375th Auction
16-21 November in Wiesbaden
1897, Newfoundland Dog, large design Die proof on carton paper, unsued without gum, fine
15 c. large Die proof black on white paper with plate no. “191”, unused without gum, fine
15 c. large Die proof chocolate on thin paper without watermark, light vertical fold on left and small tear at right, otherwise fine
15 c. large Die proof chocolate on white paper with plate no. “191”, unused without gum, fine
Transatlantic Flight $ 1 blue without watermark, block of 4, two stamps imperforate at right, unused, fine
1930, Aeroplane and Dog-team 15 c. chocolate with watermark, horizontal pair imperf. Between, unused, fine, signed (SG £ 1.000,-)
1931, Newfoundland Dog 14 c. large Die proof, black on white paper, unused without gum, fine
1933, Aeroplane and Dog-team 15 c. chocolate with overprint error “reading up”, mint never hinged, very fine, rare (SG £ 5.000,-)
1858/2003, gestempelte Sammlung mit u.a. Mi.-Nr. 38-50, 84-91, etc. in 2 Leuchtturm-Alben
CANADA 1870/1940 (ca.) Etwa 170 meist postfrische und ungebrauchte Zigaretten- und Tabaksteuermarken mit besseren Werten fast ausnahmslos in hervorragender Qualität.
1884/1949 (ca.) CANADA. Bestand mit über 350 postfrischen und gebrauchten Ganzsachen, hauptsächlich Victoria, aber auch seltenere George VI, dabei auch Neufundland