378th Auction

21-26 March 2022 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.8001



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for500 €

1847, folded letter from Baltimore via Bremen to Schorndorf, upon arrival in Bremen arrival mark "BREMEN 10 6" and black two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" and boxed "See Brief" applied, the recipient was charged with "34" kreuzer, a very attractive cover and the earliest known strike of this Hanoverian routing cancel first mentioned in the hann. Circulaire 162 dated June 12th 1847


Lot no.8002



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for380 €

1847, (May 31), "Washington" Maiden Voyage, double-weight folded lettersheet endorsed "Steamer Washington from New York", from "BALTIMORE MAY 29" with straight-line "PAID" alongside to London, "58" c. charged in manuscript and upon arrival in Southampton charged with "2sh", a fine and scarce entire

Lot no.8003



Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €
Sold for1.500 €

1847, (Jun 22) double-weight folded letter dated "Leipsic 22 Juni" sent from the US Consulate in Leipzig, endorsed "pr. Steamship Washington via Bremen from Southampton" via "ST.P.A. BREMEN 2 7" with adjacent boxed red "PAID", transit mark "PAID GT 5JY 1847" and magenta "3" credit rating to GB to Cambridge, a fine and very rare cover from the first return trip of the "Washington" of which to our knowledge only four exist, this being the only double-weight

Lot no.8004



Catalogue no.

Opening120 €
Sold for120 €

1847, (Sept. 20) double-weight envelope from "GEORGETOWN SEP 20" with adjacent straight-line "PAID" and manuscript "10", endorsed "By the Bremen Steamer Washington" to Elbingerrode, upon arrival in Bremen two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" applied, the recipient was charged "52" kr., a fine and attractive entire from the 2nd trip of the "Washington"

Lot no.8005



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €

1847, (Oct 14), folded letter written in Bünde, endorsed "per Steamer Washington free Bremen", with cds. "ST.P.A. BREMEN 18 10" alongside, in Baltimore  manuscript "29" due rating for U.S. 5c inland postage and 24c American packet fee applied, some small tears and minor staining, a fine entire from the 2nd return trip of the "Washington"



Lot no.8006



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for480 €

1847, (Nov 18), folded lettersheet sent from the Bavarian Consulate in New York to Munich endorsed "Pr Steamer Washinghton via Bremen", with red cds. "NEW-YORK NOV 18", "24" cent due handstamp in red and two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" alongside, upon arrival charged with "9 3/4" (Ggr.) resp. "49/18" (Kr.) up to Nürnberg, first charged with "12" (Kr.), this deleted as within Bavaria no fee was to be paid as the cover was Royal official business, a fine entire from the 3rd eastbound trip of the Washington 



Lot no.8007



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for420 €

1847, (Dec 9) folded lettersheet from Damme via "ST.P.A. BREMEN 13 12" with red "24" accountancy marking, addressed to forwarder in New Orleans, from there forwarded to Texas, charged with "34" c., few folds and little toned, but a still attractive entire from the 3rd return trip of the "Washington"

Lot no.8008



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold for500 €

1848, (Mar 14), folded lettersheet endorsed "Pr Steamer Washington" with cds. "ST. P.A. BREMEN 14 3" alongside sent to New York with the "Washington" departing on March 18th, red "24" cent due handstamp applied upon arrival, a fine and choice entire carried on the first westbound saling under the U.S.-Germany treaty of March 1848

Lot no.8009



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for540 €

1848, (Mar 19), "Hermann" Maiden Voyage, folded letter from "NEW YORK MAR 19" to Berlin with red straight-line "PAID" and two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" alongside, as with this trip, the agreement (Postal Arrangement of 1847 and detailed regulations for fully paid covers sent beyond Bremen) went into force the city post office charged last time "2" (Grote) Transit to Hannover, minor staining, but a very interesting and scarce entire

Lot no.8010



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for110 €

1848, (Apr. 17), folded letter from Pittsburgh via "NEW YORK APR 25" to Württemberg, with red "10" cent for Inland Postage and red "PAID" and black "24" due handstamp alongside, upon arrival two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" struck and charged in red crayon, a interesting entire from the 5th trip of the "Washington"

Lot no.8011



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for120 €

1848, (June 14), folded letter from Pittsburgh via "NEW YORK JUN 18" to Nürnberg, with red "10" cent for Inland Postage and red "PAID" and black "24" due handstamp alongside, upon arrival two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" and red handstamp "10 1/3" (9 Gr. transatlantic and 1 1/3 Hannover transit) applied, in Nürnberg cancel "NÜRNBERGER AUSLAGEN" applied, few faults but interesting entire

