376th Auction

19-24 April 2021 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.4001



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for450 €
1818, Lettersheet with original contents, dated May 9 from Commander Løbner to surgeon Amysen, endorsed "K.T." (kongelig tjeneste); on reverse nice red wax seal with royal cypher.
Lot no.4002



Catalogue no.

Opening350 €
Sold for400 €
1835, Entire private skyds letter, dated October 23, from Jansagerdi rectory near Midvaag to Sandevaag, endorsed "pr. Exp.", requiring express service. Only 4 private express letters of skyds post have been recorded
Lot no.4003



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for135 €
1855, Entire local letter dated 'Thorshavn d 29ten September 1855', addressed to trade manager Kauffeld
Lot no.4004



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for150 €
1855 (ca.), Parcel accompanying lettersheet endorsed "medvölger in pakke merket H.F.K." to trade manager Kauffeldt at Thorshavn, very fine
Lot no.4005



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for170 €
1855 (ca.), 2 lettersheets addressed to trade manager Kauffeldt, one endorsed "Fattigvaesens Sager", the other one "Per Capt. Seistrup" the captain of schooner 'Hector'
Lot no.4006



Catalogue no.

Opening700 €
Sold for630 €
1860 (ca.), Money order lettersheet for 49 rigsdaler and 34 skilling to Thorshavn. The earliest recorded cover of such kind and most likely the only example before 1870. Provenance: Geoffrey Noer (366. Heinrich Köhler-auction, 2018)
Lot no.4007



Catalogue no.

Opening3.000 €
Sold for2.700 €
1756, Entire letter, dated "Thorshafn 6 Octobre 1756", sent by Antonius Haldarsen to his brother in law to Copenhagen. The second earliest recorded entire letter from the Faroes sent abroad. A marvellous item.
Lot no.4008



Catalogue no.

Opening3.000 €
Sold for2.700 €
1770, Lettersheet dated "Thorsh: 27th July 1770" from the head of the 'Royal Trade Office' to the Ministry of Finance at Copenhagen. One of only 5 18th century entires recorded in private hands. Xerox copy of certificate Wowern (1982)
Lot no.4009



Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €
Sold for900 €
1850, Entire letter from Thorshavn, dated March 10, to Copenhagen, delivered by foot post with clear blue "F:P:20/4 1856" on front. Very fine and scarce
Lot no.4010



Catalogue no.

Opening1.300 €
Sold for1.450 €

1852, Entire letter from Thorshavn to Copenhagen, dated 28.12. posted on the Shetland Islands with black boxed "LERWICK JA 27 1853" and sent via London and Altona, charged with a total of "45" skilling including 6 pence British share and 22½ skilling Danish postage. Very fine, just two further letter known with this routing.

Lot no.4011



Catalogue no.

Opening2.000 €
Sold for2.100 €

1853, Entire letter from Thorshavn, dated March 23, to Copenhagen, carried by private ship to Norway and here posted with clear blue "KRAGERO 31/3 1853". On reverse manuscript "Befordret fra Kragerö" and "betalt 24 S. wolff". Very fine and rare; the earlier of only 2 letters recorded having been transported via Norway

Lot no.4012



Catalogue no.

Opening2.000 €
Sold for1.800 €
1855, Entire letter from Thorshavn to Copenhagen, dated 23.10., transported with private ship and posted in Denmark at "FREDERIKSHAVN 19 11 1855", charged "6" skilling in red crayon. Very fine. The earliest of only 2 letters recorded.
Lot no.4013



Catalogue no.

