377th Auction
20-25 September 2021 in Wiesbaden
- Main catalogue (255) Apply Main catalogue filter
- DOMINICAN REPUBLIC The Hansmichael Krug Collection (3) Apply DOMINICAN REPUBLIC The Hansmichael Krug Collection filter
- INTERNATIONAL MAIL VIA TRIESTE - The Rolf Rohlfs Collection (part I) (35) Apply INTERNATIONAL MAIL VIA TRIESTE - The Rolf Rohlfs Collection (part I) filter
- NORTH GERMAN POSTAL DISTRICT The Dr Jan Mazánek Collection (11) Apply NORTH GERMAN POSTAL DISTRICT The Dr Jan Mazánek Collection filter
- POSTAL HISTORY OF THE FAROE ISLANDS DURING WWII - The Jack Petersen Collection (252) Apply POSTAL HISTORY OF THE FAROE ISLANDS DURING WWII - The Jack Petersen Collection filter
1943, 4.12. and 18.12., two covers from Thorshavn to Chicago resp. New York, the earlier as registered cover with double censor of England and the US, the other intended for air mail service, but airmail cancelled as airmail was not available from UK to the USA, fine
1944, 18.2. and 1.3., two registered covers franked with Christian X. 1-2kr. with additional franking tied by cds. "THORSHAVN" and sent to Chicago, the latter cover endorsed "OAT" (Onward Air Transmission) the earlier one double censored by England and the USA, reverse with transit and arrival marks and vignettes "BARNAHJ'ALPIN", minor transportations marks, a fascinating group
1944, 8.6. and 27.5., Airmail 20ø, block of four and pair with additional franking tied by cds. "THORSHAVN 27.5.44" to airmail cover to New York, censored in England and closed with "P.C. 90 4320" closing strip and cover sent from a Dane of the "73rd Batt. H Q Comp" with U.S. Navy censor mark to Thorshavn, some transportation wear, attractive and uncommon
1945, 3.2., Christian X. 15,25,35 and 40ø tied by cds. "THORSHAVN -3.2.45" to AR-registered letter via England to Los Angeles, censored in England and closed with "P.C. 90 4255" closing strip, fine
1946, 27.5., Numerals and Christian X. 12 values tied by cds. "THORSHAVN 27.5.43" to registered cover to Portland, the sender is postmaster J. Danielsen and as the post office ran out of Danish registered vignettes after the war they used the British labels, fine
1939, 28.8. and 3.12., Caravelle 15 and 20ø with additional franking tied by cds. "THORSHAVN 28.8.39" to registered airmail cover via France to Switzerland with french censor label, and Hindenburg 25pf. tied by cds. "BENSHEIM 3.12.39" to Sand with German censor label, fine
1940, 26.2., opened out cover with meter mark "VESTLANDSBANKEN BERGEN 26 2 40" to Thorshavn, with adjacent boxed "Service interrompu", two-line "Postudvekslingen indstillet. Retur Afsenderen" and straight-line "RETOUR", returned in late May 1940 with arrival mark "BERGEN 28.5.40", fine
1940, 21.12., 60 on 6ø horizontal pair tied by cds. "THORSHAVN 21.12.40" to registered cover to Ontario, Canada, censored in England and closed with "P.C. 90 7386" closing strip and with further censor label "PC 23 RETURNED TO SENDER....FOR REASON EXPLAINED...", with corresponding postal note "P.C. 12 This cover was open...", despite some small stains a very attractive and rare cover
1940/41, two covers, one from Barcelona sent to Denmark and then forwarded to Faroe Islands, censored in Spain (Civil War) with "Direccion General De Seguridad, Barcelona, CENSURADO" and further German censor marks and closing label of Munich, censored in England and closed with "P.C. 90 4454" closing strip, and another cover sent from Grao -Valencia originally as airmail cover, which was cancelled in London by red bars, to Thorshavn with Spanish and British censor labels, both covers some faults, yet attractive and scarce
1941, 11.2., 1 and 5f. tied by cds. "BUDAPEST FEB 11 45" to printed matter to Thorshavn with German censorship of Vienna alongside, unique
