Lot no. 10507
383rd Auction
6Catalogue no.

1900/45, extensive collection of 825 covers in 5 albums. Zeppelin mail with 183 covers, thereof 127 pieces German Reich with Zeppelin letters and cards, lithos, occasion cards as well as 4 memorabilia with several better covers a.o. 2 lithos LZ.1, 2 folding cards, cancellation card LZ. 4 as reprint St. "5.8.08", Michel-Zepp.-Spezial No. 4 a) g., 6x Rhein-Main 1912, Michel no. 47)b, Si. 57 EE with 2 RM SAF, Si. 57 A with 2 RM SAF, Si. 69. Bb, Zeppelin card Baltic Sea round trip with autograph text and autograph of Dr H. Eckener, Si. 119 F with 4 RM Polarfahrt€, Si. 428 D, Si. 129 D, 1 SAF-Lichtenstein, 2nd SAF - Switzerland, 1x Si. 102Aa Hungary and much better more, plus album with 64 old Zeppelin picture postcards. Also German and international airmail with 578 covers, including German Reich with 132 air-mail letters and cards, with many better covers, especially from the 1920s, some pioneer airmail, but also good and attractive airmail covers from Europe and oversea, including a total of over 270 first flights, including 66 old aeroplane picture postcards in the Album