Opening1.300 €
Sold for1.350 €
1855, Entire letter dated January 10 from Thorshavn with nice red wax seal "FAERÖE AMTS SEGL" to Copenhagen, posted on the Shetland Islands with green boxed "LERWICK JA 16 1855", transported via London, Belgium and Hamburg, showing GPO accountancy mark "3½ groschen". In Hamburg "7" silbergroschen were charged (3½ each for GB and GPU), in Hamburg changed into "9½" shilling, equivalent to 31 Danish skilling, to which 9 skilling Danish share was added and total of "40" skilling charged to the recipient. A fine and rare entire letter.
Lot no.4014



Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €
Sold for1.000 €
1856, Entire letter from Thorshavn, dated 31.7. to Copenhagen, carried by private ship and delivered by foot post with clear blue "F:P:18/9 1856", charged "2" skilling in red crayon for local delivery. Very fine and scarce. Only 7 letters from the Faroes are recorded delivered by foot post of which only one other shows this rate. Certificates Moeller BPP (2002) and Nielsen (2004)
Lot no.4015



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold for360 €
1870, Entire double rate letter dated "Sande den 26 Juli 1870" with lapidar date stamp "THORSHAVN 4/8" to Copenhagen with arrival mark of August 14, charged "12" skilling in red crayon, very fine. Certificate Nielsen (1991)
Lot no.4016



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for135 €
1811, Lettersheet from Copenhagen with nice royal trade seal on reverse, addressed to trade manager Mörck at Faroe with registration number "10" at top left. Enclosed is a photocopy of the original contents of the letter, which is kept in the National Archives, very fine
Lot no.4017



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold
1823, Entire letter from Copenhagen to 'Landvoged Meyer' at Thorshavn with manuscript registration number "60"
Lot no.4018



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for270 €
1834, Entire letter from Rønne to 'Amtskontorist Davidsen' at Thorshavn with registration number "37", very fine
Lot no.4019



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold for360 €
1840 (ca.), Entire parcel accompanying letter with 3 pages of text from Braendekilde to Vagur, endorsed "Afleveres i den fareoeske Handel i Köbenhavn", prepaid to Copenhagen with 22 skilling, endorsed "betalt"; a fine and interesting letter
Lot no.4020



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold for360 €
1845, Entire parcel accompanying letter with long contents from Copenhagen (dated October 5) to Pastor Lund at Sandegjerde (by mistake originally addressed 'on Iceland', changed to 'Faroe'); manuscript registration number "13" on top right, very fine and scarce
Lot no.4021



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold for360 €
1850, Entire parcel accompanying letter from Copenhagen (dated March 23) to Osterö with registration number "25", very fine
Lot no.4022



Catalogue no.DK 1IIa

Opening3.000 €
Sold for5.800 €

1853, Entire letter from "SKANDERBORG 23/6 1853" to Thorshavn, franked with FIRE R.B.S. red-brown, Thiele 1st printing, tied by numeral "63" with margins cut into. A fine and rare letter; just 2 further FIRE R.B.S.-covers to the Faroe Islands are recorded. Certificate Moeller BPP (2000)

Lot no.4023



Catalogue no.

Opening1.300 €
Sold for1.170 €
1855, Entire letter from "KJØBENHAVN 8/12 1855" via Lübeck, Belgium, London and forwarding agent Hay & Co. on the Shetland Islands to Thorshavn, prepaid with 39 skilling (9 skilling Danish postage and 30 skilling foreign share). Very fine, just 4 letters recorded with this rate. Certificate Moeller BPP (2009)
Lot no.4024



Catalogue no.DK 7a

Opening2.500 €
Sold for2.500 €
1861, Entire letter from Helsingoer, franked with 1858, 4 skilling brown with ample to large margins and in nice colour, tied by numeral "1" with adjacent blue foot post date stamp "F:P:30/5 61", addressed to Pveraa, endorsed "Betalt" and "pr. Arcturus". A very attractive and rare letter, the only recorded with 1858 issue to the Faroe Islands. Certificate Moeller BPP (2004) Provenance: Christian Andersen (2004)
Lot no.4025



Catalogue no.

