378th Auction

21-26 March 2022 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.6080



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for200 €

TURKISH EMPIRE - NETHERLANDS: 1859, unpaid entire letter from the Austrian PO at Smyrne to Amsterdam (contens: delivery of turkish ginger to the Netherlands), rated in blue crayon "20/25" new kreuzer, at Trieste tax mark "7" (silbergroschen) applied for the conveyance from smyrna to the dutch border; including 10 cents dutch internal rate the receipient was charged with a total of "55" cents.

Lot no.6103



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for1.050 €

DUTCH EAST INDIES - NETHERLANDS: 1853, entire prepaid letter with 6 pages of text, dated "Koepang den 28 September 1853", written by the son of missionary Geerloff Heijmering to relatives in Zaltbommel, showing on front clear oval "FRANKO TIMOR" with "ZEE BRIEF" covered and manuscript "Landmail" inserted; adjacent "pr. Landmail via Triest". On reverse manuscript "120" for pre-paiment in duiten, boxed "INDIE OVER TRIEST" and Bommel arrival mark of 14.5.1854. An interesting letter from the Island of Timor.