377th Auction

20-25 September 2021 in Wiesbaden


Lot no.6206



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold

1943, 24.5 - 25.8., three covers to Thorshavn with different frankings and censor labels, one cover endorsed "By airmail to the United Kingdom", all written up, mostly fine

Lot no.6207



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold

1943/44, four covers, one send by surface mail, two showing endorsement "By airmail to the United Kingdom", one with the senders address in Denmark, posted in Stockholm thus probably smuggled to Sweden, some faults, but all covers interesting and attractive, all written up

Lot no.6208



Catalogue no.SW265

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold
1944, 24.10., Crown 60ö tied by cds. "GÖTEBORG 24.10" to airmail cover sent directly to England with corresponding two-line cachet "By air to the United Kingdom", censored in England and closed with "P.C. 90 5890" closing strip, despite some minor imperfections very attractive and rare with only one other cover known showing this cachet
Lot no.6209



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1945, one airmail card and two airmail covers from Stockholm to Thorshavn, two showing boxed "PASSED" censor mark, one closed with "P.C. 90 4464" closing strip, fine
Lot no.6210



Catalogue no.SW256,302

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1945, 22.8., Gustav V. 10ö. with additional franking tied by cds. "PKP 386 22.8 45" to postcard to Thorshavn with violet "Denmark 260" Danish post-war censor mark alongside, fine
Lot no.6211



Catalogue no.3

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1941, 21.11., 20 on 5ø horizontal pair tied by cds. "VAAG 12.11.41" to cover to Indiana, censored in England with censor note "P.C. 5 "This cover was empty when it reached the Examiner", closed with "P.C. 90 5325" closing strip, fine
Lot no.6212



Catalogue no.2-3, DK a.o.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1943, 1.4. and 19.4., two covers, one regular and one registered from "THORSHAVN" to Chicago resp. New York, the registered cover with boxed "PASSED T. 188" censor mark, the other with closing strip "PC 90 5587", both written up, fine
Lot no.6213



Catalogue no.2-6

Opening1.000 €
Sold forUnsold
1943, 29.5., 20 on 1ø - 60 on 6ø, complete set of Provisionals 60 on 6ø second printing, tied by cds. "THORSHAVN 29.5.43" to registered cover via England to Chicago, censored in England and closed with "P.C. 90 7020" closing strip, during transit blue straight-line "O.A.T." (Onward Air Transmission) struck alongside, reverse with transit- and arrival mark, a very attractive and rare cover
Lot no.6214



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1943, 4.12. and 18.12., two covers from Thorshavn to Chicago resp. New York, the earlier as registered cover with double censor of England and the US, the other intended for air mail service, but airmail cancelled as airmail was not available from UK to the USA, fine
Lot no.6215



Catalogue no.DK212-13,272

Opening400 €
Sold forUnsold
1944, 18.2. and 1.3., two registered covers franked with Christian X. 1-2kr. with additional franking tied by cds. "THORSHAVN" and sent to Chicago, the latter cover endorsed "OAT" (Onward Air Transmission) the earlier one double censored by England and the USA, reverse with transit and arrival marks and vignettes "BARNAHJ'ALPIN", minor transportations marks, a fascinating group
Lot no.6216



Catalogue no.DK280,258

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1944, 8.6. and 27.5., Airmail 20ø, block of four and pair with additional franking tied by cds. "THORSHAVN 27.5.44" to airmail cover to New York, censored in England and closed with "P.C. 90 4320" closing strip and cover sent from a Dane of the "73rd Batt. H Q Comp" with U.S. Navy censor mark to Thorshavn, some transportation wear, attractive and uncommon
Lot no.6217



Catalogue no.DK270,272,274-75

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1945, 3.2., Christian X. 15,25,35 and 40ø tied by cds. "THORSHAVN -3.2.45" to AR-registered letter via England to Los Angeles, censored in England and closed with "P.C. 90 4255" closing strip, fine
Lot no.6218



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1946, 27.5., Numerals and Christian X. 12 values tied by cds. "THORSHAVN 27.5.43" to registered cover to Portland, the sender is postmaster J. Danielsen and as the post office ran out of Danish registered vignettes after the war they used the British labels, fine
Lot no.6219



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold

1941/43, four covers sent to Thorshavn, all censored in England and closed with "PC 90" closing strip, one cover with cancelled airmail service and one cover double censored in the USA and in England, all written up, fine

Lot no.6220



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold

1942/44, six covers sent to by surface or airmail to Thorshavn, with different US censorship labels "9801", "9811" (with PAA Pan American Airways System label), "9820"(2), all written up, fine