Opening600 €
Sold for540 €
1865, Entire registered letter endorsed "NB" with registration number "26" to Thorshavn, endorsed "betalt". One outer side flap missing, still very fine and rare
Lot no.4026



Catalogue no.DK 13A

Opening5.000 €
Sold for4.500 €
1868, Oval type 4 skilling red, perf. 13x12½, 2 copies, tied by numeral "238", with adjacent lapidar date stamp "THORSHAVN 11/9"(1870) to entire letter to Copenhagen with arrival mark. Very fresh condition, the stamps in a nice deep shade, the right stamp with minor perforation fault, otherwise very fine. The only recorded 1868 8 skilling franking from the Faroe Islands. Certificate Moeller AIEP (2003) Provenance: Per Erik Knudsen (2004)
Lot no.4027


Catalogue no.DK 15A

Opening300 €
Sold for440 €

1864, Oval type 16 skilling greyish-olive perforated 13x12½, cancelled by clear numeral "238" of Thorshavn, extremely fine and fresh. Certificate Moeller BPP (2000)

Lot no.4028


Catalogue no.DK 15B

Opening1.000 €
Sold for900 €
16 skilling greyish-olive, perf. 12½, cancelled by central numeral "238" of Thorshavn, very fine. The only recorded example of this rare stamp with Thorshavn numeral cancellation. Certificate Nielsen (2004)
Lot no.4029



Catalogue no.DK 16IAa

Opening3.000 €
Sold for3.200 €
1870/72, Bi-coloured type 2 skilling greenish-grey/dull-ultramarine, 3rd printing, normal frame, cancelled by wavy lines in ink on entire letter dated "Sand den 6te Juni 1874", addressed to Tveraa; very fine and most attractive, a very rare cover. Signed Moeller BPP with certificate (2004) Provenance: Christian Andersen (Postilionen, 2004)
Lot no.4030



Catalogue no.DK 16IAa

Opening2.500 €
Sold for2.400 €
2 skilling grey/ultramarine, 1st printing, normal frame, tied by numeral "238" to lettersheet with adjacent lapidar handstamp "THORSHAVN 4/6". The stamp with missing perf at top, otherwise very fine. Certificate Moeller BPP (2004) Provenance: Christian Andersen (Postilionen, 2004)
Lot no.4031


Catalogue no.DK 17

Opening300 €
Sold for270 €
1871, 3 skilling grey/purple with clear central numeral "238" of Thorshavn; a pulled perf at lower left backed, otherwise very fine and most attractive. A rare stamp used on the Faroe Islands. Certificate Moeller (1995)
Lot no.4032



Catalogue no.DK 18

Opening1.500 €
Sold for1.350 €
4 skilling carmine/grey, used on lettersheet dated "Thorshavn 18 Juli 1874" and endorsed "Pr. 'Johanne'" to Copenhagen, here cancelled with numeral "1" with adjacent black foot post handstamp "F:P:2/8 74". The stamp with somewhat damaged perforation at top, still fine. A very rare and unusual cover during the skilling period
Lot no.4033



Catalogue no.DK 16, 18

Opening1.500 €
Sold for2.500 €
1870/72, 2 skilling ultramarine/grey and 2 copies 4 skilling carmine/grey (10. resp. 11. printing), tied by numeral "1" with adjacent "KJØBENHAVN 7/7" to parcel accompanying envelope with wide parcel label on front to Tveraa. Fine and very scarce. Certificate Moeller (1992)
Lot no.4034



Catalogue no.DK 18

Opening800 €
Sold forUnsold
1870/72, 4 skilling carmine/grey, 2 single copies with numeral "1" and adjacent "KJØBENHAVN 8/11" on double rate entire letter endorsed "Pr. Diana" to Tveraa with Thorshavn arrival mark on reverse. Some short perfs, otherwise fine
Lot no.4035



Catalogue no.DK 22+34

Opening1.000 €
Sold for900 €
1875/1903, 3 øre blue/grey in combination with 1882, coat of arms 5 øre green with lapidar cancel "TRANGISVAAG 6/12 1898" to envelope to Copenhagen with arrival mark, 3 øre some minor staining in the upper perforation only, otherwise very fine and attractive, signed Moeller BPP and certificate Nielsen (2006)
Lot no.4036


Catalogue no.DK 23

Opening100 €
Sold for140 €
1875/1902, 4 øre greenish-blue/grey with central, clear and complete strike of numeral "238" of Thorshavn, very fine and most attractive, opinion Moeller (1991)
