". On arrival charged with "8 decimes" but cancelled and changed to "16" in manuscript
Lot no.1258



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for220 €
CUBA-FRANCE: 1861, Entire letter from Santiago to Bordeaux, handled by forwarding agents "H. GRAFFSTEDT & Co. ST.JAGO DE CUBA" and "HEISE SCHMIDT & Co. ST. THOMAS", posted at the British PO with date stamp "ST. THOMAS C FE .. 61". A fine and interesting entire with very rare code "C"
Lot no.1259



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
MARTINIQUE - UNITED STATES: 1860, Envelope from "FORT DE FRANCE MARTINIQUE 27 MARS 1860" via St. Pierre to St. Thomas, here handled by forwarding agent Koefoed, Whitmore & Co. (clear red oval on front) and handed over to the Danish PO, here posted with cds. "ST:-THOMAS 15 4 1860" by private ship to Boston with frontside arrival mark, "SHIP" and "5" (cents due), small marginal faults
Lot no.1260



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for400 €
PRUSSIA - UNITED STATES: 1851, Entire letter from "COELN 17/2", prepaid with "39½" silbergroschen addressed to a member of the German ship "Reform" at San Francisco, endorsed "via Panama", travelled via London, in closed package per "Trend" to St. Thomas (arrived March 19) and on March 24 per "Great Western" to Shagres and further via Panama to San Francisco, on reverse forwarding agent mark "Reynolds & Co. Express / San Francisco" and oval "NOT PAID", both in blue. A fine and extremely rare letter of the forwarding agent Reynolds & Co., who disappeared already in the fall of 1851
Lot no.1261



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for120 €
PUERTO RICO - GREAT BRITAIN: 1836, Entire letter with black "FORWARDED BY WHITMORE & Co. ST. THOMAS" to London with arrival mark of July 2, 1836 and red boxed "PACKET LETTER" on front, charged "2/2"
Lot no.1262



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
PUERTO RICO - GREAT BRITAIN: 1850, Entire letter from Guayama with red oval "FORWARDED BY WHITMORE & Co. ST. THOMAS" (oval in red), and British ST:-THOMAS MR 30 1850" to London with April 21 arrival mark, charged "2/2"
Lot no.1263



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for110 €
PUERTO RICO - UNITED STATES: 1863, Entire letter from Arecibo, transported by forwarding agent to San Juan and here posted at British PO with red "PORTO-RICO PAID" with manuscript "1/-" via "ST.-THOMAS JY 29 1863" via Spanish mail to Havana and from here to New York, charged "10" cents
Lot no.1264



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for110 €
VENEZUELA - GREAT BRITAIN: 1850, Entire letter with clear "CORREO DE VENEZUELA / GUAYRA FRANCA" with adjacent "2" (reales) via "ST:-THOMAS SE 13 1850", Southampton and London (October 5) to Bordeaux, on front red boxed "COLONIES & c. ART.13", charged on arrival with "15" decimes
Lot no.1265



Catalogue no.Fr.48, 51

Opening3.000 €
Sold for2.700 €
VENEZUELA-MEXICO: 1873, Lettersheet from Maracaibo to Vera Cruz, privately carried to Curacao, showing on reverse forwarding agent mark "J. GAERSTE & Co. CURACAO / 21 MAI 73", forwarded to St. Thomas with frontside seal (CONSULAAT DER NEDERLANDEN TE ST. THOMAS" (acting as forwarding agent). Here the letter was delivered to the Danish post office with frontside "ST. THOMAS 6/6 1873" and sent on, franked with France Ceres 5 centimes green and 25 centimes blue, each in horizontal pair, tied by anchor handstamp with adjacent "ST. THOMAS PAQ. FR. B No.4". One 5 centimes affected by vertical crease and the lettersheet with some separation in the folds (fixed). A fascinating and most likely unique cover via the Dutch Consulate
Lot no.1266



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for80 €
VENEZUELA - UNITED STATES: 1874, Entire letter from La Guaira with frontside blue oval marking of forwarding agent F. de Aldeoca & Co. and cds. "ST. THOMAS 11/2 1874" to New York with adjacent "NEW YORK JU 11 U.S. CURRENCY"
Lot no.10024


1 2 3 6

Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for460 €
1856/1917, ungebrauchte und gestempelte kleine Sammlung mit Mi.-Nr. 1-4
Lot no.10025


1 3 6

Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold for1.050 €
1856/1915, ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung ab Mi.-Nr. 1 ungebraucht bzw. gestempelt, außerdem Mi.-Nr. 9 gestempelt, des Weiteren ein Teil Ganzsachen, meist gute Erhaltung
Lot no.10026


0 6

Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for520 €
1881/1917, kleine Partie mit 19 Briefen und Karten, dabei diverse Halbierungen und deutsche Marineschiffspost, dazu 'Protest-Vignette' von 1917 im kpl. Kleinbogen
Lot no.10027



Catalogue no.

Opening2.000 €
Sold for3.200 €
1804/68 (ca.), 39 Vorphila- bzw. unfrankierte Briefe, dabei Einzeiler "(ST.). THOMAS", Forwarding-Agent-Stempel, Schiffspost-Stempe, Post vom britischen Postamt, "PACKET LETTER" etc.