1941, 4.3., Norway Coat of arms 20ø horizontal pair and single 35ø tied by cds. "RISØR -4 III 41" to airmail cover to Thorshavn, with German censor label of Frankfurt and censored in England and closed with "P.C. 90 4,466" closing strip. Very attractive and the only known letter that came through to Faroe Islands between 20th. January 1941 and 13th. December 1941 going via Lisbon - New York
1941/42, two covers, the first franked with two singles Provisionals 20 on 1ø from "THORSHAVN 5.11.41" via England with corresponding censor label to St. Lucia with adjacent boxed "PASSED BY ARMY EXAMINER US 801", the other one sent from St. Lucia with US Monroe 5c. tied by machine cancel "AMERICAN BASE FORCES A.P. 805 FEB 23 1942" to the Postmaster of Midvaag, censored with boxed "PASSED BY ARMY EXAMINER US 801", the latter some toning and vertical fold, scarce
1942, 26.5., Red Cross form from the Faroe Islands, sent on the 26th of May 1942 to Switzerland, arrived in Geneva on 26th of June 1942. Censored with boxed "PASSED P.84". Returned with reply and censored "PASSED P.91". When the reply arrived in the Faroe Islands it was placed in a "Red Cross" envelope with cds. "THORSHAVN 20.8.42". At present, only this Red Cross form is known between the Faroe Islands and Switzerland.
1942, 29.5 and 31.3., two covers, each franked with horizontal pair of Caravelle 20ø and tied by cancel resp. cds. "VESTMANHAVN" and "THORSHAVN 13.3.42" to the Red Cross in Switzerland, censored in England and closed with "P.C. 90 4114/1121" closing strips, some minor transportation wear, otherwise fine
1943, 6.2., Christian X. and Polar bear 7ø - 1kr. tied by cds. "JULIANEHAAB -6-2-1943" to airmail cover via USA and England to Trangisvaag, censored in the USA and closed with tape strip "EXAMINED BY 8317", small part of lower right corner missing, otherwise fine and attractive. The postal service from Greenland to Denmark closed in October 1941, and therefore there are not many letters sent subsequently to the Faroe Islands. However, the mail connection to Faroe Islands remained open. Letters from Greenland to Faroe Islands are scarce
1944, 11.1., Internee Mail letter dated "Douglas I.O.M. dem 11.I.43" sent to Thorshavn, written by an Austrian citizen named Bugatsch, who lived in the Faroe Islands and lived as a merchant, however he was one of the foreign resident civilians that were removed from Faroe Islands and were interned. Front showing red cds. "OFFICIAL PAID 21 JA 44", on reverse oval cachet "P Camp 13. January 1944 Isle of Man", censored and closed with "P.C.90 4126" small type label, a very fine and rare entire
1944, 17.6 and 20.7., George VI. 2½d. blue tied by cancel "Norwegian Army Field Post Office" to cover sent from the Norwegian forces to Thorshavn, upon arrival in England censored with "PC 90" closing label and adjacent boxed "Passed By Censor 2974", in Thorshavn horizontal pair Postage due 6ø added and tied with cds. "THORSHAVN 10.7.44". And further cover franked with Norway London government in exile 20, 40 and 60ø tied by red "POST OFFICE CENSOR MAIL MARITIME", sent to Sand and censored in England with "PC 90 6723" closing strip, fine, the latter with certificate Wowern (1989)
1945. 2.4., Village churches 10-20ø with additional franking tied by cds. "THORSHAVN 2-4.45" to cover, which was intended to go by airmail, to Harjavalta, Finland. The English airmail label is cancelled with red six bars in London as there was a temporary interruption in airmail service, censored in England and closed with "P.C. 90 5890" closing strip, attractive and unusual entire
1945, 9.6. and 16.12., Christian X. 20-25ø tied by cds. "THORSHAVN -9.6.45" to airmail cover via England to Bergen, censored in England and closed with "P.C. 90 5404" closing strip and further censored in Norway with violet oval "Kontrollert" by the Post War censorship in Norway that lasted from May to November 1945, reverse with arrival mark. In addition, Christian X. 15ø tied by cds. "THORSHAVN 16.12.1945" to postcard to Oslo, cover some minor transportation marks, still find and attractive
