383rd Auction
14–15 & 18–23 March 2024 in Wiesbaden
- Main catalogue (3) Apply Main catalogue filter
- Germany 1849–2000 – German Colonies with Occupation Issues (G.R.I. and MAFIA), Plebiscite Areas, Germany after WWII – The Erik B. Nagel Collection (part III) (3) Apply Germany 1849–2000 – German Colonies with Occupation Issues (G.R.I. and MAFIA), Plebiscite Areas, Germany after WWII – The Erik B. Nagel Collection (part III) filter
1935, 50th anniversary 50c.-5 Fr. imperforated in marginal blocks of 4, one 5 fr. with interesting printing flaw, unmounted mint, fine and rare. Certificate Kaiser (2015)
6Catalogue no.
"Defense du Tanganika * Etat VU POUR LA CENSURE" violet two-line censor mark on Belgian-Congo picture postal stationery 5c. from "KABALO 7-9 1916" to London, small corner crease, otherwise fine
6Catalogue no.1-8
"CENSURE MILITAIRE KIGOMA LE 09/10/17 LE CENSEUR", white censor label on reverse of registered cover originally franked with Ruanda-Urundi 1916 5c.-5fr., 1fr. fell off in transit, see handwritten notation at top left, from "KIGOMA 2 OC 17" to Paris, censor label at right, not deliverable at the address and returned accordingly, various transit stamps on the reverse, some faults, but a very attractive and rare entire
1Catalogue no.14-24
1916, Tombeur-Issue 5c. 5fr., fresh color and good perforation, only 15c. few blunted perfs, a very fine and rare set, signed Baete with certificate (1993)
1 3 6Catalogue no.

1909/30, interesting unused and used collection with a good section of Tombeur "Ruanda" and "Urundi" handstamps, overprint varieties like Mi.-Nr. 1K(2), 37K, Mi.-Nr. 36 vertical pair imperforated horizontally, Mi.-Nr. 25-33U as singles, pairs and block of four, typewriter "overprints" "Karema" and handstamps "Kigoma" in various types, also "TAXES" handstamps, nice selection of cancellations, some cards and covers with interesting usages, some signed, mostly good condition
6Catalogue no.
1915/23, an interesting group of 30 cards and covers, containing postal stationery, registered covers, censor marks etc., mostly good condition