375th Auction

16-21 November in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.1346


Catalogue no.20

Opening400 €
Sold for400 €
1862/67, Athens consecutive printings 20 l. with Control Number "80", used, rare and fine
Lot no.1347


0 1

Catalogue no.32

Opening2.000 €
Sold for7.500 €
1871/72, Paper of minor quality 1 l. brown on yellowish partsheet of 60 stamps from the upper part of the sheet with full margins on 3 sides and plate flaws on pos. 44 and 55, unused with original gum and partly light adhesions, few small spots free of gum, still very fine and fresh; a rare block, certificate Holcombe (1988) (Hellas 32, Vlasdos 44)
Lot no.1348


0 1

Catalogue no.42

Opening500 €
Sold for400 €
1871/76, Meshed paper 40 l. dull olive-green on blue, block of 70 stamps from the lower part of the sheet (pos. 81-150) with several control number varieties, unused with original gum, most stamp unmounted mint, some internal paper breaks partly backed, but generally fine (Hellas 42I)
Lot no.1349



Catalogue no.56

Opening400 €
Sold forUnsold
1880/86, Athens printings without Control Numbers 10 l. yellow-orange, on white paper, printed in high pressure but with a small quantity of ink, the result being a very clear stamp with intense relief and contrast, showing Hermes as "shaved". Few tiny gum spots due to heavily pressed paper during the print; mint with original gum, nice balanced margins all around. Very few known, very fine (Hellas 56cPa)
Lot no.1350


0 1

Catalogue no.59

Opening300 €
Sold for800 €
1881, Colour change 20 l. aniline in vertical block of 20, the vertical left row with part print due to fold over, so part of design on reverse, unused o.g., most stamps unmounted mint; tear in the top sheet margin backed, otherwise fine, an interesting variety (Hellas 59II)
Lot no.1351



Catalogue no.106-07

Opening150 €
Sold for160 €
1896, Olympic Games 5 and 10 dr., unused, 10 dr. tiny thin on reverse, otherwise fine, sign. Ferchenbauer (Mi. 1.100,-)  
Lot no.1352



Catalogue no.371

Opening300 €
Sold for270 €
1933, Definitives 100 dr. with sheet margin at bottom with part of inscription, unmounted mint, fine (Mi. 1.500,-)  
Lot no.1353



Catalogue no.P12-13 proof

Opening600 €
Sold for480 €
1900, New design Hermes 5 l. and 10 l., 6 proof sheetlets with both dies on unwatermarked and angummed paper, all in different colours, typographed, some with staining, but except one all only very minor and only marginal
Lot no.1354



Catalogue no.P12-13 proof

Opening300 €
Sold for240 €
5 l. and 10 l., similar die proofs with more detailed design, 2 sheetlets with 2 dies each in red and blackish-green on ungummed paper
Lot no.1355



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for340 €
1839/45,  Two similar entire folded letters from Canea, forwarded by Agents (Petrocochino & Caralli) to Syra (Greek Post Office, 30.8.1839 & 20.10.1843) and then sent to Marseilles with "Grece 1 Marseille", both disinfected in Malta, with "Purifie au Lazaret Malte" and rated 10 decimes ; also, a letter sheet from Lyon 27.12.1845 sent to Canea via Marseilles and Syra, interesting & very fine
Lot no.1356



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for460 €
1840/43, 2 entires to/from Switzerland: entire letter (part missing) from Athens 29.5.1843 with boxed "DP" (postage paid) to St Aubin 26.6.1843, via Malta, desinfected, with "Purifie au Lazaret Malte" and "Grece Marseille 1", rated "72" and "74" centimes and entire folded letter from Neuchatel-en-Suisse 27.10.1840  to Atens 1.11.1840, via Lyon and Marseille, rated 100 lepta, unusual and fine to very fine
Lot no.1357



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold
1844, Postal printed document (request for notice of receipt) issued on 16 March 1844 and stamped with the negative seal of "Epistasia Tachydromiou Pireos" (Superintendency of Piraeus Post Office, with King Otto Coat of Arms), 2-3 known, folded
Lot no.1358



Catalogue no.

Opening180 €
Sold for200 €
1853, Two envelopes from Athens 5.6.1853 and 25.6.1853, sent to Anvers via "Grece 2 Marseille" (red entry postmarks), rated "11" decimes, scarce destination, fine
Lot no.1359



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for160 €
1858/70, 3 unpaid letters forwarded from Lemnos island (1858), Smyrna (cover only, 1863) and Milos island (1870, by forwarding agent Pietro Rali & Co) to Syros (Greek Post Office) and then sent to Triest and London, with manuscript taxes or tax stamp "28", unusual and fine 
Lot no.1360



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for120 €
1860, Entire folded letter from Bitolia (Monastir/Bitol, North Macedonia) to Constantinople with sender's mark on front, carried by Forwarding Agent "B.G. Papasoglu, Salonique, 18.5.60" (blue handstamp on reverse - not listed in Rowe), very fine
Lot no.1361