Lot no.6221



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
1943, 13.4., Airmail 10, 15 and 50c. with additional franking tied by mute oval cancel to registered airmail cover via England to Thorshavn, censored in the USA and closed with censor label "9827", with typewritten "PHILATELIC MATERIAL Censorship Permit No.. PCU #750", this permit allowed the sender to send stamps abroad. Reverse with transit and arrival mark of "THORSHAVN  14.5.53", fine and attractive and one of two known covers
Lot no.6222



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1944, 6.4., airmail cover from "LONG ISLAND CITY APR 6 1944" sent via England to the Postmaster General of Faroe Islands. Censored in the USA and closed with censor label "20002" additionally endorsed "20006". The reverse shows a "black dot", probably because it is sent to the Postmaster General it was sent as privileged mail, opened on two sides and slightly shortened at right, interesting and uncommon
Lot no.6223



Catalogue no.

Opening600 €
Sold forUnsold

1944/45, Airmail 8c. with additional franking tied by machine First Day cancel "TALLAHASSEE MAR 3 1945" to special First Day Cover via England to Thorshavn, in England three-line "INSUFFICIENTLY PREPAID AIR MAIL" applied, further English censorship mark "PASSED T. 185" on reverse, in addition registered cover from "THORSHAVN 24.7.44" to Dayton with English censorship mark "PASSED T. 188", both covers with Insert note "P.C.5 This cover was open..." and "P.C. 12 letter was missing....", a fascinating duo

Lot no.6224



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1944/45, two covers including one First Day Cover and double censored cover via England to Thorshavn, written up, fine
Lot no.6225



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
1945, 9.3., McKinley 25c. tied by mute oval cancel to registered cover from Haddonfield, New Jersey 9 to Faroe Islands, censored in the USA and closed with censor label "20006", at bottom left endorsed permit "Permit D-61", this permit allowed the sender to send stamps abroad. Reverse with transit and arrival mark of "THORSHAVN  26.4.45", fine and attractive and one of two known covers
Lot no.6226



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold for250 €
1939, 28.8. and 3.12., Caravelle 15 and 20ø with additional franking tied by cds. "THORSHAVN 28.8.39" to registered airmail cover via France to Switzerland with french censor label, and Hindenburg 25pf. tied by cds. "BENSHEIM 3.12.39" to Sand with German censor label, fine
Lot no.6227



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
1940, 26.2., opened out cover with meter mark "VESTLANDSBANKEN BERGEN 26 2 40" to Thorshavn, with adjacent boxed "Service interrompu", two-line "Postudvekslingen indstillet. Retur Afsenderen" and straight-line "RETOUR", returned in late May 1940 with arrival mark "BERGEN  28.5.40", fine
Lot no.6228



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold for320 €
1940, 21.5., 30c. tied by wavy line machine cancel "GENEVE 21.V 1940" to cover endorsed "Via Angleterre" to Thorshavn with typewritten indication "Jle Danoise occupée des Anglais", censored in England and closed with "P.C. 66 29" closing strip, no German censorship since Switzerland was a neutral country. Very fine and the only recorded PC66 censor strip from Switzerland to Faroe Island
Lot no.6229



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for220 €
1940, 10.7., 30 and 2s. tied by cds. "KOBE 10.7.40" to cover endorsed "Per M/S Kansai Maru", normally sailing between Japan and New York. Additionally, endorsed" VIA AMERICA connecting at NEW YORK with s/s Godafoss or Dettifoss", which sailed from New York to Reykjavik. The letter arrived, too late for the M/S Kansaia Maru thus straight-line "TOO LATE" applkied, censored in England and closed with "P.C. 90 4377" closing strip, some transportation wear but a very attractive and rare cover
Lot no.6230



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
1940, 19.11., Hindenburg 40 pfg. tied by cds. "HAMBURG 19.11.40" to cover endorsed "über Sowjet Russland, Sibirien und USA" to Klaksvig, censored in Berlin with cachet and closing strip and further censored in England and closed with "P.C. 90 4165" closing strip, some ageing and transportation wear, very rare
Lot no.6231



Catalogue no.6

Opening500 €
Sold for500 €
1940, 21.12., 60 on 6ø horizontal pair tied by cds. "THORSHAVN 21.12.40" to registered cover to Ontario, Canada, censored in England and closed with "P.C. 90 7386" closing strip and with further censor label "PC 23 RETURNED TO SENDER....FOR REASON EXPLAINED...", with corresponding postal note "P.C. 12 This cover was open...", despite some small stains a very attractive and rare cover
Lot no.6232



