379th Auction
19-24 September 2022 in Wiesbaden
"ИЗЬ ФИНЛЯНДИИ" - "FROM FINLAND" boxed cancellation on Russia postal stationery card written in Helsingfors to Charlottenburg, fine
1869, entire unpaid letter from "SMIRNE 18/12 69" to Trieste, showing on front clear blue "THE ASIA MINOR SCREW STEAMSHIP Co. SMYRNA AGENCY", taxed upon arrival with "20" kreuzer, to be paid by the recipient
1892/1910 (ca.), rund 150 Briefe einer Korrespondenz von Gonaives in die Schweiz, dabei deutsche und holländische Schiffspost, Einschreiben, Nachporto, 'Paquebot'-Stempel, etc.