Lot no.8012



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for130 €

1848, (June 20), folded letter from Ohio via "NEW YORK JUN 20" to Tübingen, with handwritten " Paid 10" cent for Inland Postage and black "24" due handstamp alongside, upon arrival two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" and red handstamp "10 1/3" (9 Gr. transatlantic and 1 1/3 Hannover transit) applied, charged with 24 (Kr.) Taxis transit, a fine entire from the 2nd trip of the "Hermann"

Lot no.8013



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for110 €

1848 (Aug 21), folded letter from "NEW YORK AUG 21" to Zeitz endorsed "p. Steamer Herrmann for Bremen" with black "PAID PART" alongside, upon arrival red "1 1/3" (Hannover transit) applied, a fine entire from the 9th trip of the "Hermann"

Lot no.8014



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold

1848, (Sept. 18) folded letter from Philadelphia via "NEW YORK SEP 20" endorsed "per Steamer to Bremen", charged with "29" (cent) with blue boxed "PAID" and erroneously struck straight-line "PAID PART" alongside to Bremen, a fine and scarce entire 

Lot no.8015



Catalogue no.

Opening120 €
Sold for120 €

1848, (Sep 19) folded lettersheet from "NEW-YORK SEP 19" endorsed "Per Steamer Washington via Bremen" with straight-line "PAID PART" alongside to Stuttgart, upon arrival in Bremen black two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" and red accountancy mark "1 1/3" applied, the recipient was charged "18" kr., fine

Lot no.8016



Catalogue no.

Opening120 €
Sold for140 €

1848, (Sep. 19), folded lettersheet from "BALTIMORE SEP 19" endorsed "p. Steamer Washington..." via "NEW-YORK SEP 21" with red straight-line "TOO LATE" struck alongside, charged with "29" (cent), to Bremen. The letter missed the "Washington" by one day, waited 4 weeks for the "Hermann" which never reached Bremen due to engine trouble, so the letter finally arrived by November 10th via Southampton, some minor stains, scarce and interesting

Lot no.8017



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for80 €

1848, (Nov 12), folded letter from "MEININGEN 12 NOV 1848" via "ST.P.A. BREMEN 15 11" to New York, Thurn and Taxis charged "11" (gr.), the Stadtpostamt "12" c., plus 24c. transatlantic, upon arrival charged with "36" c., a fine entire carried by the "Washington"

Lot no.8018



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for1.050 €

1849, (Mar 10), unpaid folded letter from "WAUKESHA MAR 10" via "NEW YORK MAR 28", charged with "34" (cent) to Echternach, Luxemburg, upon arrival two-line "12 3/4 AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" applied and finally charged with "19¼" (Sgr.), reverse with railway and "TRIER 13 5" transit marks, a fine cover with scarce destination

Lot no.8019



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for240 €

1849, (Apr 19), unpaid folded letter from "NEW YORK APR 20" with black "24" cents due mark alongside to Mittenwald, Bavaria. Upon arrival black two-line "9 AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" and red "10 1/3" applied, then charged with 12 Kr. for the Prussian and Taxis transit, finally in Nürnberg black "NÜRNBERGER AUSLAGE" and manuscript "58/12" applied, a fine and very interesting entire

Lot no.8020



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for80 €

1849, (May 20), partly paid folded lettersheet endorsed "Paid to Bremen" from "NEW YORK MAY 20" with black "PAID PART" alongside to Dresden, upon arrival red two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" applied, finally charged with 50 (Npfg), fine

Lot no.8021



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for80 €

1849, (June 20), unpaid folded lettersheet endorsed "P Steamer Hermann for Bremen" via "NEW YORK JUN 20" with black "24" cent due handstamp alongside to Bischofswerda, upon arrival red two-line " 9 AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" applied, upon arrival charged with 163 (Npfg), fine

Lot no.8022



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for150 €

1849, (July 18), unpaid double-weight folded letter endorsed "p. Washington" from "NEW YORK JUL 20" with black "48" cent due handstamp alongside to Stuttgart, upon arrival red two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" with manuscript "18" and scarce red "20 2/3 accountancy handstamp applied, a scarce and attractive entire

Lot no.8023



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for380 €

1849, (July 30), fully paid folded lettersheet endorsed "via Boston + Liverpool per Steamer" with red straight-line "PAID" and manuscript "55" cents alongside, via "NEW YORK JUL 30" with corresponding "PAID ALL" in red, upon arrival in Bremen red two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" applied, "21" cent credited to Bremen, than "weiterfranko" "7" for Hannover and finally "6" (Kreuzer) to Switzerland, to our knowledge the only fully paid cover of this period to Switzerland, a very rare and attractive entire

Lot no.8024



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold forUnsold

1849, (Aug 8) folded letter from "HANNOVER 8 Aug" endorsed "Via Newyork pr. Steamer Washington" via "ST.P.A. BREMEN 9 8" with red boxed "PAID ALL." applied to Baltimore, fine and scarce and the to our knowledge earliest completly paid cover from the Kingdom of Hannover to the USA