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for140 €
1940/41, two covers, one from Barcelona sent to Denmark and then forwarded to Faroe Islands, censored in Spain (Civil War) with "Direccion General De Seguridad, Barcelona, CENSURADO" and further German censor marks and closing label of Munich, censored in England and closed with "P.C. 90 4454" closing strip, and another cover sent from Grao -Valencia originally as airmail cover, which was cancelled in London by red bars, to Thorshavn with Spanish and British censor labels, both covers some faults, yet attractive and scarce
Lot no.6233



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold forUnsold
1941, 11.2., 1 and 5f. tied by cds. "BUDAPEST FEB 11 45" to printed matter to Thorshavn with German censorship of Vienna alongside, unique
Lot no.6234



Catalogue no.

Opening600 €
Sold forUnsold
1941, 4.3., Norway Coat of arms 20ø horizontal pair and single 35ø tied by cds. "RISØR -4 III 41" to airmail cover to Thorshavn, with German censor label of Frankfurt and censored in England and closed with "P.C. 90 4,466" closing strip. Very attractive and the only known letter that came through to Faroe Islands between 20th. January 1941 and 13th. December 1941 going via Lisbon - New York
Lot no.6235



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
1941/42, two covers, the first franked with two singles Provisionals 20 on 1ø from "THORSHAVN 5.11.41" via England with corresponding censor label to St. Lucia with adjacent boxed "PASSED BY ARMY EXAMINER US 801", the other one sent from St. Lucia with US Monroe 5c. tied by machine cancel "AMERICAN BASE FORCES A.P. 805 FEB 23 1942" to the Postmaster of Midvaag, censored with boxed "PASSED BY ARMY EXAMINER US 801", the latter some toning and vertical fold, scarce
Lot no.6236



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1941/43, Pro Juventute 20c. block of four with additional franking tied by special cancel "WERTZEICHEN VERKAUFSSTELLE BERN 1.XII.43" to large format registered cover via Berlin, Munich, Bermuda and England to Thorshavn, censored twice in Germany, and subsequently on Bermuda wit "PC90 2275 Form.167" closing strip with handstamped "IC" and finally in Enfland with "PC.90 5404" closing strip, in addition cover front with German meter mark "BERLIN 25.9.41" to Thorshavn, fine
Lot no.6237



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
1941/45, three covers from Canada to Thorshavn, with British "PC 90", Canadian "DB C. 52" and Canadian "DB/75" censor closing strips, all written up, fine
Lot no.6238



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
1942, 26.5., Red Cross form from the Faroe Islands, sent on the 26th of May 1942 to Switzerland, arrived in Geneva on 26th of June 1942. Censored with boxed "PASSED P.84". Returned with reply and censored "PASSED P.91". When the reply arrived in the Faroe Islands it was placed in a "Red Cross" envelope with cds. "THORSHAVN 20.8.42". At present, only this Red Cross form is known between the Faroe Islands and Switzerland.
Lot no.6239



Catalogue no.DK262

Opening300 €
Sold for300 €
1942, 29.5 and 31.3., two covers, each franked with horizontal pair of Caravelle 20ø and tied by cancel resp. cds. "VESTMANHAVN" and "THORSHAVN 13.3.42" to the Red Cross in Switzerland, censored in England and closed with "P.C. 90 4114/1121" closing strips, some minor transportation wear, otherwise fine
Lot no.6240



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for420 €
1943, 14. and 29.1., Telegram from Britain to Lieut. Ingle RAPC paymaster X Garrison FIF (Faroe Islands Force), used with oval "DET STORE NORDISKE TELEGRAF SELSKAB THORSHAVN 14-JAN-1943" and in addition franked registered cover from Victoria, Malta adressesed to the Faroe Islands Force, censored on Malta and closed with "Opened by Examiner" with additional handstamp "DD/1041", revese showing blue "11" of "Boy Scouts" which helped during the war in many features including censorship by closing the mail, very rare and attractive Reference: “DAKA GF 10 - Faroe Island Stamps and Postal History”  
Lot no.6241



Catalogue no.GR1-7

Opening2.000 €
Sold forUnsold
1943, 6.2., Christian X. and Polar bear 7ø - 1kr. tied by cds. "JULIANEHAAB -6-2-1943" to airmail cover via USA and England to Trangisvaag, censored in the USA and closed with tape strip "EXAMINED BY 8317", small part of lower right corner missing, otherwise fine and attractive. The postal service from Greenland to Denmark closed in October 1941, and therefore there are not many letters sent subsequently to the Faroe Islands. However, the mail connection to Faroe Islands remained open. Letters from Greenland to Faroe Islands are scarce
