377th Auction

20-25 September 2021 in Wiesbaden


Lot no.8036



Catalogue no.2, 6+GB

Opening8.000 €
Sold for8.000 €
NORTH GERMAN CONFEDERATION-NEW ZEALAND, 1868, Envelope from "SOMMERSTEDT 9 1 68" via Trieste and Alexandria to Nelson on the southern Island of New Zealand, prepaid with 3 copies 1868, 5 groschen ocre and single ½ groschen orange (applied around the edge of the cover); in Alexandria GB 1 shilling green applied, tied by "B01". On reverse transit marks of Woyens, Trieste, Auckland and Westport, on front "ALEXANDRIA JA 26 68". The correct postage to New Zealand since 1.1.1868 was 13½ groschen, but all recorded letters coming from the OPD Kiel are franked with 15½ groschen which seems to have been a special rate for the former duchies of Schleswig-Holstein. Some usual small transportation marks, all together a fine and extremely rare letter. This is the only recorded entire with additional franking of Alexandria to New Zealand . Certificate Mehlmann BPP (2004) Provenance: Yates collection (Robson Lowe-auction, 1940), Grant Glassco (Robson Lowe-auction, 1969), 143. Corinphila-auction (2005) 1868, Briefkuvert von "SOMMERSTEDT 9 1 68" über Triest und Alexandria nach Nelson auf der Südinsel Neuseelands. Der Brief ist frankiert mit 1868, ½ Groschen orange (um den Rand des Briefes geklebt) und 3 Stück 5 Groschen ocker, in Alexandria zusätzlich frankiert mit GB 1 Shilling grün, übergehend entwertet durch "B01" mit nebengesetztem EKr. "ALEXANDRIA JA 26 68"; rückseitig Durchgangsstempel von Woyens, Triest, Auckland und Westport. Seit 1.1.1868 betrug das Porto nach Neuseeland 13½ Groschen, jedoch sind alle bis heute bekannten Briefe aus der OPD Kiel mit 15½ Groschen frankiert, das Weiterfranko vorderseitig mit "12½" Groschen korrekt notiert. Brief und Frankatur befinden sich für diese Destination in guter Erhaltung, minimale Beförderungsspuren. Ein attraktiver und außerordentlich seltener Brief, der einzig bis heute registrierte nach Neuseeland mit britischer Zufrankatur von Alexandria. Fotoattest Mehlmann BPP (2004)
Lot no.8037



Catalogue no.7,8

Opening500 €
Sold for700 €
GREAT BRITAIN-IONIAN ISLANDS, 1856, Lettersheet with part of contents from "PRESCOT DE 30 1856" to Cephalonia, franked with embossed issued 1 shilling green in vertical pair and line engraved 1 penny red-brown on bluish, tied by numeral "626" and partly by red "AUS ENGLAND PER AACHEN FRANCO". In Germany marked with "3¼" in blue ink and "3" silbergroschen in red crayon, indicating that the letter fell into first German and second British weight class. A fine letter with scarce destination. Certificate Brandon (1987) (SG 54, 29)
Lot no.8038



Catalogue no.19, 22

Opening1.000 €
Sold for7.000 €
GREECE-NORWAY, 1867, Entire letter from Piräus via Trieste to Sarpsborg, fully franked with 1862/68, large Hermes Head 10 lepta orange and 2 full margined copies 80 lepta rose, tied by dotted "2" with adjacent cds. and Greeek "P.E.D." (similar to "P.D."). On reverse rated in red crayon "38/15/10" (10 neukreuzer Greek inland postage, 15 neukreuzer sea postage to Trieste and 38 neukreuzer postage beyond Trieste); on front German "f 4 II/4" (silbergroschen postage beyond Hamburg). One 80 lepta affected by light vertical cover crease, otherwise fine. A rare letter, supposed to be the only franked letter from Greece to Norway before UPU. Provenance: Svein Arne Hansen (Moldenhauer-auctions, 2007)
Lot no.8039



