380th Auction

16-17 & 20-25 March 2023 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.1014



Catalogue no.

Opening1.500 €
Sold for2.700 €

"AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO/ RETTIMO", clear blue oval handstamp on cover with original contens 1860 to Constantinople. Very fine and rare (Tschil. Fig. 548)

Lot no.1113



Catalogue no.4II

Opening2.500 €
Sold for8.000 €

"AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRO-UNGARICO SYMI", clear strike in blue on 1867, 10 so. blue, fine printing, on entire letter 1878 to Trieste. On reverse transit mark of Smyrne and arrival mark. Very fine. The only recorded franked entire with this handstamp in blue. Certificate Dr. Ferchenbauer (2004)

Provenance: Dr. W. Shalcross (1956), Dr. Anton und Elisabeth Jerger (Corinphila, 2004)

Lot no.1114



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for1.000 €

"AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO SCIO", fine strike of bluish black oval handstamp on entire letter to Athens, rated "10" lepta for inland postage, rare and  fine

Lot no.1115



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold for480 €

"AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO Metelino", oval handstamp in black, fine strike on letter sheet 1859 to Constantinople, fine and rare

Lot no.1164



Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €
Sold for2.500 €

"AGENZIA DELL LLOYD AUSTRIACO PIREO" Ovalstempel in blau, sauber auf kpl. Faltbrief der Agentur, datiert "Pireo 8 Marzo 1866" nach Athen. Einzig registrierte Abschlag dieses Stempels auf Brief. Signiert Todd AIEP.

Provenienz: Henry Houser (1992), H. Smith (Corinphila 2013)

Lot no.1165



Catalogue no.P2

Opening1.000 €
Sold for1.000 €

"AGENZIA DELL LLOYD AUSTRO-UNGARICO PIREO" Doppelovalstempel in blau, sauber auf Ganzsachenkarte 5 So., datiert "Pireo 10/1(84" nach Bregenz mit nebengesetztem Ankunftsstempel. Die Karte rechts oben Eckfehler und oben links zwei Büge, sonst gute Erhaltung. Eine große Seltenheit der österreichischen Levante; es ist kein weiteres Ganzstück mit dieser Entwertung registriert.

Lot no.1166



Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold for320 €

“AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO / CAVALLA”, schwarzer Ovalstempel, sauber auf Briefhülle 1867 mit nebengesetztem Absenderstempel nach Triest mit Ankunftsstempel

Lot no.1169
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.1A

Opening150 €
Sold for240 €

1866, 17 (Kr.) scharlachrot mit blauem Ovalstempel "AGENTIE D.D.S.G. WIDDIN" und übergehendem Zahlenstempel "3/10" auf kpl. Faltbrief nach Braila, Marke mit Eckfehler und etwas fleckig, sonst in guter Gesamterhaltung

Lot no.1170
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.3I

Opening120 €
Sold for320 €

1867, 10 (Kr.) grün, Type I mit blauem Ovalstempel "AGENTIE GIURGEVO SALDIRT 5.OCT."(1870) auf Faltbriefhülle nach Galatz, Marke üblich gezähnt und Briefhülle mit Faltspuren, gute Gesamterhaltung, sign. Ferchenbauer VÖB mit Fotoattest (2004)

Lot no.1171
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.3I

Opening100 €
Sold for120 €

1867, 10 (Kr.) grün, Type I mit blauem EKr. "SISTOV " und schwachem Zahlenstempel "2/1" auf der Marke auf kpl. Faltbrief (datiert 8.9.68) nach Galatz mit Ankunftsstempel, Marke fehlerhaft und Faltbrief links mit kleiner Fehlstelle

Lot no.1172
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.3I

Opening80 €
Sold for110 €

1867, 10 (Kr.) grün, Type I mit blauem Ovalstempel "BRAILA 6.1." auf Briefvorderseite, Marke mit typischer Zähnung und Vorderseite mit stärkeren Faltspuren

Lot no.10148


0 1 3 6 5 4

Catalogue no.

Opening750 €
Sold for1.100 €

AUSTRIAN POST OFFICES: 1867/1914 (ca.), specialized collection with used and unused stamps as well as over 30 covers and cards. Many better items such as Mi. 7 used (signed A. Brun), 11 used, Lloyd maritime mail, mixed franking Hermes Head/Austrian Levant; overall fine to very fine condition, an attractive and excellent assembly of that area.

Lot no.10353


3 6 5

Catalogue no.

Opening800 €
Sold for2.600 €

1840/81, postal history exhibit collection, with over fourty (40) covers and two hundred (200) used stamps, starting with 1840 prestamp folded entire tied with "ARAD" handstamp, Austria early issues with Hungarian postmarks, including two covers franked with 1850 3kr. vermilion or 6kr. brown, also a combination of both, tied by cds "FIUME 1858" to front of an envelope to OLMNITZ, Hungary Early Issues with a selection of frankings including 1871 2kr. orange, 3kr. green, 5kr. rose, some telegraph and journal stamps, 1873 5kr. rose postal stationery tied and 10kr. blue adhesive on reverse, tied by cds "NAGY SZEBEN 27 9 73", cover opened for display, also Crown of St Stephen several 5kr. attempts at sheet reconstruction, condition varies, overall fine