375th Auction
16-21 November in Wiesbaden
1843, folded letter from Panama via Le Havre to Genoa with two-line "VIA DI Pt BEAUVOISIN" and charged 30 decimes, fine
1854, folded letter dated "Popayan 5..." to Torino with red boxed "COLONIES & C. ART 13" alongside, charged 17 decimes, a little soiled, otherwise fine
1862, Napoleon Lauré 40c. orange and 80c. rose tied by dotted "Ancre" to envelope with octogonal consular cancel "ASPINWALL PAQ. FR. A No 3 1 AOUT 73" alongside to Ancona, a rare and attractive entire
1876, 10c. brown tied by oval "BOGOTA" to envelope via French consular agency with cds. "SAVANILLA 2 JUIN 79" to Vigone, upon arrival charged "12" decimes thus postage due vertical pair and single 5c. and singles 10c. and 1l. applied and tied by cds. "VIGONE 26 GIU 79", postage due partly originally affixed around the cover, some faults, a little unfresh, scarce cover
1859/1971, postfrische, ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit Doubletten, dabei bessere Ausgaben, Departementos, Scadta und etwas Panama