Catalogue no.Austria 37I+ Turkey 14

Opening1.500 €
Sold for3.200 €
HUNGARY-TURKISH EMPIRE (ALBANIA), 1869, Lettersheet from Pest via Trieste, Antivari and Scutari to Prizren, franked for the distance to Antivari with 3 copies 1867, 5 kreuzer rose, tied by cds. "PEST DÉLELÖTT 3/10 69". In Antivari franked for the remaining way with Turkey 1869, 20 paras green (2) with blue all Arabic double circle, sent to forwarding agent And. Muhsani at Scutari, who forwarded the letter to it's final destination; frontside blue "SCUTARI D'ALBANIE 12/10". The entire overall somewhat toned, still fine and scarce. Provenance: Dr. Anton & Elisabeth Jerger (Öphila 2004)
Lot no.8040



Catalogue no.7, 8

Opening800 €
Sold for1.100 €
PAPAL STATES-GREECE, 1856, Entire letter from Ancona to Syros, entirely prepaid with 1852, 6 bajocchi on grey and 2 copies 7 bajocchi on blue, tied by grid cancel with adjacent "ANCONA 9 GEN. 56" and greenish blue oval "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO Ancona"; on reverse arrival mark of January 5 (Julian calendar). A fine entire
Lot no.8041



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for280 €
LOMBARDY-VENETIA-IONIAN ISLANDS, 1846, Entire letter from Venice to Corfu, prepaid with 18 kreuzer c.m., noted on reverse as "6 12/18" (6 kreuzer Ionian and 12 kreuzer Austrian postage). On front red "VENEZIA 26 GIUGNO", oval "VENEZIA FRANCO" (both in red) and Corfu arrival mark, very fine 1846, Kompletter Faltbrief von Venedig nach Korfu, komplett bezahlt mit 18 Kreuzern, diese rückseitig vermerkt als "6 12/18" (12 Kreuzer österreichisches und 6 Kreuzer ionisches Porto). Vorderseitig Aufgabestempel "VENEZIA 26 GIUGNO", Ovalstempel "VENEZIA FRANCO" (beide in rot) sowie Ankunftsstempel von Korfu
Lot no.8042



Catalogue no.5Y

Opening2.500 €
Sold for2.500 €
LOMBARDY-VENETIA-RUSSIA, 1855 (supposed), Lettersheet from Venice to Taganrog, addressed to the captain of the Austrian brig 'Tempo' care of the Austrian consulate, franked with 2 copies 1850/57, 45 centesimi, machine made paper. Although endorsed "Via Constantinopoli" the letter was directed via Trieste, Vienna and Brod (1.6.), the stamps tied by boxed "DA VENEZIA COL VAPORE 28/5", adjacent straigh line marking "FRANCO". One stamp slightly cut into at upper right, otherwise full to large margins. A highly unusual routing, most likely due to the fact that on May 22nd 1855, on the peak of the Crimean War, Taganrog had been bombed by the Anglo-French fleet and was partly destroyed. This is the only recorded fully franked cover with the 1. issue from Lombardy-Venetia to Russia. Certificate Prof. Ferchenbauer (2011) 1855, Faltbriefhülle von Venedig nach Taganrog, frankiert mit 2 Stück 1850/57, 45 Centesimi blau, eine oben rechts etwas angeschnitten, sonst beide voll- bis breitrandig. Obwohl der Brief den üblichen Leitvermerk "Via Constantinopoli" trägt wurde er über Triest, Wien und Brod (1.6.) befördert, die Marken entwertet durch Triester Anlandestempel "DA VENEZIA COL VAPORE 28/5". Der Brief ist adressiert an den Kapitän der österreichischen Brigantine 'Tempo' c/o des österreichischen Konsulates. Höchstwahrscheinlich wurde der Brief über diesen ungewöhnlichen Leitweg befördert, da Taganrog am 22.5.1855 auf dem Höhepunkt des Krimkrieges von der englisch-französichen Flotte bombardiert und teilweise zerstört wurde. Es handelt sich hier um den einzig bekannten voll frankierten Brief mit der 1. Ausgabe von Lombardei-Venetien nach Russland. Fotoattest Prof. Ferchenbauer (2011)
Lot no.8043