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for180 €
1861, Entire letter from Patras to Tunis, endorsed "Via Pyreo Col Vapore francese", showing on front oval forwarding agent mark "CARISSI & VRISACHI MARSEILLE" and posted "MARSEILLE 27 JUIN 61", tax mark "30", also entire letter from Tunis 1854 to Athens, transported privately
Lot no.1362



Catalogue no.3,4,5

Opening500 €
Sold for560 €
1861, Unpaid entire folded letter from "Triest 10/10" via Athens (15.10) to Nafplion with arrival mark of 16.10.61 (old style calendar). Blue notation 3/15 (kreuzer) and red crayon "75" lepta, paid with 5 + 10 + 3x20 lepta Paris print (the 5 lepta with 4 margins). Posted on 28 September 1861 (old style calendar), three days before the issue of the Large Hermes stamps and canceled on the 16th day. 3 stamps affected by creases, still attractive and rare early letter with interesting destination
Lot no.1363



Catalogue no.3,6,13II

Opening400 €
Sold for1.350 €

1862, Entire folded letter sent from Syros 25.8., franked with Paris print 5 l. in pair + 40 l. together with Athens fine provisional printing 20 l., tied by dotted "67", and adjacent boxed "DP" (postage paid), sent to Corfu 9.Sept. (new style calendar). Local fee "1"d noted in black crayon. All stamps with good to very fine margins; very interesting item from Greece to the Ionian State

Lot no.1364



Catalogue no.3,12I,13Ia

Opening400 €
Sold for480 €
1862, Upaid letter sheet from Triest 31.5, sent to Tripolis 26.5.62 (old style calendar), via Athens 24.5.62. Blue notation 3/15 (kreuzer) and red crayon "75" lepta, paid with Paris print 5 l. + Athens coarse provisional printings 10l. + strip of 3 20 l. deep blue. The 10 lepta with tear, but interesting destination, rare strip of three and good appearance
Lot no.1365



Catalogue no.7,12II

Opening200 €
Sold for340 €
1862, Entire folded letter from Syros 8.7.62 (old style calendar), franked with Paris print 80 lepta (two faulty copies) and Athens provisional printing 10 l. with adjacent red "PED" (external fee paid), sent to Manchester 28.7.62. Accountancy marking "W.FR.20" (kreuzer, van der Linden ad. 105) and red circular "P" upon transit via London, very interesting
Lot no.1366



Catalogue no.13I

Opening150 €
Sold for135 €
1862: Entire folded letter franked with coarse Athens provisional printing 20 l. dark Prussian blue, tied by dotted "15", sent from Nafplion 15.6.62 to Gythion 17.6.62, nice appearance and good to very fine margins
Lot no.1367



Catalogue no.12II,22I,20

Opening150 €
Sold for190 €
1862, letter sheet from Syros 7.10.62 sent to Vienna, franked with Athens provisional printing 10 l. and Athens consecutive printings 20l. and 80 l.,  tied by dotted "67", with red "PED" (external fee paid) showing the payment of Austrian Lloyd fees. One corner of the 80 lepta missing, otherwise fine and interesting
Lot no.1368



Catalogue no.13II

Opening300 €
Sold for240 €
1862, "RHODUS 17.DIC" blue double line with adjacent "FRANCA" on entire letter prepaid with 10 soldi (red crayon on reverse), sent to Syros 9.12.61 (old style calendar), with oval postman's "1"and manuscript tax "20" lepta in red crayon, paid by a very nice 20 lepta Athens Provisional printing, tied by dotted "67", rare and very fine
Lot no.1369



Catalogue no.13II,14II

Opening200 €
Sold for160 €
1862, Large heavy entire letter franked with Athens provisional printings 20l.and 40 l., tied by dotted "32" (Sparti), sent to Gythion 25.12.62 (Christmas day). The 40 lepta with three margins; nice 3rd weight rate and very unusual
Lot no.1370



Catalogue no.10II,19I,22I, 20

Opening150 €
Sold for320 €
1863, Unpaid entire letter from Genova 23.10.63 to Athens, with Athens provisional printing 2 l.,10l., 20l. and 80 l., tied by Athen cds., "112" lepta in red crayon; interesting and fine, the 10 lepta with four margins
Lot no.1371



Catalogue no.18,20,21b

Opening150 €
Sold for120 €
1863, Unpaid entire letter from Galaxidion 17.2.68 sent via Athens & Pireaus to Constantinople 24.2.68, franked with consecutive printing 5l., 20l. and 40 l., Red crayon "65" lepta; all stamps with nice to superb margins
Lot no.1372