1945, 13.6., Coat of arms 10ø tied by machine cancel "SANDEFJORD 13 VI 45" as additional franking to postal stationery card 20ø endorsed "By air to England" to Vestmanhavn, censored with adjacent boxed "PASSED T.185", fine
1945, 13.10., Red Cross 1-4,5m. tied by cds. "HELSINKI 13-X-45" to registered cover to Thorshavn, censored in Finland by the post-war censorship with closing label, fine
1946, 9.6., Christian X. 10 and 40ø tied by cancel "FUGLEFJORD" to registered cover with British label to Lahti, Finland, censored in Finland by Finnish Post War Censorship that lasted until the end of 1946, fine
1940, two postcards showing the "Suffolk" and the "Ulster Prince" and two covers endorsed "O.A.S" with boxed "PASSED BY CENSOR NO. 2149", fine
1941, 21.2., large cover piece with cds. "FIELD POST OFFICE 695 21 FE 41" addressed to Leicester with adjacent boxed "PASSED BY CENSOR No 2154", fine
1941, 25.7. and 6.11, cover with "British Consulate 25 July 1941, Thorshavn" handstamp sent via Field Post Office 219 on 30. July and "Passed By Censor No.2149". The contents were censored by the consul F. C. Mason who signed in the lower left corner of the text "H. M. Consul, Faroe Islands". And Active Service envelope with senders handstamp "The Lova Scouts" with cds. "Field Post Office 219 11 6 41" alongside to Aberdeenshire, some small imperfection but only very few letters are known with "The Lova Scouts" handstamp
1942, 7.8., cover endorsed "ON ACTIVE SERVICE" with cds. "FIELD POST OFFICE 611 7 AU 42" addressed to Leeds with adjacent "PASSED BY CENSOR No 5522", fine
1942, 26.11., cover with cds. "FIELD POST OFFICE 611 26 NO 42" addressed to Rockdale with adjacent "PASSED BY CENSOR No 5674" and "PC 90 6422" closing strip, in addition Privilege Envelope addressed to Nottingham with adjacent "PASSED BY CENSOR No 5674", fine
1943, 23.7., cover with cds. "FIELD POST OFFICE 611 23 JU 43" addressed to Rockdale with adjacent "PASSED BY CENSOR No 4234", in addition Privilege Envelope addressed to Yorkshire with adjacent "PASSED BY CENSOR No 4234", fine
1941/43, group of 7 cards and covers including boxed cancel "H.M. SHIPS" in censored cover addressed to 189 Coast Battery, Faroe Islands, all written up, a very interesting group, mostly fine
1942/43, cover with cds. "FIELD POST OFFICE 611 21 SP 42" addressed to the Royal Air Force College Cranwell with adjacent censor "R.A.F. CENSOR 163", further cover with cds. "FIELD POST OFFICE 611 20 OC 42" endorsed "O.A.S" sent to Limerick, Ireland with adjacent "PASSED BY CENSOR 4381" and "PC 90 3017" closing label, fine
1944/45, 4 covers including two covers addressed to the RAF, all written up, mostly fine
1940, two covers from "THORSHAVN" to the Danish Legation in Reykjavík, both censored in England, fine
1942/44, three covers sent to England, two with "Free Danes", and two sent to the Danish House, all written up
1942/44, Letter concerning the consul's radio talks concerning the Faroe Islands, sent by Christmas Møller, member of the Danish Council in London, franked with George VI. ½ and 2d. from "LONDON 8 OCT 1942" to Faroe Islands and cover from "FUGLEFJORD" to the "Danish House" in London, censored in England, some minor imperfection, both written up
1942/45, three covers including Airmail cover from "FRESNO MAY 27 1942" with two-line "PASSED BY CENSOR" alongside to Thorshavn with patriotic sticker "Free Danish Representation" on reverse, and cover from "SUMBØ" to the Royal Danish Legation in Washington, all written up
1944, three covers including one sent to Christmas Møller, one from London with seal "Legation De Danemark" and another one with "BARNAHJ'ALPIN" vignette, all written up