Catalogue no.9,8

Opening6.000 €
Sold for10.000 €
SARDINIA-INDIA, 1855, Part-paid entire letter from Genova via Trieste and Alexandria to Calcutta, franked with 1854, 40 centesimi in horizontal pair, tiny touched at upper right, otherwise good to large margins, and 20 centesimi dark blue with good to large margins including 2 mm sheet margin at top, all neatly cancelled by cds. "GENOVA 7 LUG. 55". On reverse transit marks of Trieste (10.7.) and Alexandria (17.7.), also boxed "CALCUTTA STEAM LETTER 1855 Aug. 17 Bearing" with manuscript "8" (annas) to be paid by the recipient. A very fine and attractive letter with extremely rare destination for the Italian States. Several signatures and certificates Enzo Diena (1980) and Bottacchi (1996) (Sassone 9b, 8c)
Lot no.8044



Catalogue no.12

Opening800 €
Sold for800 €
ITALY (SARDENIA)-TURKISH EMPIRE (LEBANON), 1862, Small cover from "MILANO 9 APR. 62" to Beirut, franked with 1861, 20 centesimi celeste with full to large margins; adjacent arrival mark of the Austrian post office "BEYRUT 23 APR.". The cover was only prepaid to the Italian/Austrian border, for the remaining way taxed with "15" new kreuzer Austrian postage and "20" (in manuscript) new kreuzer sea postage from Trieste to Beirut. A fine and scarce cover. Certificate Bottacchi (1995)
Lot no.8045



Catalogue no.2, 5

Opening2.000 €
Sold for5.800 €
NORWAY-TURKISH EMPIRE, 1857, Lettersheet from Farsund to the Swedish-Norwegian Consul at Constantinople, correctly franked for a single rate letter via Marseille with 1856/57, 2 skilling orange and 4 copies 8 skilling carmine, tied by numeral "63". For some reason the letter was instead transported via Hamburg (5.10.) and Trieste (9.10.) with Constantinope arrival mark of 16.10. Although the transportation via Trieste was 2 skilling more expensive, marked "7¼" (silbergroschen) in red for the total postage beyond the Danish-German border and "f 4¼" (silbergroschen) in blue for the paid postage beyond Trieste. One 8 skilling with marginal tear, the 2 copies at right affected by some creasing where affixed at resp. over the edge of the cover. A still fine and attractive entire; just 2 further Norwegian letters via Trieste to Constantinople have been recorded. Provenance: Bernt Fossum (Moldenhauer-auction, 2004)
Lot no.8046



Catalogue no.18-22

Opening6.000 €
Sold for8.000 €
ROMANIA-GREECE, 1865, Unpaid lettersheet from "GALATZ 22/12" to Corfu with transit marks of Vienna and Trieste on reverse. The letter taxed with "45" new kreuzer plus Greek inland postage of 20 lepta, so charged with a total of "155" lepta in red crayon and franked with 2nd Athens printing 5 lepta green, 10 lepta orange, 20 lepta blue, 40 lepta mauve and 80 lepta carmine (mostly with visible full margins), tied by clear cds. "KERKYRA 20 DECE. 65" (Julian calendar). The cover was desinfected on the way, showing 2 chisel slits. The 5 lepta affected by vertical cover crease, but of only minor importance. A highly attractive and rare letter with a 5 colour franking. Signed Heimbüchler BPP Provenance: Fritz Heimbüchler (171. Corinphila-auction, 2011)
Lot no.8047



