382nd Auction

18. – 23. September 2023 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.6207



Catalogue no.230-31

Opening3.000 €
Sold for4.600 €

1928, 'Ille de France' 10 Fr. on 90 centimes and 10 Fr. on 1,50 francs, each with additional franking, with special cancel "NEW YORK AU HAVRE" of August 23rd resp 24th 1928, on cover to Paris resp. registered cover to Martel. A fine and attractive pair. Certificate Philatelic Foundation (1983) resp. Bloch (1972).

Lot no.6208


0 1 2 3 6 5

Catalogue no.

Opening8.000 €
Sold for10.500 €

1849/1959, very beautiful mounted 6-volume collection, almost exclusively collected used, except for Ille de France in the main numbers probably overcomplete, with Mi. 2 (2), 6 (2), 7 (3), 32 (6), IV, 127 (2 covers), 128-35, souvenir sheet 1 and 2 (2), 311 a + b, service I-XV, unissued Yvert 701A-F, colonies with Mi. 10,15 and 16 (each certificate Scheller), newspaper stamps, telegraph stamps, Specimen, etc., etc. A very nice object.

Lot no.7720
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


3 4

Catalogue no.5

Opening250 €
Sold for280 €

30 pfg. block of 12, fresh color and good perforation, used with clear cds. "ANECHO 19/10 14", fine and attractive multiple, signed Bühler

Lot no.7721
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


3 4

Catalogue no.6

Opening300 €
Sold for340 €

40 pfg., block of four, used with clear cds. "ANECHO 22/10 14", a scarce and attractive multiple, signed Bothe BPP

Lot no.7722
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.6I

Opening300 €

1914, 40 pfg., fresh color and good perforation, with overprint variety "spacing between TOGO and Occupation 3½ instead of 2mm", a very rare stamp with only a few registered, most of them used, very fine, signed Schlesinger

Lot no.7723
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


3 4

Catalogue no.7

Opening400 €
Sold for440 €

80 pfg., block of four, used with clear cds. "ANECHO 22/10 14", a scarce and attractive multiple, signed Bothe BPP

Lot no.7724
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.10

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold

1915, 10 pfg. fresh color and good perforation, tied by blue cds. "ANECHO 4/1" to small piece, stamp a trifle soiled at upper left, otherwise fine

Lot no.7725
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.10K

Opening2.500 €
Sold for4.800 €

10 pfg. with inverted overprint, fresh color and mostly good perforation, used with clear blue cds. "ANECHO", two short perfs, otherwise very fine and attractive example of this tremendously rare stamp, signed Calves and certificate Holcombe (1989)

Lot no.7726
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.11

Opening250 €
Sold for300 €

20 pfg., fresh color and good perforation, tied by blue cds. "ANECHO" to small piece, fine

Lot no.7727
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.14

Opening1.500 €
Sold for2.700 €

40 pfg., fresh color and good perforation, tied by clear cds. "ANECHO 4/1" to small piece, very fine and attractive, signed Bloch with certificate (1974)

Lot no.7728
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.P1

Opening200 €
Sold for340 €

POSTAL STATIONERY: 5 pfg. postcard with clear cds. "ANECHO 10/8" to Porto-Novo (Dahomey) with long message, reverse with arrival mark "PORTO-NOVO 12 AOUT", very fine and rare usage, signed Holcombe with opinion (1996)

