378th Auction

21-26 March 2022 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.1483



Catalogue no.21

Opening100 €
Sold for160 €

1861, Washington 12c. tied by cork cancel as additional franking to postal stationery envelope 3c. pink from New York via Bremen with blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" to Berlin, reverse some opening faults, otherwise fine, certificate PF (1990)

Lot no.8107



Catalogue no.23

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold

1865, cover endorsed "per Bremen Steamer, Hansa" franked with 1861 Franklin 30c. orange, tied by cork cancel, via New York with red integral cds. "N. YORK BREMEN Pkt. Feb 10 PAID 12" to Gössitz, upon arrival in Bremen blue three-line "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" applied, a very fine and attractive cover

Lot no.8240



Catalogue no.16,18,38

Opening100 €
Sold for340 €

1871, orange buff cover franked with 1861 Franklin 1c. blue, Washington 3c. rose and 1870 Banknote Issue 3c. Washington green, tied by cork cancel with matching cds. "SAN RAFAEL MAY 18" alongside, via New York and Bremen to Nordstrand, Schleswig-Holstein, Prussia, a attractive and colorful combination franking

Lot no.8253



Catalogue no.43

Opening100 €
Sold for240 €

1873, registered cover endorsed "Per Bremen or Hamburg Steamer" franked with 1870 Bank Note Issue Webster 15c. orange, tied by cds. "MILWAUKEE FEB 5" with registry number "319", via New York with green crayon "12165" registry number, carried by the NGLs "America", red "BREMEN 27 2 73 FRANCO" and registry handstamp applied, very Fine use convenience overpaid 1c. for the 6c. Direct Mail rate plus 8c. registry fee