Catalogue no.DDSG 3I + Greece 22, 26

Opening12.000 €
Sold for26.000 €

ROMANIA (DDSG)-GREECE, 1869, Lettersheet from Oltenitza to Syros, franked on reverse with DDSG 10 kreuzer green, type I, tied by blue oval "AGENTIE DDSG OLTENITZA" for the transport to Giurgevo with frontside cds. of 5.3. here taxed in blue with "5/30" (5 kreuzer for an unpaid letter till the Hungarian border, 10 kreuzer Austrian postage, 8 kreuzer sea post postage for the Austrian Lloyd and 7 kreuzer Greek share), noted in Greece with "90" lepta in red crayon and franked with 1862/68, 80 lepta carmine and 1868, 10 lepta orange (both with full margins), tied by cds. "SYROS 6 MAR 69" (Julian calendar). The DDSG stamp had been torn when the letter was opened and has been re-joined, otherwise very fine. One of the most important letters of DDSG, the only recorded combination of DDSG and Greek stamps. Signed Tseriotis, certificate Puschmann (2003)

Lot no.8048



Catalogue no.18a, 16a, 15a

Opening8.000 €
Sold forUnsold
RUSSIA/PRUSSIA-DUTCH INDIES, 1865, Cover with Bialystok return address, posted at the border city of Eydtkuhnen and sent via Trieste and Singapore to Muntok on the island of Bangka, prepaid with 5 copies 1861, 3 silbergroschen brown and on reverse 1 silbergroschen rose and 6 pfennige orange (the later ones cancelled by pen crosses), paying 3 silbergroschen internal postage of the German Postal Union and 13½ silbergroschen foreign postage until Singapore. At Alexandria franked for the British postage beyond Alexandria with horizontal strip of 3 and single 3 d. rose, tied by "B01"; in the Dutch Indies taxed with "25" cents for the conveyance beyond Singapore. The letter was re-directed and  finally returned due to the death of the recipient ("overleden/dead"). On reverse several transit marks and Trieste tax mark "15/52". 4 Stamps of the franking with mostly unobtrusive faults, the envelope small part at top missing, still fine and attractive, especially for this enormous journey. A spectacular and very interesting letter; one of the few recorded with such Alexandria-franking of small values. Certificate Brettl BPP (2001) Provenance: Collection 'Pour le Merit' (132. Corinphila-auction, 2001) 1865, Briefkuvert mit gedruckter Absenderangabe aus Bialystok, Russland, aufgegeben im Grenzort Eydtkuhnen, frankiert mit 1861, Wappen 3 Silbergroschen ockerbraun (5), 1 Silbergroschen rosa und 6 Pfennige orange (letztere rückseitig geklebt mit Blaustiftentwertung) als portogerechte Frankatur nach Muntok auf der Insel Bangka in Niederländisch Indien, transportiert über Triest, Alexandria und Singapur. In Alexandria frankiert mit 3er-Streifen und Einzelmarke GB 3 Pence rosa, entwertet durch "B01". Das Porto setzt sich zusammen aus 3 Silbergroschen Postvereinsporto und 13½ Silbergroschen Weiterfranko; in Niederländisch Indien wurden weitere "25" Cents für den Transport ab Singapur taxiert. Der Brief wurde innerhalb Niederländisch Indiens nachgesandt und aufgrund des Todes des Empfängers retourniert. Das Kuvert oben gering fehlerhaft, 4 Werte der Frankatur mit meist unauffälligen Fehlern, jedoch insgesamt für diese Wegstrecke in guter Erhaltung. Ein außerordentlich seltener und attraktiver Brief; es sind nur wenige Briefe frankiert mit 4 Stück 3 Pence von Alexandria bekannt. Fotoattest Brettl BPP (2001)
Lot no.8049



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for340 €
RUSSIA-IONIAN ISLANDS, 1845, Unpaid entire letter from Odessa to Cefalonia with frontside transit mark of Corfu and arrival mark on reverse; charged with a total of "1/3" (shilling/pence) to be paid by the recipient
Lot no.8050



