380th Auction
16-17 & 20-25 March 2023 in Wiesbaden
1871, Franz Josef 2 kr. yellow tied by cds. "BUDAPEST 74 DEC-20" as additional franking to Postal stationery card King Franz Josef 2kr. to Zürich with arrival mark "ZURICH 22 XII 74", very fine and attractive combination, very scarce
1871, Franz Josef 3 kr. green tied by oval handstamp to Postal stationery card King Franz Josef 2kr. to Leipzig with cds. "AUSGABE 21 XI", horizontal crease and small tear at bottom, still an attractive two-colors combination, very scarce
1904, 2kr. grey-blue/black, perf. 11½, fresh colours, unused with original gum, very fine and scarce
1909, Turul and King Franz Josef, 1f. to 5kr., sixteen imperforate blocks of four with sheet margins (1913 16f. missing), 2kr. grey-blue/black light horizontal bend, 5kr. lilac-brown/black fold in the sheet margin far away from the adhesives, mint never hinged, fine to very fine
1934, Souvenir Sheet, 20ft. carmine-brown, with uncut lower sheet margin (scarce thus), horizontal fold on the margin far way from the design, unused, very fine (Mi.-Nr. BL1)
1949, 70th birthday J. Stalin 60 f. - 2 ft. imperforated each in block of 9 contiguous as horizontal large block with large margins on three sides, anmounted mint with small gum crease, otherwise fine, very rare, so far only a few copies are known
1871/1907, unused and used holding on eight album pages from Mi.-Nos. 1-4, 8-13 and many more better, somewhat different condition
HUNGARIAN OFFICES IN CARPATHO UKRAINE: 1939/44, specialized collection of over 750 Hungarian used stamps, neatly arranged and expertly described in a stockbook, showing a wide range of postmarks from over eighty post offices, many duplicates as well, some with bilingual Latin/Cyrillic alphabets, overall fine to very fine, scarce assembly
1840/81, postal history exhibit collection, with over fourty (40) covers and two hundred (200) used stamps, starting with 1840 prestamp folded entire tied with "ARAD" handstamp, Austria early issues with Hungarian postmarks, including two covers franked with 1850 3kr. vermilion or 6kr. brown, also a combination of both, tied by cds "FIUME 1858" to front of an envelope to OLMNITZ, Hungary Early Issues with a selection of frankings including 1871 2kr. orange, 3kr. green, 5kr. rose, some telegraph and journal stamps, 1873 5kr. rose postal stationery tied and 10kr. blue adhesive on reverse, tied by cds "NAGY SZEBEN 27 9 73", cover opened for display, also Crown of St Stephen several 5kr. attempts at sheet reconstruction, condition varies, overall fine
1871, King Franz Josef line engraved, 5kr. (3), 10kr. blue (2), 15kr. brown (2), one 5kr. with strong bend or thin, shades, unused, also a 10kr. forgery, condition poor to fine (Mi.-Nr. 10, 11, 12)
1871, King Franz Josef First Issues, 5kr. (11), 10kr. (8), 15kr. litho printing (2, thinned), 25kr. including a litho printing (6), used, condition poor to very fine (ex Mi.-Nr. 5/13)
1871/1974 (ca), collection of hundreds of stamps and over fifty (50) covers in six albums, starting with First Issue 2kr. yellow (faults), better items such as 1934 20fr. Souvenir sheet, postage dues, some parcel cards, multiple frankings, also some modern covers, fine to very fine
1871/2006, initially used collection, starting with all Lithographed 2-25k., later mainly unused , practically complete for the main numbers with many imperforated souvenir sheets and some occupational issues, mostly good condition
1874/98, Crown of St Stephen Issues, specialized collection of over three thousands (3000) used stamps, 1kr. to 3ft., arranged in four stockbooks, starting with the 1874 unwatermarked printings, a few clearly identified by their postmarks, condition varies, mostly fine to very fine (ex Mi.-Nr 15/52)
1874/98, accumulation of well over 1000 used stamps, including 1kr., 8kr., 10kr., 15kr., 30kr., 50kr. and 1ft., the strength in the 5kr. rose value with shades and postmarks, some sorted out but many not, condition fine to very fine, interesting lot for the specialist (ex Mi.-Nr. 17/39)
1874/99, Crown of St Stephen Issues, specialized collection of over 150 unused stamps, 1kr. to 3ft., neatly arranged and mostly identified by perforation types in a stockbook, starting with the 1874 unwatermarked printings until 1899 50kr. brick-red, a few multiples including nine blocks of four, many shades, better items such as 1874 2kr. violet perf. 13:11½ (Mi 15E) and 20kr. grey (2, one faulty) (Mi 19), some imperfections otherwise mostly fine to very fine, interesting group (ex Mi.-Nr. 15/52)
0 3Catalogue no.
1874/1973, in the beginning used, from Mi.-Nr. 128 mint never hinged collection with a.o. Mi.-Nr. 478-79, 484-87, 502-10, 511-15U, 691-94U, 2280-90B, 2315-16B, Bl. 17, Bl. 20 lila perforated and imperforated, 45B etc.
1951/69, mint collection of imperforated issues with apparently only complete issues, including Mi.-Nos. 2071-77B, 2201-09B, 2423-31B and miniature sheets Mi.-Nos. 492/93B, good condition
1899/1930 (ca), collection of over five hundred (500) illustrated postcards from BUDAPEST, used and unused, various frankings, depicting buildings, streets, gardens, etc., condition mostly very fine