Catalogue no.18,19,20,21a

Opening200 €
Sold for340 €
1864, Unpaid entire folded letter from Venice 18.3 to Syros 12.3.64 (old style calendar), via Triest 19.3. Blue 10/15 (kreuzer) and red crayon "95" lepta, paid with Athens consecutive printings 5l., 10l., 20 + 40 lepta (lifted for inspection); cover small corner faul, interesting and good to fine stamps
Lot no.1373



Catalogue no.19,21a; 26,28

Opening200 €
Sold for800 €
1864, 1870, Two items with French and Greek stamps: Entire folded letter sent from French PO Constantinople 3.3.64 franked with 4x10c 'Empire dentele' (one damaged), tied by GC 5083, with red crayon "50" lepta, paid with Consecutive printings 10l. and 40 l. (light filing crease), tied by Athens 22.2.64 cds. and Folded invoice sent from Lyon 15.11.70, franked with pair of 20c 'Empire laure', tied by GC 2145, with boxed "Affranchissement Insuffisant" and "50" lepta in black pen and in blue crayon, paid with cleaned plates 10l. and 40 l., interesting pair
Lot no.1374



Catalogue no.20

Opening150 €
Sold for360 €
1864, letter sheet from "LEFKAS 29.NOV.64" (blue cds of the Ionian State period, Santa Maura), sent to Patras 5.12.64 via Athens 3.12.64 with Athens consecutive printings 20 lepta to pay the inland fee. the letter was mailed during the transition period (21 May 1864, to 14 January 1865), after the Ionian Islands were ceded to Greece, when the Islands continued to use their own postmarks. The two mail systems were fully integrated, with Greek cancellation devices and postage stamps, on 15.1.1865 (old style), very interesting, some cover faults and stamp with light crease
Lot no.1375



Catalogue no.17,19,21a,22

Sold forUnsold

1865: Envelope from Athens 25.12.65 (Christmas day) sent to Geneva 13.1.66, franked with Athens consecutive printings 2l.,10l.,40l. and 80 l., tied by dotted "1" with adjacent red "PED" (external postage paid) showing that the fee for the Italian steamer was paid; boxed "Piroscafi Postali Italiani" upon transit via Brindisi; cover little roughly opened; very interesting and all stamps with four good to very fine margins

Lot no.1376



Catalogue no.18,19,20,21a

Opening150 €
Sold for190 €
1865, Unpaid entire folded letter from Triest 4.2, sent to Kalamai 2.2.65 (old style calendar), via Athens 29.1.65. Black pen 3/15 (kreuzer) and red crayon "75" lepta, paid with Athens consecutive printings 5l., 10l., 20l. and 40 l. (the 10 and 40 l. with 2 and 3 margins respectively), interesting destination & fine appearance
Lot no.1377



Catalogue no.19,21a

Opening200 €
Sold for300 €
1866, Unpaid letter sheet from French PO Constantinople 26.9.66 via Piraeus to Athens 16.9.66 (new style calendar, type II) with red crayon "50" lepta, paid by Athens consecutive printings 10 l. and 40 l..The mail addressed to Greece from Constantinople (mainly) and Smyrna, is rarely sent via the French or Austrian Post Offices, as the senders preferred the Greek Post Office of these two towns, very fine
Lot no.1378



Catalogue no.19,20,21a,22

Opening200 €
Sold for260 €
1866, letter sheet from Patras 1.5.66 to Triest, franked with Athens consecutive printings 10l., 20l., 40l. and 80 l., tied by dotted "9", with red PED (external fee paid) showing the payment of Austrian Lloyd fee. Interesting 150 lepta rate, clear to very good margins, fine
Lot no.1379



Catalogue no.19,20,22

Opening150 €
Sold for340 €
1867, Upaid entire folded letter from London 21.11.67 via Paris with black boxed accountancy marking F.54 and Marseille 23.11.67, to Patras, 19.11.67 ( old style calendar); red crayon "110" lepta, paid with Athens consecutive printings 10l., 20l. and 80 l., partly cut into, very unusual
Lot no.1380



Catalogue no.20

Opening180 €
Sold for650 €
1867, Entire folded letter from Malta 17.7.1867, endorsed "per Steamer Ada", to Athens 10.7.67 (new style calendar), with boxed entry mark "Yperthalassia" ("from the sea", used at Piraeus) and red crayon "20", paid by Athens consecutive printings 20 lepta on green, tied by "Athens 10.7.67", very unusual & fine
Lot no.1381



Catalogue no.18,20

Opening300 €
Sold for850 €
1868, letter sheet franked with 2 different shades of Athens consecutive printings 20 l. (blue and deep dark blue) from Patras 8.7.68 to Constantinople via Athens and Piraeus 10.7.68 () with adjacent boxed "Affranchissement Insuffisant" and marked in red crayon "5" lepta, paid with a 5 l.. Very unusual, rare shade of the one 20 lepta; vertical cover crease and some minor staining, all stamps with very nice margins and fine appearance  