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for420 €
SWEDEN-GREECE, 1851, Cover from "STOCKHOLM 24/10 1851" to the British mission at Athens, partly prepaid in cash with 6 skilling bco. till Stralsund, transported via Prussia (frontside boxed "Aus Schweden") and Trieste with blue Athens arrival mark on reverse. On the way charged with "9/9" kreuzer c.m. Postal Union rate and Austrian sea post; in Greece charged with a total of "110" lepta to be paid by the recipient. A scarce destination for Swedish letters.
Lot no.8051



Catalogue no.7,8,11,12

Opening1.000 €
Sold for5.200 €
SWEDEN-STRAITS SETTLEMENTS/CHINA, 1863, Small cover from Grenna, addressed to a crew member of the British corvette 'HMS Barossa' at "Singapore or elsewhere", re-directed to China. The letter was originally endorsed "via Marseille", but altered into "Trieste + Alexandria", franked with 1858, 5 oere yellow-green, 9 oere lilac, 30 oere brown and 2 copies 50 oere carmine (a further 50 oere stamp originally applied at upper left is missing). On front boxed "Aus Schweden per Stralsund" and blue crayon "f 13½" (silbergroschen) for the foreign postage beyond Trieste, on reverse transit marks of Ystad and Trieste and tax stamp "15/52". At Alexandria marked "1/-" in red crayon with adjacent red cds. Despite the missing stamp a very attractive cover, just 3 further letters from this period have been recorded from Sweden to Singapore. Certificate Dr. Helena Obermüller-Wilén (2004) (Fazit 7c1, 8b, 11b, 12d)
Lot no.8052



Catalogue no.

Opening800 €
Sold for1.350 €

SWITZERLAND-GREECE, 1868, Double rate lettersheet from "SCHWANDEN CANTON GLARUS 20 NOV 68" to Syros, franked with 1862/83, white paper 30 rappen ultramarine and 2 copies 50 rappen lilac (one with few short perfs, one applied defective at right (pasted over by 30 rappen)). On front in red crayon "106" (rappen) for the foreign share; on reverse transit marks of Lindau, Wien and Triest next to arrival mark. An attractive and scarce entire. Certificate Urs Hermann (2009) (Zumstein 41, 43)
1868, Briefhülle der 2. Gewichtsstufe von "SCHWANDEN CANTON GLARUS 20 NOV 68" über Triest nach Syros, frankiert mit 1862/83, weißes Papier 30 Rappen ultramarin und 2 Stück 50 Rappen lila (ein Wert oben Zahnfehler, der andere mit Fehlstelle rechts aufgeklebt, jedoch unmerklich, da durch die 30 Rappen überklebt). In Rötel vorderseitig "106" (Rappen) für das Weiterfranko; rückseitig Transitstempel von Lindau, Wien und Triest sowie Ankunftsstempel. Ein attraktiver Brief mit seltener Destination. Fotoattest Boris Herman (2009)

Lot no.8053



Catalogue no.17II,16II

Opening2.000 €
Sold for2.000 €
SWITZERLAND-TURKISH EMPIRE, 1860, Cover (side flaps at right and left missing) from "ST. GALLEN 6 JUNI 60" via Trieste to Constantinople, franked with 1857/60, 40 rappen green in horizontal pair and 20 rappen orange. On reverse notation in red crayon "15/20" (new kreuzer) for the Austrian postage till Trieste and the sea postage Trieste-Constantinople; adjacent transit marks of Feldkirch and Trieste as well as Constantinople arrival mark. A fine and scarce Strubli-cover to the Levante. Certificate Zumstein (1995) (Zumstein 26G, 25G) 1860, Briefhülle (seitliche Klappen fehlend) von St. Gallen nach Konstantinopel frankiert mit 1857/60, Strubli 40 Rappen grün im waagerechten Paar und 20 Rappen orange in überwiegend gutem, meist weißrandigem Schnitt. Rückseitig Rötelvermerk "15/20" (Neukreuzer) für das österreichische Porto bis Triest sowie das Seepostporto von Triest nach Konstantinopel, daneben Transitstempel von Feldkirch und Triest sowie Ankunftsstempel des österreichischen Postamtes von Konstantinopel. Ein attraktiver und seltener Strubli-Brief in die Levante. Fotoattest Zumstein (1995)
Lot no.8054



