382nd Auction

18. – 23. September 2023 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.234



Catalogue no.12a+17a

Opening5.000 €
Sold for4.500 €

Gittergrund 3 Silbergroschen gelblichorange in Mischfrankatur mit Wappen, 2 Silbergroschen dunkelultramarin, beide farbfrisch und voll- bis breitrandig bzw. einwandfrei durchstochen, mit auf- und nebengesetztem Doppelkreisstempel "TRIER 16/6" auf Paketbegleitbrief mit Absenderstempel "WECKBECKER & GLIEDENER, LUXEMBURG" sowie blauem Stempel "Privat-Postexpedition Wirtgen, Luxemburg" als Paketbegleitbrief mit vorderseitigem Paketzettel "aus Trier", nach Frankfurt am Main. Bei der Kopf-Marke der unter Druck minimal hervortretend, sonst einwandfreie Erhaltung. Einzig bekannte Mischfrankatur aus der Bundesfestung und einer von nur wenigen bekannten frankierten Paketbegleitbriefen von dort. Fotoattest Jäschke-L. BPP (2023)

Provenienz: John Gunn (27. Erhardt-Auktion, 1992)

Lot no.235



Catalogue no.17a,U20A

Opening2.000 €
Sold for4.200 €

Wappen 2 Silbergroschen ultramarin, als Zufrankatur auf Ganzsachenumschlag 1 Silbergroschen, mit zweimal sauber aufgesetztem Bahnpost-Stempel "TRIER/25 10 II/BINGERBRÜCK", mit handschriftlichem Aufgabevermerk "Luxemburg" sowie sauber nebengesetztem blauem Ovalstempel "OFFIZIER BRIEF LUXEMBURG " nach Berlin mit Ausgabestempel. Ein attraktives und außerordentlich seltenes Stück. Signiert Kruschel und Metzer, Qualität-Prüfungsbefund Maria Brettl (1987)

Lot no.1001



Catalogue no.14

Opening170 €
Sold for170 €

1913, Overprint on Beyiye: 1p. blue with lightly cancelled, very fine, signed Bühler and Peters AIEP with certificate (2013)

Lot no.1002



Catalogue no.1-23

Opening500 €
Sold for450 €

1931, ½ c.- 20 fr., complete set mint never hinged, fresh colours, 5 fr. tiny paper adhesion spot on reverse, otherwise extremely fine

Lot no.1003



Catalogue no.1-23

Opening200 €
Sold for240 €

1931, ½ c.- 20 fr., complete, fresh colours, cancelled, 10 fr. with a tiny corner perf. default, otherwise very fine, 2 fr.-20 fr. signed Liedel BPP

Lot no.1004


3 5

Catalogue no.129-142

Opening150 €
Sold for130 €

1918, Red Cross 1 c.- 10 fr., cpl. set used, fresh colours and clear cancels (5 fr. one short perf.), fine to very fine

Lot no.1005



Catalogue no.164 var

Opening200 €
Sold for220 €

1921, Olympic issue with surcharge 20 o. 15 c., horizontal pair, left stamp with "20" missing, right stamp without overprint at all, unused, the left stamp thinnings, very rare. Opinion Trachtenberg (1981) and certificate Raybaudi (2005)

Lot no.1006



Catalogue no.337-41U

Opening250 €
Sold for320 €

1932, Mercier 1,75 fr. -10 fr. imperforated, unused with original gum, very fine, certificate Kaiser (2023) 

Lot no.1007



Catalogue no.354-365

Opening100 €
Sold for240 €

1933, Abbey Orval 5 c.- 10 fr., fresh colours, cpl. set used with well centred cancels, 10 fr. small thin in the upper margin otherwise fine

