378th Auction

21-26 March 2022 in Wiesbaden


Lot no.1267



Catalogue no.I

Opening2.000 €
Sold for3.000 €

1919, First Aerial Post England-Australia, the so-called Ross-Smith vignette in dark blue tied by flight cachet "FIRST AERIAL MAIL 26.FEB.1920" to cover with adjacent three line handstamp "PER VICKERS VIMY AEROPLANE TO AUSTRALIA" to Melbouren, fine and rare cover, signed A. Diena with certifacate (1961) and Raybaudi with certificate (1971)

Lot no.1268



Catalogue no.Z13

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold

"C" on 1865/67, 4 d. vermilion on cover endorsed "Via Varna" 1875 to Manchester

Lot no.1269



Catalogue no.5

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold

1852/57, 3d. red, clear to large margins, used with central target, very fine, signed Georg Bühler

Lot no.1270



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold

POSTAL STATIONERY: 1897, envelope ½ a. blue, unused, very fine

Lot no.1271



Catalogue no.123 a.o.

Opening150 €
Sold for340 €

1899, 4 CENTS on 5$ with 4v mm spacing, with additional franking on registerd Bickel-cover from "KUDAT 8 JUL 1905" to Germany with transit- and arrival marks.

Lot no.1272



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €

1900, cover from Bavaria to Bloemfontein,, undeliverable and returned, with violet "RETURNED LETTER OFFICE BLOEMFONTAIN" and "PASSE CENSOR H.P.Y." and rose censor lable.

Lot no.1518



Catalogue no.Si.238Aa

Opening200 €
Sold for170 €

Gibraltar: 1933, Chicagofahrt mit Anschlussflug Berlin bis Brasilien, R-Brief von "GIBRALTAR 7.OC.33" nach Buenos Aires mit Ankunftsstempel vom 19.10., gute Erhaltung, selten

Lot no.1521



Catalogue no.Si.409S

Opening200 €
Sold for200 €

Jamaika: 1936, 1. Nordamerikafahrt, Mitläufer über amerikanische Post, Brief von "KINGSTON MY.6.33" mit amerikanischem Sonderbestätigungsstempel via Frankfurt nach England, Umschlag einmal gefaltet und gebräunt, selten

Lot no.1530



Catalogue no.Si.235Aa

Opening200 €
Sold for220 €

Malta: 1933, 8. Südamerikafahrt mit Auflieferung Friedrichshafen, Ganzsachenkarte 1 1/2 d. mit Zusatzfrankatur von "VALETTA SP 25.33" nach Recife mit Ankunftsstempel, Karte rückseitig etwas gebräunt, sonst einwandfrei, recht seltene Zuleitung

Lot no.1634



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold for650 €

1852, vollständiger Faltbrief, innen datiert "Accra, Christiansborg 18 Januar 1852", adressiert "An die Norddeutsche Miss. Gesellschaft zu Bremen", über Forwarder Young in London geschickt und von diesem in „Islington S.O.“ der britischen Post übergeben, anschließend mit "8" Pence und dann "16" Grote taxiert, die beim Empfang zu zahlen waren. Ein außergewöhnlicher Brief aus dem heutigen Ghana

Lot no.6068



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for360 €

IONIAN ISLANDS-AUSTRIA, 1835, unpaid entire letter from Corfu to Trieste with fancy "CORFU 27 NOVEMBRE 1835" on reverse and oval "OFFICIO DE LA POSTA GENERALE CORFU" on front next to blue "Jonia" with matching blue "TRIEST 12 DEZEMBER" on revers. Taxed in Trieste with "15/20" kreuzer c.m.

Lot no.6069



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for200 €

IONIAN ISLANDS-AUSTRIA, 1841, prepaid entire letter from Zante to Trieste with fancy "ZANTE 27 APRILE 1841" on reverse and "CORFU 29 APRILE 1841" on front; unusual rating in red crayon on front, "18" kreuzer prepayment noted on reverse. Entire with desinfection slits, very fine.

Lot no.6070



Catalogue no.2

Opening2.500 €
Sold for6.400 €

IONIAN ISLANDS-AUSTRIA, 1859, Entire prepaid letter from "ITAKA 16 JUNE (5)9" to Triest, as usual franked in transit (the little town had not yet been supplied with stamps) with 1859, 1 d. blue for the internal Ionian postage, tied by fancy "KEFALONIA 1859 JUNE 17" with adjacent matching blue boxed "FRANCA"; on reverse manuscript "15" (new kreuzer) in red crayon indicating the paid sea postage to Trieste; arrival mark of June 22nd. A rare and most attractive letter posted on the 2nd day of issue of the Ionian postage stamps. Signed Giulio Bolaffi with certificate (1966) and Alberto Diena with certificate (1962) (SG 2)

Lot no.6092



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for2.100 €

MAURITIUS-NORTH GERMAN FEDERATION: 1869, small wrapper endorsed "Via Trieste" and franked with DLR 1 d. brown, tied by duplex "MAURITIUS AU 26 69" to Danzig, Prussia, showing on front blue "FORWARDED BY SCOTT & CO. MAURITIUS". Although the wrapper was correctly franked, it was not accepted as printed matter and charged "1/1" (equal 11 sgr.) for the letter rate via England. A fine and interesting item.