Catalogue no.27, 24

Opening2.000 €
Sold forUnsold
SWITZERLAND-EGYPT, 1864, Envelope from "AARAU 15 IX 64" to Alexandria, franked with 1863, 60 rappen copper-bronze and 20 rappen yellow-orange. The letter is endorsed "via Trieste con vapore Austriaco"; on reverse transit marks of Ulm (15.9.), Vienna (17.9.) and Trieste (18.9.) and arrival mark of the Austrian PO at Alexandria (26.9.). A very fine entire with scarce destination, correctly franked with 80 rappen including 8 rappen Swiss postage and 72 rappen (= 6 groschen) foreign share. Certificate Renggli (1996) Provenance: Silvain Wyler (Corinphila-auction, 2001) 1864, Briefkuvert von "AARAU 15 IX 64" nach Alexandria, frankiert mit 1863, Sitzende Helvetia 60 Rappen kupferbronze und 20 Rappen gelborange, beide farbfrisch und gut gezähnt. Der Brief mit Leitvermerk "via Trieste con vapore Austriaco", rückseitig entsprechende Transitstempel von Ulm (15.9.), Wien (17.9.) und Triest (18.9.) sowie Ankunftsstempel des österreichischen Postamtes in Alexandria (26.9.). Ein attraktiver Brief mit seltener Destination und in sehr schöner Erhaltung. Fotoattest Renggli (1996)
Lot no.8055



Catalogue no.17II,18II

Opening8.000 €
Sold for8.000 €
SWITZERLAND-STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, 1859, Double rate lettersheet from St. Gallen to Singapore, franked with 1855/56, 2nd Berner printing, 4 copies 1 franken grey and single copy 40 rappen yellow-green with mostly very fine margins for this issue. The letter is fully paid, on reverse noted "30/30/104" (new kreuzer), in Alexandria marked with "2/-" in red crayon with adjacent red "ALEXANDRIA AP 16 59". A very fine and rare letter, the only recorded Strubli-cover to Singapore routed via Trieste instead of the common route via Marseille. Certificate Ringgli (1996) (Zumstein 27Db, 26Ca) 1859, Briefhülle der 2. Gewichtsstufe von "ST. GALLEN 5 APR. 59" über Triest und Alexandria nach Singapur, frankiert mit 1855/56, 4 Einzelwerte 1 Franken hellbläulichgrau und Einzelwert 40 Rappen hellgelbgrün, meist vollrandig geschnitten. Der Brief ist portogerecht frankiert, rückseitige Portoaufschlüsselung "30/30/104" (Neukreuzer); in Alexandria für das britische Weiterporto "2/-" in Rötel notiert mit nebengesetztem roten "ALEXANDRIA AP 16 59"; rückseitig Transitstempel von Triest. Ein attraktiver Brief mit sehr seltener Destination. Dies ist der einzig bekannte Strubli-Brief nach Singapur befördert über Triest anstatt der üblichen Route über Marseille. Fotoattest Renggli (1996)
Lot no.8056



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for340 €
IONIAN ISLANDS-AUSTRIA, 1835, Entire letter from Corfu to Triest with oval "OFFICIO DE LA POSTA GENERALE CORFU" on front, on reverse date stamp "CORFU 12 DECEMBRE 1834". The letter is endorsed "col imp. Reggio Pachetto" and taxed "10/13" (kreuzer c.m.).
Lot no.8057