Lot no.1008



Catalogue no.225, 229

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold

1927, 35 C. auf 40 C. rosa, mit klarem Stempel "POSTES MILITAIRES BELGIQUE 7 XII 28" als portogerechte Frankatur auf Postkarte nach Ath, seltene Verwendung aus dem Jahr 1928 in sehr guter Erhaltung, dazu 1,75 Fr. ultramarin auf kl. Briefstuck mit "30.11.1929" vom letzten Tag der Benutzung eines Stempel der belgischen Militärpost im Rheinland, Kurzbefunde Hoffner BPP

Lot no.1009



Catalogue no.45 P III - 60 P III

Opening150 €

1910, 1 H.- 5 Kr., bis auf 10 H. kpl Probedrucke in schwarz auf japanischem Papier, sehr gute Erhaltung

Lot no.1010



Catalogue no.24-38

Opening200 €
Sold for380 €

1941, 25 p.-30 din., complete, mint never hinged, very fine, sign. and certificate Croatian Philatelic Association

Lot no.1011



Catalogue no.24-38

Opening200 €
Sold for320 €

1941, 25 p.-30 din., complete, mint never hinged, a couple with light gum bend, otherwise very fine, sign. and certificate Croatian Philatelic Association

Lot no.1012



Catalogue no.Bl 8

Opening300 €
Sold for540 €

1945, Assault Division Souvenir sheet, Type III, fresh colours, mint never hinged, unobstrusive gum disturbance, still very fine

Lot no.1013



Catalogue no.79

Opening100 €
Sold for480 €

Austrian Postage Due 1908/13 30 h. red, type 3, unused, very fine, signed Mrnak and certificate Darmietzel BPP (2018) and certificate Vrba (2023)

Lot no.1014



Catalogue no.110

Opening300 €
Sold for1.450 €

Overprint on Turul: 70 f. brown on greenish, type IV, unused, at top tiny shorter perfs, hardly perceptible horizontal bend, otherwise fine, only 150 issued, signed Gilbert a.o. and certificate Darmietzel BPP (2019)


Lot no.1015



Catalogue no.147

Opening250 €
Sold for1.350 €

Overprint on Hungarian Postage due stamps with black numerals: 5f., type I, unused, hardly perceptible gum bend at upper left, fine, scarce with only 200 printed, signed Mrnák a.o. and certificate Darmietzel BPP (2019)

Lot no.1016



Catalogue no.26

Opening120 €
Sold for150 €

1875, 12 o. lilac/grey, 3 copies, tied by clear cds. "AALBORG 8/8"(1879) to registerd letter sheet to Switzerland with German transit register lable "Vom Ausland über Bahnpost 17 Vamdrup-Hamburg". Left stamp small corner crease, still fine and scarce

Lot no.1017



Catalogue no.1

Opening600 €
Sold for1.100 €

1856, 5k. blue, Small Pearls, fresh color and good margins all around, neatly used by boxed "TAMME(RSFORS 1 AUG)", small brown spot on reverse, otherwise fine, signed and certificate Schwenson BPP (2009)

Lot no.1018



Catalogue no.2x

Opening120 €
Sold for220 €

1856, 10k. lilac-carmine, fresh color and good margins all around, used with boxed "WIBORG 28 10 1857", fine, a.o. signed Schlesinger and certificate Schwenson BPP (2009)

Lot no.1019



Catalogue no.2x

Opening300 €
Sold for480 €

10k. carmine-rose, fresh color and close to large margins all around, tied by boxed "HEINOLA 30 10 1858" and manuscript to folded letter to Borga with arrival mark, a fine and attractive entire, certificates Ossa (1978) and Schwenson BPP (2020)

Lot no.1020



Catalogue no.12I

Opening800 €
Sold forUnsold

1918, Reaper 10f. with handstamped overprint, fresh color and good perforation, tied by cds. "FIUME 19 HAN -9 -N10" to small piece, fine exmaple of this rare stamp, certificate Martinas (2018)