Lot no.6093



Catalogue no.

Opening800 €
Sold for900 €

MAURITIUS-SWEDEN: 1857, Double rate lettersheet from the Swedish/Norwegian Consulate at Port Louis, backstamped "PACKET LETTER MAURITIUS JU 19 1857" in red, endorsed "per overland mail via Trieste" to Stockholm. The letter was prepaid to Alexandria with "2/-", charged in Germany "12½" sgr. for sea post Alexandria-Trieste and "6" sgr. Postal Union double rate ; in Sweden a total postage due of "1(Rdr) 37 (sk) 6 (rst)" was noted ; a very rare entire via the overland mail; just 3 letters during the skilling period from Mauritius to Sweden have been recorded

Lot no.6094



Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €
Sold for2.000 €

INDIA -AUSTRIA: 1857, letter sheet prepaid till Alexandria with 1856/64, 8 a. carmine and additionally with 1854, 2 a. green (cut to shape) for the 'after packet' fee, both tied by octogonal handstamp "B 1" of Calcutta. On front red boxed "INDIA PAID", british manuscript "1/-" and postage due marking "9" (kreuzer c.m.) for the sea postage from Alexandria to Trieste. A fine and scarce entire. (SG 49+31)

Lot no.6095



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for1.500 €

INDIA -HAMBURG: 1863, cover prepaid till Alexandria with 1856/64, 1 a. brown and 8 a. carmine, tied by octogonal handstamp and showing on reverse blue "FORWARDED BY JOHN BORRADAILE & Co. CALCUTTA" next to red "EX CALCUTTA AG 16 1863" and red Bombay transit mark of August 23rd to Hamburg with arrival mark of 20.9.. On front red "INDIA PAID" and Triest handstamp "6" for the conveyance from Alexandria to Trieste; in Hamburg charged with "8" shilling local currency. Fine and fresh. (SG 39,48)

Lot no.6096



Catalogue no.

Opening2.000 €
Sold for8.500 €

INDIA - SARDINIA: 1856, lettersheet from Calcutta to Genova, franked with horizontal pair 1854/55, 4 a. blue/red (4th printing), cut to shape but with still good margins, showing large part of printer's cross at bottom. The entire with red boxed "INDIA PAID" and "D.A.a.L." (Diritto Austriaco austriache Lire), charged upon arrival with "10" decimes. A fine and scarce letter. (SG23)

Lot no.6097



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for200 €

INDIA - SARDINIA: 1857, lettersheet from the same correspondance, franked with 1856/64, 8 a. carmine (perfs clipped at top), showing on front red boxed "INDIA PAID" and "D.A.a.L." (Diritto Austriaco austriache Lire), charged upon arrival with "10" decimes.

Lot no.6098



Catalogue no.

Opening20.000 €
Sold for20.000 €

STRAITS SETTLEMENTS- HAMBURG: 1856, double rate letter sheet with large part of contens from Singapore to Hamburg, endorsed "via Trieste", part paid to Alexandria with four copies 1854/55, 4a. 4th printing (all cut square, mostly with clear margins), each cancelled by diamond of dots. On front rated "12½" silbergroschen for the conveyance from Alexandria to Hamburg, change to "17" Schilling local Hamburg currency in blue ink; on reverse clear arrival datestamp (1.3). A very rare franking and an outstanding item of India used in the Straits Settlements. Certificate Heddergott BPP (2002).
Provenance: E.E. Yates (1939), Charles Taylor (London and Brighton stamp auctions 1981)

Lot no.6100



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for200 €

CHINA - FRANCE: 1870, printed matter letter sheet from Hongkong to St. Etienne, franked with 1863/71, 2 c. brown (defective) and 4 c. grey, tied by "B62"; on front and reverse Vienna and Fench transit marks and arrival mark of 22.2. 1870 (SG 8,9)

Lot no.6102



Catalogue no.