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for460 €
IONIAN ISLANDS-GREAT BRITAIN, 1857, Unpaid cover from Zante to Carrick-on-Suir, taxed in manuscript "9/9" (kreuzer c.m.) with adjacent boxed "6¼" (groschen) for the conveyance from Zante to Aachen and manuscript "1/-" for the total postage due to be paid by the recipient, fine
Lot no.8058



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for260 €
IONIAN ISLANDS-GREAT BRITAIN; 1858, Unpaid entire letter with small cds. "CORFU 23 NOV." to Plymouth, charged in manuscript "15/15" (new kreuzer) with adjacent blue tax stamp "6" (groschen) for the conveyance to Aachen and manuscript "1/-" for the total postage due to be paid by the recipient
Lot no.8059



Catalogue no.1

Opening3.000 €
Sold for4.800 €
IONIAN ISLANDS-AUSTRIA, 1859, Entire letter from Zante to Triest, prepaid by 1859, ½ d. orange in horizontal pair, slightly touched at upper right, otherwise ample to mostly large margins, tied by fancy double ring "ZAKYNTOS 24 Apr. 1859" for the Ionian Islands inland postage. On front  manuscript "15" (new kreuzer) in blue crayon, underlined in red crayon with additional large red cross for the sea postage from Zante to Triest. A rare and very attractive letter with a scarce multiple. Signed Renato Mondolfo, Holcombe and Enzo Diena, certificate Simmermacher BPP (2016) (SG 1)
Lot no.8060



Catalogue no.Austrian Levante 5I

Opening500 €
Sold for950 €
TURKISH EMPIRE (AEGEAN ISLANDS)-AUSTRIA, 1871, Lettersheet endorsed inside "Lemnos 31 Decemb. 1871" franked with Austrian Levante 1867, 15 soldi brown, tied by clear "TENEDOS ../1"; on reverse transit mark "LLOYD AGENCIE CONSTANTINOPOLI 2/1" and cds of Constantinople and Trieste (16.1.). A fine and rare cover from a small postal agency
Lot no.8061



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for480 €
TURKISH EMPIRE (ALBANIA)-FRANCE, 1851, Unpaid entire letter of Charles Pooten, bishop of Maronia and apostolic administrator of Antivari with attractive negative sender's seal on front, endorsed "Dalla Missione dell'Albania", with double line "CATTARO 1 FEB." to Lyon, showing on front red "TS" (Transito Sardo) and on reverse transit mark of Triest. The conveyance in Austria till the Sardinian border was free of postage; for the remaining way taxed with "8" centesimi Sardinian transit, crossed and changed into a total of "15" decimes to be paid by the recipient. An interesting and very attractive letter Contents: The bishops asks for financial help for restoring and building churches in the Turkish province of Albania.
Lot no.8062



Catalogue no.Turkey 15 + Italy P2, 9

Opening500 €
Sold for750 €
TURKISH EMPIRE (ALBANIA)-ITALY, 1870, Lettersheet from Scutari via Triest to Venice, prepaid till Antivari with 1869, 1 piastre yellow, tied by all arabic double circle with adjacent blue "SCUTARI D'ALBANIE 1/2". In Venice franked with 2 copies postage due 1869, 10 c. brown-orange and 1870, 50 c. orange/carmine, all tied by boxed "VENEZIA ARRIVO 9 FEB. 70"; few shortish perfs, otherwise fine and fresh; a scarce combination cover
Lot no.8063



Catalogue no.Turkey P11 + Austrian Levante 3I, 4I

Opening1.000 €
Sold for1.350 €
TURKISH EMPIRE (ALBANIA)-ITALY, 1870, Lettersheet from Scutari via Antivari and Trieste to Venice, franked for the internal postage with 2 copies Turkey 1869,  postage due 20 paras, tied by all Arabic blue double circle with adjacent "SCUTARI D'ALBANIE 24/5" and for the conveyance to Venice with Austrian Levante 1867, 5 soldi red and 2 copies 10 soldi blue, tied by brownish "ANTIVARI 2../5"; on reverse transit- and arrival marks. A fine and attractive combination cover
Lot no.8064



