382nd Auction
18. – 23. September 2023 in Wiesbaden
1871, Emperor Joseph, Litho 3 k. green, fresh colours, well centered, with cds. "KOLOZSVAR 23 - 3", very fine, certificate Ferchenbauer (2001)
1871, 15 kr. brown, tied by cds. "PEST AJANLOT" to small registered cover to Nagy Varadon
1871, Engraved 15 kr. brown tied by cds. "KARANIEBES 28.5.79" to registered mourning envelope with "Ajanlott" registration cachet to Burda with arrival mark, fine, signed Ferchenbauer
1920, Reaper 600 kr. yellow-olive, fresh colours, horizontal pair unmounted mint, left adhesive with error "800" instead of "600" in upper right tablet; very fine, a striking and very scarce variety (Scott-Nr. 393a)
1951, Five Years Plan 2 ft. red-brown/yellow, horizontal pair from the upper right sheet corner, used with machine cancel, perforation dramatically shifted downwards leaving the pair imperforate at top, very fine and scarce variety
1967, air mail 10 ft. and 20 ft. imperforated, blocks of 4, unmounted mint (Mi. 4400,-)
1861, 20 grana yellow, horizontal pair, cut into at left, otherwise full to large margins, tied by clear "NOCERA 26 Giu. 1862" to envelope (opened out for display with some partly split folds) from the "BRIGATA DELLE LEGIONI UNGHERESI" (3 red wax seals on reverse" to the Hight Court at Debreczin, Hungary. A rare franking and highly interesting cover. Certificate Colla Asinelli (2006)
2 Kr. schwarz, Type III, die linke untere Hälfte einer diagonal halbierten Marke, sehr schön farbfrisch und gut gerandet, zart mit DKr. "N. TAPOLCSAN .. / 1" (Müller 1828a) auf kleinem Briefstück, dieses auf Unterlage montiert. Eine sehr seltene und attraktive Halbierung, sign. Matl mit Fotoattest (1971)
Provenienz: 14. Corinphila-Auktion (1930)
5352. Dorotheum-Auktion (April 1971)
Referenz: Abgebildet und diskutiert in "Ungarn - Halbierungen" von Rolf Rohlfs als Nr. 55 auf S. 85.
1864, Doppeladler 2 Kr. gelb, zwei Einzelwerte sowie 3 Kr. grün im senkrechten Paar (oberer Wert fehlerhaft) als Zufrankatur mit EKr. "NAPAGEDI 23/2" rückseitig auf eingeschriebenem Ganzsachenumschlag, zweiseitig geöffnet, die Marken gering Patina und 2 Kr. einige verkürzte Zähne, eine schöne und seltene Frankatur
6Catalogue no.39I
15 Kr. braun, farbfrisch und gut gezahnt, mit rotem Ovalstempel "KASSA AJANLOTT", auf eingeschriebenem Faltbrief nach Wien mit rückseitigem Ankunftsstempel, starke waagerechte Registraturfalte, sonst in guter Erhaltung, sehr seltene Entwertung
6MCatalogue no.427
Hungary: postcard from "BUDAPEST 936 JUL 25" to Germany, small transportation marks, still fine and scarce
6Catalogue no.
"ULTRAMAR": 1900/35 (ca.), unused group of over 19 postal stationery cards and reply cards (2) with the security overprints from the Portuguese UPU postal archives for the colonies, incl. "COLONIAS", "SPECIMEN", also some parcel cards; some toning and mixed condition, a very scarce group
1871/1998 extensive mint and used stamp collection, comprising eight large albums, initially partly different with gaps, from 1982 mint never hinged, includes lithographs and bookprints, Michel 1-6, 8-13, 17, 18A-B, 218, many good individual values, some specialised cancellations particularly later blocks, also noted Michel 1104 l, catalogue approx. €16k, a fine collection.
1871, used selection of both Franz Joseph issues, incl. postmarks and shades, mixed condition (ex Mi.-Nr. 1-13)
1871/1950 substantial mint and used collection, comprising ten albums, three stock books, a number of files and loose material, several of the albums are sparingly complete, although there are more extensive albums, condition and completeness a little mixed in places, finer examples throughout, good range of overprinted occupation of Hungarian Territories including scarcer, 1931 Zeppelin in mint never hinged and used, small selection of West Yugoslavia, several mint complete sets 1913 and 1924, a large, varied array of material.
1931/51, unmounted mint/unused and unused selection, incl. complete sets, sheetlet and souvenir sheets, mostly very fine
1975/91 (ca.), comprehensive used holding with sheets and some single stamps in 18 boxes
1938/1945 selection of postal history covers, predominately Slovakia, with a small amount of Hungary and Czechoslovakia, contained in an album, comprising many varied frankings, single and combined, includes early Slovakia State overprints, registered, express, postal staionery uprated, cards, very rare postmarks and covers, also adhesives used on Court document, German Fieldpost cachet in red on 1940 card franked with 1 k. and 20 h., many interesting usages, in mostly fine condition, a rare selection.
6 (6)Catalogue no.
1824/1957 Group of album pages with covers from Spain, France and Hungary, including useful remainders, noted Spain Civil War, France stampless mailings, Hungary inflation correspondence, hundreds of items, also some South American flights, generally fine, some faults, an interesting assortment.