Opening600 €
Sold for1.600 €

CHINA - NORTH GERMAN FEDERATION: 1868, envelope (opened on 2 sides) from Shanghai to Breslau, franked with 1863/71, 8 c. orange and 24 c. green, tied by "B62"; on reverse blue despatch "SHANGHAE OC 13 68", black "HONG-KONG OC 18 68" (not quite compleete since a seal was cut out) and arrival marks. At Trieste rare boxed tax stamp "4" was applied, although the letter was sufficiently prepaid according to the old rate with 24 c. to Alexandria (which had been reduced to 12 c. 4 month before) and 8 c. for the remaining way. A scarce and interesting letter.(SG 11,14)

Lot no.10061



Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €
Sold for4.800 €

1872/1940, umfangreicher Sammlungsbestand mit einigen hundert, meist ungebrauchten Ganzsachen, dabei Ganzsachen mit Specimen-Aufdruck, Ganzsachen-Formblätter, Bildkarten, Ganzsachen mit Zusatzfrankaturen und weiteren Besonderheiten, meist in guter Erhaltung


Video: https://youtu.be/-YyNAz1AXrE

Lot no.10062



Catalogue no.

Opening800 €
Sold for3.200 €

1872/1960, umfangreiche Sammlung mit einigen hundert, meist ungebrauchten Ganzsachen von Barbados bis Zululand mit u.a. vielen verschiedenen R-GSU mit besseren Formaten und Ganzsachen mit Specimen-Aufdruck, zusammen in elf Ordnern und ein altes Ganzsachen-Album nur mit R-GSU im Großformat u.a. von Hongkong und Bechuanaland mit besseren, meist in guter Erhaltung

Video: https://youtu.be/gH49Sfk2CiY

Lot no.10063



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for1.250 €

1869/1965 (ca.), über 500 meist ungebrauchte Ganzsachen inklusive etwas Australien, dabei Ganzsachen mit Specimen-Aufdrucken, Privat-Ganzsachen mit besseren und weiteren Besonderheiten, meist in guter Erhaltung


Video: https://youtu.be/4idy3q6YULs

Lot no.10064



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for500 €

1886/1972, ca. 200 meist ungebrauchte Ganzsachen mit R-Umschlägen mit verschiedenen Formaten und Ganzsachen mit "Specimen"-Aufdruck, meist in guter Erhaltung

Lot no.10065



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold for1.150 €

1857/1970 (ca.), fast 600 meist ungebrauchte Ganzsachen inkl. Klein- und Feudalstaaten, dabei Bildkarten, Ganzsachen mit Zusatzfrankaturen und weiteren Besonderheiten, meist in guter Erhaltung

Lot no.10066



Catalogue no.U1

Opening200 €
Sold for170 €

1890, Ganzachenumschlag 1/2 A. grün mit rückseitigem Prägestempel, ungebraucht, einwandfrei, sehr selten

Lot no.10067



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for220 €

1871/1965 (ca.), ca. 150 meist ungebrauchte Ganzsachen inkl. Doubletten, meist in guter Erhaltung

Lot no.10068



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for1.100 €

1879/1960 (ca.), ca. 270 meist ungebrauchte Ganzsachen inkl. Straits Settlements, dabei Ganzsachen mit Specimen-Aufdruck, meist in guter Erhaltung

Lot no.10135


0 1 3 6

Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for620 €

1850/1990, umfangreiche Partie Sammlungen und Dubletten, dabei Großbritannien, Kanal-Inseln sowie teils gute postfrische Teile von Aden, Anguilla, Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Barbuda, Bermuda, Dominica, Ghana, Gibralter, Hong Kong, Indien, Malaya, Montserrat, Nigeria, Norfolk Islands, Pitcairn Island, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Strait Settlements, Tanzania, Tonga, Tristan da Cunha und Zypern, meist gute Erhaltung

Lot no.10136


Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for150 €

1864/1990, mint and used stamps and covers, mainly on stockcards, in two stockbooks and 4 albums, incl. thematics (Rowland Hill, coaches) mixed condition

Lot no.10137
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


0 1 3

Catalogue no.

Opening380 €
Sold forUnsold

1900/90 (ca.), meist postfrischer Bestand in 4 Steckbüchern

Lot no.10138
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening3.000 €
Sold forUnsold

1914/95, postfrischer Bestand, dabei GB mit guten Portomarken, Irland mit Mi.-Nr. 37-39 II, Guernsey, Malta, Zypern mit u.a. Bl. 1 (10), Bl. 18 (5) etc. (SG nach Angabe des Einlieferers ca. £ 15.000,--)

Lot no.10139
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


0 1 3

Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €

1940/60 (ca.), postfrische, ungebrauchte und gestempelte Partie im Einsteck-Buch

Lot no.10140
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


0 1 3

Catalogue no.

Opening3.000 €
Sold for2.800 €

1867/1948 (ca.), postfrischer, ungebrauchter und gestempelter Bestand mit guten Ausgaben im Einsteck-Buch