Lot no.8129



Catalogue no.16

Opening500 €
Sold for500 €

¼ Groschen grauviolett im senkrechten Paar und Einzelwert je mit Rahmenstempel "CARLSRUHE IN BADEN BAHNHOF 14.2.74" als portogerechte Mehrfachfrankatur auf Drucksachen-Faltbrief mit rotem Handstempel "PD" und französischem Transitstempel an den deutschen Justizrat und Rechtsbeistand der Kaiserlich Deutschen Gesandtschaft in Paris. Innen erste Verwendung als unfrankierte Drucksache von "PARIS 10.FEVR.74" nach Pforzheim mit Nachsendung nach Karlsruhe mit Tax-Vermerk "18" (Kreuzer, als unfrankierter Brief behandelt). Der Faltbrief oben mit kleiner Klebestelle und ein Wert mit Eckzahnfehler, sonst in guter Gesamterhaltung. Eine außergewöhnliche und sehr seltene Doppelverwendung mit währungsfremder Verwendung der Groschen-Marken im Kreuzer-Gebiet und erster Verwendung aus dem Ausland, ausführliches Fotoattest Krug BPP (2014)

Lot no.8133



Catalogue no.16+29

Opening500 €
Sold for700 €

¼ Groschen grauviolett, zwei Einzelmarken in Mischfrankatur mit Ausgabe 1874 2 ½ auf 2 ½ Groschen braunorange je mit Bahnpost-L3 "BARR 30.4. II STRASSBURG i. E." als 3 Groschen-Frankatur auf Faltbriefhülle mit rotem Handstempel "PD" und französischem Transitstempel via Paris nach Oloron, Frankreich mit Ankunftsstempel in guter Gesamterhaltung. Sehr dekorative und seltene Buntfrankatur, Fotoattest Hennies BPP (1981)

Lot no.8273



Catalogue no.28,26+30

Opening8.000 €
Sold for16.000 €

18 Kreuzer ockerbraun und 7 Kreuzer graublau in Mischfrankatur mit Ausgabe 1874 9 auf 9 Kreuzer braunorange, alle farbfrisch, sehr gut geprägt und gezähnt, mit zweimal sauber aufgesetztem Ra3 "FRANKFURT A.M. HANAUER-BAHNH. / 29 9 74" als tarifgerechte Frankatur auf eingeschriebenem Briefkuvert der 3. Gewichtsstufe nach Paris; das Kuvert mit geringfügigen Gebrauchsspuren, ansonsten tadellose Erhaltung. Eine der schönsten und seltensten Buntfrankaturen mit großer Schild 18 Kreuzer und große Brustschild-Seltenheit, signiert Köhler und Fotoattest Brugger BPP (1988)

Provenienz: Friedhelm Hohnstädt (74. Auktion Württembergisches Auktionshaus, 2000)

                    Silvain Wyler (356. Heinrich Köhler-Auktion, 2013)

Lot no.8277



Catalogue no.29

Opening250 €
Sold for600 €

1874, 2 ½ auf 2 ½ Groschen braunorange im waagerechten Paar je mit EKr. "LEIPZIG P.A.No.2 N1 15.3.74" auf komplettem R-Faltbrief rotem Handstempel "PD" und Rahmenstempel "Recommandirt" sowie französischem Transitstempel und L1 "Recommandé" via Paris nach Montepellier mit Ankunftsstempel in einwandfreier Erhaltung, dekorative und nicht häufige Mehrfachfrankatur

Provenienz: Gerd Weidemann (134. Dr. Derichs-Auktion, 2009)

Lot no.8284



Catalogue no.30

Opening400 €
Sold for800 €

9 auf 9 Kreuzer braunorange mit EKr. "RADOLFZELL 7.10.74" auf kompletter Post-Paketadresse für ein Paket mit Röteltaxe "9" (Kreuzer) nach Weiler mit rückseitiger Röteltaxe "3" (Kreuzer) für das Bestellgeld für die Zustellung des Paketes ins Haus. In Baden betrug diese Gebühr je Paket innerhalb des Landzustellbereichs einer Postanstalt 3 Kreuzer, diese wurde vom Empfänger bezahlt. Dekorative, tarifgerechte Einzelfrankatur auf Paketkarte mit taxiertem Bestellgeld

Provenienz: J.J. Volny (95. Auktion Württembergisches Auktionshaus, 2006)