Catalogue no.Austrian Levante V21

Opening1.000 €
Sold for1.200 €
TURKISH EMPIRE (EPIRUS)-AUSTRIA, 1866, Lettersheet from Janina to Trieste, franked with Austrian Levante 1864, 5 soldi rose, vertical strip of 3 and vertical pair, tied by 3 clear strikes of cds. "JANINA 15/2". The central stamp affected by file fold, otherwise very fine and fresh. A most attractive and rare cover of delightful appearance. Provenance: 'Cihangir' (Corinphila 2000)
Lot no.8065



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for140 €
TURKISH EMPIRE(LEBANON)-AUSTRIA, 1867, Unpaid entire letter from Beirut to Vienna with brownish cds. "BERUTTI 12/10", taxed on front with "20" new kreuzer, to be paid by the recipient. The postage consists of 10 kreuzer sea postage from Beirut to Trieste and 10 kreuzer internal Austrian postage.
Lot no.8066



Catalogue no.Austrian Levante V23, 22

Opening6.000 €
Sold for9.000 €

TURKISH EMPIRE (MACEDONIA)-AUSTRIA, 1866, Entire registered letter from Cavalla via Trieste to Vienna, prepaid with Austrian Levante 1864, 15 soldi brown and 2 copies 10 soldi blau, tied by 2 clear strikes of blue single circle "CAVALLA 26/5" with adjacent blue "RECOM.". The franking consists of 25 soldi postage and 10 soldi registration fee. Franked letters from Cavalla in this period are extremely rare; this registered letter is supposed to be unique. Certificate Eichele (2010)

Lot no.8067



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for160 €
TURKISH EMPIRE (MACEDONIA)-AUSTRIA, 1860, Cash paid lettersheet with black single circle "CAVALLA 24/5" and adjacent straight line "FRANCO" to Trieste with "20" soldi prepayment noted on reverse
Lot no.8068



Catalogue no.Austrian Levante 1I

Opening1.000 €
Sold for1.250 €
TURKISH EMPIRE-AUSTRIA, 1869, Complete printed matter from Constantinople to Trieste, franked with horizontal pair Austrian Levante 1867, 2 soldi orange in beautiful nice fresh shade, tied by superb strike of double circle "CONSTANTINOPEL 20/11". An extremely fine and most attractive entire; signed Ferchenbauer with certificate (1993) Provenance: Pietro Provera (collector's mark)
Lot no.8069



Catalogue no.Austrian Levante 5I

Opening150 €
Sold for260 €
TURKISH EMPIRE-AUSTRIA, 1871, Lettersheet franked with Austrian Levante 1867, 15 soldi brown, tied by superb strike of blue "SAMSUN 26/8". The stamp minor bend due to letter contents, otherwise very fine and fresh. A very attractive entire.
Lot no.8070



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
TURKISH EMPIRE-BELGIUM, 1830, Unpaid entire letter from Smyrna with straight line "TURQUIA" to Verviers, showing on reverse clear desinfection seal "NETTO DI FUORA E SPORCO DI DENTRO" (Meier main type A), red "Duitschland over Verviers" and red arrival mark of June 4. Upon arrival a total of "95" centimes charged to the recipient.
Lot no.8071



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for220 €

TURKISH EMPIRE-BELGIUM, 1856, Unpaid lettersheet from "CONSTANTINOPLE 19/9" to Bruxelles; at Triest blue framed "7¼" tax mark applied for the due amount of 7¼ silbergroschen (= 91 centimes), rounded up to 100 centimes = "10" decimes; together with the internal Belgium postage a total of "12" decimes charged to the recipient. Bruxelles arrival mark of September 29 on reverse. A fine entire