Lot no.8025



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for200 €

1849, (Aug. 10), folded letter from "SCHARMBECK" with manuscript "2" gr. and adjacent boxed "Paid to Bremen" via "ST.P.A. BREMEN 11 8" to New York with "24" c. handstamp applied, fine

Lot no.8026



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for340 €

1849, (Sept 8), fully paid double-weight folded letter from "FRANKFURT 10 SEP 1849" endorsed "via Bremen mit Dampfschiff Herrman, über New York", via "ST.P.A. BREMEN 14/9" to Reading, Pennsylvania, the cover was fully paid with "128" (Kr.), upon arrival in New York manuscript "58" and red boxed "PAID ALL" applied, some tears not detracting from good appearance of this rare entire

Lot no.8027



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for130 €

1849, (Sept. 18), folded letter from "SCHAFSTÄDT" with manuscript "4½" sgr. and adjacent boxed "Paid to Bremen" via "ST.P.A. BREMEN 4 10" to New York with integral cds. "NEW YORK SHOP NOV 7 29 cts.", some ageing, otherwise fine

Lot no.8028



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for150 €

1849, (Nov, 19) folded lettersheet (sideflaps missing) from Philadelphia endorsed "per Steamer Washington" and in red "paid all through 41c" and corresponding straight-line "PAID ALL" to Breslau, upon arrival red two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" applied, a scarce example of the first mail to be carried in closed mail with the Cunard steamer America through England to Bremen

Lot no.8029



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for140 €

1849, (Nov 23), folded letter from "WHEELING  DEC 2" endorsed "New York" and "Havre de Grace", charged with "34" (cent), with blue "PAID" and black "PAID PART" alongside to Rohrdorf, upon arrival red "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" and accountancy mark "1½" struck, finally charged with "18" (Kreuzer), fine and attractive

Lot no.8030



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for280 €

1850, (Jan 1), folded letter from "CHICAGO JAN 8" endorsed "frei bis Bremen", charged with "34" (cent), with red "PAID" and black "PAID PART" alongside to Hildesheim, upon arrival red "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" struck, finally charged with "2" (Ggr.), fine and attractive

Lot no.8031



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for180 €

1850, (Feb 19) part-paid cover from "ARNSTADT 19/2" endorsed "frco Bremen 3½" with boxed "FRANCO bis BREMEN" alongside to New York, upon arrival charged with "24" c., some minor staining, otherwise fine and scarce

Lot no.8032



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for160 €

(1850), (May 17), unpaid folded lettersheet from "MILWAUKIE MAY 17" via "NEW YORK MAY 21" endorsed "per Steamer to Europe", charged with "34" (cent) to Harpstedt, upon arrival red two-line "12 3/4 AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" applied and finally charged with "14 3/4" (Ggr.), fine, signed Dr. Wolff

Lot no.8033



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for110 €

1850, (May 20) folded lettersheet from "NEW-YORK MAY 20" endorsed "Per Washington St" with accountancy mark "24" alongside to Blumentahl, upon arrival in Bremen red two-line "9 AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN", the recipient was charged "11" ggr., cover with some imperfections, otherwise fine

Lot no.8034



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for150 €

1850, (July 13), folded letter from "BERLIN 13 7" endorsed "p Dampfschiff", via "ST.P.A. BREMEN 14/7" to New York, the cover was paid with "16 3/4" (Sgr.), which was accounted for 40 gr./c., thus missing 1 cent, subsequently red boxed "PAID PART" and integral cds. "NEW YORK 5 AUG 5 Cts." applied, a very fine and interesting cover

Lot no.8035



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for280 €

1850, (July 25), unpaid folded lettersheet from "SAN FRANCISCO 25 JUL" via "NEW YORK SEP 6" to Bremen, upon arrival total of "64" cent debit to Bremen (40c. transcontinental fee, 24c transatlantic), carried by the "Washington" from New York to Bremerhaven, a fine and scarce 1st Bremen Treaty cover from California

Letter carried on Pacific Mail Steamship Company steamer "Panama" to Panama City and U.S. Mail Steamship Company steamer "Georgia" from Chagres to New York. U.S. debit to Bremen included 40c inland fee from West Coast and 24c treaty rate from New York to Bremen. Postage due in Bremen was 64 grote or 64c. 

Lot no.8036



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for160 €

1850, (Aug 19), unpaid  enveleope via "NEW YORK AUG 19", charged with "34" (cent) to Colberg, upon arrival red two-line "12 3/4 AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" and accountancy mark "14 1/12" applied and finally charged with "21¼" (Sgr.), fine, signed Dr. Wolff