Lot no.1021



Catalogue no.12I

Opening800 €
Sold forUnsold

1918, Reaper 10f. with handstamped overprint, fresh color and good perforation, tied by cds. "FIUME 19 HAN -9 -N10" to small piece, fine exmaple of this rare stamp, certificate Martinas (2018)

Lot no.1022



Catalogue no.25I

Opening600 €
Sold for1.600 €

1918, Parlament 10k. with machine overprint, fresh color and good perforation, unused, fine, signed and certificate Rogina (2014)

Lot no.1023



Catalogue no.25I

Opening600 €
Sold for1.000 €

1918, Parlament 10k. with machine overprint, fresh color and good perforation, unused, with clear offset of overprint on reverse, fine and interesting, signed and certificate Martinas (2018)

Lot no.1024



Catalogue no.20-23I

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €

1920, Arbe 5-25c. with large figure overprint, used with clear cds. "ARBE 13.XI.20", fine, certificate Martinas (2014)

Lot no.1025



Catalogue no.28-31I

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold

1920, Veglia 5-25c. with large figure overprint, unused, 5c. some minor aging spots, otherwise fine, scarce, signed and certificate Martinas (2014)

Lot no.1026



Catalogue no.28-31I

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €

1920, Veglia 5-25c. with large figure overprint, used with cds. "VEGLIA", fine, signed, certificate Martinas (2014)

Lot no.1027



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for300 €

TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCH: 1801/11, illustrated `dépêche télégraphique´ sent during the Second Coalition War to a city mayor with dramatic text "on 30 messidor year 9 (...) the counter-admiral Durand, with only trois vessels, completely beat (...) in the Dalgezira Bay", together with 1811 Telegraphic Disptach from the Ministry of War in Paris addressed to the 5th Military Division General Commandant in Strasburg (very slight toning on the margin); fine to very fine, a very rare duo of early telegraphic dispatches

Lot no.1028



Catalogue no.1

Opening80 €
Sold for80 €

1849, Ceres 10c. brown, fresh color, touched, tied by grille to small folded lettersheet with cursive "9 Ramerupt" cancel alongside, certificate Behr (2022)

Lot no.1029



Catalogue no.13

OpeningMake an Offer
Sold for20 €

1853, Napoleon 20c. dark-blue with Susse perforation, tied by numeral "1" with adjacent cds. "PARIS 8 OCT 61" to folded lettersheet to St. Amand, light aging, otherwise fine, certificate Behr (2022)

Lot no.1030



Catalogue no.242 B

Opening400 €
Sold for460 €

1929, Pont du Gard 20 fr. brown-red (`chaudron clair´), perforated 11, mint never hinged, fresh colours with upper sheet margin, very fine

Lot no.1031


0 4

Catalogue no.255

Opening800 €
Sold forUnsold

1930, air mail 1,50 fr., perforated "E.I.P.A.30", corner block of four with the logo partly inverted resp. inversed, unmounted mint, very fine

Lot no.1032



Catalogue no.321

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold

1936, Plane over Paris 50 fr. violet/red, fresh colours, unused with a barely discernible trace of hinge, extremely fine

Lot no.1033


0 2

Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €
Sold for2.300 €

1946, Postal Museum Inauguration, the special presentation folder with both single (10) and collective (2) Deluxe proofs from 1939 (Mi 461) and 1946 (Mi 746), in adopted and rejected colours, the collective proofs both in small and large formats, together with two imperforate sheets of the adhesives, some occasional toning spots only on the booklet and its pages, otherwise all stamps and proofs fine to very fine, very rare

Lot no.1034



Catalogue no.27,34

Opening150 €
Sold for160 €

LE DAGUERRE: Entire letter "Gazette des Absents No. 5 franked with Lauré 10 c. and 20 c., tied by star cancel "23" and with adjacent "PARIS...8.NOV. 70" and sent to Penzance, Great Britain with arrival mark at 7.12.70, letter with fold marks and stronger signs of ageing, signed Ferchenbauer