Lot no.8285



Catalogue no.30

Opening400 €
Sold for400 €

9 auf 9 Kreuzer braunorange mit Rahmenstempel "FRANKFURT A.M. HANAUER-BAHNH. 25.7.74" auf unterfrankierter Faltbriefhülle der 2. Gewichtsstufe mit Handstempel "Affranchissement insuffisant" und französischem Transitstempel sowie Nachgebühr-Taxe "9" (Décimes) nach Grenoble mit Ankunftsstempel. Die verklebten 9 Kreuzer wurden mit 3 Décimes angerechnet, das Porto für unzureichend frankierte Briefe der 2. Gewichtsstufe betrug 12 Décimes. Die Marke und die Briefhülle sind in guter Gesamterhaltung, ein besonders schöner unzureichend frankierter Brief mit der Destination Frankreich, in dieser Form eine besonders attraktive Form einer Einzelfrankaturdieser Marke

Provenienz: Gerd Weidemann, 134. Dr. Derichs-Auktion (2009)

Lot no.10011
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold

"ULTRAMAR": 1924/32 (ca.), unused group of over 4 postal stationery cards, incl. one reply card, with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS" and "ESPECIMEN", together with some meters (11) and wrappers (4); some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce group

Lot no.10012
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening900 €
Sold forUnsold

"ULTRAMAR": 1892/1906 (ca.), unused group of over 30 postal stationery cards, envelopes and reply cards with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, with New Caledonia, French Oceania and French Offices in India; some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce group

Lot no.10013
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening1.500 €
Sold forUnsold

"ULTRAMAR": 1892/1917 (ca.), unused group of over 50 postal stationery cards, envelopes and reply cards with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS", with a good section of Senegal and Anjuan, also Dahomey, Sudan, Madagascar, Congo, Guinea, Mayotte and Ivory Coast; some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce specialist group

Lot no.10014
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening450 €
Sold for450 €

"ULTRAMAR": 1892/1900 (ca.), unused group of over 15 postal stationery cards, envelopes and reply cards with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, with St Pierre and Miquelon, Martinique and French Guiana, some occasional toning and mixed condition, a very scarce group

Lot no.10140


0 1 3 6 (6)

Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for240 €

1772/1983 three binder albums and three stock books, containing a collection of covers and mint and used material, one album predominately pre-philatelic covers, many clean examples with a number of fine straight-line handstamps and mileage mark, noted early Lille, Troyes and Agen, good range and selection of imperf. and perf. Cérès and Napolean on and off cover, several clean examples, small number of postal stationery and later covers, one stock book devoted to a cancellation study exclusively Yvert 22 on piece, also an accumulation of modern French Colonies material in mint never hinged condition, in additional there is a small book of used stamps including some sage, an interesting and varied collection. 

Lot no.10141


0 1 2 3 6

Catalogue no.

Opening1.500 €
Sold for2.100 €

1849/1995 extensive and specialised stamp and postal history collection, contained within nine albums, early material to 1906 in used condition is a comprehensive presentation of stamps Michel 1 to 100, excluding Michel 2, written up with pencil notes with shades and specialist listings noted, accompanied with a selection of usages on cover, many rare examples, mixed frankings, multiples, scarce cancellations, destinations, noted horizontal pair Michel 5 on 1850 cover to London, an 1855 wrapper from Le Havre to Vera Cruz franked with a strip of three Michel 13, also postal stationery, cards and picture postcards, a quite impressive study, then a gap until 1964 where the condition is mint, mostly never hinged, with complete sets and a quanity of covers and cards and French Colonies, in the main a fine to very fine assembly, many rare items, a substantial collection.  

Lot no.10142


0 1 3

Catalogue no.

Opening1.200 €
Sold for2.200 €

1849/2019, extensive, in the modern part mostly unmounted mint collection with a mostly used classic part. The main value lies with the unmounted mint post-war issues which is complete from the 1960s onwards in the main numbers, plus loose material with among others "Tresors de la Pihlatelie/Patriomine de France en timbres" 2014-19 (ten or eleven sheets complete). The condition is variously at the beginning, otherwise fine, neatly in seven albums.

