383rd Auction
14–15 & 18–23 March 2024 in Wiesbaden

1815/1970, highly interesting and comprehensive collection "small (mini) covers" pre-philately with much material before 1945 with decorative ladies covers, letters with mourning margin, foreign mail etc., including old German states with much Bavaria (better postage paid and cancellations), well part France, Austria, plenty Switzerland and USA with early covers, together in eight folders, ex Dr. Findeiss
1830/1950 (ca.), about 100 letters, cards and forms, mostly overseas with some interesting early items India, JEIA cover, etc.
1838/1980 (approx.), some hundred covers, cards and GSK with focus on Germany, including airmail covers from all over the world, Switzerland with cash on delivery covers, Austria with interesting cancellations and many airmail covers with Heuss postage paid to oversea, ex Dr. Findeiss
1858/1934, collection of 29 covers and cards, many interesting frankings with better items like Brasil Mi.-Nr. 26 and 28 paying the 280 reis rate to 1871 folded entire to France, USA 1878 10 cents franking tied by cork cancel to cover to London and redirected to Venice with GB One Penny Red added, also Cuba, Ecuador, Palestine, Spanish Guinea, Belgian occupation of East German Africa, many colourfull frankings, one bisected, etc.; some occasional faults, mostly fine to very fine, an interesting group

1868/1980 (ca.), interesting group of over 200 covers, cards and mostly used postal stationery envelopes and cards with many better items, incl. British Commonwealth, Russia, Netherlands with colonies, Switzerland, etc., with many illustrated envelopes, registered mail, airmail, colourful mixed frankings; main strength up to the 1930s, mostly fine to very fine condition
1869/2002, more than 130 simple covers, mostly Germany, some Austria, Switzerland, Russia, also Egypt, Chile and Japan
1870/1980 (ca.), accumulation of a few hundred mostly european covers including some interest for postal history such as registered- or censored mail, parcel-adresses or a handfull of early meter-frankings.

1875/1920 (approx.), over 60 letters and cards with some interesting pieces, registered mail, postal stationary with additional frankings, etc.

1880/1920 (ca.), old stock of about 400 covers, cards and postal stationary, including German and British colonies, Latin America, Crete, etc., including many registered letters, often to Bickel, but also much from private correspondence
1883/1960, interesting collection "Daguin - an early cancelling machine" with covers from France and its colonies, Romaniam, Austria and Chile, neatly on self-designed album pages with inscriptions in three folders, plus the manual by René Geslin, ex Dr Findeiss
1890/1939 (ca.), over thirty covers and cards, mostly incoming mail to Lithuania, noted departures Argentina, Serbia, Romania, Sweden; mixed condition
1893/1985 (ca.), group of over 180 cards and covers and mostly used postal stationary cards and covers from Egypt, India, Switzerland, Ned.-Indie, Austria, British Commonwealth, Belgium, etc., with many registered letters, airmail, censorship marks, first day covers, parcel cards, e.g. registered cover from Addis-Abeba, etc., mixed condition
1898/1919 (ca.), over 120 cards and covers and postal stationary cards with censorship marks and field post from Ireland, Russia, Austria, Germany, etc., an interesting group
6Catalogue no.
1900/44(ca.), group of collections including Great Britain 1909 ½d Yellow green,two folded cards from "Credit Italiano" of London with affixed address label to Amsterdam, each with a circled "F.S." cancel, printed inside messages concerning financial transactions and rates, COLUMBIA MACHINE CANCELS COLLECTION of approximately 365 covers/ cards and 370 on piece (most post-1910 without stamps) in two large binders, Algeria H&G DB1, 1939 2.25fr Red brown and blue, large-sized envelope prepared for UPU Congress members, postmarked Alger and addressed to "Madame James H. Knox, Delegation de Etats Unis d'Amerique, Buenos Aires", Japan Censored Postal Cards to Japan POWs in the Philippines and Honduras Postal Stationery Collection, approximately 100 (mostly mint) postal cards, envelopes, and wrappers, note better including H&G 26 used and B1 mint and San Bernardino County Postal History Accumulation, approximately 220 covers in a binder, mostly San Bernardino (and some Riverside mixed in), arranged in more or less chronological order, back of binder with a number of smaller towns and DPOs, mostly good condition
1900/60 (ca.), interesting lot covers, cards and GSK incl. Germany, including Zeppelin letters with a.o. SAF 2 and 4 stamp (postage stamp) on card, three submersible letters Bavaria (one very defective) and some Asia with China-GSK with additional franking and letter from Hanover 1919 to Japan with pictorial stamps of Japan Post.
1939/49 (ca.) 80 cards and covers with prisoner of war post and censorship marks, with the majority from the USA, Soviet Union, Germany, Australia incl. States, an interesting lot
1940/47 (ca.), ca. 100 cards and covers, all either with British or American censorship marks, including some airmail, the majority from Germany, Britain, USA, Austria, Poland, etc., an interesting group

SPORT: very large unused and mostly covers collection, in two large boxes, covering a wide array of sports and countries, many special cancellations and cachets, FDC, souvenir sheets, specialized material like proofs and photo-essays, also some Olympiade material (Anvers 1920, incl. a congratulation telegram), unusual items like Japan illustrated postcard of the 1923 6th Far Eastern Championship Games, etc.; overall fine condition, an excellent connoisseur lot