378th Auction

21-26 March 2022 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.8078



Catalogue no.

Opening120 €
Sold for400 €

1854, (Jan 13) insufficiently paid double-weight envelope from Philadelphia with intergral cds. "PHILADELPHIA JAN 13 PAID", manuscript "30" and red straight-line "PAID" alongside addressed to Oldelshofen. The cover arrived in New York on January 16th with red integral cds. "N. YORK US PKT JAN 16 PAID 7" applied, the cover was re-calculated and again posted with cds. "N YORK U.S. PKT JAN 28 PAID 2" on board of the "Washington" to Bremen, upon arrival blue two-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" and straight-line "Paid to Bremen" applied, the recipient charged with "9" Kr., some minor wear, a very attractive entire

Lot no.8082



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for130 €

1854, (Apr. 22) envelope sent by the "CONSULAT ZU NEW YORK GR. BAD." endorsed "p. Hermann" via "N. YORK PKT. APR 22 14" to Adelsheim, Baden, upon arrival in Bremen red two-line "24/9 Kr. R. AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN" applied, the recipient was charged with "33" kr., fine