Lot no.10143


1 2 3

Catalogue no.

Opening800 €
Sold for1.600 €

1849/1939 Présidence black album, containing a mint and used stamp collection from early Cérès through to commemorative issues, includes an unused large four margin with part marginal to right 20 c. black, a mint Napolean 20 c. blue with four margins and marginal to right, very fresh colour, although does have a vertical crease and some gum wrinkles, mint set of the three Cérès Siege of Paris values, Yvert 36, 37 and 38, some minor imperfections, mint singles of the Napolean Yverts 27B and 30, also a mint Yverts 64, very well centred and fresh vibrant colour, some gaps early on, although numerous complete sets later, many fine to very fine examples with the occassional fault, a high catalogue value collection contained within an attractive album. 

Lot no.10144


0 1 2 6

Catalogue no.

Opening800 €
Sold for640 €

1849/2007 extensive mint and used stamp collection, comprising four large albums, largely complete after 1963, almost exclusively mint never hinged from 1964, includes Michel 1 onwards, with numerous good to medium values such as a defective Michel 32, also 144/51, 152, 176, 239, 321, sheet 3, all issues of the state debt repayment fund, a small selection of early covers, certainly five digit Michel value, a fine and valuable collection.  

Lot no.10145


0 1 3 6 (6)

Catalogue no.

Opening600 €
Sold for1.050 €

1849/1983 extensive collection of mint and used stamps, also a number of covers, initially partly mixed, presented in four large albums, begins Michel 1, from Michel 86 to 1986 some duplication, otherwise used, with lots of Cérès and Napolean, good range of colours/shades, possibly a treasure trove for the specialist, State Debt Fund, Airmail with Michel 321 used, post war era almost complete, noted many decent cancellations, some Council of Europe/UNESCO, Michel value certainly five digits, a fine collection. 

Lot no.10146


0 3 6

Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for160 €

1849/2005 accumulation of mint and used stamp, compirsing a collection contained in five albums, some modern covers also, begins with Michel 3 onwards, some gaps and duplication, mostly small values, with medium values in partial mixed condition, includes Council of Europe/UNESCO, high catalogue value, a useful assembly. 

Lot no.10147


3 6 5

Catalogue no.

OpeningMake an Offer
Sold for80 €

1849/2004, mostly used lot of collections and duplicates, including some colonies as well as Monaco, some covers etc.

Lot no.10148


3 6 (6)

Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold

1852/1872 assembly of covers, stamps and pieces, organised by GC and PC cancellations, around 190 examples, mostly 20 c. or 25 c. with a selection of values between Michel 9 to 55, in very differing condition, a useful lot.  

Lot no.10149


0 1 3

Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold for420 €

1853/1973 (ca.), ungebrauchte, gestempelte und ab 1945 meist postfrische Sammlung mit u.a. Block 3

Lot no.10150


0 1 3 6 5

Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold

1853/1979 (ca.), unused and used collection in one album, a few duplicates and blocks of four, fine to very fine

Lot no.10151


1 3

Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold for520 €
Rothschild reprint not included

1862/91, interesting unused and used group on stockcards, incl. Réunion and Diego Suarez, some better items like France 1862 Mi.-Nr. 21 Tête-Bêche pair used (FA Scheller), 1862 Rothschild reprint and Réunion Mi.-Nr. 15 used; a very fine assembly, many signed Scheller

Lot no.10153



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold forUnsold
Lot no.10154


0 4

Catalogue no.

Opening2.500 €
Sold for2.200 €

1963/91 (ca.), MNH lot of imperforated complete issues or single values, including Red Cross, Olympia, Zodiac, service, etc., mostly in multiples or sheets. 18 different issues in quantities of ca. 10-140 copies (Yvert ca. 47.000 Euro)

