383rd Auction
14–15 & 18–23 March 2024 in Wiesbaden
- Main catalogue (36) Apply Main catalogue filter
- Airmail and Zeppelin Mail – inclusive the collection of the Sieger family (4) Apply Airmail and Zeppelin Mail – inclusive the collection of the Sieger family filter
- Departements Conquis – The Wilma Droemont Collection (3) Apply Departements Conquis – The Wilma Droemont Collection filter
- German Reichspost – Shield Issues – The Michael Rehme Collection (part II) (1) Apply German Reichspost – Shield Issues – The Michael Rehme Collection (part II) filter
- Germany 1849–2000 – German Colonies with Occupation Issues (G.R.I. and MAFIA), Plebiscite Areas, Germany after WWII – The Erik B. Nagel Collection (part III) (3) Apply Germany 1849–2000 – German Colonies with Occupation Issues (G.R.I. and MAFIA), Plebiscite Areas, Germany after WWII – The Erik B. Nagel Collection (part III) filter
- Ludwig van Beethoven – The Yukio Onuma Collection (1) Apply Ludwig van Beethoven – The Yukio Onuma Collection filter
- Summer Olympic Games – The Fredrik C. Schreuder Collection (part II) (4) Apply Summer Olympic Games – The Fredrik C. Schreuder Collection (part II) filter
- Airmail (3) Apply Airmail filter
- British Commonwealth (2) Apply British Commonwealth filter
- German Colonies and offices abroad (4) Apply German Colonies and offices abroad filter
- German Empire (1) Apply German Empire filter
- German States (1) Apply German States filter
- Thematics (4) Apply Thematics filter
6MCatalogue no.157A
Belgien: 1932, 4. Südamerikafahrt mit Auflieferung Friedrichshafen, R-Brief von "WELKENRAEDT 26.IV.32" nach Buenso Aires mit Ankunftsstempel, leicht fleckig, sonst in guter Gesamterhaltung, Fotoattest Sieger BPP (2003)
6MCatalogue no.183A
Belgien: 1932, 7. Südamerikafahrt mit Auflieferung Friedrichshafen, langformatiger Umschlag von "DEURNE 24.XI.32" mit u.a. Flugpostmarken via Brüssel und Friedrichshafen nach Pernambuco mit Ankunftsstempel. Der Umschlag mit leichten Beförderungsspuren, sonst in guter Gesamterhaltung, Fotoattest Sieger BPP (1999)
6MCatalogue no.214A
Belgien: 1933, 2. Südamerikafahrt mit Auflieferung Friedrichshafen, Brief von "BRUXELLES 2.VI.33" mit überkompletten Satz FNRS 75 Centimes bis 2,50 Francs in Mischfrankatur Deutsches Reich mit u.a. Zeppelin-Sondermarken 2 und 4 Mark (weitere Frankatur rückseitig) mit Stempel "KÖLN FLUGHAFEN 2.6.33" sowie drei farbigen, aufgeklebten Bildern mit Zeppelin-Motiven nach Curityba, Brasilien mit Ankunftsstempel in einwandfreier Erhaltung. Ein dekorativer Zeppelinbrief mit außergewöhnlicher Mischfrankatur
½ Groschen orange mit klarem DKr. "BRAUNSCHWEIG BAHNHOF 6.AUG.1872" auf kompletter Drucksachen-Faltbrief der Firma "Grimme, Natalis & Co." bis 40 g mit rotem Handstempel "P.D." nach Antwerpen, Belgien. Die farbfrische Marke ist gut geprägt, üblich gezähnt und in einwandfreier Erhaltung, die Faltdrucksache mit dekorativer Innenansicht hat leichte Wasserspuren. Sehr seltene Drucksache nach Belgien aus der ersten Portoperiode bis 31.8.1872
Provenienz: Peter Hansen (6. Derichs-Auktion Berlin, 2011)
6Catalogue no.
"Defense du Tanganika * Etat VU POUR LA CENSURE" violet two-line censor mark on Belgian-Congo picture postal stationery 5c. from "KABALO 7-9 1916" to London, small corner crease, otherwise fine
6Catalogue no.1-8
"CENSURE MILITAIRE KIGOMA LE 09/10/17 LE CENSEUR", white censor label on reverse of registered cover originally franked with Ruanda-Urundi 1916 5c.-5fr., 1fr. fell off in transit, see handwritten notation at top left, from "KIGOMA 2 OC 17" to Paris, censor label at right, not deliverable at the address and returned accordingly, various transit stamps on the reverse, some faults, but a very attractive and rare entire
1Catalogue no.14-24
1916, Tombeur-Issue 5c. 5fr., fresh color and good perforation, only 15c. few blunted perfs, a very fine and rare set, signed Baete with certificate (1993)

1849/1945 (ca.), almost exclusively used collection with Mi. 333-41 (unused) and souvenir sheets 1-5, also Eupen-Malmedy cpl. Ex collection Gustav Strunk

1849/1969, attractive unused and used collection with ca. 90 covers, strength in the early issues, many interesting frankings with some Medallion imperf. 40 c. on covers (x2), special cancellation "ANVERS EXPOSITION 1894", better destinations like Norway incl. a very scarce 1851 folded entire to Jacobstadt via Deutz-Minden and St Petersburg with green boxed "BELG 2e E.", also Mi.-Nr. 145-158 cpl. unused sets (x2), etc.; some occasional faults, overall fine to very fine
1869/1955, mint never hinged and unused group in stockbook with better issues, types and complete sets, Mi.-Nr. 191-203, 400 (6), Blocks 3-4, etc.; some occasional faults, otherwise fine
0 1 3Catalogue no.
1924/85, selection of souvenir sheets and one set in a stockbook, some better items like Mi.-Nr. 121-128 unused, Blocks 1-2 and 4, etc., together with Luxembourg Bl 1 (reduced margins); some occasional faults, mostly fine to very fine
1968/2016, mint never hinged collection, cpl. with some duplicates, miniature sheets and booklets, very fine, in 6 albums
1616/1845, compelling collection of 28 covers, strength in the 17th and 18th centuries, many interesting and scarce items like 1696 Anvers Messenger marks "IB", "IC" (Harlant-Nr. 1-2), 1708 military mail with one line "AR:DE FLANDRE", numerous postal fees annotations, postmarks and transit marks with "HOLLANDE PAR HAMONT", "NAMUR PORT PAYE", circular bluish "DAB", red two-line cursive "D Pal de la Poste Dép. de la Hollande", 1793 red "MALINES", etc., together with two maps; very fine throughout, a highly specialized connoisseur´s assembly
1648/1730 (ca.), group of five folded entires, mostly sent to or from Anvers, various postage annotations, fine to very fine
1 3 6Catalogue no.

1909/30, interesting unused and used collection with a good section of Tombeur "Ruanda" and "Urundi" handstamps, overprint varieties like Mi.-Nr. 1K(2), 37K, Mi.-Nr. 36 vertical pair imperforated horizontally, Mi.-Nr. 25-33U as singles, pairs and block of four, typewriter "overprints" "Karema" and handstamps "Kigoma" in various types, also "TAXES" handstamps, nice selection of cancellations, some cards and covers with interesting usages, some signed, mostly good condition
6Catalogue no.
1915/23, an interesting group of 30 cards and covers, containing postal stationery, registered covers, censor marks etc., mostly good condition